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Posts: 62
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 21 2006,18:13   

Quote (Drew Headley @ Mar. 21 2006,22:32)
Quote (Tiax @ Mar. 21 2006,20:53)
"1. It’s a play. This was a musical adaptation of it. Check your facts FIRST next time."

It seems that DaveScot is correct, it was originally a play under the name The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe around the late 1500 early 1600s. It was based on Germanic folklore.

The opera cited was written by Charles Gounod in 1859.

Yes, it was originally a play, but that's not relevant.  If the teacher had shown part of the Lord of the Rings movies, and someone had claimed that they weren't a movie, but a book, they would be wrong.  What she showed was from an opera, the fact that said opera was based off a play does not change this fact, just as the fact that the LoTR moveis are based off books does not make them books, or not movies.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 21 2006,21:07   

Quote (Drew Headley @ Mar. 21 2006,22:32)
Quote (Tiax @ Mar. 21 2006,20:53)
"1. It’s a play. This was a musical adaptation of it. Check your facts FIRST next time."

It seems that DaveScot is correct, it was originally a play under the name The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus written by Christopher Marlowe around the late 1500 early 1600s. It was based on Germanic folklore.

The opera cited was written by Charles Gounod in 1859.

That is hardly the point. The teacher has shown the kids an excerpt from the opera and not the play.

What is more worrying is that most UD commenters seem to think it is ok to sack people for not being a Christian, or even not being the right sort of Christian.

I would hate to live in a world controled by the likes of Dave Scot.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,01:34   

Over at UD :
Update: Okay Young, you’ve shown a modicum of sanity. You may unpack. While you’re at it consider that the ability to terminate grade school teachers exists for a reason. The firing of one for making inappropriate decisions regarding what six year old children can and cannot be exposed to isn’t the end of the world.

This is about the puppet play of Faust. Snotnose Dave thinks it's no big deal for a teacher to be fired. Must have the same attitude as his lord and master Dembski, who was willing to sponsor a teacher for breaking the law (teach ID in science class). Christians should be ashamed to have Dembski as one of them. Offering money to people, to break the law. As for Dave, he must be the most self-righteous fool ever. Dave, I am sure a teacher loosing her job is no big deal to you, but it might just be for her, her spouse, her kids...

Oh, and Dave, no matter what you say, how much you whine and gurgle in your own verbal vomit, showing a puppet opera of Faust is not a bad thing. The only bad thing is that organ between your years, you know, the one that's never been used. Showing Faust (SOCK PUPPET Dave! Let me repeat that. SOCK PUPPET!;) is evil, but teaching kids about the fall of man, the extermination of nations, killing of kids, crucifixion etc from the Bible is okay? By what standard do you define evil then? Your arrogance is astounding. However, as you were soldier. We all need comedy in our lives, so please, carry on.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,03:27   

This software seems to use a signed 16-bit integer to hold the number of views, because said number has been stuck at 32767 for a while. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO. We maxed out the odometer on this thread. Let's all have a party and get drunk and toast Davetard.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,03:37   

'Tis funny, but a thread on the idiocy of UD might just have gotten more views and replies (since its beginning) that the ACTUAL UD site.

:)  :)  :)  :p

Now, where's that beer? Prost!


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,04:12   

We calculated UD posts got 8 something comments per thread? What do we have here, 1625 coments? That's 203 Uncommonly Dense threads.

So yeah, it's possible that we've gotten more comments than the entire site we're mocking.

Of course, UD would have a lot more comments if DaveScot et al didn't delete half of them for real or imagined infractions.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,06:19   

Doug Moron retakes the lead in the asininity stakes, comparing Faust to a porn video:
Your point seems to be that somehow a caring mother’s questioning of the teacher’s faith vindicates her (the teacher) from the crime of conspicuous emotional and spiritual abuse of innocent children. Since when are 6 year old children able to judge the moral value of entertainment media? Any parent of a first grader would know that it is not a slippery slope; it is quite simply barbarian indoctrination to expose children to such crud. Put a six year old in front of a porno and they will react quite predictably. Note the esteemed Ms. Waggoner’s words:

“They were on the edge of the seat,”, and “Nobody came to me crying, no one wanted to leave.”

