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  Topic: Paley Goes to the Movies, Reviews of evolutionism-inspired films.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 59
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(Permalink) Posted: July 28 2006,17:18   

Hi, fellow !

  Just dropping by, after lurking on other threads.
   I am confused about what reasons people here have in bothering to debate with a mealy-mouthed, in-the-closet-but the door-is-open-a-bit racist liar like GOwP. Nothing this GO"John Carpenter's The Thing"wP shitty three-card monte act offers up ever leads to anyone to anything interesting (unlike, say, AFDave's thread, which, after having some really fine writing on geology, only recently disintegrated as that poor schmuck's "argument" degenerated into a frozen-smiled, hands-over-ears shrieking of "Idon'tcareandIneverreallydidcaredHA!becauseJesuslovesmeHA!HA!HA!").  
 GOwP's such an awful, vicious, useless jerk that for a time I was in the camp that he MUST be faux-troll, but finally found he was just an unusually vitrolic semi-nutcase #######, not even crazy enough to entertain, even for brief, well-spaced periods.

 If you folks enjoy his company, well, that's fine by me.  You ain't hurting nobody, though I'd rather see him starve until his ranting got him banned.
 Oh, and a hearty "drop dead" to the ass himself: the Rev. William Paley deserves much, much better.

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 28 2006,21:49   

Re Lenny and Tiredofthesos:

I'm glad it's not just me, then.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,10:42   

If you folks enjoy his company, well, that's fine by me.  You ain't hurting nobody, though I'd rather see him starve until his ranting got him banned.

This is why liberalism must be opposed at every level. The restrictive speech laws are not enough, the jail cell is not enough, even rampant bullying combined with the above is not enough. They want erase all opposition, and will not rest until they accomplish this goal. And they're desperate. They know that women won't reproduce with them, and the evidence against their policies grows by the hour, so they only have a generation to wreck the West. Will they claim victory? Probably not; if the mongols couldn't do it, I doubt a relatively small junta of liberowimps can. But what damage they do in the meantime!!!!

Re Lenny and Tiredofthesos:

I'm glad it's not just me, then.

Eh? I never get anything out of their content-free posts, so would you elaborate?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,11:02   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 29 2006,15:42)
If you folks enjoy his company, well, that's fine by me.  You ain't hurting nobody, though I'd rather see him starve until his ranting got him banned.

This is why liberalism must be opposed at every level. The restrictive speech laws are not enough, the jail cell is not enough, even rampant bullying combined with the above is not enough. They want erase all opposition, and will not rest until they accomplish this goal. And they're desperate. They know that women won't reproduce with them, and the evidence against their policies grows by the hour, so they only have a generation to wreck the West. Will they claim victory? Probably not; if the mongols couldn't do it, I doubt a relatively small junta of liberowimps can. But what damage they do in the meantime!!!!

Gosh, you can't defend any of your ridiculous positions, so you wander off into one of your inane "liberals are all fascists" rants.

They know that women won't reproduce with them

Oh really? Not MY experience. Can't get dates, eh, Paley?

Funny all the sweeping generalizations Paley is happy to make about groups he knows nothing about. Judging from his statements, he seems to personally know no liberals or Hispanics whatsover, but he seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of them, including every detail of their lives. I think he needs to get out more.

I don't understand though -- in one sentence you accuse of us bullying and wanting to erase all opposition, and in another sentence you say we're all wimps. This seems contradictory to me. Can you please explain the disparity?

A hint, Paley: There is a real world that does not shape itself according to your politics. Just because most liberals believe something, that does not make it wrong, and does not mean you need to make an ass of yourself opposing it.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,12:39   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 29 2006,15:42)
This is why liberalism must be opposed at every level. The restrictive speech laws are not enough, the jail cell is not enough, even rampant bullying combined with the above is not enough. They want erase all opposition, and will not rest until they accomplish this goal. And they're desperate. They know that women won't reproduce with them, and the evidence against their policies grows by the hour, so they only have a generation to wreck the West. Will they claim victory? Probably not; if the mongols couldn't do it, I doubt a relatively small junta of liberowimps can. But what damage they do in the meantime!!!!

Bill, I have to say—your ignorance of politics is nothing short of astounding.

