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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Rilke's Granddaughter

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,12:22   

Dave, BWE makes a sound point.  Your ignorance per se is not a problem.  Your over-inflated ego is not a problem.

What is disturbing is your complete and total lack of intellectual integrity and your highly unChristian behavior.

A person with intelligence would have recognized that he had made a stupid statement.

A person with intellectual integrity would have admitted it and moved on.

A moron would have done neither.

Guess which of these courses of action you took.

Need a hint?  :)

Rilke's Granddaughter

Posts: 311
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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,12:59   

Quote (afdave @ May 19 2006,13:59)
Rilke-- You are foaming at the mouth because you are afraid of my wager which you know you will lose on the "Evolution" thread ... go check an encyclopedia that you have to pay for (instead of Wikipedia).

Rilke went into a tirade and called me an idiot on the "Evolution" thread because I said Portuguese was a mixture of Spanish and French.  I challenged her to a wager that I'm right and now she realizes she's in a hole.

Maybe someone would loan her the money?

Oh, by the way Dave, you said I should check a 'real' encyclopedia.  So I did.
Portuguese  Português,   Romance language spoken in Portugal, Brazil, and Portuguese colonial and formerly colonial territories. Galician, spoken in northwestern Spain, is a dialect of Portuguese. Written materials in Portuguese date from a property agreement of the late 12th century, and literary works appeared in the 13th and 14th centuries.

Standard Portuguese is based on the dialect of Lisbon. Dialectal variation within the country is not great, but Brazilian Portuguese varies from European Portuguese in several respects, including several sound changes and some differences in verb conjugation and syntax; for example, object pronouns occur before the verb in Brazilian Portuguese, as in Spanish, but after the verb in standard Portuguese. The four major dialect groups of Portuguese are Northern Portuguese, or Galician, Central Portuguese, Southern Portuguese (including the dialect of Lisbon), and Insular Portuguese (including Brazilian and Madeiran). Portuguese is often mutually intelligible with Spanish despite differences in phonology, grammar, and vocabulary.

Typical of the Portuguese sound system is the use of nasal vowels, indicated in the orthography by m or n following the vowel (e.g., sim “yes,” bem “well”) or by the use of a tilde (~) over the vowel (mão “hand,” nação “nation”). In grammar its verb system is quite different from that of Spanish. Portuguese has a conjugated or personal infinitive and a future subjunctive and uses the verb ter (Latin tenere, Spanish tener “to have, to hold”) as an auxiliary verb instead of haver (Latin habere, Spanish haber “to have”; in Spanish used only as an auxiliary verb).

It's from the Encyclopedia Brittanica.  I don't see much in there about a 'mixture' of French and Spanish.

Would you like me to loan you the money?  :)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,21:16   

Quote (afdave @ May 19 2006,08:28)


It is after you have realised that there is a real Moral Law, and a Power behind the law, and that you have broken that law and put yourself wrong with that Power--it is after all this, and not a moment sooner, that Christianity begins to talk.

When you know you are sick, you will listen to the doctor.

C.S. Lewis writes the same old Christian sermon: You're a sinner, you know it and don't you feel bad? When you're properly guilty and ashamed you'll magically realize the "Truth"™ of Dave's silly religion.

Any morality that's based on a non-human, unyielding structure, set above and beyond human values is dangerous to human beings.

History gives us tons of evidence of what is wrong with using Dave's moral arguments as a starting point. From the Spanish Inquisition and witch burning to Muslims flying planes into American skyscrapers. People die and suffer because they don't believe in someone else's version of god. It goes on in the Bible's Old Testament itself and cannot be separated from that religion.

Instead of our laws and morals serving us, they serve a fantasy god, and through the fantasy god they actually serve the power of those who claim to speak for that god.

Look at the kind of people that religion empowers in our world. From Osama bin Laden to Jerry Falwell  and Pat Robertson.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,13:02   

Rilke ---

(and everyone else who followed her)

You might want to go check the "AF Dave Wants You to Prove Evolution" thread ...

You just crashed and burned about your Portuguese thing.

