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Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 26 2011,19:15   

Did y'all hear about the two maggots fighting in dead Ernest?

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


Posts: 4003
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 26 2011,19:32   

Quote (Texas Teach @ Aug. 26 2011,19:15)
Did y'all hear about the two maggots fighting in dead Ernest?

Only two? They're much cheaper by the dozen.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 1377
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,00:23   

Quote (JohnK @ Aug. 26 2011,16:46)
Quote (sparc @ Aug. 26 2011,14:35)
News: peer review doesn't work and is anti-ID

Link broken. Direct to

In Ann Gauger's article
...barely explaining Meyers & Nelson, both links toward the end to Yarus' work on direct templating are busted or circular.

Occurs to me that, if someone wanted to attempt to discredit Bio-Complexity's peer review system, they would go over Meyers & Nelson with a fine tooth comb.

I think it is great that Meyer and Nelson have published this paper. My big criticism of Meyer's Signature in the Cell was that he ducked confronting Yarus' work. I just started reading their paper and it looks like the hurricane will give me some time to get through it.

I’m referring to evolution, not changes in allele frequencies. - Cornelius Hunter
I’m not an evolutionist, I’m a change in allele frequentist! - Nakashima


Posts: 1961
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,05:06   

Quote (JLT @ Aug. 26 2011,17:45)
This is a classic:
Perhaps someone needs to start a journal for papers that were rejected by peer review but are still high quality. There would have to be some strict standards though. Otherwise, the editors would be innundated with crappy work.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other...

oder für die, die Deutsch können*:

Finster war’s, der Mond schien helle
Auf die grünbeschneite Flur,
Als ein Wagen blitzesschnelle
Langsam um die Ecke fuhr.
Drinnen saßen stehend Leute
Schweigend ins Gespräch vertieft,
Als ein totgeschossner Hase
auf dem Wasser Schlittschuh lief
Und ein blondgelockter Knabe
Mit kohlrabenschwarzem Haar
Auf die grüne Bank sich setzte,
Die gelb angestrichen war.

* I'm sorry. I'll never do it again.

Funny, first time reading I was concentrating so much on interpreting the German that I completely overlooked the contradictions.

But can the poetry of  

Als ein totgeschossner Hase
auf dem Wasser Schlittschuh lief

be matched in English?

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,07:13   

Dark it was, the moon shown bright,
On the meadow, green with snow;
When round the corner, fast as light,
An empty auto drove so slow,
Filled with people loudly talking
Silently they all sat walking.
A distant rabbit dead from slaughter
Nearby skated on the water.
An ancient boy, golden curled,
With straight black hair unfurled,
On a green bench painted yellow,
Standing sat this curious fellow.

Making a slight change for story-telling:

Dark it was, the moon shown bright,
On the meadow, green with snow,
When round the corner, fast as light,
An empty auto drove so slow,
Filled with people loudly talking
Silently they all sat walking.
A distant rabbit dead from slaughter
Nearby skated on the water.
On a green bench painted yellow,
Standing sat a curious fellow.
An ancient boy, golden curled,
With straight black hair unfurled.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 740
Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,07:59   

Quote (Quack @ Aug. 27 2011,11:06)
Funny, first time reading I was concentrating so much on interpreting the German that I completely overlooked the contradictions.

But can the poetry of  

Als ein totgeschossner Hase
auf dem Wasser Schlittschuh lief

be matched in English?

I'm German and I like this poem very much, so I'm partial ;)
Quote (midwifetoad @ Aug. 27 2011,13:13)
Dark it was, the moon shown bright,
On the meadow, green with snow;
When round the corner, fast as light,
An empty auto drove so slow,
Filled with people loudly talking
Silently they all sat walking.
A distant rabbit dead from slaughter
Nearby skated on the water.
An ancient boy, golden curled,
With straight black hair unfurled,
On a green bench painted yellow,
Standing sat this curious fellow.

Making a slight change for story-telling:

Dark it was, the moon shown bright,
On the meadow, green with snow,
When round the corner, fast as light,
An empty auto drove so slow,
Filled with people loudly talking
Silently they all sat walking.
A distant rabbit dead from slaughter
Nearby skated on the water.
On a green bench painted yellow,
Standing sat a curious fellow.
An ancient boy, golden curled,
With straight black hair unfurled.

Although, I must confess, Midwifetoad's translation is very good.
I'm impressed, did you translate it yourself? I looked for a good translation a couple years back but couldn't find any.

