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  Topic: AF Dave Has More Questions About Apes, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,12:03   

Quote (afdave @ May 08 2006,16:39)
We'll see you guys tomorrow for some more fun ... :-)

There are some rules here at ATBC, and I predict you won't persist in babbling your nonsense any longer.  


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,12:11   

What will stop him? There's no rule against being a horse's ass here.


Posts: 634
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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,13:10   

Quote (afdave @ May 08 2006,14<!--emo&:0)
When comparing Apes and Humans (which is the topic of this thread), I am simply saying this ... Humans Have More Abilities than Apes


What is relevant is how humans and apes are suited to their respective ecological niches.

Apes are stronger.  Many species of apes are better at nivigating through treetops than humans.  Apes have more and better abilities than humans ... in the area where it counts for them.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,13:19   

I was just sitting here thinking....
Something occured to me...

Would it make the IDists/Creationists happy if we removed biology from the required education at schools?

Go with me here....
Sex education is voluntary at some schools...
You either take a sex-ed class...or you go take a "dissect animals sexual organs" class...

Maybe we could do the same thing for the religious...
Offer a "theological biology" class.....
They could teach the differing opinions of different religions as to the origins of life....
I think it would be fun to go one step further and teach a comparitive religions class....

I know this is old hat...and has been mentioned a million times before...but i suddenly realized something today...

AFDave is correct.
Science is only accurate from the scientific perspective...
If you deny the scientific perspective....which is very easy to do.... science is just a bunch of unsubstantiated hogwash.
I think if a parent believes that the scientific method is erroneous, that they should be able to keep their children from attending science classes.
This, however, would mean that they cannot attend any science classes...and their degrees for graduation would reflect this fact.
Im sure that if ID/Creationism is so popular, they will easily find employement and higher education oppurtunities.
I just question AFDave's denial of only one aspect of scientific understanding....

He doesnt believe in evolution...but he believes that the stars are actually giant balls of gas with massive fusion reactions occuring...
We have so little evidence to support this viewpoint it is laughable...yet we teach kids this stuff in science class everyday.
We have never visited the sun....
We have definately never visited the stars...
The inside of the sun could be jello, and the stars could just be optical illusions for all we know...
Why allow the teaching of "fusion reaction stars"?
AFDave...please explain....will you join me in my resistance of teaching star theory?

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,13:22   

Teach the star controversy?
I'm on board.  Chemistry would have been a snap, too!

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,15:46   

[QUOTE="Paul Flocken"]The problem is not that chimps, and the animal kingdom in general, is so far behind.  It is that you are so completely unknowing of just how capable chimps really are and that you are full of species superiority about how far advanced humans really are. [/QUOTE]

Exactly Paul. Individuals of our species get a HUGE leg up on our planet by being immersed in the current incarnation of human culture of whatever location they happen to be born. Where would they be if they were born into the wild and cared for by animals, or by parents that had no concept of language, and if they had no contact with anything manmade? That recent thread that touched on the subject of feral children leads me to think that they wouldn't fare very well. The extremely rare child that is raised by animals imprints upon their adoptive parents, crawling like dogs, or imitating chickens. We spend years with our families and in schools learning just the basics about the world and how to interact with it.

Seeing the capabilies of Koko, given the advantage of being taught an already established, open ended language that promotes structured thought, leaves me quite awestruck at how smart and similar to us gorillas are. Whoever said that these ape societies are the 'Hominid Civilizations' afdave is looking for is right. It just goes to show what a good ecological niche it is that we used to share. There's plenty of room in the jungle for apes.

edit: OK i give up, how in the world wide web do you make a Quote BY someone on this board. You see what a wrote, if that's not it I have no idea...


Posts: 287
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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,16:08   

Quote (Ved @ May 08 2006,20:46)
Individuals of our species get a HUGE leg up on our planet by being immersed in the current incarnation of human culture of whatever location they happen to be born.

If you put a human infant in with a chimp troop, the chimps would probably think the baby was a moron by chimp standards and understanding.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,16:22   

Well AFDave, while you’re busy patting yourself on the back for anticipating the answers you’d get from those evil atheists evos, maybe you can answer a few questions about the Air Force.

Is every aspiring AF pilot guaranteed to get his wings and then be allowed to fly fighter jets?  Or is there a winnowing out process so that only those who have passed a battery of rigorous tests will be deemed qualified?

And who gets to decide if an aspiring pilot has the right skills and attributes to fly F-22s instead of tankers or trainers, or gets to fly at all?  Is it AF cooks, and drivers, and mechanics?  Or is the judgment made by a group of senior pilots who have themselves put in the years learning the trade, and know what separates the real aviators from the wanna-be ones?

I think we should give wings and assign fighter duty to everyone who applies.

Why are we standing up in the Air Force Academy and teaching that some people make better pilots than others is a FACT?  This is dishonest and potentially damaging to society for any number of debatable reasons.  What we SHOULD be doing is telling them BOTH THEORIES—ONLY A FEW PEOPLE MAKE SUPERIOR PILOTS and ALL POTENTIAL PILOTS ARE EQUALLY CAPABLE and clearly let them know they are UNPROVEN THEORIES and it is up to EACH PILOT HIMSELF and HIS PARENTS to decide if he is qualified.  My tax dollars are funding the military budget for F-22’s, etc. just like yours are and I have a different opinion on something that is an unprovable fact in either direction.  Why is my opinion shut out and vilified?  Is this country supposed to be a representative democracy or is it not?  Last time I checked IT WAS.

You do believe in the democratic process, don’t you Dave?  Shouldn’t it be applied here too?  I’m really curious to hear your answers.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,17:07   

I’m really curious to hear your answers.

you are?  really?

I'm of the opinion that "AF" dave was booted on a section 8.

I'm also beginning to think that most here apparently have a morbid fascination for the mentally handicapped.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,17:19   

Why would somebody be offended by having been taught something that was believed by scientists at the time, but that found out later to be incorrect? I can see being annoyed by that, but offended? Consider some theories that were believed to at least some extent in the last 2 centuries, like ether or phlogisten (sp?). Should somebody be offended to have "learned" one or both of those while they were accepted only to have to "unlearn" them later? I wouldn't think so.

