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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 28 2006,02:21   

Unless you show us some evidence that the universe had to be life-friendly (or anything else), beyond the implicit "God wanted it so", your fine-tuning argument won't go anywhere, GoP.

I'm still waiting for your refutation of my objection regarding this tautology.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 28 2006,12:14   


Unless you show us some evidence that the universe had to be life-friendly (or anything else), beyond the implicit "God wanted it so", your fine-tuning argument won't go anywhere, GoP.

I'm still waiting for your refutation of my objection regarding this tautology.

If I recall, we had a slight language gap. So why not restate your objections in French? If necessary, I'll get a friend to translate the parts I don't understand. That way you can state your case just the way you want. Unfortunately, I'll need to respond in English, but hey -- it's better than nothing.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 28 2006,13:10   

I'll restate my objection in English.
You take some alleged low probabilities as evidences for design. But your argument can only work if we consider the universe as the result of an experiment, in the litteral sense (done by a conscious being who expect results).

You will admit that this reasoning is tautological.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 28 2006,14:35   


I'll restate my objection in English.

My French isn't that bad.....but OK.

You take some alleged low probabilities as evidences for design. But your argument can only work if we consider the universe as the result of an experiment, in the litteral sense (done by a conscious being who expect results).

Why can't the experiment (or "trial", if you prefer) be performed by an unconscious entity? For example, imagine a universe that explodes, expands, slows down, and then contracts to a point. The constants are scrambled when it reaches maximum contraction. This cycle is repeated a finite number of times. Wouldn't each expansion count as a different "experiment"? Each new universe has a fresh set of constants.

     Now suppose only a very small range of constants will lead to a universe with heavy elements. Would you expect to get a universe with heavy elements in a limited number of trials? Sure, it can happen, but I would be surprised to see a heavy-element universe from a random expansion. Therefore, I suspect that Something is guiding the process.

  I'm not saying that this is the way it happened. But the most recent evidence argues against an infinite number of cycles, so the only way to get a huge number of trials is with a multiverse, or a universe that is self-tuning. Almost everything else requires one heck of a coincidence.

Or you can argue that a heavy-element universe is not "special" enough to engender surprise in the observer. I would disagree with this because this universe is qualitatively different from the set of hydrogen or helium-filled universes.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,16:37   


The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,19:31   

Speaking of Fine Tuning, let me try a different tack in demonstrating why I-J's conclusion doesn't address this issue. First, let's review their conclusion:

P(N|F&L) =  P(F|N&L)P(N|L)/P(F|L)

       =  P(N|L)/P(F|L)

       >= P(N|L)

Once again, P(N|F&L)>= P(N|L) translates as, "the probability of Naturalism (N) assuming both Life-Compatibility (F) and Life (L) is greater than or equal to the Probability of Naturalism given Life alone".

Let us compare an observer in our universe (where the left-hand side probability applies) to an inhabitant in another universe where the laws are unknown (the right-hand side). Now one thing is for certain: either the inhabitant's universe has life-compatible laws, or it does not. If the alien subsequently discovers that his universe's laws don't support life, then the probability becomes P(N|~F&L), which is 0. On the other hand, if the laws are consistent with life, then the probability becomes P(N|F&L), which matches the conditions for our universe.

At this point, the alien doesn't know which applies, so he wants to condition on both possibilities. This is appropriate, since P(N|~F&L) and P(N|F&L) are the only two possible choices given P(N|L). He surmises:

P(N|L) = P(F|L)P(N|F&L) + P(~F|L)P(N|~F&L)

         =(P(F|L))P(N|F&L) + (1 - P(F|L))P(N|~F&L) [By the Complement Rule]
         = P(F|L)P(N|F&L) + (1 - P(F|L))(0) [Because ~F makes N impossible by definition]

         = P(F|L)P(N|F&L).

P(F|L) must be between 0 and 1, therefore:

P(N|F&L)>=P(N|L) [because we have to multiply the greater quantity by a fraction between 0 and 1 to get it = to a smaller quantity].

Life friendliness can only help a naturalistic universe with life, because once you have life, you need friendly laws if you assume naturalism. And you can't narrow the options to those universes with life if you're trying to demonstrate the relative likelihood of life-compatible universes vis-à-vis inhospitable ones.

So what was the probability of that friendly, lifey universe arising in the first place?

Until this question gets answered, atheists cannot assume their scenario is more likely.

[edit: made small correction to proof]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,20:23   

GoP, I know this is a stupid question but how can the alien possibly discover that his universe does not support life?  If that is indeed the case he doesn't exist.  

Sorry for the injection, just trying to follow along.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,20:30   

Now one thing is for certain: either the inhabitant's universe has life-compatible laws, or it does not. If the alien subsequently discovers that his universe's laws don't support life, then the probability becomes P(N|~F&L), which is 0. On the other hand, if the laws are consistent with life, then the probability becomes P(N|F&L), which matches the conditions for our universe.

I dunno, maybe it's because I'm late in this, but...

If that universe's laws are incompatible with life, then what the he11 is the alien doing there in the first place?


<edity edit> Er, well, I never thought I'd say that, but- what skeptic said.  ;)

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,21:10   

Skeptic and Faid:

If that universe's laws are incompatible with life, then what the he11 is the alien doing there in the first place?

The software ate a longer reply, so:

1) The laws can be inconsistent if Jesus glues the atoms together after all.  :D  :D  :D

2) The laws really can derive inconsistent values, at least in principle. Some supersymmetric theories demand a zero cosmological constant, which is inconsistent with the small positive value we actually have. Others give values that are too big. If the laws don't match observations, then naturalism, but not life, is defeated.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Jay Ray

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,22:24   

If the laws don't match observations, then naturalism, but not life, is defeated.