You do understand, do you not, that it is logically and definitionally impossible for someone to be both "repressive" and "liberal" at the same time? To the extent that a given policy is "repressive," that policy is also "illiberal." While one can be both conservative and repressive at the same time, one simply cannot, even in principle, be "liberal" and "repressive." Are you even clear on what "liberal" means, in the political sense of the term? Judging by your posts on the subject (including the incredibly vapid claim that Hitler was a "liberal"), I would have to say you have no idea what the term means.

And I don't understand where you got this idea that "wrecking the West" is a goal of liberal politics. Can you begin to articulate why liberals would be interested in "wrecking the West"? What do you think liberals would hope to gain by doing so? Destroying their own way of life? I'm as politically liberal as they get, Bill, and it's never occurred to me that one of my goals was the destruction of Western culture. I can't even understand why you would think that any political philosophy would have as its goal its own self-destruction.

This is exactly the kind of hysterical fear-mongering that has made politics in America that sick joke it is these days, and has resulted in the kind of ideological freak show personified by Ann Coulter and Jonah Goldberg. Conservatives aren't interested in dealing with or compromising with liberals (despite the fact that the number of true liberals in the senate and house can probably be counted on two hands). Conservatives seem to be determined to annihilate liberals entirely, with the goal, as far as I can see, of converting the U.S. to a one-party state.

Bill, I have nothing but contempt for the Bush administration and the Republican leadership in Congress. I have never in my life seen such breathtaking incompetence in even the simplest tasks of governance. Yet it would never occur to me to assume that it is a goal of the administration and its allies in Congress to destroy the country, and the rest of the world with it. I think there's a fair chance the administration's policies may result in exactly that, especially given their anti-regulatory, anti-environmental, pro-war, pro-extractive-industry policies. But I don't think for a minute that the destruction of civilization is an actual goal (except, of course, for that fraction of the religious right who believe that the rapture is nigh, and the only way to get there is through Armaggedon).

And what's this crap about liberals being eunuchs, or something? You didn't seem to feel that way about me a few pages ago, and as I said, I'm about as liberal as they get. (Strange, I don't take your attacks on liberals personally; maybe it's because they're so utterly absurd?)

So will you please stop with the blood-curdling anti-liberal rant, Bill? It just makes you look like a paranoid idiot.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

creeky belly

Posts: 205
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(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,13:45   

IIRC conservatives have been the majority in making policy in our government for the past decade. Please address all complaints to:

Newt Gingrich
c/o American Enterprise Institute

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,14:37   

Paley said:
[Liberals] know that women won't reproduce with them,

An especially amusing thing about this quote is that it implies that Paley evidently thinks that all liberals are men.

So let's see, liberals all live in lily-white neighborhoods, they're all atheists, they're all men, none of them have kids, they're simultaneously wimps AND aggressive bullies, they all read Foucault...

This is what happens when you depend on Ann Coulter books for reality.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,15:51   

Hey Paley, you're still, uh, blithering.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 29 2006,21:41   

Eh? I never get anything out of their content-free posts, so would you elaborate?

The image I retain from your posts and those that attempt to engage with you, is of two bald men fighting over a comb.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 30 2006,10:16   

You do understand, do you not, that it is logically and definitionally impossible for someone to be both "repressive" and "liberal" at the same time? To the extent that a given policy is "repressive," that policy is also "illiberal."

Ok, the software ate a fairly long reply, and I have to leave soon, so I'll make this brief: when theories must interact with the real world, they alter their shape to accomodate the facts. Liberalism holds two basic ideas: 1) Even radically different cultures can coexist peacefully with a little "tolerance" from the practitioners of the formerly dominant culture; and 2) All cultures lead to equal outcomes absent active discrimination. Not only do these ideas conflict, they're flat out wrong. But liberals cannot admit this, and since prior attempts to raise the bottom have failed, the only recourse is to cripple the top. This leads to heavy-handed government regulation, with another set of regulations needed to silence those who point out the futility of the first efforts. Freedom and multiculturalism cannot coexist. The historical evidence is so clear, in fact, that the liberals in Europe have been forced to fine or jail those who state the obvious. But this is not enough, since the truth still remains. So the next step is to exterminate the dominant culture, and perhaps, those who embrace it. The fact that individual liberals are moral will not halt this social trend. Heck, most Nazi-era Germans were decent folk who didn't wish to kill their neighbors, but in embracing Hitler, they set a snowball in motion that led to the holocaust. Their inherent decency couldn't halt the consequences of their ideas.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 30 2006,10:49   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 30 2006,15:16)
Ok, the software ate a fairly long reply, and I have to leave soon, so I'll make this brief: when theories must interact with the real world, they alter their shape to accomodate the facts. Liberalism holds two basic ideas: 1) Even radically different cultures can coexist peacefully with a little "tolerance" from the practitioners of the formerly dominant culture; and 2) All cultures lead to equal outcomes absent active discrimination. Not only do these ideas conflict, they're flat out wrong.