In my case, I "learned" in elementary school in the sixties that fungi are plants that happen to not have chlorophyl, that protozoans are animals that happen to be single celled, that bacteria are plants because they aren't animals and have to be one or the other, and that the periodic table of elements had 103 +/- 2 elements on it*. All of those things I've had to "unlearn", but I wasn't offended by any of them.

*Not biology related, but scienctific assertion that wasn't correct even at the time, since printed periodic charts hadn't caught up with even with the then current research. Today there's 116 elements that have been reported as observed, and it changes a few times a decade on average, usually upward although once it went down (in 1999 iirc).


Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,18:05   


Re "If you put a human infant in with a chimp troop, the chimps would probably think the baby was a moron by chimp standards and understanding."

That's if they don't think of it as lunch.


Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,19:18   

<I’m really curious to hear your answers.>  

you are?  really?

Sure.  To paraphrase our newest ATBC evangelist:

"Now we scientific literati are reasonable people and we will forgive blustering ex-AF pilots if they admit their errors and fix them." ;)

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,19:49   

Quote (afdave @ May 08 2006,12:35)
Since you seem to have abandoned the previous thread, I'll repost my simple, unanswered question here:

Do you or do you not find the very idea that humans are evolved apes offensive?

If it does indeed turn out to be false when I have finished my investigation into the claim, then YES, I would be offended at the idea of teaching it as if it were true.

I will resume posts on my other thread tomorrow morning.  I was not avoiding yours or anyone's questions over there.

You are still avoiding the question.  I mentioned nothing whatsoever about teaching it.

Now let's try this again.  Do you or do you not find the very idea that humans are evolved apes (as are, for Flint's benefit, all present-day apes) offensive?

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Carol Clouser

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,20:02   


If by "more evolved" you mean, as you say, more intelligent and more abilities, then on what basis might anyone, including the nazis, have concluded that Jews are less evolved? If anything, a strong case can be made, even before the recently discovered genetic evidence pertaining to Ashkenzic Jews, that the Jews are "most evolved". And the great irony is that one can further argue that the Germans have demonstrated, by their immoral ape-like behavior, that they are the "least evolved" homo sapiens on the planet. Even more, one can make a great case that Christians thru the last two millenia have demonstrated a similar degree of evolution.

You seem to miss the key aspect of nazi immorality and racist immorality in general. It is not that they thought highly of themselves despite an absence of justification for that attitude. It is that they ordined to kill or otherwise enslave and/or dehumanize other human beings. Period.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,21:38   

Apologies if this stuff gas already been covered I haven't had time to read the whole thread.

Firstly, what has whether Hitler based his views on Darwin got to do wih whether or not Darwin was right. If Hitlers book was called: 'Mein Kampf, or why Charles Darwin's theory of evolution says we should kill all the Jews' this would have no effect on whether evolution was true.

When comparing Apes and Humans (which is the topic of this thread), I am simply saying this ... Humans Have More Abilities than Apes
There is a reason why most churches think God of the gaps is a bad idea, gaps shrink. Humans have more advanced abilitied in apes. It's a lot to do with duplication and subsequent differential expression during development of certain hormones, which gives us larger and more complex brains. We didn't know that until a couple of years ago, so maybe it was reasonable to assume that God miraculously grew out brains. Sure you can argue that we also have a spiritual component, or that some aspcts of our consciousness can't be explained simply by our brain power. and maybe God did put them there, but that does not effect whether or not we evolved from apes.

their language is every bit as complex as English or Spanish or many other languages
What I find interesting is that many tribal languages are structured so that they could be spoken with more 'ape like' vocal cords. I also once read an interesting study of some other Brazilian tribe that said they posses:
no numbers of any kind, no terms for quantification (such as all, each, every, most and some), no colour terms and no perfect tense. They appear to have borrowed their pronouns from another language, having previously possessed none. They have no “individual or collective memory of more than two generations past”, no drawing or other art, no fiction and “no creation stories or myths.”
which sounds quite primitive to me, although aparently their verbal morphology was quite complex.

Do we not have plenty of LIVING HUMANS which could correlate very nicely with some of these fossil finds, but which we now know are completely human?
No, if you think size and gait are the only differences, you really haven't been paying much attention.

Do apes organize themselves into 'governments' and seek to conquer  other ape groups?
You'll find that most sociological behaivour displayed by us is exhibited by apes in an incredibly primitive form. Chimps even obey the golden rule most of the time. Gorillas get divorced less than in Vegas (and the bible belt for that matter).

Has anyone thought about the implications of an assertion by a government entity that "Apes are 98.5% human and therefore should be afforded certain 'human rights.
Again this has nothing to do with whether or not it is actualy true. I agree though it's a bit outdated in that we know that the large phenotypc differences are caused by small genetic differences so basing your argument on straight genome comparison is a bit daft in my opinion. Although Im pretty sure the great ape project is based more on the phenopic similarites.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,02:56   

Even more, one can make a great case that Christians thru the last two millenia have demonstrated a similar degree of evolution.
I'm a little confused about the antecedents here. Similar to whom? To the Nazis, or to the Jews?

[just for the record, I'm not trying to be polemical here; I can see a case for either position]

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,04:27   

their language is every bit as complex as English or Spanish or many other languages

What I find interesting is that many tribal languages are structured so that they could be spoken with more 'ape like' vocal cords.

What? ? ? Where did you read that? No offense, but that's nonsense.

There are no grammatical or phonetic differences between tribal languages and nontribal languages. All languages started out as 'tribal', including English.

I also once read an interesting study of some other Brazilian tribe that said they posses:

You're referring to the Piraha language of the Amazon:ã_language


no numbers of any kind, no terms for quantification (such as all, each, every, most and some),

Not quite true, they have 3 such terms, which is still an abnormally small number.

no colour terms and no perfect tense. They appear to have borrowed their pronouns from another language, having previously possessed none.

This is one of the odder things. They don't know that the language previously possessed no pronouns, not having old documentation on the language, but there is no evidence in the language for native, unborrowed pronouns.