Temporarily stymied, yes.  But defeated?  *chuckle*  We'll get 'er figured out.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 29 2006,23:53   

Until this question gets answered, atheists cannot assume their scenario is more likely.

But atheists can say "So what? Oh Lord thank you for making the universe life-friendly, or at least holding the space-time envelope open with your mind. Amen. Pass the whores."


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 30 2006,08:17   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 29 2006,21:10)
Skeptic and Faid:

If that universe's laws are incompatible with life, then what the he11 is the alien doing there in the first place?

1) The laws can be inconsistent if Jesus glues the atoms together after all.  :D  :D  :D
Ohhhhhkay. Please put the troll back in the doghouse now, it drools on the carpet.

2) The laws really can derive inconsistent values, at least in principle. Some supersymmetric theories demand a zero cosmological constant, which is inconsistent with the small positive value we actually have. Others give values that are too big. If the laws don't match observations, then naturalism, but not life, is defeated.

Shouldn't that be "if the theories don't match observations, then the theories are wrong?

In short: Still don't get it.  :(

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 30 2006,11:44   


1) The laws can be inconsistent if Jesus glues the atoms together after all.
Ohhhhhkay. Please put the troll back in the doghouse now, it drools on the carpet.

I admit the answer was a little flippant. I was trying to say that an intervening deity could set up a universe whose laws conflict with the creation and existence of its own matter. For example, scientists could find that the attractive forces within an atom are too weak to counteract its natural repulsive forces (protons, for example, have positive charges and don't like to be close to each other), and that atoms "should" break apart*. Observations show that the atoms do not fly apart. Therefore, a mysterious glue must bind the atoms -- yet this mysterious glue thwarts all investigations. Sure, scientists can play the "just you wait" game, but if the reigning model explains everything else, and predicts that the glue shouldn't exist, then why should we assume that there's a better natualistic model on the horizon? Perhaps there isn't one, and God is doing the work himself, but hiding his "force" from us.

We may assume that naturalism must have the answers in principle, but then we can't use this assumption to argue against theism, because then we're reasoning in a circle. Perhaps God really is in the gaps. Who can tell when our models fail? We're left with inductive inferences that turn into special pleading as the failures pile up.

*This is not the case in the real world -- I'm using a hypothetical example.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 30 2006,13:14   

I still don't understand how this has any relevance. The fine-tuning argument is a probability argument, not a "god of the gaps" one: It should not use theism for support any more than its opponents should turn against theism to fight it.

In your hupothetical universe, the issue is not that we cannot find a THEORY (it's not a law, a law must agree with empirical evidence and observation) to explain how atoms exist.
The issue is that atoms exist.
Now that can be because the aliens are missing something, and that something is either a flaw in their theories, or a different theory that eludes them (Ether, relativity?), OR some alien can propose that the Great Bearded Gray in the Sky is tampering with the subatomic particles (and that is, of course, a "god of the gaps" argument), but that is a different debate: For our subject, it doesn't change the fact that this hypothetical universe's conditions are life-friendly, one way or another. THAT is what matters in the fine-tuning argument.
That is why, IMO, this hypothesis makes no sense, at least in trying to calculate odds between different possible universes. Either you accept that that universe's laws, whatever they might be, support life, since life appears in it, or you essentialy say "now let's assume there is a universe that cannot support life, but does anyway because its god makes it so"- and that is, of course, assuming what you are supposed to prove.

Hypothetical impossibilities are irrelevant; the whole argument is a question of the probability of certain conditions arising. Saying that these conditions need not arise (and providing theistic arguments to support that) renders the whole argument moot.

PS. Sorry about the caps. I'm not overly emotional on this subject or anything- like I said, I believe it's not possible to successfully argue for or against it. It's just that AFDave's writing is starting to have an effect on me...  :(

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 30 2006,13:50   


The funny thing is, I agree with part of your objection. A while back I said:

This shows how hollow the I-J proof really is, because it demonstrates that, say, finding a transcendental number encoded in DNA, or finding the first verse of genesis inscribed in a nebula, can only support N so long as it's coupled with life and life-friendliness -- or simply life alone!*
*[edit:Since I'm beginning to suspect that conditioning on N implies F. Sorry if I didn't make this clearer]

I suspect that I-J's conclusion is not only limited, but tautological, because the existence of life implies "life-friendly" laws. Therefore, conditioning on Life (not Naturalism as my footnote says) is implicitly conditioning on Friendly as well. The inequality becomes:

P(N|F&L)>= P(N|L)

P(N|L)=P(N|F&L) [because L implies F]

P(N|F&L)>= P(N|F&L) [by substitution on the right-hand side]

P(N|F&L)= P(N|F&L) [by the reflexive property].

No disrespect intended, but I-J's proof is like cotton candy: It starts all pink & fluffy, but dissolves on contact.

Nevertheless, I'm trying to use their definitions.

I'll show later how I would calculate the probabilities.

PS. Sorry about the caps. I'm not overly emotional on this subject or anything- like I said, I believe it's not possible to successfully argue for or against it. It's just that AFDave's writing is starting to have an effect on me...   :(

That's to be expected when you brush up against THE GREATEST THREAD OF ALL TIME.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 30 2006,15:55   


I'll address the rest of your post later, but let me note that laws can be violated by subsequent observations, at least in principle. Of course, scientists would just change the domain of applicability for the law, or find reasons why the violation isn't really a violation, but the observations still conflict with the law. If the exceptions are limited in number or scope, they ain't gonna jettison the law IMHO.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 03 2006,15:43   


 Instead of using Bayes, I would calculate the probabilities with a uniform distribution. For example, if a random generator can choose any number between 0 and 10 inclusive, then the probability of getting a number less than or equal to 2 would be 2 out of 10, or 1/5. For a number between 0 and 1, then the probability shrinks to 1/10. So the narrower the range of life-permissible values relative to inhospitable values, then the less likely the universe would select these values if each value is equally likely to be chosen.