No, Bill. What you're talking about is not "liberalism." Yes, it's true, may liberals do believe that different cultures can, and in fact, must coexist if humanity is to have any future. And no doubt some liberals may in fact believe that all cultures lead to equal outcomes, but that hardly makes it a core liberal belief. I do not, for example, believe that women have as good a deal in, say, Saudi Arabia as they do in, say, Sweden. Nor do I believe that all cultural and political systems are equally congenial to human happiness.

So you've taken two relatively subsidiary beliefs, which many liberals do not in fact subscribe to, and conflate them with the entire liberal ethos. This is a classic category error.

But in any event, you've failed to address my main point, which is this: one cannot be simultaneously "liberal" and "repressive." A repressive policy is, by definition, an illiberal policy. While it is clearly true that liberals are capable of embracing repressive policies (FDR and Japanese internment camps is an obvious example), the fact that a liberal may embrace a policy does not ipso facto make that policy a liberal one. Hitler, after all, loved dogs.

But liberals cannot admit this, and since prior attempts to raise the bottom have failed, the only recourse is to cripple the top. This leads to heavy-handed government regulation, with another set of regulations needed to silence those who point out the futility of the first efforts.

Bill, you need to read some recent American history. The period of time in American history which had the lowest income disparities, with the lowest levels of poverty up to that time, with the largest middle class in American history, coincided with that period of time with the highest marginal tax rates, rates which by current standards seem punitive. In 1959, the highest marginal tax rate was 91%, for incomes over one million dollars. And guess whose policies these were, Bill? Conservative policies? No, of course not. I suggest you read Wealth and Democracy, by Kevin Phillips, who as senior economic adviser to the Nixon administration must have been a socialist. You might learn a thing or two about economic reality, because your claim that requiring the wealthy to bear their fair share of the costs of civilized society doesn't work is manifestly untrue.

Freedom and multiculturalism cannot coexist. The historical evidence is so clear, in fact, that the liberals in Europe have been forced to fine or jail those who state the obvious. But this is not enough, since the truth still remains. So the next step is to exterminate the dominant culture, and perhaps, those who embrace it.

Um, no. You talk about Europe, Bill, as if it's some sort of benighted dungeon for free thinkers. As it happens, I have many friends in Europe, and have a pretty good idea of the kinds of society one finds there. If you think Europe is somehow a less egalitarian, more repressive society than the United States, you haven't been paying attention, especially for the past five years. And again, Bill, policies cannot simultaneously be "liberal" and "repressive." That doesn't make any more sense than a God-fearing atheist.

The fact that individual liberals are moral will not halt this social trend. Heck, most Nazi-era Germans were decent folk who didn't wish to kill their neighbors, but in embracing Hitler, they set a snowball in motion that led to the holocaust. Their inherent decency couldn't halt the consequences of their ideas.

You keep bringing up Hitler to prove that liberal policies are bad, Bill, but you simply cannot get around the fact that the Third Reich is in the running for the least liberal society of all time. As I said in my last post, it's entirely possible to be conservative and repressive (almost all repressive regimes throughout history could accurately be described as "right wing"), but being liberal and repressive isn't hard; it's impossible.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 30 2006,12:57   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 30 2006,15:16)
You do understand, do you not, that it is logically and definitionally impossible for someone to be both "repressive" and "liberal" at the same time? To the extent that a given policy is "repressive," that policy is also "illiberal."