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner


Posts: 4402
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,08:09   

I'm not surprised - we have some real smarty-pants on this board.  We are, after all the antithesis of UD and IDCists.

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 4003
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,08:12   

Google and some other sites provided several literal translations. I just rewrote the translation.

The rewrite is mine.

For what it's worth, I did take German in high school, 40 years ago. But English poetry requires a different meter and requires taking some liberties constructing oxymoron.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment. I failed as an English major. Never could get the hang of scholarship.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 340
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,08:39   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Aug. 26 2011,20:32)
Quote (Texas Teach @ Aug. 26 2011,19:15)
Did y'all hear about the two maggots fighting in dead Ernest?

Only two? They're much cheaper by the dozen.



Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,08:58   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Aug. 27 2011,16:12)
Google and some other sites provided several literal translations. I just rewrote the translation.

The rewrite is mine.

For what it's worth, I did take German in high school, 40 years ago. But English poetry requires a different meter and requires taking some liberties constructing oxymoron.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment. I failed as an English major. Never could get the hang of scholarship.


Ad homo-memes aside or on hide
Poetry is teh anesthetist of ID on a slide.
One sniff and they're out, out for a glide
The sleeping beauties of korn.
Prick themselves for mind porn
Preambled by in perambulators
They squidge on teh rough teat
Only to regurgitate the ham of mistreat.
Oh to be taking inane breaths,
While sniffing Bill's church farts
Chowing down on tranmaw fatty rib bile.
Give me Jerry by ones
And Vj's elevens
Louis Carrol couldn't do that in heaven.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,09:13   

Poetry has consequences, just like evilution.

My GPA was skating on thin water when I took a poetry course from a first year instructor who had won prizes for his poetry.

I wrote my term paper on Robert Frost, in the form of a Robert Frost poem. The teacher was bug-eyed with rage. He screamed at me and said it was just rhymed prose.

Well duh, it was an essay using Frost's meter and rhyming scheme.

So he gave me an F, which dominoed into being suspended for a term, which was immediately noticed by the draft board, which led to Vietnam.

It was a Quaker college, and when the board heard that a  student was in Vietnam because an intern instructor had a hissy fit over a poem, they fired him.

He occupied his free time with some fragment of the Weather underground, wound up on the FBI most wanted list for bombing an ROTC building, spent 20 years in hiding, and was eventually turned by his friends. Or maybe by his ex-wife.

You gotta watch those butterflies when they flap their wings.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,09:41   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Aug. 27 2011,09:13)
Poetry has consequences, just like evilution.

My GPA was skating on thin water when I took a poetry course from a first year instructor who had won prizes for his poetry.

I wrote my term paper on Robert Frost, in the form of a Robert Frost poem. The teacher was bug-eyed with rage. He screamed at me and said it was just rhymed prose.

Well duh, it was an essay using Frost's meter and rhyming scheme.

So he gave me an F, which dominoed into being suspended for a term, which was immediately noticed by the draft board, which led to Vietnam.

It was a Quaker college, and when the board heard that a  student was in Vietnam because an intern instructor had a hissy fit over a poem, they fired him.

He occupied his free time with some fragment of the Weather underground, wound up on the FBI most wanted list for bombing an ROTC building, spent 20 years in hiding, and was eventually turned by his friends. Or maybe by his ex-wife.

You gotta watch those butterflies when they flap their wings.

I'm afraid that's just too improbable and therefore did not, could not have happened.


I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,10:57   

Does O'Leary consciously write her crap, or does she do it unconsciously?

Is there a way to tell the difference?

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,11:50   

If you want to hear about real evolution (convergence, co-evolution, epigenesis, symbiogenesis, along with stasis and extinction), you’re better off at Uncommon Descent than BioLogos. Here, once we shut up Darwin’s fervid devotees, we found lots to talk about re evolution … and atheism just did not make the cut. Problem solved.

Where to begin.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 442
Joined: June 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,12:06   

At the same time, that well-known recovering atheist, the Liberace of LS-DYNA, summarily disposes of an entire scientific discipline:

It is really pathetic, when one thinks about it, that so many intellectual and investigative resources have been squandered on what is now known to be complete nonsense.