It was nice knowing you :-)

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,13:07   

Quote (afdave @ May 20 2006,18:02)
You just crashed and burned about your Portuguese thing.

What color is the sky on your planet?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,13:23   

no, ask him how many moons!  sky colors are too variable.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,16:19   

What color is the sky on your planet?

Norm, my friend ... it's no use ... don't make it worse for your team than it already is ...

Just go call 911 and get an ambulance and they'll come and fix you and Rilke and everybody else ...

Then you will be all nice and recovered for battle on Monday morning.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,16:39   

what you just did there is called "projection", Dave.

Do you know what that means?

Well, it really doesn't matter, but trust me when I say that you saying WE need to call for treatment is pretty funny, and #### near exactly what I would expect you to say.

did you know that schizophrenics often think that it's the rest of the world that's gone crazy, not themselves?

How would you solve that dilemma, Dave?

I'm of the strong opinion that the reason you have stuck it out here so long is because you are really crying out for help.

Sorry, I don't think anybody here has the background to properly help you with your particular affliction, but I hope that putting pressure on you here will perhaps get you to consider seeking treatment yourself.

there's nothing bad about mental illness; it's just like any other illness, and can be treated as such.

However, just like any other illness, if left untreated it can get worse.  Moreover, since you have family, it can be contagious, in several senses.  there might be a genetic component to it, in which case you need to be VERY careful about how you expose your kids to how you think, as they might as easily as an addict become just like you.

really Dave, there's nothing more clear to any of us here than the fact that you have been posting here for over a month, and have presented nothing but speculation, denial, and projection in your posts.

No hard evidence, nothing to indicate you can mentally process the arguments or information presented by any of us here WRT the ToE.

there's only one conclusion to make.

You need help.

seek it and you'll be happier.  Your wife will be happier.  Your kids will go farther in life.

good things all around.


Posts: 287
Joined: July 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,16:45   

Quote (afdave @ May 20 2006,21:19)
What color is the sky on your planet?

Norm, my friend ... it's no use ... don't make it worse for your team than it already is ...

We saw you moving the goal post, Dave. The language argument is down to pointless hair splitting about what you meant. Call it a pointless mess that can never be settled.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,16:52   

Now get back to the fun stuff. explain to us, AFDave, why the earth is a few thousand years old.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,17:12   


oh yes, by all means...

On with the show.

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
Were so glad you could attend
Come inside! come inside!
There behind a glass is a real blade of grass
Be careful as you pass.
Move along! move along!

Come inside, the shows about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured youll get your moneys worth
The greatest show in heaven, he11 or earth.
Youve got to see the show, its a dynamo.
Youve got to see the show, its rock and roll ....

Soon the gypsy queen in a glaze of vaseline
Will perform on guillotine
What a scene! what a scene!
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand
To alexanders ragtime band
Roll up! roll up! roll up!
See the show!

Performing on a stool weve a sight to make you drool
Seven virgins and a mule
Keep it cool. keep it cool.
We would like it to be known the exhibits that were shown
Were exclusively our own,
All our own. all our own.
Come and see the show! come and see the show! come and see the show!
See the show!

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,17:17   

Quote (afdave @ May 20 2006,18:02)
You just crashed and burned about your Portuguese thing.

Um, Dave?

I have a PhD in linguistics, and I can tell you: if you say Portuguese is a mixture of Spanish and French, you have NO IDEA AT ALL what you're talking about.

Portuguese is most closely related to Spanish, by a long shot. It is most similar to Spanish in lexicon, grammar, and morphology. I have known speakers of one who claim they can understand the other. If you can read one, reading the other is not too difficult. Neither statement is true of French. The massive sound changes Portuguese underwent differentiating it from Spanish have NOTHING to do with French.

Besides, Dave, how can Portuguese be a 'mixture' of Spanish and French when Portugal is several hundred miles from France?

I'm afraid your approach to linguistics is just about as rigorous as your approach to biology and geology.

I assure you, Rilke's GD does not owe you any money.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,17:27   

it never ceases to amaze me what a diverse group we have hanging about.

now we know where to go with linguistics questions.

thanks Arden.