I hope this helps.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 03 2006,19:42   

This was just too stupid to let slide:
Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 30 2006,13:50)
I suspect that I-J's conclusion is not only limited, but tautological, because the existence of life implies "life-friendly" laws.

P(N|L)=P(N|F&L) [because L implies F]

You cannot make that equation unless L requires F (that is, P(F|L)=1), which is only the case if N is true (this cannot be assumed when evaluating conditional probabilities of N!;)   Of course, what follows is trivial due to this fallacy.  Your 'suspicions' are once again shown to be based on pure ignorance.

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,08:35   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 30 2006,12:44)

1) The laws can be inconsistent if Jesus glues the atoms together after all.
Ohhhhhkay. Please put the troll back in the doghouse now, it drools on the carpet.

I admit the answer was a little flippant. I was trying to say that an intervening deity could set up a universe whose laws conflict with the creation and existence of its own matter. For example, scientists could find that the attractive forces within an atom are too weak to counteract its natural repulsive forces (protons, for example, have positive charges and don't like to be close to each other), and that atoms "should" break apart*. Observations show that the atoms do not fly apart. Therefore, a mysterious glue must bind the atoms -- yet this mysterious glue thwarts all investigations. Sure, scientists can play the "just you wait" game, but if the reigning model explains everything else, and predicts that the glue shouldn't exist, then why should we assume that there's a better natualistic model on the horizon? Perhaps there isn't one, and God is doing the work himself, but hiding his "force" from us.

We may assume that naturalism must have the answers in principle, but then we can't use this assumption to argue against theism, because then we're reasoning in a circle. Perhaps God really is in the gaps. Who can tell when our models fail? We're left with inductive inferences that turn into special pleading as the failures pile up.

*This is not the case in the real world -- I'm using a hypothetical example.

Normally I'm an observer to this type of tripe.  However, I couldn't let this one pass.
Experimental observations
The first direct experimental evidence of gluons was found in 1979 when three-jet events were observed at the electron-positron collider called PETRA at DESY in Hamburg. Quantitative studies of deep inelastic scattering at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center had established their existence a decade before that.

Experimentally, confinement is verified by the failure of free quark searches. Neither free quarks nor free gluons have ever been observed. Although there have been hints of exotic hadrons, no glueball has been observed either. Quark-gluon plasma has been found recently at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL).
And there is a LOT more physics you need to go through before making conclusions about fine-tuning.
How about a high-energy environment? (where EM and Weak forces combine)
How about a higher-energy environment? (where three, or four fundamental forces combine)
How about Si-based lifeforms? (chemically possible but environmental conditions not well understood)

Also, physicists have postulated the graviton and have started experiments to detect the graviton energy.  However they calculate that you would need a detector the size of Jupiter (filled with Deuterium of course) to have any chance of even detecting one graviton particle in one year.

Debate the present model all you want, I won't get involved because I think your debate model doesn't capture the complexity that actually exists.

Mike PSS

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,09:56   

Ummm, Mike, you do understand the meaning of the word "hypothetical", don't you? Why do you think the footnote was there?

For example, scientists could find that the attractive forces within an atom are too weak to counteract its natural repulsive forces (protons, for example, have positive charges and don't like to be close to each other), and that atoms "should" break apart*
*This is not the case in the real world -- I'm using a hypothetical example.

Even if you missed the term "hypothetical", how could you miss:

*This is not the case in the real world

So your little gluon lecture missed the point. Boy, did it ever.

And there is a LOT more physics you need to go through before making conclusions about fine-tuning.

Really? I thought I-J's proof was the final word.  :p

Debate the present model all you want, I won't get involved because I think your debate model doesn't capture the complexity that actually exists.

I never said my model did capture the complexity. I'm just saying that I-J's model doesn't either. Apparently, you agree.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,11:09   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Dec. 04 2006,10:56)
Ummm, Mike, you do understand the meaning of the word "hypothetical", don't you? Why do you think the footnote was there?

{snip the snark}

I never said my model did capture the complexity. I'm just saying that I-J's model doesn't either. Apparently, you agree.

I won't explicitely appologise for getting lost in this convoluted discussion.  Just to admit that I can't quite comprehend what your arguing for or against sometimes.

I started trying to understand your point here where you summarized your position.
At he bottom is a 'line-in-the-sand' statement that clarifies your postion...  
Since we would not assume that life is the goal of our universe, then we should not expect our universe to take the values that it has due to blind chance. This implies that the constant was not randomly selected, which leads to the possibility of a Designer.

But you let the cat out of the bag here...  
I'm not assuming God to prove God. I'm saying that observations imply that random chance alone can't explain our universe. Therefore, there must be an organising principle (doesn't have to be God, could be a natural law we haven't discovered, or perhaps our universe has had trials that are currently hidden from us). I interpret this principle as God. But God was not the presumed hypothesis, atheism was.

Which is simply an argument from personal increduality.
However, you do admit the boundry limits of your own (humanities) fallible insights here in a response to Louis...  
We can do a lot with what we have, and what we have just might be enough, but there is a good reason to assume that we're just simplifying (and thereby distorting) certain aspects of reality that our brains can't comprehend and that our senses can't investigate.
I'm sorry, but your assurances are not enough to overturn my skepticism about the limits of human inquiry. Heck, most scientists admit up front that science cannot handle questions about God's existence.

Now, rereading the past four pages I've found numerous examples of your personal increduality as it relates to the whole I-J thingy.
I tend to agree that the I-J model doesn't capture the complexity of the moment.  But that's not what your arguing...
I suspect that I-J's conclusion is not only limited, but tautological, because the existence of life implies "life-friendly" laws.