Many brilliant people, who could have done something productive and creative with their lives, have squandered their lives pursuing the phantom of Darwinian speculation. They’ve earned Ph.D.’s in something that never happened, and earn their salaries in academia “teaching” others to pursue a dead-end, archaic, 19th-century philosophy that has nothing to do with legitimate science.

What they really need, obviously, is the Dodgen approach to the scientific method.

To that end, I was envisaging a grand piano mounted on an airdrop cargo pallet.  Gil would sit at the piano with his laptop on the top.  At a given signal, Gil would start running the simulation and the pallet would be pushed out the back of a C-130 flying at the appropriate altitude.

There are two questions.

1) What should Gil play on the way down?

2) How many evolutionary biologists would like to assist in pushing out the cargo pallet.

Purely in the interests of science, of course.


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,12:08   

Gil would sit at the piano with his laptop on the top.  At a given signal, Gil would start running the simulation and the pallet would be pushed out the back of a C-130 flying at the appropriate altitude.

Just for the purpose of accurate modelling, of course.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,12:11   

once we shut up Darwin’s fervid devotees...

We average two comments per thread.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 740
Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,12:21   

Quote (Seversky @ Aug. 27 2011,18:06)
At the same time, that well-known recovering atheist, the Liberace of LS-DYNA, summarily disposes of an entire scientific discipline:

It is really pathetic, when one thinks about it, that so many intellectual and investigative resources have been squandered on what is now known to be complete nonsense.

Many brilliant people, who could have done something productive and creative with their lives, have squandered their lives pursuing the phantom of Darwinian speculation. They’ve earned Ph.D.’s in something that never happened, and earn their salaries in academia “teaching” others to pursue a dead-end, archaic, 19th-century philosophy that has nothing to do with legitimate science.

What they really need, obviously, is the Dodgen approach to the scientific method.

To that end, I was envisaging a grand piano mounted on an airdrop cargo pallet.  Gil would sit at the piano with his laptop on the top.  At a given signal, Gil would start running the simulation and the pallet would be pushed out the back of a C-130 flying at the appropriate altitude.

There are two questions.

1) What should Gil play on the way down?

2) How many evolutionary biologists would like to assist in pushing out the cargo pallet.

Purely in the interests of science, of course.

Learning to Fly
I'm learning to fly but I ain't got wings
coming down is the hardest thing

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner


Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,12:29   

Quote (Seversky @ Aug. 27 2011,12:06)
What they really need, obviously, is the Dodgen approach to the scientific method.

To that end, I was envisaging a grand piano mounted on an airdrop cargo pallet.  Gil would sit at the piano with his laptop on the top.  At a given signal, Gil would start running the simulation and the pallet would be pushed out the back of a C-130 flying at the appropriate altitude.

There are two questions.

1) What should Gil play on the way down?

Nearer, my Designer, To Thee.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


Posts: 740
Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,12:56   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Aug. 27 2011,18:29)
Quote (Seversky @ Aug. 27 2011,12:06)
What they really need, obviously, is the Dodgen approach to the scientific method.

To that end, I was envisaging a grand piano mounted on an airdrop cargo pallet.  Gil would sit at the piano with his laptop on the top.  At a given signal, Gil would start running the simulation and the pallet would be pushed out the back of a C-130 flying at the appropriate altitude.

There are two questions.

1) What should Gil play on the way down?

Nearer, my Designer, To Thee.

Or, if he wants to finish before touch down, he could play this.

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,13:04   

Quote (JLT @ Aug. 27 2011,10:56)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Aug. 27 2011,18:29)
Quote (Seversky @ Aug. 27 2011,12:06)
What they really need, obviously, is the Dodgen approach to the scientific method.

To that end, I was envisaging a grand piano mounted on an airdrop cargo pallet.  Gil would sit at the piano with his laptop on the top.  At a given signal, Gil would start running the simulation and the pallet would be pushed out the back of a C-130 flying at the appropriate altitude.

There are two questions.

1) What should Gil play on the way down?

Nearer, my Designer, To Thee.

Or, if he wants to finish before touch down, he could play this.


The local campus station is rebroadcasting the BBC's "Just a Minute". No surprise that's their theme song.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 740
Joined: Jan. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,13:20   

Quote (fnxtr @ Aug. 27 2011,19:04)
Or, if he wants to finish before touch down, he could play this.


The local campus station is rebroadcasting the BBC's "Just a Minute". No surprise that's their theme song.