Any parent who has happened upon their six year old child staring at a porn internet video knows this is exactly the response to expect. On the edge of their seat. Don’t want to leave. Not crying. Thank you ACLU, for bringing porn into public schools and libraries so it truly doesn’t matter what children are taught at home.

Ms Waggoner: your next step is to recruit the help of the ACLU. They’d happily protect your right to screw up our children with your filth. Locked behind closed doors in public schools, parents have no defense. You might as well bring in live sex shows and indoctrinate our children in Kindergarten so they’re ready for all the pain and agony of the adulthood they’re being groomed for by the primary “defenders” of our democracy: the ACLU.

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,08:04   


I'm not qualified to speak about anything but I pretend to be on the internet. :(

Of course, they say, I have no degree in meteorology and I am therefore not qualified to speak...

Genetic engineering, once it gets into the hands of housewives and children, will give us an explosion of diversity of new living creatures, rather than the monoculture crops that the big corporations prefer. Designing genomes will be a personal thing, a new art-form as creative as painting or sculpture. Few of the new creations will be masterpieces, but all will bring joy to their creators and variety to our fauna and flora...

I am telling you that misfortunes are on the way. Your precious Ph.D., or whichever degree you went through long years of hard work to acquire, may be worth less than you think. Your specialized training may become obsolete. You may find yourself over-qualified for the available jobs. You may be declared redundant. The country and the culture to which you belong may move far away from the mainstream. But these misfortunes are also opportunities. It is always open to you to join the heretics and find another way to make a living. With or without a Ph.D., there are big and important problems for you to solve.

:0  :0  :0

Hardly ever post here because it seems too easy of a target but with the "This is what we're up against" posts over at PT I have become incredulous again. Does wonders for your soul.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,08:25   

8. Above you assert Faust as a play, but since the article uses the word opera, isn’t this more likely an adaptation of Charles Gounod’s opera “Faust”, which was adapted from Michel Carré’s play “Faust et Marguerite”, which was “loosely based” on Goethe’s aforementioned “Faust: Part I”?

It was a slip of the tongue. I know Faust as a story.

What?  Is this some sort of admission that he erred?  Oh, DaveSlot, say it aint so.

It aint so, but it is so that you're out of here - dt


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,08:47   

Maybe we should all take it easy on DaveSlot.  I mean, he may be the second coming.  Think about it.  He's petty and vengeful, he is infallible, and he can violate the laws of physics (simply by typing a sentence on a computer no less.)


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,09:08   

Although some other creatures, notably chimpanzees and crows, use primitive tools, no animal except us has ever joined separate components to make a tool — as in the haft and blade of an axe — and only humans have learnt to use containers such as pots and bags.

This is just so wrong it’s hard to know where to begin. Beavers select and cut down trees, trim them, haul them to the worksite, and cement them together with mud and clay to build artificial ponds and living quarters. Birds use all kinds of ingenuity to build nests. Bees construct containers of wax to store food and the ability of the food and the container to resist spoilage is enviable even by modern standards. Spiders bag their meals in handcrafted silk sachets. Dogs dig holes to store food.

It’s hard to believe the ignorant crap that finds its way into print. Did all the editors at the Times up and quit or something?

Comment by DaveScot — March 22, 2006 @ 6am

I love it when DaveScot begins with a sentence that describes the rest of his post to perfection!  Looks like another scathing post that is wrong in every way imaginable.

Wolpert states that no animal has ever built a tool from two separate components and DS goes on to give examples of tools um.. constructs built by animals using, wait for it, no tools at all.  Doh!

Oh, and spiders don't stick their prey in a pre-constructed bag, and since when was a hole in the ground the same as a bag?

Phew!  Close call there.  Looks like The Times editors are all alive and well after all.

Not if my superhuman powers of logic have anything to do with it  -ds


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,09:46   

"8. Above you assert Faust as a play, but since the article uses the word opera, isn’t this more likely an adaptation of Charles Gounod’s opera “Faust”, which was adapted from Michel Carré’s play “Faust et Marguerite”, which was “loosely based” on Goethe’s aforementioned “Faust: Part I”?

It was a slip of the tongue. I know Faust as a story."

