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Posts: 1554
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2015,15:47   

Is there any part of that ignorant son of a bitch that isn't sleazy?

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 1337
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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2015,04:05   


Preparing to enjoy hours and hours of high-grade right-wing snarling.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.

Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2015,04:59   

Quote (Amadan @ May 23 2015,04:05)
<a href=""" target="_blank">Yippee!!</a>

Preparing to enjoy hours and hours of high-grade right-wing snarling.

Hopefully, but the results haven't been announced yet.

Once they've approved gay marriage, perhaps they'll have a referendum on abortion.

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2015,06:26   

Don't hold yer breath. There's a long way to go before people here will be willing to go through another bout of abortion referendums - the 1980s still seem like a feckin nightmare to me.

My work brought me into pretty close contact with the debates on the Bill that gave effect to the X Case judgment (i.e. the one that gave us the verrrrry restrictive abortion rights we now have) and it was nasssty. While women can still go to the UK, people over here just want to sweep the problem under the proverbial.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 29
Joined: Feb. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: June 04 2015,16:04   

Can someone help us with this creationists, named Recon4502, arguing right now on Yahoo Science News?  The report is titled "20 - Foot Monster Shark Once Trolled Mesozoic Seas."  The thread can be easily found under the "Most Replied" button.   We evolutionists seem to be loosing the argument if you ask me.  Here is his latest two posts in response to a guy named "LibItUp."

Recon4502’s 9th response

"Biological systems have mechanisms to counteract deadly UV rays….melanin being the major one in skin."---

Yes they do "ALREADY" have it (Chloroplasts/Metabolic Pathways) and DNA (The Information Program)..... How did "Nature" wicker these up?

I think you may be confused about what evolution is....

"I’m a little out of the loop on the subject of abiogenesis"---

Abiogenesis is evolution, it has to be:

From two of the Fathers of 20th Century evolution theory...

‘General Theory of Evolution’, defined by the evolutionist Kerkut as ‘the theory that all the living forms in the world have arisen from a single source which itself came from an inorganic form.’
Kerkut, G.A., Implications of Evolution, Pergamon, Oxford, UK, p. 157, 1960.

"Evolution comprises all the stages of the development of the universe: the cosmic, biological, and human or cultural developments. Attempts to restrict the concept of evolution to biology are gratuitous. Life is a product of the evolution of inorganic nature, and man is a product of the evolution of life."
Dobzhansky T.G. "Changing Man", Science, 27 January 1967, Vol. 155. No 3761. p 409

"and just because we haven’t explained or accounted for a completely “natural” cause yet, doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist "---

Ahhh this isn't an argument for ignorance sir. I already told you that: 1. Functional DNA/RNA/Proteins NEVER spontaneously form "naturally", outside already existing cells, from Sugars, Bases, Phosphates, and Aminos, respectively.
It's Physically and Chemically IMPOSSIBLE.

To Refute......SHOW ONE "Functional" 30 mer RNA or Protein "Naturally" wicker itself up!! CITE SOURCE. You do understand that: The DeltaG for Nucleosides wickering themselves together from bases and sugars is positive as is the Phosphorylation into Nucleotides along with 50 other CRUCIAL reactions from the "Building Blocks". Sunlight is a severe demonstrable antagonist to ALL of it (as it destroys Nucleic and Amino Acids). That's not even speaking to: Stereoisomerization, Hydrolysis/Brownian Motion, pH, and Cross Reactions from here to Christmas. I'd also like to see the precursors for those Bases (purines and pyrimidines) all "Natural" like within the constraints of 2LOT.

And this is before INFORMATION/CODE/Software.

"Define “naturally?”---

Without Intelligent Manipulation.

"But this aside…you still seem to be synonymously equating evolution with atheism….fallacy!"---

I don't think so, evolution directly contradicts What GOD Said.

"doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist and science should stop trying."---

ahhh, this isn't science. The First Step in the Scientific Method is OBSERVE a Phenomenon not "Conjure" a Phenomenon. Has anyone seen Life come from Non-Life? If not, this is Pseudo-Science.