Ok, the software ate a fairly long reply, and I have to leave soon, so I'll make this brief: when theories must interact with the real world, they alter their shape to accomodate the facts. Liberalism holds two basic ideas: 1) Even radically different cultures can coexist peacefully with a little "tolerance" from the practitioners of the formerly dominant culture; and 2) All cultures lead to equal outcomes absent active discrimination. Not only do these ideas conflict, they're flat out wrong. But liberals cannot admit this, and since prior attempts to raise the bottom have failed, the only recourse is to cripple the top. This leads to heavy-handed government regulation, with another set of regulations needed to silence those who point out the futility of the first efforts. Freedom and multiculturalism cannot coexist. The historical evidence is so clear, in fact, that the liberals in Europe have been forced to fine or jail those who state the obvious. But this is not enough, since the truth still remains. So the next step is to exterminate the dominant culture, and perhaps, those who embrace it. The fact that individual liberals are moral will not halt this social trend. Heck, most Nazi-era Germans were decent folk who didn't wish to kill their neighbors, but in embracing Hitler, they set a snowball in motion that led to the holocaust. Their inherent decency couldn't halt the consequences of their ideas.

Yeah, and we can't get chicks, either, right Paley?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: July 30 2006,13:19   

Freedom and multiculturalism cannot coexist.

Stating this as an article of faith, complete with italics, is guaranteed to lead to complete misunderstanding and mutual disgust. Putting it this way also implies that Ghost has read this somewhere he respects (it's pretty commonly heard in racist venues) and repeats it verbatim, without wondering what it might mean.

So herewith, a brief yet boring lesson in abstract politics. Individual members of socially cohesive groups can't feasibly agree on everything; vested interests are highly individual and very important. Maybe on really obvious things and with very small groups, you can get unanimity. But for any usefully diverse society (and division of labor is necessary), this won't happen. Division of labor means division of interests.

So we need to back up one step and agree to accept the results of processes set up to resolve conflicts. NOT agree on the results, but agree that the proper procedures were followed in good faith to reach whatever results ensued.

At this level of abstraction, it soon becomes clear that the agreement to abide by the outcome of the processes isn't going to happen unless all the members of the social group agree that the the process is right and appropriate. In other words, that all aspects of that process meet the values of 'good' and 'right' common to the members of the society.

This includes everything from the determination of the people administering the process, to the rules of evidence, to the rules of presentation, to the logic of the law, to the processes by which the laws being used are made in the first place are right and proper. In other words, the process *won't work* unless all parties to every dispute feel that the decision was 'fair and square' - even if it goes against them.

So when a society becomes too heterogeneous and pluralistic, these words evaluate in practice to "the parties to the dispute don't accept the procedures for resolving it." This can happen when cultural notions of 'right and wrong' or of 'fair and square' are too different to be reconciled.

When cultures become too different, these meta-agreements can't be made effectively. We might impose (for example) the formalities of a democratic election, but people wielding real power don't relinquish it to formalities. If those people can't rig the election, they VOID the election. Saying "we'll abide by the results only if we win" does not mean the rules are accepted.

And this means that the "multicultures" Ghost is talking about need to be co-opted into the system. They must feel that they have a voice, that they can make a difference, that they have some chance of winning some of the time. Otherwise, they will ignore, circumvent, or rebel against the system. Freedom as we understand it occurs within a cultural context. In a canonical anarchy, NOBODY is free.

I agree with Ghost that it is NOT the case that "radically different cultures can coexist peacefully with a little "tolerance" from the practitioners of the formerly dominant culture." He's quite right that this doesn't work. The cultures MUST have enough in common to reach the agreement to agree in principle, to agree to abide by the results of a mutually agreeable process (and some process must be mutually agreeable). Like agreeing to abide by a coin flip, or agreeing that whoever gets to cut the pie, the other one gets first choice of slices.

Where I disagree with Ghost is in the presumption that agreement at this level cannot be reached, despite any amount of effort, under any circumstances. Usually, agreement can be reached short of war or genocide if the "formerly dominant" group is willing to give and take, and the formerly weaker group is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a while.

It's kind of like a marriage. People from very different backgrounds can make it work if both act in good faith and make a sincere effort. I doubt if Ghost is really trying to argue that marriage as an institution is hopeless because there will ALWAYS be a fatal power imbalance.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,05:36   

Bill, you need to read some recent American history. The period of time in American history which had the lowest income disparities, with the lowest levels of poverty up to that time, with the largest middle class in American history, coincided with that period of time with the highest marginal tax rates, rates which by current standards seem punitive. In 1959, the highest marginal tax rate was 91%, for incomes over one million dollars. And guess whose policies these were, Bill? Conservative policies? No, of course not. I suggest you read Wealth and Democracy, by Kevin Phillips, who as senior economic adviser to the Nixon administration must have been a socialist.