I think the following will clarify my point.

Your whole basis against the I-J model seems to be an argument about boundry limits (assumptions).  If you want to include your own assumptions (i.e. "an intervening deity could set up a universe whose laws conflict with the creation and existence of its own matter") then you cannot compare the results because the original I-J model didn't draw conclusions from using your assumptions.

I was blindered in my initial response.

I'll try harder next time.  :D

Mike PSS

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,13:12   

Mike PSS:

I won't explicitely appologise for getting lost in this convoluted discussion.  Just to admit that I can't quite comprehend what your arguing for or against sometimes.

Yeah, I butchered my explanation at first, so that's why I'm trying to clarify my objection. My key point hasn't wavered, however: I-J's proof only compares life-containing universes to each other, and not life-containing universes to barren ones as it should (in my opinion). This alone compromises their argument; the rest is just piling on.

[Paley's argument] is simply an argument from personal increduality.

Perhaps, but there's a good reason for my incredulity.

I tend to agree that the I-J model doesn't capture the complexity of the moment.  But that's not what your arguing...
I suspect that I-J's conclusion is not only limited, but tautological, because the existence of life implies "life-friendly" laws.

This was never my main point (notice the context of this remark -- it was an aside agreeing with one of Faid's objections) but I think it's a valid objection. I think Faid has a point -- how can we really say "the laws" rule life out when God's action (if leads to measurable effects) would be incorporated into naturalism anyway? In other words, God's actions are hard to distinguish from the acts of nature, so any interference will be interpreted as lawlike. So whether or not it's God keeping things together, we can only interpret his work as the application of a mysterious force or law we haven't discovered yet.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,19:11   

Since I have discovered a moment or two...

1) Gimpy do you know what a strawman is? You use them left and right so you should. If someone is openly and statedly using a word in ONE of its defined contexts it does not follow that it is to be taken in ALL of its defined contexts. That would be equivalent to asserting that a comment that "I'm in the black" in a conversation about bank balances means that I am currently in side a specific person of African heritage. Nice try. Score for Gimpy: Nil points.

2) Why not tease you about being part non-white? Because I don't know if you are or not. Get this straight Gimpy, you are a proven and self confessed liar. End of story, no equivocation. I don't belive your claim. If you said the sun was going to rise tomorrow, I'd fucking check it. Twice. With expensive kit.

You CLAIM to have been perpetrating a parody but I sure as #### can't  tell the difference between "new and improved Gimpy" and "old and dumb as a bag of rocks Gimpy", and I am FAR from the only one. The arguments are equally poor, the total lack of familiarity with simple things like intellectual honesty and evidence are the same, and even the CLAIMS are the same. You've just skipped the really bonkers stuff about geocentrism etc. My guess on that little evasion of yours is because you have a total inability to admit when you are wrong, which you were and are. Want evidence? Just one piece for you, of many: the entirety of the "muslim integration thread". You made a VERY specific claim which you were held to. Your claim was very clearly demonstrated to be false, so you moved the goalposts to wider immigration related issues. THAT, incidentally, is at least partially why you have been told to shut your yap on that topic. The other reasons being that a) your bigotry shines through, b) you are and were being openly dishonest, c) if you're going to do a and b, at least do it vaguely on topic. As I've said many times Gimpy, were it up to me you'd be gone. You add nothing but annoyance and dishonesty, neither conducive to any form of discourse.

3) Abuse and homosexuality. You recieve my unending contempt and abuse because you lie. I'm a big enough boy to change my mind on the basis of evidence, give me the evidence and I'll change my mind. Pretending to play nice nice as if the past never happened, or as if your posts are not a matter of easily recovered record is not evidence. How about an apology Gimpy? For trolling and lying and being a dishonest fucker? You want to whine about being abused and insulted? Stop being such a fuckwit, stop lying, start having a reasoned honest debate, stop obfuscating, stop posting silly witterings about "evos and lefties and liberals", stop attributing views that people don't hold to people simply because they disagree with you.

As for being a closet case, Gimpy you total fucking imbecile I don't know if you are or not, and I really couldn't care less. If you are GOOD, if you're not GOOD. The WHOLE and total point of that abuse (actually mocking humour rather than abuse, I don't expect you to see the difference) is because you post silly pictures of sweaty men and make silly macho comments. Nobody else does this. The purpose of mocking this behaviour that you (and no one else) exhibit is to highlight how ridiculous it is, and because based on your previous posting habits and comments, I and others assume that being accused of closet homosexuality is something that would annoy you. It seems that I and others scored a hit since you keep wanking on about it, keep deliberately dishonestly attributing attitudes to it that statedly don't exist, and fail to get the point of it (i.e. that it's the CLOSET element that makes you behave like a total arsehole, not the homosexual element). I know you don't understand this. I know you will yet again try to spin this into bigotry, the problem you have is that the only way you can do this is to lie, since no evidence for said bigotry exists (because there isn't any bigotry to start with) and you are dishonestly trying to obfuscate the fact that you cannot support a single claim you've made and this is a convenient distraction.

4) You've made a couple of good points on economics? Wow (colour me doubtful in any case). You've posted in excess of 1400 posts, the vast majority of them either part of some trolling campaign/claimed parody (bullshit), dishonest, attention whoring, thinly veiled bigotry, asinine antiscience or sweaty wrestler based and you think that the fact that one or two competant comments have accidentally crept in turns you into a human being as opposed to the witless excrescence you demonstrably are (or wish to appear to be, 'tis the net after all)? Fucking #### Gimpy, that's the best delusion you've managed yet. Even less evidence than geocentrism. Some say a stopped clock is right twice a day, you've yet to acheive those lofty heights. The simile I would use is that the sun shines on every dog's arse some day. Shit my standards aren't high Gimpy, but I was expecting better than the intellectual equivalent of amoebic dysentery and a whine from a spoilt child.

