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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Anton Mates


(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:33   

<quote author="Philip Bruce Heywood">
NEW SCIENTIST 8th April ‘06, features “The Quantum Elixir”, a rivetting description by R. Matthews of recent advances in understanding of good old Adam’s ale. Quotes: “… the effects of water on living organisms transcend mere chemistry … you owe your existence to quantum [subatomic]effects in water …. ‘the water molecules report the DNA sequence to the protein while it is still some distance away … then as the protein gets closer, the water molecules are ejected … the water molecules relay messages to the protein … they can even warn the approaching protein about potential problems with the DNA before it arrives’ …. the latest discoveries about the role of water in living processes may change [opinions]….’it’s the magic ingredient that turns lifeless powders on laboratory shelves into living things’” Note, there are quotes within this quote, which may not fully align with Matthews’ opinion. The final phrase obviously is not meant to be taken literally. But NEW SCIENTIST is not publishing trash science here.</quote>
Dude.  It's <i>New Scientist</i>.  It's what comic book writers reference when they want to claim that this month's mind-control ray or sentient bacterial swarm has scientific support.

This very article opens with Masaru Emoto's "Water makes funny shapes when you talk to it" research and spends a good chunk of the end pushing homeopathy.  Upheaving mainstream science, this is not.

<quote>Returning to the “magical” Adam’s ale: thanks to the modern quantum Age, we know that water, an inert substance, goes close to having life-gendering properties. Is this news? No. GENESIS 1:20: “… let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life … “. That almost gives water creative power.
NEW SCIENTIST, EDGE & co. presumably would prefer magic?</quote>

Apparently they'd prefer mystical sentient memory water.  If you disagree, why quote them in the first place?

Anton Mates


(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:33   

<quote author="Philip Bruce Heywood">
Check out the whole spectrum of breathtaking, biblically based technical advances in Origins Science at CREATIONTHEORY.COM — the invisible site. AIG, D.I. NASA, Prof. Dawkins, etc., can never find it. Lenny Flank has given up trying.</quote>
After viewing <url href="">these</url> Lovecraftian <url href="">horrors</url>, they probably suffered short-term memory loss.

'Rev Dr' Lenny Flank


(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:35   

Heywood is blithering again.


Philip Bruce Heywood


(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:35   

Thanks, Anton, can you help with some monkey verse?  I think you put a few extra words in NEW SCIENTIST's mouth, but people can check the original article.  

Tom,  you left out Sir Richard Owen's "Law of Progression from the General to the Particular"(1846,1851).  Possibly the best reference to this evolutionary idea is John Reader, 1986. THE RISE OF LIFE. Collins, Grafton Street, London.       You could of course cut corners by going direct to my site, but may prefer to consult a fully darwinist Evolutionist such as Reader.  I quote him on the site.  
As far as I can discern - you may be able to improve on this - Owen's idea was that life was somehow pre-programmed to transform from one species to another.  He made no claim to being able to discern how the transformations occurred, except to imply that the transformation event itself was pivotal and could not be the product of environmental pressures.  I think he inclined to the definition of a species as a closed reproductive entity or the nearest estimate thereto - reproductive isolation of species.  
If we assume environmental pressure acted as a trigger or catalyst to transformation events, natural selection - Darwin - can in some sense be incorporated with Owen, and a composite theory meeting the factual requirements of species revelation follows.  Owen's idea suddenly comes into vogue in the light of information technology and especially the DNA- quantum computation link.  This same information technology opens the door to conjecture re. environment-relevant information incorporation by DNA at the point of transformation.  The ultimate Source of the information is a private matter and presents no more of a hurdle to research than does the question of the Source of matter. Its storage and transmission are open to discovery and already show signs of being hot topics. All this and much more is of course addressed at my site.  I value criticism and feedback.

   The fact that the opinions of someone as prestigious as Richard Owen (not to mention a battery of others) are all but unknown to students in classrooms, scarcely commends some policies being pursued in science education.   Well, at least there is something actually spproximating to free speech at TALKORIGINS.  P.H..



(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:36   

Well Brucey babe, the front loaded "ultimate Source of the information is a private matter".
You just can't take a trick can you?
Richard Freaking  Who?
Oh yes another dead white man who didn't like Darwin.
Richard Owen (1804-1892) ...who was considered "lazy and impudent" by his wonder you liked him bwucie.

'Rev Dr' Lenny Flank


(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:36   

<quote>The fact that the opinions of someone as prestigious as Richard Owen</quote>

Why do the fundies have such a penchant for 100-year-old "science"?


Posts: 1948
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,07:36   


The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane



(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,13:31   

Hi Carol. Can you please give me some insights into how Amazon book rankings work?

Many thanks.



(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,17:46   

The cries of the tormented in the depths of #### just got louder by one voice.

Mark Rosenkranz


(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,17:58   

I'm using this forum to get the word out.  Because of a situation the press has not released this information. First of all, I believe Lynn Swann is the best choice for governor.  In the book "White Male Privilege" there is a section that details an experience Lynn Swann had with racism.  The UK Amazon has a synopsis of this event.



(Permalink) Posted: June 04 2006,06:59   

I will add something on the off chance there may be some decent person who is wondering what that was all about.  These commentators are chewing on the rug because their PreCambrian preconceptions tell them that being a member of a species is all to do with outward shape, when it is known and always has been known and always will be a fact that being a member of a species has mostly to do with being able to marry and have children.  Your husband might look more like an ape than a human; he might act more like an sape than a human; he may swing through trees at a terrific rate making the appropriate noises; he may even contribute at TalkOrigins!  But if you and he have raised a family, well, shape aside, what species does he belong to?  And if you wish to find out more about the origin of the species, visit the link that is my name.  There's no monkeying there!