<groan> Do you really think I haven't heard this argument many many times? Yes, the marginal rate was higher then. But look what happened when the rate was trimmed to 70% during the 60s. JFK was no fan of confiscatory taxes, and neither am I. Also look at what happened during the 20s and 80s when the marginal rate was reduced. That's right, economic growth. Also look at the results when other countries abandon socialistic "soak the rich" policies. Here's one source.

Of course, there are economic liabilities to tax cuts. For one thing, they often reduce national savings. But ya know what? If marginal tax cuts are combined with capital gains tax cuts, then the problem is solved. As far as government receipts goes, there's no strong evidence that tax cuts reduces federal revenue; in fact, federal receipts doubled during the Gipper's watch (Altho the joint payroll and capital gains hikes during the mid-80s certainly helped here). And the late 90's bubble that libs boast about? Capital gains reductions. Here's another source.

Here's the marxist take.

And yes, these policies can contribute to a widening of the income gap, but the evidence that this disparity contributes to class stasis is very weak. At most, quintile mobility was only slightly reduced after the 70s, and even the people who whine about the harmful effect of the income gap concede that the decline in economic mobility is attributable to the education gap as America transitions to the Information Age, or blame it primarily on out-of-wedlock births, which is nobody's fault except the parents who make babies they can't support. And who gave poor women the idea that marriage is irrelevant? Liberals, that's who.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,06:02   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 31 2006,10:36)
<groan> Do you really think I haven't heard this argument many many times? Yes, the marginal rate was higher then. But look what happened when the rate was trimmed to 70% during the 60s. JFK was no fan of confiscatory taxes, and neither am I.

Yes, Bill, I know exactly what happened when first JFK, then LBJ, then Nixon, Reagan, etc. continued to cut the highest marginal rates. Income disparities increased, as any idiot could have guessed, with the difference in boardroom to factory-floor pay going from a factor of 20, to 40, to 400, to 1,000 in forty years.

So are you saying my argument is wrong? I don't care how many times you've heard it; it's still true that income disparities have widened dramatically in the past 50 years, with income increasingly concentrated in the tiny upper percentage of income earners, people who get the vast majority of their income from capital, not labor. Do you think this is a positive trend? I'm pretty sure you're not rich, so I fail to understand why you would think it is.
Also look at what happened during the 20s and 80s when the marginal rate was reduced. That's right, economic growth.

Economic growth for whom, Bill? Middle incomes have stagnated in the U.S. for close to 40 years. And I don't think I have to remind you of the end result of 1920s economic policies, do I?
Also look at the results when other countries abandon socialistic "soak the rich" policies. Here's one source.

What, you mean the entire rest of the developed world, Bill? Last I looked, the only large economy with lower income taxes than the U.S. was Mexico. Should Mexico be our goal?

I'm not sure what you're trying to say with your chart. Most countries on the chart had lower rates in 1990 than they did in  1979, but by relatively minor amounts. And how do you explain, Bill, the largest peacetime expansion in the U.S. economy in history, when the top marginal rates were increased?

Of course, there are economic liabilities to tax cuts. For one thing, they often reduce national savings. But ya know what? If marginal tax cuts are combined with capital gains tax cuts, then the problem is solved. As far as government receipts goes, there's no strong evidence that tax cuts reduces federal revenue; in fact, federal receipts doubled during the Gipper's watch (Altho the joint payroll and capital gains hikes during the mid-80s certainly helped here).

Have you noticed, Bill, that tax cuts coincide with huge increases in the federal budget deficit? (have you also noticed that every postwar economic recession save one occurred during Republican administrations?) The last three Republican administrations all played with the Laffer curve, and all three times the budget deficit ballooned. Have you looked at the budget deficit lately? Have you seen where tax revenues are? Have you forgotten what the budget "deficit" was in 2000?

Tax cuts have always had exactly the effect one would expect, Bill: reduced revenues, increased budget deficit. Only now, we have a president who intends to fund three "wars" with tax cuts. And we can all see how well that's working.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 807
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,06:34   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 30 2006,15:16)
Heck, most Nazi-era Germans were decent folk who didn't wish to kill their neighbors, but in embracing Hitler, they set a snowball in motion that led to the holocaust. Their inherent decency couldn't halt the consequences of their ideas.