I'm sure Dave will be correcting you any moment



Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,18:15   

I'm quite sure Davey-dog will be offering a correction. I understand where he is coming from. Judging from the dates, I assume he is referring to the Auto de Partilhas being the first document written in what we can call portuguese. I think I can make an argument that he is wrong. It will in fact, prove Davey-dog's intelligence (or lack thereof) because I think either side could be debated well. I'm truly not sure if he knows something I don't. But like I promised him in that thread, I just think he is an idiot so I will do no research until he accepts or rejects my wager. Arden, I may need some help with verbs.

Davey-dog, you are an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,18:18   

I'm taking odds on this wager, if accepted.

don't ask me to cover any bets.  ;)

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,18:40   

The problem is I haven't been following the two AFDave threads for a while, so I'm having to play catch up here.

Okay, this seems to be the 'meat' of AFD's argument:


1)  AF Dave says that Spanish and Portuguese were essentially the same language until 1143 AD when Portugal broke away from Spanish control under a French nobleman by the name of Henry of Burgundy.  From this point on, the languages diverged into the modern situation.  The primary influence on the linguistic divergence was the French language.

And, by the same logic, because some Hessian and Polish generals helped out Washington in the Revolutionary War, American English is actually a mixture of English, German and Polish. [SARCASM]

I think Dave here is trying to say that because the French had an influence on Portuguese history, that means that 'Portuguese is a mixture of French and Spanish'.

So we can add linguistics to the list of disciplines that AFDave knows nothing about but thinks he knows about.

I repeat: the language that Portuguese is closest to is Spanish. By a big margin. This is exactly what we'd expect, since Portuguese borders on no language OTHER than Spanish.

Spanish and Portuguese are quite close. They share a huge amount of morphology and vocab. They even share the dozens of Arabic loans that entered Iberian Romance during the Moorish occupation of Iberia. (Words that are absent from French.)

Spanish and Portuguese are also reputed to sort-of be mutually intelligible. That is, fluent speakers of one can understand much of the other. I've never heard ANYONE claim that Portuguese and French are that way.

I think what AFDave is trying to say is "I don't understand Portuguese or Spanish, but Portuguese kinda sounds like French, and I heard the French played a role in Portuguese history. Therefore, Portuguese must be a combination of Spanish and French!"

You can see the similarities to how he argues about evolution. This is definitely a man capable of thinking the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Another point: the only way Portuguese could be a mixture of Spanish and French would be if French had the opportunity to influence Portuguese in a big way. This would involve massive bilingualism between Portuguese and French, for example with a huge influx of French speakers inhabiting Portugal, or if the Portuguese speech community bordered on the French speech community. Neither of these things happened.

It is not nearly enough for the French to have influenced the course of Portuguese history to claim this indicates Portuguese is a 'mix' of Spanish and French. And saying things like "But Portuguese and French both have nasals and that 'zh' sound!" isn't enough, either. You'd have to find ways in which Portuguese became grammatically more like French, or a large body of French loanwords in Portuguese. I challenge Dave to show us such things.

I also invite AFDave to find an article by an authority on Romance linguistics (a real linguist) who claims there is a French influence on Portuguese. Vague similarities and political connections don't prove it.

The burden of proof is on Dave here, since no linguist I can find anywhere backs him up.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 846
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,18:50   

It' s like i said earlier, Arden.

Dave sees phonetic similarity and assumes it had something to do with the actual history and genesis of the language to begin with.

kind of like thinking an orange is a lemon because they're both round.

so... you too see the similarity in argument between the two topics Dave knows nothing about.

Now we need to see Dave argue something he actually DOES know something about.

so far he has refused to do so.


Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,18:55   

Quote (afdave @ May 20 2006,21:19)
Just go call 911 and get an ambulance and they'll come and fix you and Rilke and everybody else ...

Then you will be all nice and recovered for battle on Monday morning.

Wow. Dave, I had no idea you were this delusional.

If you think you've even begun to win an argument over linguistics here, you're hallucinating. You've been beaten, stabbed, shotgunned, hanged, burned, and had your ashes blown out of a cannon, and you think you've won something?