A slip of the tongue, which, when challenged the first time, results in going to Wikipedia, and producing (faulty) evidence to support said slip.  Yes, I make such slips all the time, and then defend them as though they were intentional.  For example, once I called someone by the wrong name, and produced a birth certificate to prove my point when they called me on it.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,10:04   

Apparently DS types with his tongue.  That would probably explain a lot.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,10:19   

Freeman Dyson's a bright guy, but his statements about global warming are right out of Lonborg's thoroughly debunked "The Skeptical Environmentalist".


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,10:43   

I am telling you that misfortunes are on the way. Your precious Ph.D., or whichever degree you went through long years of hard work to acquire, may be worth less than you think. Your specialized training may become obsolete. You may find yourself over-qualified for the available jobs. You may be declared redundant

hmm.  seems i recall an episode of the Twilight Zone (the original BW) where Burgess Meredith played a librarian who was considered "redundant" (obsolete) by the State, and sentenced to execution.

Anybody who has seen that episode knows how it ends.

Any state willing to condemn as redundant those who provide information and knowledge is doomed to sentence itself as redundant.

Dave doesn't realize, as those who the original TZ episode was aimed at didn't, just how redundant THEY really are.

I wonder if Dave will ever bother to take a gander at the history of what happens to folks who think like himself?


ah, isn't the internet wonderful:


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,10:52   


Let me summarize:
Faust: Thoroughly inappropriate for that age group.
Christmas Carols: Perfectly appropriate for that age group.
Teacher: Silly and deserving of the walking papers.
Is there really any more to be said?

Comment by Scott — March 22, 2006 @ 11:50 am

Hmm...lyrics of the first Christmas Carol that came to mind:

God rest ye merry, gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray

Er...where are the shouts of devil worship now?  What makes the dichotomy so easy for Scott?  (By the way, note the obvious strawman...this was never about the propriety of Christmas Carols, nor the impropriety of was about shrill, false, slanderous accusations that cost a woman her job because she was not "Christian enough".)

Also, the last stanza doesn't sound too tolerant of the other faiths it might have been presented along with, in DaveScot's perfect world:

Now to the Lord sing praises,
All you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood
Each other now embrace;
This holy tide of Christmas
All other doth deface.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,11:01   

Put a six year old in front of a porno and they will react quite predictably

one does wonder how Doug knows this...

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,11:06   


This software seems to use a signed 16-bit integer to hold the number of views

iB 3.0.2a is written in Perl, which cares little for such trifling matters as "type". So I checked the database definitions, and sure enough, that's where the problem lay. A touch-up to the table definition, and the counter is off and running again.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,11:36   

Here's what I wonder...considering that the story of Faust is an exploration of Christian ideals, if it was the ACLU instead of a group of fundy parents trying to get it out of schools...would UD suddenly be pro-Faust?


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,11:49   

Quote (tacitus @ Mar. 22 2006,15:08)
Although some other creatures, notably chimpanzees and crows, use primitive tools, no animal except us has ever joined separate components to make a tool — as in the haft and blade of an axe — and only humans have learnt to use containers such as pots and bags.

This is just so wrong it’s hard to know where to begin. Beavers select and cut down trees, trim them, haul them to the worksite, and cement them together with mud and clay to build artificial ponds and living quarters. Birds use all kinds of ingenuity to build nests. Bees construct containers of wax to store food and the ability of the food and the container to resist spoilage is enviable even by modern standards. Spiders bag their meals in handcrafted silk sachets. Dogs dig holes to store food.

It’s hard to believe the ignorant crap that finds its way into print. Did all the editors at the Times up and quit or something?

Comment by DaveScot — March 22, 2006 @ 6am

I love it when DaveScot begins with a sentence that describes the rest of his post to perfection!  Looks like another scathing post that is wrong in every way imaginable.

Wolpert states that no animal has ever built a tool from two separate components and DS goes on to give examples of tools um.. constructs built by animals using, wait for it, no tools at all.  Doh!

Oh, and spiders don't stick their prey in a pre-constructed bag, and since when was a hole in the ground the same as a bag?

Phew!  Close call there.  Looks like The Times editors are all alive and well after all.

Not if my superhuman powers of logic have anything to do with it  -ds

Oh boy, just when I thought that guy couldn't surprise me anymore...
Didn't anyone ever tell him that, before becoming Grand Masters in design recognition, engineers should show some skill in recognizing tools from materials?