5) Smacking you in the mouth. Sorry where have I advocated this? What I HAVE said is that if you behaved in real life like you do here, you would recieve a well deserved smack in the mouth from an unspecified, but probably irritated, listener. Are you somehow above an arse kicking Gimpy? Shit I know I'm not! If I behaved offline like you do online I'd employ a secretary to organise all the extremely well deserved smacks in the mouth I would undoubtably have people queueing down the road to administer.  Your rather pathetic paranoia and out of context use of Lenny's comments speak volumes, especially added to the fact that you think beating harmless, elderly homeless people is a good idea, and you continually post wrestler pics and make comments of beating/crushing etc evos/liberals/lefties etc. Like I've said about ooooooooh a gazillion times now (no exaggeration) these things speak VOLUMES about your psychology. No one makes you do them. No one else here does them. Just you. THAT FACT ALONE SHOULD MAKE YOU PAUSE FOR THOUGHT.


You claim that theology is as reasoned as literary criticism, but since it's lacking observation, it can't be scientific. On the other hand, literary criticism is based on observation, so there's no qualititative difference between lit crit and science -- it's all a matter of degree:

This is not precisely what I said and you know it. Theology, lit crit of fiction are identical in many respects.  They are based, as I said pages ago, on the observation of the texts, and reasoned arguments derived from those points. The fact that they deal with fictional topics isn't the issue at all, again as explained pages back (and I didn;t say that theology is at a lower level than lit crit, nice lie Gimpy, gotcha again). The point is that the tools being used in these fields are not qualitatively different from those being used in science. Their mode of application and subject matter are different, and that is what accounts for the superficial differences of field and method we see, but the underlying mechanism of elucidating knowledge about their respective targets (reason and observation) are the same. The DIFFERENCE with things like theology and fiction is that they deal sometimes with items that are not only unobserved but unobservable. The difference between theology and some fictional literature is that in theology certain faith based axioms are assumed to be absolutely true and unquestionable and are, I'm sad to say, defended by dishonesty and obfuscation at worst, and poor reasoning at best. Again as I said before.

Also as I said before, but you STILL are dishonestly evading, is not all knowledge=product of science, but all knowledge=product of reason etc.

So with that in mind again, let's deal with your asinine questions based on your dishonest deliberate ignorance yet again (for if you could read for a modicum of comprehension, you'd already have your answers).

1) How do you know that the disparate way the tools of reason and observation are applied in lit crit and science are quantitative, rather than qualitative? And if these disciplines are different in kind as well as degree, then why couldn't you classify the literary approach as "another way of knowing"?

My first thought is that since you made the claim that they are not the same originally, the burden of proof remains upon your shoulders. All we've had from you that far is stamping of your feet and crying "IS IS IS IS IS", no actual argument.

My second thought is read my fucking posts, I've answered this.

My third thought is what is lit crit etc telling you about? Precisely what are you gaining knowledge about? I've already been over this posts ago (again, sigh will you ever learn to read?). What knowledge are you getting fromlit crit? Are you getting any knowledge about the universe around you? The answer is perhaps. If one is examining the use of effective literary hooks in stories then one is learning important things about human psychology and sociology. If one is examining a painting one can learn about vanishing points, optics, the limitations of human visual systems etc. The whole point is that the valuable information one garners from examination of art is in some fashion reproducible and evidence based. Granted, not in exactly the same manner as a chemical reaction or a physical system, but then that's to be expected, we're dealing with less well defined phenomena.

Doubt this? Look at fields like etymology and linguistics, or (a personal favourite) abstract art and WHY it is abstract (subverting the tradition lines of art by distorting vanishing points and perspectives).

Yet again, as said in previous posts, the superficial or emotional responses to art are reasoned responses to observed stimuli no matter how unconscious they are.

2) You claim that theology lacks observation. What about circumstantial evidence like the anthropic coincidences, or science's failure to explain certain phenomena? In fact, some scientists believe that we will never have a complete theory of say, abiogenesis. Why can't theologists use negative evidence in addition to (or even the exclusion of) positive evidence? "Just you wait -- I'm sure we'll figure it out someday" isn't based on anything more than an inductive inference, which is either tentative or fallacious no matter how you look at it. Why treat hopes as guesses as facts? Because there sure ain't much else when it comes to life's origin.

Firstly no I don't claim theology lacks observation, all I said was that the subject matter of theology are based on unobserved, axiomic faith based articles of unquestionable dogma. The lit crit aspects of theology, or the downstream logical justification of these axioms is just as reasooned an observation based as any other philosophical field. Stop lying Gimpy.

The anthropic coincidences you claim are fictional, products of your own asinine argument from personal incredulity. This has been pointed out to you several times before, yet you ignore it and prefer to obfuscate with maths you clearly don't grasp. The coincidences you claim are not coincidences, you're forgetting Adams' puddle Gimpy, I told you not to.

Why can't theologians use negative evidence instead of evidence? I can't believe you asked something that fucking stupid. Considering my already abyssal opinion of your intellectual abilities, that's quite something. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This is why for example I do not claim there absolutely is no god, or no teapot orbiting Titan, or no FSM.  What I DO claim, and on the basis of some excellent data, is that these things are vanishingly unlikely based on the definitions of them given to date. Of course in one o those three cases dishonest fuckers like you move the goalposts continually to avoid the obvious.

Have you seen my garage? In my garage I have a dragon, come and have a look. Can't see it? That's because it's an invisible dragon. Can't feel it? That's because it's an invisible, intangible dragon. Put flour on the floor to detect it's footprints? Well obviously it's a flying invisible, intangible dragon with no mass. Try to feel the heat from it's dragon flame? Obviously it's flame is magical and can't burn you, how silly of you to even think it would, you're so literal! (With apologies to Carl Sagan).