I'd hate to see what it would take to make you think you'd actually lost.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 846
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,19:06   

I'd hate to see what it would take to make you think you'd actually lost.

now were back to the "he11 freezing over" thing again.


Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,20:11   

Darn you guys. Hasn't anyone ever taught you how to bait a trap? You don't just stand around drinking beer and smoking cigarettes after you set the spring.  :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


Posts: 846
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,20:27   

don't get all hissy.

Dave will have forgotten everything said today by tommorrow anyway.

You need to wait for him to come back, and then try again.


Posts: 1621
Joined: April 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,01:59   

Arden said ...
Another point: the only way Portuguese could be a mixture of Spanish and French would be if French had the opportunity to influence Portuguese in a big way.

Uh ... er ... a big influence, huh ... like maybe thousands of French knights coming over to help Alfonso VI, maybe?  Did you even read my post?  Here's the part you might have missed ...
Of course if you get a good Medieval History Encyclopedia, you can get all kinds of details about this period in history when Portuguese and Spanish diverged.  What you will see is massive Burgundian influence beginning with the influx of thousands of Burgundian knights in response to Alfonso VI who had a Burgundian wife, then the Burgundian Henry, grandson of Robert I of Burgundy then to Afonso Henriques, son of Henry.  [Oh ... by the way ... I guess I'd better fill you in that Burgundy is in France ... small detail].  Anyway, Afonso Henriques captures Lisbon and sets up his capital.  Then if you do some further reading, you find out that standard Portuguese is based on the dialect of Lisbon, according to Rilke's other favorite source, Encyclopedia Brittanica.  Can you guess that Lisbon probably had greater French influence than anywhere else in Portugal?  I hope I'm not moving too fast for anyone.

Hmmm ... let's think now ... a whole bunch of French knights come into western Spain to help out the king who has a French wife.  Another French guy comes into Spain and marries a Spanish wife.  They take over Lisbon and set up the Kingdom of Portugal.  Do you see what's happening?  This is not rocket science folks.   This is kind of like 1+2=3.  See?  Spanish + French = Portuguese.

Now if you have all three of these languages in your own family (my mother speaks fluent Portuguese and Spanish and my cousin speaks fluent French), you tend to have a little better overview of these languages than the average Joe (or Rilke).  I can tell you that if you have heard all three languages like I have, the mix is quite obvious.

It doesn't take a PhD in linguistics to see this, Arden.  

If you want to argue something new, go start a new thread on Martin Luther, or the Catholic church, or Hitler or something else fun.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,02:09   

Well, I see that not everyone agrees with C.S. Lewis ... what a surprise!  I'm not going to spend any time trying to defend Lewis.  He goes into a lot of the objections raised here in the book, so go buy it and read it if you are interested.  I found his argument to be a compelling piece of evidence supporting the Creator God idea.

I see that many people still don't get it that the evidence I have presented so far is, in fact good evidence.  I would simply note that if a person does not want to believe something, the best thing to do is to call your ideological opponent an idiot, say his evidence is NOT evidence, etc.  Oh well ... it's not like I expected anyone to agree with me anyway.


New question (we'll be brief on this one):  Does everyone remember my argument which explains Evil in the World?  You know the analogy between parents and kids.  I would be interested in your comments on that ... do you think my argument is sound?  If not, why not ...

If necessary, I'll restate the argument when I have more time ...

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,02:34   

Hmmm ... let's think now ... a whole bunch of French knights come into western Spain to help out the king who has a French wife.  Another French guy comes into Spain and marries a Spanish wife.  They take over Lisbon and set up the Kingdom of Portugal.  Do you see what's happening?  This is not rocket science folks.   This is kind of like 1+2=3.  See?  Spanish <wife> + French <knights> = Portuguese <language.>

(edits mine)


Yeah, 1+2=3 alright... More like "Dog = 4 legs = table".
Dave, please.

OK, I'm having kind of a deja vu by doing this but, since I don't have time to play "Make fun of Dave" today, it will have to do for now:

Dave, check my links.


A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,03:35   

I'll go ahead and post this small piece again to remind everyone of the "Evil in the World" argument ...