They have no “individual or collective memory of more than two generations past”, no drawing or other art, no fiction and “no creation stories or myths.”
which sounds quite primitive to me,

I wouldn't say that says anything about how primitive their LANGUAGE is, but it's a reflection of their culture. And a very weird fact. I've never heard of any other 'primitive tribe' anywhere that lacked those things.

although aparently their verbal morphology was quite complex.

Right. The language is grammatically very complex, which is one of the few ordinary things about it.

These claims about Piraha are quite controversial in linguistics, since it's extremely hard to find any other languages anywhere that share such features, such as the lack of numbers, the incredibly small number of kinship terms (many Indian languages of North America can have 40+ kinship terms, with systems much more complex than that of English), and an extremely small phoneme inventory (tho its inventory is not the smallest in the world). In other words, Piraha is very abnormal indeed, even when compared to other languages of 'primitive tribes', or even languages of neighboring Amazonian tribes. I have done a lot of work on North American Indian languages, and no language I've seen there shares ANY of these bizarre features.

In my opinion, setting aside things like pidgins, there is no such thing as a 'primitive language'. Languages of 'primitive tribes' are often grammatically staggeringly complex, far more so than English or Mandarin. There are some odd things that verge on primitive in Piraha, but the complex verb morphology would seem to negate the idea that you could call the language as a whole 'primitive'.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,05:21   

Good morning everyone!

I hope everyone has had an excellent night's sleep so your mind is clear and your wits are sharp!  The remaining half of my brain that's not "religion darkened" feels pretty good, so I'm ready to go at it again hammer and tongs!  

It was a fun day for me yesterday ... I learned some really interesting things, and my wife and I got some great laughs from some of the creative answers you gave.

I do see that some of my "Chief Insult Hurlers" have abandoned that tactic apparently because they found it ineffective for their cause.  We'll see how long it takes ALL the Insult Hurlers to figure this out. (You know ... some are more "highly evolved" than others, so it takes a while with some ... just kidding, JUST KIDDING! :-)  )


Tom Ames runs for cover when the "B WORD"  is mentioned ...
What is a Genome? This might seem like a trivial and self-evident question, but its simplicity hides a deep challenge (Wood 2001). The Bible (RED ALERT!! RED ALERT!! ALL PERSONNEL TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY!! THE DEPLORABLE WORD HAS BEEN SPOKEN!;) teaches that God created adult organisms and presumably even complete ecosystems by covering the land with plants. Thus, the Bible (RED ALERT!! RED ALERT!!;) favors a holistic perspective of organisms. Modern molecular biology has favored the opposite perspective: that life is the complicated interaction of molecules and that DNA is the “code of life.” If the molecular viewpoint is correct, then the differences between organisms that really matter are indeed the differences in the DNA. If a holistic perspective is correct, then perhaps differences in the DNA are not paramount to understanding organismal differences.Complicating this reasoning is the fact that differences in DNA do indeed cause differences at the organismal level. There is a definite relationship between phenotype and genotype, even though the relationship is not as simple as Mendel might have imagined it. We could understand the genome as a repository of some of the information necessary for the physical composition of the organism (Wood 2001). In that case, far more important than the genome may be its cellular context, which interprets and applies the information stored in the genome. Since some of the cellular context is coded by the genome, we have something of a chicken/egg problem, which can only be resolved by a creation event.The similarity of the human and chimpanzee genomes offers evidence that the genome could primarily be a repository. If the fixed nucleotide mismatches between the chimpanzee and human genomes are 1.06%, then the original nucleotide identity could be as high as 99%. At that high level of similarity, perhaps it is not impossible to believe that God created humans and chimpanzees with identical genomes. The known differences between human and chimpanzee biochemistry (see Varki 2000; Varki and Atheide 2005) may well rule this out, but it is an intriguing possibility. Even at 99% identity, however, the biological and behavioral differences between chimpanzees and humans indicate that the source of these differences is not likely to be found entirely in the genome sequences. Theologically, the high similarity of humans and chimpanzees reinforces our spiritual – not physical (Ecc. 3:18-21) (RED ALERT!! RED ALERT!!;) – distinctiveness from the animals. It is the image of God (RED ALERT!! RED ALERT!! THE OTHER DEPLORABLE WORD HAS BEEN SPOKEN!;) that makes us human not some intrinsically valuable genetic element.(p.12)

NOTE:  Let me emphasize again that for YECs showing evidence of YEC Theory, the Bible is a SOURCE FOR HYPOTHESES.  Belief in Biblical inerrancy IS NOT required in this discussion.  This is a SEPARATE ISSUE and stands or falls on its own merits.

The most evolved life forms on our planet are probably bacteria and virii.
 I just LOVE this one!  My kids got a great laugh too.  I quickly learned yesterday that I am not up to date on the latest version of THE GREAT MYTH, so I thank all of you for fixing that.  You'll have to pardon me for making this mistake.  When I was in grade school, I remember all the encyclopedias showing Evolution going something like AMOEBAS - WORMS - SQUIDS - FISH - AMPHIBIANS - MAMMALS - APES - HUMANS (did I get that right?), with humans at the top of the tree.  Anyway, I remember seeing a nice little Ape to Human progression and I remember quotes from Huxley and the like saying things about whites being "more evolved" than humans.  I guess it stands to reason that ND Theory would have to change as racism became less fashionable worldwide throughout the 20th Century.  And I do apologize for not keeping up on the latest version of THE GREAT MYTH.  The Bible (My "myth" as you call it) says the same thing THIS century as it did in Darwin's day, so it's easier to keep up with than YOUR MYTH.

Human Brain Is Still Evolving: Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers who have analyzed sequence variations in two genes that regulate brain size in human populations have found evidence that the human brain is still evolving.

And why shouldn't it be if evolution is true?  It seems that the ToE would actually PREDICT continual brain sophistication (oops ... there's one of those evil "directional" words) ... er, shall we say, er ... I'm at a loss ... anyway ... ToE should predict continual brain sophistication so that at some point there may actually be some kind of Super Homo Sapiens species who might be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, play 100 simultaneous chess games, memorize large books in minutes, etc, etc.