Do you believe I have a dragon in my garage Gimpy? Give reasons. Obviously it's POSSIBLE that I have such a dragon in my garage, but based on the evidence it is AT LEAST equally possible (even probable) that I am either mistaken, stupid, misled, dishonest or wicked when I am advocating my dragon's existance. Is absence of evidence for my dragon proof of its non-existance? No, because (as we know from Bacon) if you don't see a black swan and all you see are white swans, it doesn't conclusively prove that black swans don't exist. What it DOES prove is that thus far we have only seen white swans. If you are claiming that black swans exist then you'd better have some evidence to back that claim up.

In the case of my dragon I can provide no such evidence because each time my dragon's existance is probed I move the goalposts. However this also renders the question of said dragon's existance moot: how is an utterly undetectable dragon different from a non existant one? Both COULD exist, but surely you need more than my unsupported say so to claim that one does. Simply because a claim can be made, it doesn;t follow that this claim is equally well supported by the evidence as other claims are.

Science's failure to explain certain phenomena? Since when has anyone claimed to have all the answers right now? It's called an ongoing process Gimpy, and we ain't at the end. I've made this point about a half dozen times in this thread alone. Do I really have to reiterate it because you're too stupid and dishonest to read? All knowledge is provisional, but we can have some idea of how reliable it is. Read back, this element is answered.

The "Just wait, we'll figure it out" answer is NOT an answer to the question, it is an admission of current ignorance (and some optimism!;). Current ignorance doesn't equal non existant. However, the caveat is that simply because all things are POSSIBLE, not all things are EQUALLY possible, no even PROBABLE. Very very very very key distinction Gimpy, forgive me if I doubt you'll get it, based on the evidence you have provided so far nof course.

As for abiogenesis, we're in better shape than you know. Do we have mechanisms that we know can create complex self replicating molecules? Yes. Have we seen these things in the lab? Yes. Is it likely that we will be able to reproduce the exact path that life on earth followed?  No, verging on perhaps. Could we perhaps develop analogous systems? Yes. The current lack of a concrete idea of precisely how abiogenesis proceeded on earth is NOT evidence for any alternative claim you dream up. We currently know all about every mechanism required to produce self replicating molecules from common chemicals found in space/on earth etc. What we don't know is the precise details of which of several possible routes it took. Think of it like a painting: we can see the artist's rough sketches in charcoal, not all of them, but enough to know the layout of the painting and that it is a portrait of a face. The colours, details and precisely who's face it is we cannot yet tell, but we also know a thing or two about painting.

All though this, your painfully obvious quest for certainty is clear. There is none. There is no absolute certainty for you.  We are on shifting sands, some more solid than the rest, but all shiting to various degrees.

3) You apparently claim that an individual can only "know" something by applying reason or observation. But then you admit that theology is based on reason alone. Wouldn't this qualify as another "way"? And what about people who rely on dreams as a source of inspiration, or even "delusions" about past lives? Some of these may have been hoaxes or due to humdrum mental phenomena, but nobody really knows what happened in some of these cases.

No Gimpy you stupid, lying fuck that is NOT what I said about theology. Read it again.

Dreams and revelations are exactly what I was referring to as other ways of knowing. See right back at the start, thanks for catching up at least on one tiny point. But what do they tell us? Nothing whatsoever by themselves. My revelation that we were shat out of the arse of a gigantic space trucker is no more or less valid than your revelation that we were produced by the vaginal discharge of a mutant star kangaroo. That is until we look up into the night sky and see a huge marsupial clopper staring back at us. The only way we can verify any revelatory experience or faith based claim is by reference to observation. The only way we can know if that observation is reliable at all is to be honest and rigourous in our making of it. The only way we can know anything is by reasoned, rational observation of the universe around us.

If you claim your deist god exists and has certain attributes and I claim my different deist gods exist and have different and mutually contradictory attributes how do we know if either claim is representative of reality in any way? We resort to reason and observation. Faith and revelation alone can tell us nothing about the universe. Oh they MIGHT be correct, but only by coincidence. Back to my dragon again.

4) What if some things exist, but are unobservable by human minds? How can we decide if this situation applies? Especially since we're using the same tool we're allegedly testing?

Like for example alpha radiation. Can you see alpha radiation? Can your human mind sense it? Mine can't and I doubt yours can either. What we CAN do is design a series of experiments that render alpha particles, or rather their down stream effects on certain physical processes like fluoresence, detectable to our human minds.

If something is totally beyond observation in any manner at all, if it in no way interacts or intersects with the material universe then how is it different from not existing at all? The second it interacts, it falls into the domain of reasoned enquiry and observation. I ask again, does my garage dragon exist?

5) What about the limitations of certain branches of mathematical logic as elucidated by Gödel's incompleteness theorems? What, if any, connections can be made to human intelligence?

Ah zombie Gödel, the last refuge of the scoundrel. I have yet to see ANYONE arguing as you have invoke Gödel's theorems correctly. You might as well as wittered on about quantum uncertainty...oh wait you have elsewhere. Gödel's theorems refer only to specific first order logical systems with stated axioms.

What you are drving at here is are there things we don't know? The answer is yes. Is it possible that {insert claim here}is the case? Yes. Is it therefore the case that {insert claim here} is equally valid as the current state of rationally obtained knowledge? No. Possible =/= probable.

The connections of Gödel's theorems to human intellect...... probably yet another tiresome irrelevance of yours. The only possible connection I can see is to do withh Turing machines and the halting problem, but then my understanding of this is admittedly very sketchy so it's probably best left to better mathematicians than I.