"We also know that viruses exist"---

Sir, ahh Viruses are Obligate Parasites that means they NEED LIFE FIRST ESTABLISHED to exist.

"2. How Did Stupid Atoms Create Their Own Software....? I’m not saying that and neither is evolutionary science."---

Yes, They MUST say that to VALIDATE the "alleged" Theory.

"but thus so far it can’t be rigorously and empirically verified."---

Say What?

Recon4502’s 10th response:

"First of all, I might take a slightly different stance that Mayr."---

Really, for what reason and by what Authority?

"evolution attempts to make real time empirical observations, which we have done and thoroughly documented with micro-evolution, speciation, etc."---

Equivocation Fallacy - "Micro" evolution/Speciation isn't evolution. All these are, is Change in Allele Frequency OR better stated: Genetic Variation.

"Would you deny that we have experimentally observed micro-evolution, or the change in the allele frequency of a population over time, or speciation for that matter."---

"I pointed out more than a decade ago (1977) that the reductionist explanation, so widely adopted in recent decades — evolution is a change in gene frequencies in populations — is not only not explanatory, but is in fact misleading."
Mayr E. Toward a New Philosophy of Biology. Cambridge (MA): The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1988. p, 162.

"Why do people like you, many of whom have no problem with micro-evolution (don’t know if this pertains to you or not), make this, what seems to me an arbitrary cut off between micro-and macro-evolution?"---

This equation is a Observable, Measurable, Repeatable, and is a Scientific FACT:

1. "Micro"-evolution: Change in Allele frequency, This is (Humans: Tall/Short, Green Eyes/Blue Eyes, Dark Skin/Light Skin, Puerto Rican/ Greenland Eskimo ... Dogs: Big/Small, Short hair/Long hair, Boxer/Collie) THEY'RE STILL DOGS and HUMANS!

This Equation is an Epic Fairytale with NO PROOF (ZERO).
2. "Macro"- evolution: "Bacteria to Boy Scout"....

Natural Selection + Random Mutations + Billions of years = darwinian evolution

If evolution is TRUE, then show 1 PROOF of this! You must show a Family Taxonomic Group or higher change to prove evolution and discredit the Biblical Account.
And please, don't say because #1 is True then Ipso Facto #2 is True.

It appears evolutionists are using the ole "Bait and Switch" technique. Taking "Micro"- evolution" and "Grandfathering" these into darwinian evolution or "Macro"-evolution"... in a pathetic attempt to feign credulity with the former without explaining the latter. There is a very significant distinction. “Micro"-evolution, by definition, is the same thing as genetic variation (the shuffling of pre-existing genetic information). It is both observable and observed, measurable and measured, repeatable and repeated—in short, it has been scientifically verified as a natural phenomenon. However, in every single case, the organism that has undergone the variation is the SAME KIND OF ORGANISM!
“Macro"-evolution” or (Bacteria to Boy Scout) on the other hand, has not been verified as a natural phenomenon. It has not been observed, measured, or repeated. No natural mechanism has successfully been put forth as the means by which new and more complex genetic information is generated so as to result in unequivocally new traits, organs, and organisms. “Macro"-evolution is an entirely contrived notion, extrapolated, with no empirical basis, from “Micro"-evolution.
The distinction is both precise and significant. To blur the distinction is to show contempt for empirical science and mix fact with fantasy.

"What is macro-evolution but evolution on a micro scale over long periods of time?"--


Chicago Field Museum of Natural History Conference on 'Macroevolution'

"The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. At the risk of doing violence to the positions of some of the people at the meeting, the answer can be given as a clear, No."
Roger Lewin PhD, Science (Vol. 210(4472):883–887, 1980.


Does anyone have any ideas to rebut his arguments...

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: June 04 2015,18:06   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ June 04 2015,16:04)
Can someone help us with this creationists, named Recon4502, arguing right now on Yahoo Science News?  The report is titled "20 - Foot Monster Shark Once Trolled Mesozoic Seas."  The thread can be easily found under the "Most Replied" button.   We evolutionists seem to be loosing the argument if you ask me.  Here is his latest two posts in response to a guy named "LibItUp."