Why should Common Descent produce “Hominid Civilizations”? There’s no reason to assume that this would be the case.

Actually, there is EVERY reason to believe this should be the case if the ToE is true.

After Darwin, a new possibility was raised: that those at the top of the social pyramid deserved to be there for natural reasons rather than religious reasons. There has never been ANY doubt by those at the top that their position is deserved. So these "natural" justifications have been deployed both by nations (as in Germany) and by scientists (searching for natural explanations for why the French are superior to the Germans or vice versa (depending on who's doing the study), or why whites are superior to blacks (again depending on who's doing the study). In brief, it fell out of fashion for those born into privilege to say God put them there, and into fashion to say they are "more evolved" and rose to the top from sheer innate superiority.

The anti-semitic attitudes that allowed for various attrocities - including the Holocaust - came directly from Christianity.  The notion that Hitler just came up with the idea of killing off jews all on his own is simply absurd.  Christians had been discriminating against and killing jews for well over a thousand years before Hitler was born.  Hitler was just continuing a popular tradition, and adding his own spin to the process.

You need to remove the word 'Christianity' from this one and insert 'Catholicism' instead.  The two are vastly different as I will show on a future "Martin Luther" post.  That one should be fun!

How can you hope to find any flaws in something of which you have no understanding?

My 1st grader can easily grasp the truth that Apes are Apes and Humans are Humans and that they probably HAVE ALWAYS BEEN just that, and probably WILL ALWAYS BE just that.  It doesn't take very much understanding of biology.  The reason you don't grasp this is beyond me.  Maybe too much ToE indocrination in higher education?

But you come in with arrogance and attitude on top of that. You don't show any respect for the opinions of people who do know things.
I'll give you that one.  I did come in kind of cocky on the chimp chromo thing and you are right ... I should not be cocky, but I did show respect for people's opinions when they showed me the truth.  I have always said I would ... and I did.  You got me on that one, and now I agree with you that it does in fact appear that this supports ToE.  So basically now you are "one bucket full" of water closer to draining the ocean.  You should feel justifiably proud.

If creationism offered some explanations of the otherwise unexplained, if it made any predictions at all that worked, I still have my life and my work. It wouldn't cost me a thing to adopt it. If it worked. But it doesn't.
Stay with me.  I will be resuming my work on my "Creator God Hypothesis" thread and I hope for your sake that it makes sense to you.  The world is truly a fun place when you have the right view of it!

Now, let's talk about what you have invested in creationism. Suppose we were able to convince you that AiG is just as obviously, glaringly, unambiguously wrong about everything else as I hope you have come to realize they are about the chromosome fusion story. Suppose you had to accept what every scientist who's looked at the evidence objectively accepts: that the earth is billions of years old, and that humans are just one little twig on the tree of life, that has been on the scene for but an infinitesimal fraction of the planet's history. Would that make you reassess your thoughts on life and your alleged god?

Sure.  I'd probably think there ISN'T a God.  And yes, I would be disappointed.  I admit that I LIKE the idea of there being one.  But I don't think I am necessarily jaded by this.  I think everyone's thinking is affected somewhat by their "wanters", but we have to keep this "wanter" under control.  "Evos", like "Creos" also have "wanters" and many of them DON'T WANT there to be a God because they think their life would somehow be worse, or they'd have to tie half their brain behind their back, or some such thing.

What does this (Hitler) have to do with the biologically history of the planet Earth?
Simply this. If you compare the two "World Views" you have something like the following major points:

Survival of the fittest
Humans are animals-nothing more
No God required-I'm not accountable to anyone but myself

CHRISTIANITY (American Protestantism specifically):
God created mankind in His image
All humans are created equal
Don't kill, don't steal, etc.
Treat others as you would have them treat you
Love one another
Turn the other cheek
Bless your enemies
If your enemy is thirsty, give him a drink
Do not repay evil for evil

Now ... which of these is more conducive to a Holocaust?  You tell me.  I'm not discounting other factors.  It's true that Hitler was influenced by Catholicism, the Occult, and other factors as well.  So my point is ...

NOT ONLY IS DARWINISM FALSE AND AN INSULT TO INTELLIGENCE ... demonstrably so as we saw for many years with Henry Morris and Co. and are now seeing with Dembski, Denton, Behe, etc.

I don't know of a single one that was built on the Principles listed above under "Darwinism" that I would want to live in.  Do you?

In stark contrast to that, we have at least TWO examples of nations who built their laws squarely upon the CHRISTIANITY principles listed above:  Great Britain and the USA.

Now you see what gives me such zeal in fighting Darwinism.

Again, so no one misses it ... the two reasons I fight Darwinism are ...

Are there any questions?  Is my position perfectly clear?

By the way, for those of you wise enough to "get off the Darwin train" BEFORE the train wreck, your buddy Bill Dembski has come up with a neat list of over 500 scientists who have had the kahoonas to sign their names to a public statement that says ...
A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism
"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."

It also notes that ...
The scientists on this list dispute the first claim and stand as living testimony in contradiction to the second. Since Discovery Institute launched this list in 2001 [in response to the PBS "Evolution" propaganda piece] over 500 scientists have courageously stepped forward to sign their names. The list is growing and includes scientists from the US National Academy of Sciences, Russian, Polish and Czech National Academies, as well as from universities such as Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and others.

Here's the link ... [url=""]

(What?  We have rebels in the Ivy League too?  Heaven help us! er ... Deep space help us! (?) ... er ... May the Force help us! ... er ... well ... anyway, SOMEONE help us!;)

THOUGHT QUESTION FOR THE DAY:  If over 500 scientists have actually had the kahoonas to SIGN such a document, how many others AGREE with the document, but are AFRAID to sign it because of peer pressure, fear of not getting tenured, etc., etc.

Hmmmm ....

so afdave, have you confronted AIG about the lies on their site as you said you were going to do yet?

Patience, my friend.  These things take time.  AIG is so popular right now that they get ZILLIONS of questions every day and it takes time to get to mine.  Actually, I think the only way I will get an answer in any reasonable amount of time will be if I use my connections.  But I don't even know for sure if that will work quickly.  Stay tuned, though.