The creation of mankind with a choice necessarily requires the possibility to evil, which by definition is "opposition to the will of the Creator."  What other definition makes sense?  What fun would it be for parents to have "robot children"?  It's a lot more fulfilling for parents to have kids that have a free will.  There is risk, to be sure.  Think about Jeffrey Dahmer's mom, but every day parents all over the world deem it worth the risk.  Why?  Because of the greater good which may result.  Their child maygrow up to be the next Louis Pasteur or Mother Teresa.  Why is this any different to visualize with God?  To me, it makes perfect sense that God would feel exactly the same way.  Does he want an earth full of zombie robots?  Of course not.  He wants people that have the ability to hate His guts, but make the conscious decision to love Him ... just like human parents do also.  And you can't escape this argument by saying "Well, it's different with God because supposedly He's all-powerful and all-knowing.  Why doesn't He intervene and just stop all this rot?  Well, He does sometimes--like with the Flood--and He will again at the End of Time.  This also is just like human parents.  They intervene sometimes in the lives of their children and they choose NOT to intervene sometimes because they want the child to learn some lesson.  What is so strange about this when it comes to thinking about God?

Everyone agree with this logic?  

Can we move on to Eric's age of the earth and Flood questions now?

(What links, Faid?)

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Shirley Knott

Posts: 148
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,04:34   

What logic?  A string of ruminations does not constitute logic, nor a logical argument.
Evil is not generally defined as "opposition to the will of the Creator".
Amongst other problems, and they are legion, you are assuming your conclusion.  Were this logic that would disqualify your 'argument' right there.
You have yet to show that the notion of 'Creator' as you use it is meaningful and possible.
You have yet to reconcile omniscience and omnipotence.
Similarly you have yet to reconcile omnipotence and omnibenevolence in the face of evil [in the normal sense of the term] which has nothing to do with human action or will.
You misreprsent the standard objection to your claims -- it is not the case that the argument from evil is "why doens't an all powerful and all knowing beingf stop this?", it is "how can a being described as all-knowing and all-powerful permit this in the first place".
I doubt you can see the distinction, although it is more obvious than the differences between French, Spanish, and Portuguese...

But by all means, please proceed with discussino of Eric's age of the earth and flood questions.  Just don't pretend that by 'moving on' anyone believes that you have settled anything you have moved past.
We really would like  to see you provide positive evidence for something, anything, at least once in this thread.
Should you do so, we might almost conclude that miracles can occur.
Since they cannot, we know a prior that you will not.

Shirley Knott

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,05:51   

Quote (afdave @ May 21 2006,06:59)
Arden said ...    
Another point: the only way Portuguese could be a mixture of Spanish and French would be if French had the opportunity to influence Portuguese in a big way.

Uh ... er ... a big influence, huh ... like maybe thousands of French knights coming over to help Alfonso VI, maybe?  Did you even read my post?  Here's the part you might have missed ...
Of course if you get a good Medieval History Encyclopedia, you can get all kinds of details about this period in history when Portuguese and Spanish diverged.  What you will see is massive Burgundian influence beginning with the influx of thousands of Burgundian knights in response to Alfonso VI who had a Burgundian wife, then the Burgundian Henry, grandson of Robert I of Burgundy then to Afonso Henriques, son of Henry.  [Oh ... by the way ... I guess I'd better fill you in that Burgundy is in France ... small detail].  Anyway, Afonso Henriques captures Lisbon and sets up his capital.  Then if you do some further reading, you find out that standard Portuguese is based on the dialect of Lisbon, according to Rilke's other favorite source, Encyclopedia Brittanica.  Can you guess that Lisbon probably had greater French influence than anywhere else in Portugal?  I hope I'm not moving too fast for anyone.

Hmmm ... let's think now ... a whole bunch of French knights come into western Spain to help out the king who has a French wife.  Another French guy comes into Spain and marries a Spanish wife.  They take over Lisbon and set up the Kingdom of Portugal.  Do you see what's happening?  This is not rocket science folks.   This is kind of like 1+2=3.  See?  Spanish + French = Portuguese.