Just ignore him.  He's a classic YEC moron just doing the Gish Gallop with the usual PRATT stuff he C&Ped from AIG and ICR.

Give him a link to TalkOrigins "29+ Evidences for Macroevolution" then go have a beer.

29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: The Scientific Case for Common Descent

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2015,12:16   

crack monkey markuze sentenced to therapy

Edited by stevestory on June 05 2015,13:45


Posts: 1218
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(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2015,12:28   

Steve Story sent to LINK SCHOOL.


I'll send YOUR FACE to link school! -SteveTard

Edited by stevestory on June 05 2015,13:46


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(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2015,12:48   



Posts: 3504
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(Permalink) Posted: June 05 2015,21:41   

Quote (Woodbine @ June 05 2015,10:28)
Steve Story sent to LINK SCHOOL.


I'll send YOUR FACE to link school! -SteveTard

here it is without the break:

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 29
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,17:00   

If someone would be kind enough to humor me a bit, I have a question perhaps someone can help me with.....and then again maybe not.  

I love learning about science in general, but mostly I find myself drawn to the evolution/creation/ID controversy.  I also love art and have drawn dinosaurs since childhood.  If I was to go back to college, what career major would you guys think is good to delve into the evolution/creation issue.

To throw out some ideas, I've thought about becoming a professor of evolutionary biology and paleontology so I can have a source of income and then write my own books on the evolution/creation controversy with my own 3D digital illustrations in my off time.  I would also like to make documentaries and movies on evolution/creation.

I'm torn between getting a degree as a fully fledged 3D digital artist/illustrator and applying my skills for science and to do some of the book and movie projects I mentioned and selling them for educational purposes or actually becoming a professor and keeping my art skills as a hobby for the purposes I mentioned.  

Any ideas??  What do some of you guys do as a career that allows you to get into this subject so much?  It's not something I'd like to do just in my free-time....


Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,18:05   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ June 08 2015,17:00)
If someone would be kind enough to humor me a bit, I have a question perhaps someone can help me with.....and then again maybe not.  

I love learning about science in general, but mostly I find myself drawn to the evolution/creation/ID controversy.  I also love art and have drawn dinosaurs since childhood.  If I was to go back to college, what career major would you guys think is good to delve into the evolution/creation issue.

To throw out some ideas, I've thought about becoming a professor of evolutionary biology and paleontology so I can have a source of income and then write my own books on the evolution/creation controversy with my own 3D digital illustrations in my off time.  I would also like to make documentaries and movies on evolution/creation.

I'm torn between getting a degree as a fully fledged 3D digital artist/illustrator and applying my skills for science and to do some of the book and movie projects I mentioned and selling them for educational purposes or actually becoming a professor and keeping my art skills as a hobby for the purposes I mentioned.  

Any ideas??  What do some of you guys do as a career that allows you to get into this subject so much?  It's not something I'd like to do just in my free-time....

Right now, I could probably get you a job starting at 60k+ a year as a graphic designer. There's a desperate need for such... in certain markets.

I'll let the current professors speak to their areas, but I wouldn't touch Academia with a ten-meter cattle prod. Maybe, if I could get on with Lenski or Shubin, I'd go that route, but I'm hearing horror stories from the non-tenure crowd. My wife has had her terminal degree for almost 5 years now and has gotten one interview... and that's in Central Texas with a ton of universities and colleges.

That's one reason I haven't gone that route. The other is that, honestly, I'd be bored silly sitting through class after class on stuff I could teach.

Though, if you're interested, I've got about 30,000 words on an evolution book and am working diligently (meaning, whenever I feel inspired and my TV is busy showing something I don't want to watch).