I still don't see how you can ignore hundreds of years of antisemitism in Europe.  It's not like trying to solve your country's problems by getting rid of the Jews was an original thought for Hitler.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,08:22   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 31 2006,10:36)
Bill, you need to read some recent American history. The period of time in American history which had the lowest income disparities, with the lowest levels of poverty up to that time, with the largest middle class in American history, coincided with that period of time with the highest marginal tax rates, rates which by current standards seem punitive. In 1959, the highest marginal tax rate was 91%, for incomes over one million dollars. And guess whose policies these were, Bill? Conservative policies? No, of course not. I suggest you read Wealth and Democracy, by Kevin Phillips, who as senior economic adviser to the Nixon administration must have been a socialist.

<groan> Do you really think I haven't heard this argument many many times? Yes, the marginal rate was higher then. But look what happened when the rate was trimmed to 70% during the 60s. JFK was no fan of confiscatory taxes, and neither am I. Also look at what happened during the 20s and 80s when the marginal rate was reduced. That's right, economic growth. Also look at the results when other countries abandon socialistic "soak the rich" policies. Here's one source.

Of course, there are economic liabilities to tax cuts. For one thing, they often reduce national savings. But ya know what? If marginal tax cuts are combined with capital gains tax cuts, then the problem is solved. As far as government receipts goes, there's no strong evidence that tax cuts reduces federal revenue; in fact, federal receipts doubled during the Gipper's watch (Altho the joint payroll and capital gains hikes during the mid-80s certainly helped here). And the late 90's bubble that libs boast about? Capital gains reductions. Here's another source.

Here's the marxist take.

And yes, these policies can contribute to a widening of the income gap, but the evidence that this disparity contributes to class stasis is very weak. At most, quintile mobility was only slightly reduced after the 70s, and even the people who whine about the harmful effect of the income gap concede that the decline in economic mobility is attributable to the education gap as America transitions to the Information Age, or blame the growth in out-of-wedlock births, which nobody's fault but the parents who make babies they can't support. And who gave poor women the idea that marriage is irrelevant? Liberals, that's who.

You must get so many chicks, Paley. Wow...

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,08:56   

Yes, Bill, I know exactly what happened when first JFK, then LBJ, then Nixon, Reagan, etc. continued to cut the highest marginal rates. Income disparities increased, as any idiot could have guessed, with the difference in boardroom to factory-floor pay going from a factor of 20, to 40, to 400, to 1,000 in forty years.

But if the widening income gap hurt the poor, then we should see a spike in the poverty levels during the 1980s and latter half of the 90's. We don't. In fact, we see the opposite. We should also see a decline in real median family income under Reagan and Clinton. But the median income rose under Reagan, and held steady under Clinton. Median income fell in the tax-loving early 90's, however. During the past few decades, whites did well, while blacks and hispanics at least treaded water. Even the nay-sayers can't show the crippling effects of the widening gap; all they can do is complain that wages "stagnated". But please remember that the 1960's didn't have to deal with the transition to the Information Age; modern economies do. The 1960s didn't see a flood of cheap, income-depressing labor cross the border; modern America does. But I'll take economic freedom any day.

More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,09:17   


You must get so many chicks, Paley. Wow...

Paley's left: trip to the hospital

Paley's right: trip to the morgue

Paley's brain:

The chicks seem to like it.

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,09:22   

Oh, and Eric? If the government is so worried about budget deficits, instead of realising a modest gain (at best) by soaking the rich, hows about spending less money.

Just a thought.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,09:56   

Here are some more links:

Pro Eric

Pro Paley.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,10:20   

Stating this as an article of faith, complete with italics, is guaranteed to lead to complete misunderstanding and mutual disgust. Putting it this way also implies that Ghost has read this somewhere he respects (it's pretty commonly heard in racist venues) and repeats it verbatim, without wondering what it might mean.

[snip the interesting part]

OK Flint, cards on the table. I offer you four choices for immigration reform. Choose whichever one you like, but only choose one:

1) Immigration with no preference for nationality

2) Immigrants from Paley-approved countries only

3) Immigrants from Paley-disapproved countries only

4) No immigration (minor exceptions OK)

Which plan would you choose, and why? Also, would you care to rank the plans in order of preference, from most to least preferred?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,10:41   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 31 2006,14:17)

You must get so many chicks, Paley. Wow...

Paley's left: trip to the hospital

Paley's right: trip to the morgue

Paley's brain:

The chicks seem to like it.

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Fantasies of violence against people who argue with you? Isn't that something only liberals do? Sounds like you're getting 'desperate'...