Now if you have all three of these languages in your own family (my mother speaks fluent Portuguese and Spanish and my cousin speaks fluent French), you tend to have a little better overview of these languages than the average Joe (or Rilke).  I can tell you that if you have heard all three languages like I have, the mix is quite obvious.

It doesn't take a PhD in linguistics to see this, Arden.  

If you want to argue something new, go start a new thread on Martin Luther, or the Catholic church, or Hitler or something else fun.

'The mix is quite obvious'. The same way as a 6,000-year-old earth is 'obvious', eh, Dave?

Perhaps it takes the LACK of a PhD to see it.

Okay, Dave, it's like this. No linguistics article I've read by anyone who actually knows anything about linguistics says ANYTHING about Portuguese being a 'mix' of French and Spanish. No one.

But to you, with your lack of training think it's 'obvious'.

Okay, Dave. Prove it. So far all the evidence you've offered is 'if you've heard all three languages it's obvious'. That might be exactly what one needs to argue for Creationism, but linguistics holds itself to a higher standard than that, fortunately. Give us the evidence. You can do one of two things: you can either refer us to published linguistic articles by specialists in Romance languages where they explain how Portuguese is a mix of French and Spanish, or two, you can give us your own evidence. What would that be? Give us characteristics that Portuguese has it shares with French and not Spanish. And your impressionistic hunches about phonetics don't count. You have to produce lexicon and grammar -- a lot of it -- to prove this. Words and grammatical features French and Portuguese have but not Spanish. Cuz if your, uh, 'theory' is true, there should be plenty such examples.

Can you do that? Either references or raw data?

The burden of proof is on you, Dave. Cuz here's how it stacks up:


OTHER SIDE: Everyone else, including all linguists.

This isn't religious apologetics, Dave. You can't just make shit up and have it become true.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 287
Joined: July 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,05:58   

Quote (afdave @ May 21 2006,08:35)
...evil, which by definition is "opposition to the will of the Creator."

So, if God's will is that the worshippers of the golden calf must be killed by melting down their calf and making them drink it, that's not evil because it's God's will?

If God's will is that Muslim hijackers crash planes into our skyscrapers, that's not evil because it's God's will?

So, if you get  ebola and die a  horrible death, that's obviously God's will since no man decided you should get that disease?

The problem with assuming you have to do God's will is figuring out what God's will is.

What other definition makes sense?

How about a more humanist definition of "good" and "evil"? What is good is what promotes human happiness and co-operation. What is evil is that which disrupts human happiness and co-operation.

To me, it makes perfect sense that God would feel exactly the same way.

So, God must feel the same way about things that you do? Could it  be that you have made God in your own image?  

Everyone agree with this logic?  

Absolutely NOT!

That was the logic of delusion, Dave.


Posts: 103
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,06:23   

Quote (afdave @ May 19 2006,08:28)
Lewis obviously goes farther than is necessary to establish another piece of evidence for the existence of God, and I do to.

That was a very interesting read and brought home the fact that human psyche in relation to cognition and behaviour was not Lewis' forte. The apologetic argument and appeals. I think when it comes to understanding what propels and/or compels a human, then Lawrence Kohlberg (Professor of Psychology) book "The Meaning and Measurement of Moral Development" as well as Jean Piaget (Professor of Psychology) book "Insights and Illusions of Epistemology" as well as "The Moral Judgement of the Child". Lewis was an obvious reductionist (from reading his model of Laws pertaining to mankind) and wrongly classified humans (which you'll understand reading Kohlberg and Piaget). In a nutshell, Lewis should of stayed with Children Books and kept out of the realm of philosophy and psychology.


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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,06:28   

Quote (afdave @ May 21 2006,08:35)
Why doesn't He intervene and just stop all this rot?  Well, He does sometimes--like with the Flood--and He will again at the End of Time.  This also is just like human parents.  They intervene sometimes in the lives of their children and they choose NOT to intervene sometimes because they want the child to learn some lesson.  What is so strange about this when it comes to thinking about God?

Well that was a great refutation to an omnipotent/omnipresent/omniscience God. The other alternative to that, which can be logically asserted it - there is no God.

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