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 29
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,20:13   

Quote (OgreMkV @ June 08 2015,18:05)
[quote=OgreMkV,June 08 2015,18:05]
I'll let the current professors speak to their areas, but I wouldn't touch Academia with a ten-meter cattle prod. Maybe, if I could get on with Lenski or Shubin, I'd go that route, but I'm hearing horror stories from the non-tenure crowd. My wife has had her terminal degree for almost 5 years now and has gotten one interview... and that's in Central Texas with a ton of universities and colleges.

That's one reason I haven't gone that route. The other is that, honestly, I'd be bored silly sitting through class after class on stuff I could teach.

Though, if you're interested, I've got about 30,000 words on an evolution book and am working diligently (meaning, whenever I feel inspired and my TV is busy showing something I don't want to watch).

Thanks for the advice OgreMkV....very helpful.  I have a good university lined up, East Tennessee State University.  They have a good 3D digital arts-graphics department, but they also have a paleontology degree with the Grey Fossil Site and Natural History Museum nearby.  Of course they have the general degrees in evolutionary biology and that sort of thing.  
I've heard similar stories about academia as you stated.  It may be the downgrading in funding that's killing it.  I recently talked to a woman with a degree in evolutionary biology working as a cashier at a local book store.  I was actually buying books about  
I've entertained the graphics degree more and the thought of tailoring my skills for science.  But it seems to me if I wrote and illustrated my own books about evolution, to be taken seriously I'd need academic credentials in the pertinent fields.  Otherwise, how can one compete with Richard Dawkins and the like?  Richard has a degree in both writing and evolutionary biology.  Maybe in order to make popular science materials of the sort I'm interested in I'd need two degrees......Geeeze!!!  
Maybe the documentary area is a good niche?  I believe many documentaries on evolution don't make the ideas clear enough to educate the masses.  
I'd love to be able to dive into a book right now and take you up on your offer but now is not a very good time.  I'm working on getting things settled to make the move to ETSU, if I can make a decision on a major.  What I don't want to do is spend a lot of time and money to get a degree that I can't use.  I'm going to speak with some advisors in the science departments pretty soon here and hopefully things will be worked out for the fall.  I thought getting some advise from other interested in evolution, like yourself would be helpful as well.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,20:31   

Quote (OgreMkV @ June 08 2015,18:05)
Quote (OgreMkV @ June 08 2015,18:05)

Right now, I could probably get you a job starting at 60k+ a year as a graphic designer. There's a desperate need for such... in certain markets.

I'll let the current professors speak to their areas, but I wouldn't touch Academia with a ten-meter cattle prod. Maybe, if I could get on with Lenski or Shubin, I'd go that route, but I'm hearing horror stories from the non-tenure crowd. My wife has had her terminal degree for almost 5 years now and has gotten one interview... and that's in Central Texas with a ton of universities and colleges.

That's one reason I haven't gone that route. The other is that, honestly, I'd be bored silly sitting through class after class on stuff I could teach.

Though, if you're interested, I've got about 30,000 words on an evolution book and am working diligently (meaning, whenever I feel inspired and my TV is busy showing something I don't want to watch).

Are you saying that you can get me a job right now making 60k/yr illustrating this book of yours?  I only have a few semesters of college level graphic arts courses under my belt currently and the rest is self taught as a freelance artist.  That's why I've wanted to go back to college to get an actually degree in graphics.  But hey if you can get me a job right now with my current skill level I'd look at it.  

I can do any type of 2D vector art suitable for illustrations like you see on UC Berkely evolution website, such as their evograms.  As an example, if you go to this website:

and scroll halfway down to the illustration labelled the "Skull of Probainognathus, an early synapsid," this is the type of vector art I can do.  It is suitable for any book really.    

I can also do any type of digital painting.  The 3D area is where I need to expand my skills.  Send me some more information if you please.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,20:36   

Quote (OgreMkV @ June 08 2015,18:05)
Right now, I could probably get you a job starting at 60k+ a year as a graphic designer. There's a desperate need for such... in certain markets.

I'll let the current professors speak to their areas, but I wouldn't touch Academia with a ten-meter cattle prod. Maybe, if I could get on with Lenski or Shubin, I'd go that route, but I'm hearing horror stories from the non-tenure crowd. My wife has had her terminal degree for almost 5 years now and has gotten one interview... and that's in Central Texas with a ton of universities and colleges.