The problem is not that chimps, and the animal kingdom in general, is so far behind.  It is that you are so completely unknowing of just how capable chimps really are and that you are full of species superiority about how far advanced humans really are.
Yes. Maybe we should take this up in Congress and maybe come up with an "Ape Bill of Rights."  Good idea.  I'll take this one with me on my next trip to Washington.  Oh ... and maybe we could have an "Ape Olympics" and make it a world class event ... and maybe we should modify laws to allow Apes free access to various public places like Walmart and the Public Library, etc.  Excellent idea.  I like your progressiveness.

Dave, the reason people are becoming frustrated with you is because most of the questions you have, which you seem to view as huge problems for evolutionary biology, are in fact a result of your limited understanding of evolutionary biology.
I have an alternative explanation for the frustration (imagine that!;)  Mine is like this ...

STAGE 1: ToE advocates are becoming frustrated because their explanations are sounding more and more like pro-geocentrism and pro-flat-earth arguments as time goes on.  
STAGE 2: The Ship of Darwin has hit an iceberg and a few brave souls are jumping into life boats before it sinks.  See
STAGE 3: And now, ordinary amateur scientists like me are jumping in the fray and shining a light on a foolish theory.
STAGE 4: Frustration ensues, followed by name calling, arrogant and belittling comments, talk of censorship, and the like.
STAGE 5: This is turn fuels more doubts in people minds. ("Why would that guy resort to name calling?  Doesn't he have any GOODS?" etc.)  
STAGE 6: Which in turn fuels more frustration and mental anguish.  And so the cycle goes until finally for some ... in a desperate moment ... possibly in the middle of the night ... or out on a peaceful lake while fishing ...
STAGE 7: THE LIGHT BULB COMES ON!  (Trumpets) And one more Darwinist is rescued from the darkness of error.

How do you test for God?
With a God Meter of course.  No.  Seriously, there are some very good ways.  Cosmic fine tuning and Biological Machines are great for starters.  And if I could get everyone on this thread to agree with me, I could hop back over to that thread (AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis) and give you more.  Lots more.  Stay with me.  We'll get there.

Let's say someone drops AFDave into the middle of the Pacific with no raft, into a pack of sharks, to see which is "more evolved".  Any bets?
Aftershave ... you're in STAGE 4.  See above.  (Which means there's hope for you)

Why is my opinion shut out and vilified?

That's an easy one.  Because your ideas are not within the mainstream of scientific understanding today.  It's that simple.

Yes.  Galileo's ideas were not mainstream either.  Right.

Why do you ignore the fact that the chimp/human DNA thing is a PRETTY DURN BIG piece of evidence in favor of evolution, especially since it is the proof of predictions made before people even knew there was such a thing as DNA?
I don't ignore it.  In fact I've acknowledged it several times to prove my sense of fairness and honesty.  Go read the whole "Chimp Chromo" thread and you will see this.  I'm trying to set a good example for how someone should act when they are proven wrong on a point as I was.

And here it would be appropriate for me to repeat what I told Steve Story ... that with your "Chimp Chromo" victory ...

... you are "one bucket full" of water closer to draining the ocean.  You should feel justifiably proud.

AFDave, since you refer to 'more evolved' humans, do you admit that we are the result of some evolution?
No.  I do not believe there is such a thing as 'more evolved' humans.  I just asked our ToE advocates why there ARE NO EXAMPLES of 'more evolved' or 'less evolved' humans.  There should be some living today if ToE is true.

For the umpteenth time – science is NOT a democracy, and scientific truth is NOT decided by popular vote.  Your opinion based on ignorance  doesn’t mean jack sh*t to the scientific realities of the evidence. Dave, for an otherwise intelligent guy, you’re sure doing a good impersonation of a cement-headed dumbf*ck.
Not just STAGE 4.  SERIOUS, "E.R." STAGE 4.  See above.

We're teaching kids that this is science's best guess and its as factual as this kind of science ever gets.
There are apparently more and more scientists who have a DIFFERENT guess.  But let's not consider their guess.  They are obviously 'unscientific.'

Looking at human society, behaviour, anatomy, physiology and genetics, our close evolutionary relationship to the great apes is obvious. Remember the vitC gene?
No disagreement with any of this.  I just think it indicates COMMON DESIGN, not common descent.  Not a looney, fringe idea. Should be taught in school too.  I'm in good company ... Newton for one.  Apparently thousands of currently living scientists as well in all major universities.

But you have demonstrated here that you are not really competent to judge.
Agreed.  That's why I enlist the help of Morris, Dembski, Meyer, Denton, Behe, etc. etc.

And of course, evidence doesn't matter. But in the world of science, evidence DOES matter.
 Evidence DOES matter.  That's why we are having this discussion.  Because the EVIDENCE favors COMMON DESIGN, not common descent.

But what we are discussing here is science, and science is NOT a democracy.
Quite true.  Science is not a democracy.  We have to go with the evidence.  But politicians are elected by majority.  And politicians give funding to public schools and universities.  And if universities behave irresponsibly and teach junk science -- like Darwinism -- and vilify people who don't, then the electorate can demand that the politicians RE-direct the funds to responsible schools.

afdave, if you need retarded "science" (your idiotic AIG approved "science") to justify your faith in god you were in a world of hurt long before you came to this web site.
I think you must not yet know WHY I came to this website.

To trot out an over used but apt comparrison.  A recent poll came out that said barely 1/3 of questioned people could locate Iraq on a map.  Does that mean that:
1)  We should improve geographic education to make sure that Americans are more aware of the world around them or
2)  We should "teach the controversy" and show both sides of the issue, both those people who believe Iraq is in the middle east, and those people who pointed at Australia and said "I think it's around here somewhere".

Your analogy works if you assume that "Teaching Darwinism = Teaching that Iraq is Somewhere near the North Pole", which I of course do believe is a good equation.  And in this case, YES, I would advocate (2).  