So Paley, why do you assume all liberals are men? (Hence your immortal 'liberals can't find women to reproduce with them' statement.)

Do you tell women you date that you don't think the earth goes around the sun?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,11:02   

Arfin' Nutfield:
Fantasies of violence against people who argue with you?

You obviously need a humour implant.

So Paley, why do you assume all liberals are men? (Hence your immortal 'liberals can't find women to reproduce with them' statement.)

Since when did I assume that? Liberal women can't get women to reproduce with them, either  ;) .

Do you tell women you date that you don't think the earth goes around the sun?

You mean, the woman I date? She's aware of my beliefs. But you know women....oh no, you don't. Sorry.

Shocked you with that Odin-inspired poem from Hitler, didn't I?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,11:40   


What if I don't like your choices? In snipping out everything else I wrote, I really wish you had read it and thought about it. Had you done so, you'd realize that your choices ALL assume your own biases.

Should there be any limit on immigration altogether? If so, why or why not? You seem to take for granted that there should be, but don't explain why.

Should immigration, if limited, be limited on the basis of nationality? Why not on the basis of religion, or education, or musical talent? How about on ability to play soccer? Maybe limit it to those who score above a given level on the Wechsler?

I think I agreed with your basic point about insurmountable cultural differences and the uncompromisable difference in values they imply. But you go right ahead and assume that you can equate values with national origin - even knowing how very differently people see things within any given country. Even in Iraq, there are people willing to give democratic processes a good-faith effort. Should they be kept out of the US?

My preferred limitations on immigration are: You can join the club ONLY if you agree to play by the rules. Break them, you're outta here. Color, language, religion, nationality irrelevant. Join our meta-agreements or stay home.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,12:03   

What if I don't like your choices? In snipping out everything else I wrote, I really wish you had read it and thought about it. Had you done so, you'd realize that your choices ALL assume your own biases.

I did read it and think about it. That's why I want you to define your terms. OK, so do you believe in unlimited immigration? Should we just ditch the concept of borders?  You seem to agree that some cultures are too discordant with ours; so where do we draw the line? Or do we take it on a case-by-case basis, with the provision being they ought to "behave", whatever that means.
Should there be any limit on immigration altogether? If so, why or why not? You seem to take for granted that there should be, but don't explain why.

Ummm Flint, I made my position on immigration very clear. We should restrict immigration to certain nationalities. I don't know what the numerical limit should be.....perhaps a little lower than now, I guess.
Should immigration, if limited, be limited on the basis of nationality? Why not on the basis of religion, or education, or musical talent? How about on ability to play soccer? Maybe limit it to those who score above a given level on the Wechsler?

Yes, nationality is the key criteria. And since I do believe that IQ differences within races are hereditable, then an IQ test wouldn't be crazy. But I really haven't given it much thought --it might be impractical, and it's probably unnecessary. What is your position?
I think I agreed with your basic point about insurmountable cultural differences and the uncompromisable difference in values they imply. But you go right ahead and assume that you can equate values with national origin - even knowing how very differently people see things within any given country. Even in Iraq, there are people willing to give democratic processes a good-faith effort. Should they be kept out of the US?

Well, you can, at least in a very useful sense. Gotta run for now, but will add to this soon.....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,12:28   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 31 2006,13:56)
But if the widening income gap hurt the poor, then we should see a spike in the poverty levels during the 1980s and latter half of the 90's. We don't. In fact, we see the opposite.

But we sure do now, Bill, and they coincide, strangely enough, with most ferocious tax cuts of modern times. Why do you suppose that is?
We should also see a decline in real median family income under Reagan and Clinton. But the median income rose under Reagan, and held steady under Clinton. Median income fell in the tax-loving early 90's, however.

Interesting: median income held steady and fell in the 1990s, Bill? Upper income taxes did in fact go up under Clinton, and strangely enough, median incomes went up too. Which seems to present a slight problem for your argument.
During the past few decades, whites did well, while blacks and hispanics at least treaded water.

Except for in the Bush administration, when tax rates have reached their lowest levels in decades, which also presents a slight problem for your argument.
Even the  nay-sayers can't show the crippling effects of the widening gap; all they can do is complain that wages "stagnated".

Do you think it's a good thing, Bill, that wages for most people have stagnated for the past almost-thirty years, while income for the upper 1% or so have seen triple-digit increases during the same time period?