That's one reason I haven't gone that route. The other is that, honestly, I'd be bored silly sitting through class after class on stuff I could teach.

Though, if you're interested, I've got about 30,000 words on an evolution book and am working diligently (meaning, whenever I feel inspired and my TV is busy showing something I don't want to watch).

Oh an I meant to ask you what kinds of markets have a "desperate" need for graphic artists?  Is is for general science illustrators?


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,21:51   

No, I meant in the company I work for. It's a publishing company, textbooks and the like. One division or another is always hiring and good graphic artists are surprisingly difficult to find.

I'd be thrilled to get one with some science background. Right now, I do concert art in MS Paint and the artists copy that into whatever they use and straighten all the lines out and call it done. The thought of needing them to do a crystal structure or even a cladogram fills me with dread.

As far as the book, I am working on it. It's just a different take on the evidence for evolution. Instead of dumbing it down to sound bites, my idea is to ramp up the readers knowledge of basics, then work forward through evolutionary evidence.

I had been working on it for about 4 months when Bill Nye debated Ham and released his own book two weeks later. Pissed me off to no end.

I think it can be done. But working a full time job, with a kid, and trying to write a non-fiction book is tough. Right now I haven't touched in a month. I just can't seem to make the time. It's been a rough couple of months.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2015,22:05   

Of course, if you learn Java and have an interest in user interface, I know a dozen places in Austin that would start you at six figures... just food for thought.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 09 2015,00:13   

Quote (OgreMkV @ June 08 2015,21:51)
No, I meant in the company I work for. It's a publishing company, textbooks and the like. One division or another is always hiring and good graphic artists are surprisingly difficult to find.

I'd be thrilled to get one with some science background. Right now, I do concert art in MS Paint and the artists copy that into whatever they use and straighten all the lines out and call it done. The thought of needing them to do a crystal structure or even a cladogram fills me with dread.

As far as the book, I am working on it. It's just a different take on the evidence for evolution. Instead of dumbing it down to sound bites, my idea is to ramp up the readers knowledge of basics, then work forward through evolutionary evidence.

I had been working on it for about 4 months when Bill Nye debated Ham and released his own book two weeks later. Pissed me off to no end.

I think it can be done. But working a full time job, with a kid, and trying to write a non-fiction book is tough. Right now I haven't touched in a month. I just can't seem to make the time. It's been a rough couple of months.

Oooh....they are always hiring you say?  May I kindly request more info via PM or however?  I would have thought medical illustrators would suite your needs?  Unless there is a shortage of the too.  I did complete a BS in biology in 2007, but to me that doesn't seem to qualify one to write and sell non-fiction science books.  I started as a graphics art major and switched to science in the hopes of becoming a physical therapist.  The prospects of making good money is what lured me in this direction, but after working as a PT tech for five years, starting my senior year in college, I realized this was a mistake.  I found the medical field to be just plain boring.  Helping people was nice but overall there was a serious lack of creativity.
Luckily I've managed to saved up enough money to take a second go at it and maybe get the degree that I initially started.  If so, that science and medical experience may turn out to come in handy if what you're saying it true.
It would be best to attend an accredited medical/science illustration college, but there are none in my state and out of state tuition is to expensive.  ETSU has a good program that let's students tailor their portfolios to any subject. For me that will be science oriented stuff, particularly relating to evolution.  My dream would be to make dino and paleontology documentaries like Walking With Dinosaurs.  It'd be great to work on a high quality CGI documentary that in detail traces the evolution of life and clearly lays out the evidence; maybe even a feature film doc to complete with Ken Ham's Genesis movie they are trying to get into theaters.

I'd be happy to let you see some of my work if you're interested, but it seems wise to go ahead and get the actual degree in 3D art if I go down that road, especially since it can be done debt free.  Personally, I would just feel more confident in tackling tasks I've never done before, and from my research that's in the 3D arena.  With this type of degree and my science background you say I would be in demand to work for companies like yours?  If so, that thought is nudging me closer to going ahead and get the art degree.  Does your company do 3D science art?