Why are we standing up in science classes and teaching kids that Ape to Human Evolution is a FACT?  Because we teach them that gravity makes apples fall.
Jeannot, Jeannot.  Come now.  Look what you just did.  You compared something with ABUNDANT EVIDENCE THAT WE SEE EVERY DAY (Gravity), with something for which there is NO EVIDENCE OF IT OCCURRING (Apelike ancestor becoming Human).  Or do you see this occurring in France?  (I can think of a joke about the REVERSE occurring, but I will be nice and refrain.  Besides, I liked Lafayette.)  I was beginning to be impressed with your grasp of science (the DNA replication info). How could you make this basic error?

Speaking of which, how are you doing with supporting your three assertions? Eric is referring to these ...
1. The Bible is literally inerrant;
2. The earth is not billions of years old, but only thousands of years old; and
3. Evolution cannot explain the origin of species.

FIRST, these are not assertions that I made in my Creator God Hypothesis although I heartily agree with them all and they all have mountains of evidence to support them which I hope we can get into.  The reason I did not make them in my Hypothesis is that there are more important things to show evidence for first.  It is most important that I BEGIN with the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE ... namely, the Cosmos and the Living World around us.  This evidence includes Cosmic Fine Tuning, Biological Machines and Relativity.  Next we should observe Humanity and Moral Laws which in fact are REAL THINGS, although we cannot "see" them.  From this evidence we can postulate a Cause for all these phenomena.  There are other phenomena we can observe to get a better and better description of what this Cause might be like.  If we can establish a pretty good case for the existence of a Great First Cause, then we are not unreasonable to postulate than maybe He gave us a written message.  We posulate the Bible as a possible candidate for THE MESSAGE OF GOD TO MANKIND because of its uniqueness and seemingly supernatural character, then test our theory in detail.  If this theory is well supported from things easily verifiable, we can now move on and investigate various claims of the Bible such as the Flood, Young Earth, the Changing of Languages at Babel, etc. which are disputed widely today.  This is the general outline I am following.  Again, remember that I have never before published a "God Hypothesis" ... I am proposing one and working out the exact details of how it should go with YOUR HELP!  Thank you!  As for proving Evolution to be false, this is not my priority, as some others are doing a good job of that.  Henry Morris, Michael Denton and Michael Behe, to name a few.  Denton was more polite than I would have been in titling his book.  Instead of "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis", I would have named it "Evolution: Impending Train Wreck."

NOTE:  Let me emphasize again that for YECs showing evidence of YEC Theory, the Bible is a SOURCE FOR PLAUSIBLE HYPOTHESES, nothing more.  Belief in Biblical inerrancy IS NOT required in this discussion.  This is a SEPARATE ISSUE and stands or falls on its own merits.

But can you get it through the front door of that meritocracy honestly?
Yes.  This is happening as we speak.

No doubt my teaching about common ancestry (especially regarding humans and apes) makes you feel uncomfortable, since you deny the starting premise.
Again, I am perfectly comfortable teaching things THAT ARE TRUE.  What I am uncomfortable with is ASSERTING things AS IF they were proven, when in fact they are not, by YOUR OWN STANDARDS.

"More evolved" is a difficult term and issue.  However, I don't think that it is truly meaningless in biology, nor that it would necessarily apply to the highly successful micro-organisms better than to multi-celled eukaryotes.
Glen ... I enjoyed reading your entire piece.  Very insightful.  Thanks!

AFDave, it seems that the history of Christianity is another thing that you could learn more about. Next time you are researching, Google "Martin Luther" and anti-semitism. Read his actual writings. With regard to your claims about history, I will just observe that correlation is not causation.
I'm sure I would agree with you.  But this has nothing to do with my point.  Go back and read my point again.  We'll do another thread an ML.  He's one of my favorites.  But not now.  I have alot on my plate :-)

Indeed, Dave should not start thinking that all the Christians who mistreated Jews were all Catholics, and that Protestants all treated them well. Many high ranking Nazis were Protestants as well. Here's what Wikipedia says about Luther:
Agreed.  It was Protestants who burned William Tyndale at the stake.  You are absolutely right.  But this does not change the fact of history that the Protestant Reformation changed the world for the better.

Add American history to the list of subjects AFDave knows less about than he thinks.
Oh?  I'll take you up on the challenge sometime.  That will be fun too!

There are some rules here at ATBC, and I predict you won't persist in babbling your nonsense any longer.
Jeannot, have you never heard of a nifty little thing made famous by Americans called FREEDOM OF SPEECH?  Do you not have this in France?

BTW ... I salute Steve and Wes for honoring Free Speech!  You have my accolades.

Offer a "theological biology" class.....
The Darwinist Religious belief on Origins would be PERFECT for this class.

Exactly Paul. Individuals of our species get a HUGE leg up on our planet by being immersed in the current incarnation of human culture of whatever location they happen to be born. Where would they be if they were born into the wild and cared for by animals, or by parents that had no concept of language, and if they had no contact with anything manmade? That recent thread that touched on the subject of feral children leads me to think that they wouldn't fare very well. The extremely rare child that is raised by animals imprints upon their adoptive parents, crawling like dogs, or imitating chickens. We spend years with our families and in schools learning just the basics about the world and how to interact with it.

Seeing the capabilies of Koko, given the advantage of being taught an already established, open ended language that promotes structured thought, leaves me quite awestruck at how smart and similar to us gorillas are. Whoever said that these ape societies are the 'Hominid Civilizations' afdave is looking for is right. It just goes to show what a good ecological niche it is that we used to share. There's plenty of room in the jungle for apes.
I agree.  All the apes need is a good environment and they will become rocket scientists.  When I am in Washington next, I will suggest to Ike Skelton that he introduce legislation for a new, tax-funded, "Primate Education Program."  Maybe we could even have a new cabinet level office ... we already have the Department of Education ... why not have the Department of Ape Education.  

Is every aspiring AF pilot guaranteed to get his wings and then be allowed to fly fighter jets?  Or is there a winnowing out process so that only those who have passed a battery of rigorous tests will be deemed qualified?

And who gets to decide if an aspiring pilot has the right skills and attributes to fly F-22s instead of tankers or trainers, or gets to fly at all?  Is it AF cooks, and drivers, and mechanics?  Or is the judgment made by a group of senior pilots who have themselves put in the years learning the trade, and know what separates the real aviators from the wanna-be ones?