I always thought that it is a "One minute waltz" (although it must be nearly impossible to play it that fast without being sloppy). I've just learned that it's actually the minute = small/little waltz. Chopin himself called this piece "Valse du petit chien" or Little dog waltz. He was inspired to compose it by a small dog chasing his tail. For some reason, that makes it even more fitting...

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner


Posts: 320
Joined: Jan. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,15:30   

DeNews waxes eloquent (or something) about a fossil insect:
If so, all this raises another evolution conundrum: Darwinism (natural selection acting on random mutation) obviously didn’t even put today’s life forms where they are. But also, what about these many life forms that have flourished for tens or hundreds of millions of years, with different anatomies and modes of life that were apparently satisfactory to them. And we really don’t know the first thing about how that happens.

Now if I could only figure out what the hell she means.  I believe her last sentence, though, for suitable definitions of "we".

Edited:   because I can!  Thx.

"The . . . um . . . okay, I was genetically selected for blue eyes.  I know there are brown eyes, because I've observed them, but I can't do it.  Okay?  So . . . um . . . coz that's real genetic selection, not the nonsense Giberson and the others are talking about." - DO'L


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,16:00   

The flies seems to have set a record for number of responses to one of her threads.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 442
Joined: June 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,16:20   

OT: Mayday!

When I try to open The Bathroom Wall thread using Opera 11.5. it links immediately to a website called  It doesn't happen when I use IE.

An AV scan with !avast found a folder C:Recycler which it was unable to remove.  I'm assuming my computer is infected with the Recycler virus.

Googling for removal advice found various instructions but they differ in detail and I don't want to mess with the registry unless I'm sure of what I'm doing.

If anyone knows how to get rid of this annoying little worm, could they PM me please.

Thanks.  ???


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,17:52   

Kaspersky has a free virus removal tool that makes a bootable Linux CD, will clean your computer outside Windows.

It's the best form of cleaner, because it doesn't allow an infected boot sector to disable it.

You might need a clean computer to download it and burn the CD.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,18:24   

I'm not surprised - we have some real smarty-pants on this board.??We are, after all the antithesis of UD and IDCists.

I guess things like that are in some people's jeans.



Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,19:42   

Quote (JLT @ Aug. 26 2011,23:45)
This is a classic:
Perhaps someone needs to start a journal for papers that were rejected by peer review but are still high quality. There would have to be some strict standards though. Otherwise, the editors would be innundated with crappy work.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other...

oder für die, die Deutsch können*:

Finster war’s, der Mond schien helle
Auf die grünbeschneite Flur,
Als ein Wagen blitzesschnelle
Langsam um die Ecke fuhr.
Drinnen saßen stehend Leute
Schweigend ins Gespräch vertieft,
Als ein totgeschossner Hase
auf dem Wasser Schlittschuh lief
Und ein blondgelockter Knabe
Mit kohlrabenschwarzem Haar
Auf die grüne Bank sich setzte,
Die gelb angestrichen war.

* I'm sorry. I'll never do it again.

My version begins:

    A creationist peer-review paper got published,

but I never really found the need to go any further with it.

PS: Sorry to respond so late to this meme, have just spent the last 3 days driving over to Edinburgh & back to deposit No. 1 Son back to college. *sniff*

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 533
Joined: Sep. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 27 2011,19:58   

They’ve earned Ph.D.’s in something that never happened, and earn their salaries in academia “teaching” others to pursue a dead-end, archaic, 19th-century philosophy that has nothing to do with legitimate science.

Much better to earn a Dr of Divinity degree in something that never happened, amass a fortune by exhorting rubes to send you money, while pursuing a dead-end, archaic, 2000 year old philosophy that has nothing to do with legitimate science (or anything else, for that matter).

Irony, thy name is Dodgen

The majority of the stupid is invincible and guaranteed for all time. The terror of their tyranny is alleviated by their lack of consistency. -A. Einstein  (H/T, JAD)
If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals. ?Think about that. -K. Hovind


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 28 2011,05:22   

How long will it be before UD reaches a post-per-thread average of less than one?

Even the mighty Gill is struggling:

woodfordAugust 27, 2011 at 3:14 pm
Hi GIl,

I know you are very earnest and sincere about this, and I appreciate too that you have at times been willing to admit when you’re wrong. But truthfully these kinds of polemic posts come across as, well, rather supercilious and holier-than-thou. Not sure what you’re trying to achieve other than sound rather self-righteous.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

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