You seem to be taking an interesting approach to your book.  PM me if you want and let me know what kinds of images and illustrations you are needing and I'll let you know if I can help you out.  It might be possible to cram in a few projects before I decide if and when to start school, which is hopefully soon; maybe even by the fall.  It's kind of busy for me right now as well.  Keep chipping away and that book will give Nye a run for his money.

Thanks for the info on Java.  I also managed to get in a few programming classes in college, C for example...maybe enough experience to branch out.


Posts: 65
Joined: April 2010

(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2015,10:21   

[Reads the news that SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favour of Same-Sex Marriage.]

[Runs to COSTCO to buy enough popcorn for the inevitable KF meltdown.]

I might need to make two trips.


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2015,11:03   

Quote (Mindrover @ June 26 2015,08:21)
[Reads the news that SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favour of Same-Sex Marriage.]

[Runs to COSTCO to buy enough popcorn for the inevitable KF meltdown.]

I might need to make two trips.

Don't forget to get enough for the incoming Arrington apoplexy while you're at it.  You'll be needing a fleet of trucks.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


Posts: 525
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(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2015,11:07   

Quote (Mindrover @ June 26 2015,10:21)
[Reads the news that SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favour of Same-Sex Marriage.]

[Runs to COSTCO to buy enough popcorn for the inevitable KF meltdown.]

I might need to make two trips.

No doubt they'll be predicting the biggest cataclysm since Ar-Pharazon violated the sanctity of the Undying Lands.


Posts: 1218
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(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2015,13:55   

Quote (JohnW @ June 26 2015,17:03)
Quote (Mindrover @ June 26 2015,08:21)
[Reads the news that SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favour of Same-Sex Marriage.]

[Runs to COSTCO to buy enough popcorn for the inevitable KF meltdown.]

I might need to make two trips.

Don't forget to get enough for the incoming Arrington apoplexy while you're at it.  You'll be needing a fleet of trucks.

And leave room on the plate for VJ Torley's* 20,000 word treatise on why homoism is contrary to God's Natural Law.

*Or is it another chap? my mind they're all forming into a collective meta-tard.....yes I stole that phrase.


Posts: 2729
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(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2015,14:54   

Quote (Woodbine @ June 26 2015,14:55)
Quote (JohnW @ June 26 2015,17:03)
Quote (Mindrover @ June 26 2015,08:21)
[Reads the news that SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favour of Same-Sex Marriage.]

[Runs to COSTCO to buy enough popcorn for the inevitable KF meltdown.]

I might need to make two trips.

Don't forget to get enough for the incoming Arrington apoplexy while you're at it.  You'll be needing a fleet of trucks.

And leave room on the plate for VJ Torley's* 20,000 word treatise on why homoism is contrary to God's Natural Law.

*Or is it another chap? my mind they're all forming into a collective meta-tard.....yes I stole that phrase.

It's an appallingly silly argument.  If it's against natural law, it cannot happen in nature, or naturally.
Yet homosexuality is found in essentially all sexually dimorphic species.  Sex change is common in plants and fishes, at least.
Very hard to support 'natural law' when nature doesn't play along.

Of course, it also relies on the entirely unsupportable notion that 'humans' are somehow not part of 'nature'.  So we're 'unnatural' then?
Idiots, the lot of them.  As their 'arguments' and pretense to sophistication demonstrate.


Posts: 1337
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(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2015,15:11   

Quote (JohnW @ June 26 2015,17:03)
Quote (Mindrover @ June 26 2015,08:21)
[Reads the news that SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favour of Same-Sex Marriage.]

[Runs to COSTCO to buy enough popcorn for the inevitable KF meltdown.]

I might need to make two trips.

Don't forget to get enough for the incoming Arrington apoplexy while you're at it.  You'll be needing a fleet of trucks.

Yoo hoo! Baaaarrrrryyyyyyy!

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: July 04 2015,13:44   

FireWorks ..