'Rev Dr' Lenny Flank


(Permalink) Posted: June 04 2006,07:00   

Hey Heywood, do you know what a "blithering idiot" is?

You're "blithering" again.



(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2006,20:19   

<quote>Seen any half-apes walking down the street?</quote>

maybe i have...

how would we know if we did, Phillip?

while you try to figure that out, maybe the words of this artist will give you inspiration:



(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2006,20:19   

... and for those that prefer to sing along...


Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2006,20:31   

awww, pim, you're losing your sense of humor.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 06 2006,06:24   

Re "Seen any half-apes walking down the street?"

Like those cave people in the ad on TV? After all, they wouldn't put them in ads if they didn't exist, right? (heh heh)



(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2006,05:42   

Whilst we’re on the subject of Dembski, I’m feeling a bit freaked. I walked into the Cambridge University Press bookshop the other day and guess what was on prominent display right near the door? “The Design Inference”. :(

Is there anything that can be done here without looking like an asshat?
No. I recommend you go straight for the ***hat strategy. Return to the book store. If that book is still on display, place a copy on the floor, drop your drawers and **** all over it. Grab a second copy and tear off a few pages for wiping.


Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2006,10:18   

lol.  You KNEW that was gonna get booted.

still good advice tho...


"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


'Rev Dr' Lenny Flank


(Permalink) Posted: June 12 2006,19:05   

Francis, old buddy.  Welcome back.

Tell us again how it's perfectly constitutional to teach ID in public school science classrooms . . . . .

(snicker)  (giggle)



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:50   

See, that's what it boils down to. All or nothing sectarianism. Poppers ghost obviously thinks that every scientist and atheist must be striving to insult all religious beliefs. Oh by the way did he just call me an illiterate moron? What a surprise! This kind of "flock-loving" guys are great for the cause, yeah, youbetcha



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:51   

Not an inch better, than a christian fanatic neocon. Only of inverted polarity, and walking along his own flock.



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,21:56   

Well thats interesting because unlike Popper's ghost, I did not feel the need to add any insults. Go ahead, PZ, strike this one out now. I know your kind. Confirm my predictions, give me the satisfaction.



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,21:56   

As I was saying in the message before missy PZ wiped it out, for democratic reasons I guess (in the Bush sense of the word):
Poppers ghost reflects the kind of dicotoomous thinking that PZ harvests. Basically that if your´re not bent on insulting religion, you can´t be a scientist or an atheist. Black or white. Oh and did Poppers ghost call me an illiterate moron? What a surprise! These guys are great for the evolution cause. They insult, they like moving in flocks (PZ herdsman), you know, not an inch better than a christian fanatic neocon, but of inverted polarity.



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,21:57   

any other lamb of PZ's herd wanting to show up and confirm what I say about their brainwashed dichotomous thinking?



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,21:57   

Sure, I can't spell,  but I'm not dumb enough to invoke "rational thinking" on my side on a common spat like this...But laas, what would religion-bashers do if they could not invoke rational thinking at every step, you know, like a magic wand? I wonder if they are just dumb enough not to realize anyone can see through that.



(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,21:57   

Wow, Popghost, you can use a dictionary...I'm impressed. I guess you excell in "rational thinking" hahaha.
Numb-boring, atheism is not about mindlessly hailing to the flag of rational thinking. You actually just wear out the concept by the magic-wand misuse you guys make of it.
Instead of just focusing on whether I am "rational" or not (fascinating debate, dudes) think about just how casually you invoke the concept! You guys may learn a lesson from good ole Antipz.

Henry J


(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2006,06:33   

Seems the spammers are no longer sticking to the older threads... :(



(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2006,07:55   

Wheel's got a very good point there, too



(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2006,07:55   

Taking whatever wrong people have said is a miserable endeavour. Lets take the GOOD things people have said.  I think Gandhi nails it pretty nicely there on the subject of morality. I also like what he says of being prepared to assume the costs of non violence. I find cool what he did about the muslim boy in the movie. The lesson once again is a trivialization of cult differences. All of that is good stuff.  
If we were to make a list of cool things gandhi or the dalai lama have said, I have no doubt that it will greatly exceed the  list of  the uncool. Furthermore, I bet that regarding human relations, we will find far more good thoughts, and far more enlightening, than what  most scientists have ever said. This is not to demean science, only to ackowledge the differences of inmediate concerns of the  jobs. Science  mostly works several domain-leaps  away from the complex realities of human  interactions, whereas some religious men have thought profoundly about them and even dealt with them directly, in admirable ways.
A student once approached Einstein and told him he wanted to do good for humanity, and asked him whether physics was the way. Einstein's answer was: whatever physisicists have done, is nothing, in comparison to the works of Jesus and Buddha



(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2006,07:55   

Just for the record, note that PZ has wiped out all my previous comments. We all know here there was no good reason to do that, specilly taking into account that converstaion was, in fact, spinnning. The man likes to dish it out but can't take any. Even if there are no insults involved, just sting. Good Job, PZ, I'll recommend you in the bush administration to clean up their dirty trails. Do you really care that much about your image? That's sad, honestly.

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