In the meantime, no one's income is going up except for the ultra-rich, which is a direct result of lower marginal tax rates. Economic expansion would normally result in rising incomes for everyone, but while taxes on high incomes and investment earnings have gone down, tax rates for everyone else have stayed largely the same. The only reason the economy shows signs of growth is that corporate profits are up. Nothing else is, which is why no one except the wealthy thinks the economy is doing very well. If you call that "whining," well, you're entitled to your opinion. But I have to wonder, Bill: are you really in the income bracket (i.e., the top half of 1%) that's doing really well in this economy? Or are you down here with the rest of us?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,12:36   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 31 2006,14:22)
Oh, and Eric? If the government is so worried about budget deficits, instead of realising a modest gain (at best) by soaking the rich, hows about spending less money.

Just a thought.

Never gonna happen, Bill. At least, not until we stop running foreign occupations that cost five billion a month. And if you think medicare and social security are going to get cut, you can forget about it. They're far and away the most popular government programs in existence. Not only that, but Social Security is the only government program that actually runs a surplus. And it would continue to run a surplus if the trust fund weren't regularly raided to fight wars of choice.

Interesting that when it comes to cutting expenditures, it's never the programs that cost the most money, e.g., DoD programs. It's always the programs that benefit the politically disenfranchised, e.g. the poor. Any guesses as to why that is?

And while you're whining about how Americans are so repressed and put upon by the IRS, you might reflect on the fact that the U.S. is the most lightly taxed developed nation on the planet. We're right above Mexico on the list.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,12:47   

And by the way, what does any of this—economic policy, taxation, immigration law, standard conservative hot-button issues—have to do with evolution or movies?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: July 31 2006,13:10   


Never gonna happen, Bill. At least, not until we stop running foreign occupations that cost five billion a month.

After which, they'll find something else to spend it on. Government spending is like a ratchet. It only goes in one direction.

Not only that, but Social Security is the only government program that actually runs a surplus. And it would continue to run a surplus if the trust fund weren't regularly raided to fight wars of choice.

This is not really a good argument. What goverment has done is to take all income, separate out a pile they call 'social security' which happens (because the bookkeepers MADE this happen) to be larger than required for social security. Then they take the leftover and stick it back into the main pile. Then they say social security has a 'surplus'. But that's smoke and mirrors. It's an accounting trick that lets them say BOTH that they have a program running a surplus, and that the overall budget deficit is smaller than it actually is (because they *don't count* what they take back from the social security pile as part of the deficit! )

Let's say you want a $20,000 car but your wife doesn't want you to spend the money. So you 'set aside' $50,000 (that you don't have) into a car fund, "discover" that you have a $30,000 surplus (the car is only $20K), "borrow' that surplus right back into your budget, spend $20,000 of it on the car you wanted, and hey, you have $10,000 LEFT OVER! You turned a profit!

Interesting that when it comes to cutting expenditures, it's never the programs that cost the most money, e.g., DoD programs. It's always the programs that benefit the politically disenfranchised, e.g. the poor. Any guesses as to why that is?

Yes, it's because the social programs cost more than double what discretionary spending comes to, and DoD is only a small part of discretionary spending (except for Bush's extra war fund, but that's "off-budget", see). Social security, welfare, medicare, and medicaid together come to 54% of total budget. Interest on the debt is another 9%. Total military comes to about 19%.

Hot flash. Here are more recent numbers.

you might reflect on the fact that the U.S. is the most lightly taxed developed nation on the planet. We're right above Mexico on the list.

Which ought to make you stop and think, I hope. What you're talking about is tax *assessments*, and not tax *payments*. Evading taxes isn't nearly the industry in the US that it is in Mexico (or much of Europe).


I believe in limiting immigration. My preference is to set these limits retail rather than wholesale. That is, on an individual basis. Imagine if you were denied immigration to (pick a country. Say, Ireland) because you come from a nation that has *too many atheists*, so they don't want "your kind" polluting their country. I'm sure you'd be delighted with such a fair, just and reasonable denial, right?

But I recognize that I'm imposing my own value system on this - the quintessential American faith that one should rise and fall, succeed or fail, solely on the basis of one's own individual merits and effort. That the individual should not be denied opportunity for reasons over which he has no control, and which may be outright inapplicable to him.

I do concede that wholesale guilt-by-association is logistically simpler and cheaper, of course...

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