7) You're accusing ME of being dishonest with regards to your comments about evolutionary biology? YOU ACCUSE ME OF DISHONESTY? I am actually genuinely outraged. Firstly, not only did I not in any way misrepresent your claim, I don't need to Gimpy, but you have lied continually and shifted the goalposts here yet again. Amusingly in your attempt to claim I am a liar you have to lie to accomplish it! Irony much? Not only have you NOT proven your claim, but you proven (yet again) my contention that you are a dishonest prick who'll stoop to any level to "win at that intarnetzzz". Your pathetic motivations are as usual clear.

What game is a foot? Gimpy I don't need to play games with you, you're too dumb to read plain text, games are beyond your meagre ken. Yet again, as usual, you try dishonestly to move those goalposts. The comments you were making were to do with the similarity of processes of inference in science and theology. My point is that in the example you gave the inferences being made are not of the same type, nor being made in the same way, nor on the same basis. You're strawman of how science works is what I was taking issue with.

Take your comments in context Gimpy. You were arguing that because in science some things are indirectly observed and based on inference that similar indirectly observed inferences from fields like theology could be considered to be similarly valid. My point is they cannot for several key reasons (reasons I note you admit, gods you are dishonest cunt aren't you?). We don't claim that whales absolutely definitely evolved from artiodactyls because of certain DIRECT observations of fossils and genes etc. What we DO say is that the most parsimonious model we can build for whale evolution based on current evidence is that artiodactyls are in the ancestral line (direct or indirect) of modern whales. That is LIGHT YEARS different from what you said. The nature of the inference being made is wildly different. THAT is why your false equivalence is wrong, and no doubt in your case deliberately dishonest.

The "wild tirade" as you call it is no such thing. It is a refutation of the claim you were making about the equivalence of data from disparate fields. What observations about the universe support a theological claim? None! Not one. Not even a sausage. Why? Because as you've had pointed out to you about a billion times now personal incredulity does not constitute evidence. Also good to remember is the plural of anecdote is not data. Theology uses observation and logic in reference to works based on it's own dogmatic, unquestionable axioms. As has been explained to you several times. This does not mean that the claims of theology are on equal footing with those of science. What it means is that in some areas of theology the tools that underpin science are used. The problem with theology is that it uses faith and revelation also, and they fuck the whole picture up, as explained above.

The false comparison you are making is that because we didn't see whales evolve from artiodactyls that the evidence is circumstantial thus circumstantial evidence from theology is as valid. First of all the relationship proposed between whales and artiodactyls is not as simple as your strawman (as pointed out). Second of all the evidence is not at all circumstantial but direct. You don't understand what is being discovered in the whale/artiodactyl example. The point is NOT that whales evolved from artiodactyls, but that similarities between two groups of organisms have been directly observed. That's it. One possible secondary implication of this is that the two populations could be related, but this is a probablistic argument based on the construction of parsimonious clades, not a concrete or tentative claim based on circumstantial evidence.

8) Me, one of the board's heavy hitters? Bwaaaahahahahaha. Hardly. Thanks for the flattery Gimpy, sadly for you, it's just another piece of taawdry bullshit from a practicallt sub-human piece of bigotted scum. Now do us all a favour and fuck off. There's a good troll.



Dean Morrison

Posts: 216
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,19:37   

Is the barmy old racist still trolling??...

hope the entertainment's been good, although I rather expect it hasn't.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,20:26   


1) Gimpy do you know what a strawman is? You use them left and right so you should.

OK, folks, here's a challenge:

Summarise Louis's position on the different ways of knowing -- and remember that Louis has to accept the synopsis. Anyone care to give it a shot? Because I'm through with Louis's shell games.

2) Why not tease you about being part non-white? Because I don't know if you are or not.

You don't know my sexual orientation either, but that didn't stop you from ridiculing gay sex. So why not broaden your horizons?

3) Abuse and homosexuality. You recieve my unending contempt and abuse because you lie.

The point is that you're abusing gays as well. Personally, I think you have the right to ridicule any individual, group, or practice you choose, but don't expect me to ignore your hypocrisy. Once again, if you're not being bigoted, why not make jokes about my Amerindian heritage? After all, it's about me being closeted, and not the group you're disparaging, correct?

As for being a closet case, Gimpy you total fucking imbecile I don't know if you are or not, and I really couldn't care less. If you are GOOD, if you're not GOOD. The WHOLE and total point of that abuse (actually mocking humour rather than abuse, I don't expect you to see the difference) is because you post silly pictures of sweaty men and make silly macho comments. Nobody else does this. The purpose of mocking this behaviour that you (and no one else) exhibit is to highlight how ridiculous it is, and because based on your previous posting habits and comments, I and others assume that being accused of closet homosexuality is something that would annoy you.

In other words, gay sex should be ridiculed when I post pictures of scantily-clothed men, make macho comments, and get annoyed (well, two out of three ain't bad). This isn't helping you any. You obviously have issues with gay men, and you use any excuse to vent your dislike.

Personally, I don't care what your feelings are, and I respect your right to share them, but what you're doing is bigoted. Sorry if that hurts, but the truth does that sometimes.

4) You've made a couple of good points on economics? Wow (colour me doubtful in any case).

Then why not PM Eric Murphy or Flint? Or ask them publically? Please note that I'm only claiming that I made several good points, not that Flint and I "won" the "debate". It was more like a discussion than a debate, and I wasn't trying to convert Eric to my point of view anyway.

5) Smacking you in the mouth. Sorry where have I advocated this? What I HAVE said is that if you behaved in real life like you do here, you would recieve a well deserved smack in the mouth from an unspecified, but probably irritated, listener. Are you somehow above an arse kicking Gimpy? Shit I know I'm not! If I behaved offline like you do online I'd employ a secretary to organise all the extremely well deserved smacks in the mouth I would undoubtably have people queueing down the road to administer.