Mr. Davescot, thank you for making the intarwebs an even funnier place. Keep up the good work.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 147
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,11:56   

Quote (Renier @ Mar. 22 2006,07:34)
This is about the puppet play of Faust. Snotnose Dave thinks it's no big deal for a teacher to be fired. Must have the same attitude as his lord and master Dembski, who was willing to sponsor a teacher for breaking the law (teach ID in science class). Christians should be ashamed to have Dembski as one of them. Offering money to people, to break the law.

Well, what would you say to someone paying black people to sit in the front of the bus in 1950s Alabama?

That's the way these people see this "culture war."

I think most of the Faust discussion is needless once one remembers that the actual video tape was in the school library and had been for 20 years.

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,12:02   

I think most of the Faust discussion is needless once one remembers that the actual video tape was in the school library and had been for 20 years.

not when the circumstances prompt the question:

Is it still there?


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,12:16   

Weird. The 'views' number is going up again on this thread. I know it hung at 32767 for a long time. that doesn't make sense.

Ah, I just scrolled up and saw Wes's post. You didn't have to change it, wes, I kind of liked being the first? only? thread past the odometer. :-)


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,13:04   

I have to sympathise with ds here. I frequently make such slips: "their" instead of "there" or "they're";  "not a play" instead of "and a play"; or "No, that's completely wrong! Check your facts or be banned, you idiot " when I mean "Oops! maybe that was a typo".

However, in common with all right-thinking people, I also think, that any small admission of error by the ID side, no matter how insignificant, does indicate that everything about ID and the speaker's religion is completely wrong. This admission could just be the thin end of the wedge (not that wedge, a different one).

(warning: may contain non-counting grammatical errors, typos and/or sarcasm)


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,13:06   

I really wish someone would give DaveScot and the rest of Uncommly Dense their own TV show on Public Access TV. I'd watch it; heck, if it weren't for CSI I'd have cancelled my cable by now because UD gives me all the entertainment I need.

Good luck finding your own reality TV show because now you're off this island. Consider yourself cancelled, buddy. -ds

Dembski said it, I laughed at it, that settles it!


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,13:12   

heck, if it weren't for CSI I'd have cancelled my cable by now because UD gives me all the entertainment I need.

actually, I'm not a big fan of sit-coms.  the novelty of watching the raving of lunatics wears off rapidly.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,15:08   

Am I the only one who is starting to have trouble telling DaveScot and Salvador Cordova apart?

Oh, and I absolutely loved this latest post from DaveTard:

You cannot call fairy stories of time and chance being able to create life and all living things “science” and then expect the same students to believe real physical science. Once they know science teachers tell fairy stories and pretend they’re as factual as gravity they lose all trust in science teachers. We can spoonfeed this stuff to you, Stevey, if you’d stop making faces and spitting it out., anyone?

And he seems awfully obsessed with fairies. Maybe there's something he's not telling us..

Listen up Smarty Pants: Did Cordova work at DELL? I don't think so. I, on the other hand, did. That's the difference. -ds

Dembski said it, I laughed at it, that settles it!


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,15:29   

it's easy to tell Cordova and Davetard apart.

Salvador Cordova is a layman with insane views like the belief the earth is 6,000 years old.

Whereas Davetard is the guy who just said that a layman having ignorant science views is the evolutionists' fault.


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,15:36   

Is it just me or are the posts at UD getting more and more bizarre recently?

Extra points to anyone who can use a creative reading of Revelations to prove that Dave is a sign of the end times.

Drew Headley

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 22 2006,16:35   


dougmoran asked: “Can we expect the same here?”

Perhaps not. They made this vote in the face of everything happening elsewhere, and the vote by the trustees was unanimous. I have a feeling they are going to make this a first amendment issue and they are prepared and willing to make a stand for first amendment freedoms, come what may.

My opinion (and not necessarily that of anyonelse at uncommon descent), is that there comes at time to take a stand for basic and reasonable freedoms. I have a sense, some private citizens are fed up with a Darwinist community eager to violate the constitutional freedoms of their children and shove dogma down children’s throats.

I welcome the Darwinists showing up in court under intense cross examination and trying to demonstrate theirs is a case of unalterable fact. The vise strategy will squeeze the truth out of them.

I think this school board has the courage and will to fight for first amendment rights.


Comment by scordova — March 22, 2006 @ 7:03 pm

Does anybody else get a sense of deja vu?

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