I think we should give wings and assign fighter duty to everyone who applies.
Why are we standing up in the Air Force Academy and teaching that some people make better pilots than others is a FACT?  This is dishonest and potentially damaging to society for any number of debatable reasons.  What we SHOULD be doing is telling them BOTH THEORIES—ONLY A FEW PEOPLE MAKE SUPERIOR PILOTS and ALL POTENTIAL PILOTS ARE EQUALLY CAPABLE and clearly let them know they are UNPROVEN THEORIES and it is up to EACH PILOT HIMSELF and HIS PARENTS to decide if he is qualified.  My tax dollars are funding the military budget for F-22’s, etc. just like yours are and I have a different opinion on something that is an unprovable fact in either direction.  Why is my opinion shut out and vilified?  Is this country supposed to be a representative democracy or is it not?  Last time I checked IT WAS. You do believe in the democratic process, don’t you Dave?  Shouldn’t it be applied here too?  I’m really curious to hear your answers.
Good question.  I knew you could say something substantive. Answer:  The generals who set the rules EARNED THE RIGHT to do so by exercising sound judgment regarding EASILY VERIFIABLE TRUTHS.  What is this EASILY VERIFIABLE TRUTH?  It's very easy to distinguish the good pilot candidates from the bad ones.  In science today, we are talking about a different matter.  We are talking about many qualified students who can do much in the way of good, useful scientific work regardless of their worldview.  To exclude people because of their worldview is like excluding people based on sex or religious preference, ESPECIALLY when there are thousands of "Darwin dissenters" among scinetists in all major universities AND half the US and British population rejects Darwinism.  This is a significant difference.  Contrast this with putting the following question on the next national ballot, "Do you think there should be a selection process in choosing fighter pilots?"  I think you'd be very close to 100% YES.

Why would somebody be offended by having been taught something that was believed by scientists at the time, but that found out later to be incorrect?
No problem with teaching Evolution as a Theory espoused by many good scientists.  Let's just be honest and call it a theory though and quit saying it is a proven fact and shutting out the ID view.

Now let's try this again.  Do you or do you not find the very idea that humans are evolved apes (as are, for Flint's benefit, all present-day apes) offensive?
I'm perfectly fine with the idea if it turns out to be proven true.

I said ... Do we not have plenty of LIVING HUMANS which could correlate very nicely with some of these fossil finds, but which we now know are completely human?
Let me explain this one again, since it was misunderstood.

I am saying that if we took an assortment of recently (let's say they all died at once yesterday, OK?) dead African pygmies, maybe some dead dwarfs, some dead Aborigines, some dead gorillas, etc. (a morbid thought to be sure, but you get the idea ... we are collecting 'ape-like bones';) ... but if we somehow collected all these bones, we could quite possibly bury fragments of them in various places throughout the world and have a 'hominid" fossil situation  quite closely resembling the naturally occurring situation which we do have.  Make sense?  Now that you understand what I am saying, please ... go ahead and refute me.  Who knows?  Maybe you can.

(1) Humans are Humans
(2) Apes are Apes
(3) No one has observed Apelike ancestors becoming Humans in their lifetimes and no one ever will.
(4) Fossil evidence is dicey at best
(5) Genetic similarities are striking, but can just as easily be explained by Common Design (probably better when we really get into it) as by Common Descent
(6) Creos and Evos have strong and opposite opinions about something which cannot be proven because NO ONE CAN OBSERVE IT HAPPENING.  Contrast this with Gravity, etc.
(7) Evos are the "rulers" in academia right now and they like to call the Creos "non-scientific"
(8) There's hope for academia in spite of this thanks to courageous people like Morris, Dembski, Meyer, Denton, Behe and apparently a growing number of good scientists (over 500 signatories so far on a Darwin Dissent Document)

I need to get back to my main Creator God Hypothesis today if I can.  So do me a favor and just agree with me quickly so we can get on with it, would you?   :-)

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,05:41   


Can you explain how you reconcile the chromosomal fusion event with your explanation?  You keep saying that it is evidence for common design, not common descent, but you don't say why.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,05:45   

Geez, AFD. You've got way too much time on your hands. Pity you can't use it to learn something. For instance, I doubt that among the "Main Points [you] Learned Yesterday", there was a single one of them of which you were not fully sure the day before yesterday.

I'll just comment on this one, and get on to more productive activities.
(Russell: ) But you have demonstrated here that you are not really competent to judge.
(AFDave: ) Agreed.  That's why I enlist the help of Morris, Dembski, Meyer, Denton, Behe, etc. etc.
If you're not competent to judge information that is presented by scientists who don't care about your religion, what makes you think you are competent to sort out fact from fiction coming from these guys whose stated agenda is to align science with their religion? You're not "enlisting their help", you're just playing their stooge.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,05:52   

Quote (afdave @ May 09 2006,10:21)
And why shouldn't it be if evolution is true?  It seems that the ToE would actually PREDICT continual brain sophistication (oops ... there's one of those evil "directional" words) ... er, shall we say, er ... I'm at a loss ... anyway ... ToE should predict continual brain sophistication so that at some point there may actually be some kind of Super Homo Sapiens species who might be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, play 100 simultaneous chess games, memorize large books in minutes, etc, etc.

As an engineer, Dave, you should know this isn't true. Living organisms, like anything else that uses energy, are a result of trade-offs. The human brain already uses such a large percentage of the body's resources that it's unlikely to ever get much bigger than it is.

As a bicyclist, I know first-hand the trade-offs involved in building muscle mass. It is very expensive to maintain greater muscle mass than needed. If I take two weeks off from riding, I can see the atrophy of muscles, and it takes a lot of hard work to get back where I was.

The abilities you're talking about (leaping tall buildings—come on Dave; as an engineer you should know the type of development that would be required) would be selected against because the benefits would be vastly outweighed by disadvantages of devoting the immense resources required to achieve them.