When Marco Polo first opened the trade routes to China, he was quite impressed with their rockets.

Now, these weren't quite the fireworks we now know, but they did shoot into the air, explode and make some pretty patterns. Strangely, no matter where he went, there were people who made fireworks, but he had trouble finding someone to demonstrate them for him.

"Not here!" they said. ...very confusing.

Until ol' Marc came upon an ancient military fortification at the community of Chu'Lai. Here, fireworks were launched every night, and Marc was very impressed!

But still he wondered, "Why here?"

At the end of every week, people came from great distances, bringing their own fireworks to launch.

So Marco Polo asked his guide why everyone came here to launch their fireworks.

Marc's guide replied: "Why honored Sir, we always set off fireworks on the Forts of Chu'Lai"



Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: July 04 2015,16:08   

Quote (Henry J @ July 04 2015,19:44)
FireWorks ..

When Marco Polo first opened the trade routes to China, he was quite impressed with their rockets.

Now, these weren't quite the fireworks we now know, but they did shoot into the air, explode and make some pretty patterns. Strangely, no matter where he went, there were people who made fireworks, but he had trouble finding someone to demonstrate them for him.

"Not here!" they said. ...very confusing.

Until ol' Marc came upon an ancient military fortification at the community of Chu'Lai. Here, fireworks were launched every night, and Marc was very impressed!

But still he wondered, "Why here?"

At the end of every week, people came from great distances, bringing their own fireworks to launch.

So Marco Polo asked his guide why everyone came here to launch their fireworks.

Marc's guide replied: "Why honored Sir, we always set off fireworks on the Forts of Chu'Lai"


I'm sorry.

We have no option.

Henry, you are sentenced to The Earworm.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 525
Joined: April 2013

(Permalink) Posted: July 04 2015,16:24   

Quote (Amadan @ July 04 2015,16:08)
Quote (Henry J @ July 04 2015,19:44)
FireWorks ..

When Marco Polo first opened the trade routes to China, he was quite impressed with their rockets.

Now, these weren't quite the fireworks we now know, but they did shoot into the air, explode and make some pretty patterns. Strangely, no matter where he went, there were people who made fireworks, but he had trouble finding someone to demonstrate them for him.

"Not here!" they said. ...very confusing.

Until ol' Marc came upon an ancient military fortification at the community of Chu'Lai. Here, fireworks were launched every night, and Marc was very impressed!

But still he wondered, "Why here?"

At the end of every week, people came from great distances, bringing their own fireworks to launch.

So Marco Polo asked his guide why everyone came here to launch their fireworks.

Marc's guide replied: "Why honored Sir, we always set off fireworks on the Forts of Chu'Lai"


I'm sorry.

We have no option.

Henry, you are sentenced to The Earworm.

It would appear that the British didn't bombard Fort McHenry enough.


Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: July 25 2015,08:13   

At last! The real reason wingnuts oppose measures to combat global warming!

Emissions Threaten Age of Uncertainty for Carbon Dating
LONDON—Climate change driven by increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide will not just damage the health of the planet. A UK scientist now warns that it will also make life increasingly difficult for archaeologists, forensic scientists, art experts, fraud and forgery detectives, and people who detect ivory poachers. ....
If emissions continue under the now-notorious “business as usual” scenario, then by 2050 a brand-new cotton shirt will have the same radiocarbon-dating age as the cloak worn by William the Conqueror when he invaded Britain in 1066.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 06 2015,17:52   

[Graffiti moved to Bathroom Wall. - stevestory]

Quote (Amadan @ Sep. 06 2015,15:17)
Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 06 2015,18:50)
next time they go off talking about Natural Law blah blah, this might be a good part of someone's response:

Ah, but they were all Democrats!

there's a right-of-center blog i visit where the resident RWNJ has been trying to get mileage of the fact that Kim Davis, like a lot of people in southern local politics, for primary-runoff historical reasons is registered as a Democrat.

He's not the brightest knife in the drawer.


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 06 2015,17:54   

bumpity bump.

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