Dave, sometimes your understanding of evolution seems very cartoonish. I really, really think you should read a few good books on evolutionary topics aimed at a general readership. You keep making elementary mistakes in thinking about evolution that take thousands of words on our part to correct. You could save us all a lot of time if you did so.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:00   

Dave, sometimes your understanding of evolution seems very cartoonish. I really, really think you should read a few good books on evolutionary topics aimed at a general readership.
Is there a better author than Dawkins for this type of book?  I do read him some.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:04   

Quote (afdave @ May 09 2006,10:21)
How can you hope to find any flaws in something of which you have no understanding?

My 1st grader can easily grasp the truth that Apes are Apes and Humans are Humans and that they probably HAVE ALWAYS BEEN just that, and probably WILL ALWAYS BE just that.  It doesn't take very much understanding of biology.  The reason you don't grasp this is beyond me.  Maybe too much ToE indocrination in higher education?

This is the part I don't get, Dave, and makes me wonder how intellectually honest you're being here.

We show you compelling evidence that humans and chimps share a common ancestor. You first dispute the evidence by reference to 30-year old studies, but eventually concede the point when we show you that your objections are meritless. You appear to accept the fact that humans have one chromosome less than chimps due to chromosomal fusion, and that identical errors in human and chimp genes are strong evidence of common ancestry.

But here we are, a few days later, and now you're back to insisting that humans aren't even related to apes (despite the fact that humans are apes). Are we now going to have to assume that points you conceded a week ago are no longer conceded? Does this mean we're going to have to go over the same ground again and again with you, à la Thordaddy? Because that will get old very quickly.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:08   

Dawkins is good. Gould wrote hundreds of essays for Natural History, and collected many of them into a half dozen excellent books. Ernst Mayr wrote some highly accessible stuff.

None of this material will turn you into a biologist, but it CAN provide enough background so that after a few hundred hours of reading, you'll have enough of the background under control to at least have some slight grasp of what people are telling you. That way, when presented with valid biology, you can react more rationally than with reflexive and ignorant laughter and denial.

Of course, this material is pretty darn accurate, meaning your laugh-and-deny reflex will probably be triggered about twice per paragraph.

Occam's Toothbrush

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:17   

It seems that the ToE would actually PREDICT continual brain sophistication (oops ... there's one of those evil "directional" words) ... er, shall we say, er ... I'm at a loss ... anyway ... ToE should predict continual brain sophistication so that at some point there may actually be some kind of Super Homo Sapiens species who might be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, play 100 simultaneous chess games, memorize large books in minutes, etc, etc.

What a maroon.

Everything has a cost.  Bigger brains, among other things: 1) Consume more energy, requiring more food intake/metabolic processing and generating more heat that needs to be dissipated; 2) Take up more space, requiring tradeoff with other critical skull-based systems and/or making the head larger, affecting balance and needing more robust bodies to support the weight--as well as increasing the chance of accidental damage; 3) Require more developmental complexity, creating more things that can go wrong, larger maternal pelvises (ever watched a human birth?  $hitty 'design' there, huh?), etc., etc.  If all of these factors don't add up to an organism that survives and reproduces more effectively in its environment than the original model, the bigger brain doesn't happen.

afdave is/was supposedly an engineer.  I don't know what he worked on, but an automobile-industry engineer with his moronic mindset would churn out designs for cars with ever bigger and more powerful engines, proposing 20,000-HP monsters that would weigh 30 tons, cost millions of dollars and travel like rockets down the freeway, consuming hundreds of gallons of gas per minute, impossible to control.  That model wouldn't sell and would become extinct, as would his job.

He really doesn't think at all, does he.

"Molecular stuff seems to me not to be biology as much as it is a more atomic element of life" --Creo nut Robert Byers
"You need your arrogant ass kicked, and I would LOVE to be the guy who does it. Where do you live?" --Anger Management Problem Concern Troll "Kris"

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:23   

Quote (Flint @ May 09 2006,11<!--emo&:0)
Dawkins is good. Gould wrote hundreds of essays for Natural History, and collected many of them into a half dozen excellent books. Ernst Mayr wrote some highly accessible stuff.

I've actually never read any of Dawkins' books. Can anyone recommend what the best one to start with would be?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:43   

But here we are, a few days later, and now you're back to insisting that humans aren't even related to apes (despite the fact that humans are apes). Are we now going to have to assume that points you conceded a week ago are no longer conceded? Does this mean we're going to have to go over the same ground again and again with you, à la Thordaddy? Because that will get old very quickly.

No, no.  We will not have to cover anything over again.  I DO agree with all those things I said I agree with.  

I agree that I need to explain more fully why I believe the similarities favor Common Design over Common Descent.  I will try to address this soon.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:44   

I've actually never read any of Dawkins' books. Can anyone recommend what the best one to start with would be?
Depends on what you're after. I think he's a wonderfully clear explainer of ideas, which is what bugs the bejeezus out of creationists, and why, rather than actually take on the content of his explanations, they resort to a cartoon of a rabid militant atheist.

Anyway, his first book "The Selfish Gene" is relatively short and succinct. His latest "The Ancestor's Tale" is the opposite, but does two things: One, it gives a neat overview of the whole history of the tree of life going from the human twig to the root, and Two, as the various organisms are joined to the tree, it brings up individual issues that illustrate important concepts and tools in evolutionary biology.

For dealing with the issues raised by creationists, it's hard to beat "The Blind Watchmaker".

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:49   

I need to explain more fully why I believe the similarities favor Common Design over Common Descent.  I will try to address this soon.
This should be entertaining. I hope your explanation for the vitamin C story will be a prominent part of it.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,06:54   

Oh fer Gods sake.
500 scientists?
This tard-tacular chestnut again???
Ask how many of those scientists were actually biologists, or part of a related field.
Ask what they actually signed.  Read the document.
Ask how many scientists named "Steve" believe in ToE.(last time I checked, it was over 700.)
AFDave, you need to filter.
You have learned nothing.
You however HAVE absorbed one tiny bucketfull, but shouldn't you do a little critical reading before posting?  Please don't troll with your cut and paste from websites who are lying for their deity.  It makes you no better than they are.
Learn to Google.
Edit: Scientists named Steve.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.

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