Let's examine Louis's statement:

1) He has never advocated smacking me in the mouth;

2) Nevertheless, he's currently stating that I deserve to be smacked in the mouth for my behavior.

Message to lurkers: don't smack Paley around unless he behaves this way in real life. Then I am "not above" a good arse kicking. But Louis isn't advocating that you should kick my ass! Unless you're unspecified and angry. Then go ahead. Except Louis doesn't think you should, even though I deserve it.

Dig?  :D

If anyone can summarise Louis's half digested crap that he cribbed from Skeptical Inquirer, I'll address more of Louis's drooling. Somehow, I don't think anyone will rise to the challenge.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2006,20:45   


Your rather pathetic paranoia and out of context use of Lenny's comments speak volumes, especially added to the fact that you think beating harmless, elderly homeless people is a good idea, and you continually post wrestler pics and make comments of beating/crushing etc evos/liberals/lefties etc.

You just can't help it, can you? I've already said several times that I advocate forcefully removing public wankers from the subway instead of beating them. You do realise that people acting with no sense of restraint are potentially dangerous, don't you? As for taking things out of context, where's the context in saying you would help a mob string someone up? I might be paranoid, but that doesn't mean I'm without enemies.

Or so I've been told.

By the way, notice that no one is visibly disturbed by Lenny's explicit threat. Yep, atheists have got it goin' on in the morals department. I don't know why you guys have such a bad rep. ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2006,06:54   


1) Hmmm did I misrepresent your comments about wanking tramps? Gosh! Unpleasant and dishonest isn't it? Dare I suggest that you possibly get it now? Although let's be blunt I didn't misrepresent what you originally said did I?

Here's the thread.

Here's the actual comment from Gimpy:

So a whole trainload of "men" just averted their eyes while a guy masturbated right in front of them, their women, and their children. Wimps.

[edit: Well, on a commuter train there probably weren't too many families. I stand behind my opinion. Wimps.]


By the way, Louis, if you're wondering if I back up my tough talk, the answer is yes. In fact, on separate occasions I've had thugs (one of them about 6'5'' or so) attempt to target me for racial violence. Nothing came from it when they saw I was ready to fight. In addition, I have to tell people to take their cell phones outside from time to time when I'm posting from this library. Then, there was the incident when....well, ya'll get the point. Accept it or reject it, the truth is there are still real men in the world, and almost all of them are conservative. I've seen too many video clips of strangers standing by while someone gets assaulted or even murdered. In fact, I once saw a clip where a young man was stabbing an elderly fellow on a bus. People were just quickly deboarding as if nothing serious was happening. One young gentleman just stood there, watching the assault. What cowards we've become!

Bolding mine.

A clear advocacy of violence against the mentally ill? Hmmm. Who'd have thunk it. Surely Gimpy if it's ok for you to spin Lenny's comments into a personal threat, when they're not, then isn't your comment about backing up your tough talk and fighting big 6'5'' muscley men (that must have excited you) an equally vile advocation of violence against the mentally ill? Tsk tsk Gimpy. You seem unaware that people have a) memories and b) the ability to Google at least as well as you.

2) Please go right ahead and summarise my arguments, anyone, please do. There's no shell games, no bait and switch, I've been saying the same darned things since the start. As of course Gimpy you would know if you could read for a modicum of comprehension.

Cribbed from the Skeptical Inquirer? LMFAO, naaaaah. It's called "having a memory" and "actually knowing what you're talking about" Gimpy. Two concepts I realise you are unfamiliar with.. This argument has been hashed out and won decades ago. Sorry but your ignorance and lack of familiarity with the basics of the claims you make will-he nill-he doesn't constitute either an argument or originality.

As for the rest of your schtick, you simply cannot follow an argument, despite having it explained to you at length several times in several different ways. With examples! Your stupidity does not constitute a contrary point.

3) As for Lenny's comments shall we see them in context?

(Oh and not everyone here is an atheist btw. I am, some others are, but many aren't. I would also argue that, despite my love of profanity and great annoyance at sub-human lying scum like you Gimpy, my ethics and morals are so far out of reach of someone like yourself that we border on being different species. After all, I at least can manage to be honest on an internet message board, make coherent arguments, admit where and when I am wrong or uncertain. All things that elude you Gimpy. I remember (vaguely) the school vicar at my prep school saying something (a quote I think) about one's moral character not being tested when someone is watching, but when no one is watching. Something along that line. Let's see, do you self confessedly troll message boards? Check. Do you dishonestly make straw versions of people's arguments? Check. Do you hide behind the distance and anonymity of the internet to talk trash, lie and obfuscate? Check, checkety check. Looks like nil points to you AGAIN Gimpy. Want me to go on? I have your whole posting history at ATBC to use as evidence. You on the other hand have naught but lies and deliberate distortions. Sucks to be you eh Gimpy?)

See it all here.


As the population of the US recently passes 300 million, it occurs to me that, in the US, good white aryans like Paley will very soon be . . . well . .  a minority.

One wonders how well Paley himself will then integrate into the, um, majority culture.

Or will Paley then advocate his own good white aryan version of "ethnic cleansing" . . . . ?

How about it, Paley?  Would you want your daughter to marry one of "those people" . . . . . . ?

Gimpy's reply:

As the population of the US recently passes 300 million, it occurs to me that, in the US, good white aryans like Paley will very soon be . . . well . .  a minority.

One wonders how well Paley himself will then integrate into the, um, majority culture.

This fact distresses more whites than you think. As for me, I don't care so long as the minority-majority culture doesn't find Western values evil white abstractions. If so, you'll be swinging next to me. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Or will Paley then advocate his own good white aryan version of "ethnic cleansing" . . . . ?

If ethnic cleansing ever happens (doubtful), it will be based on Mugabe's, not Hitler's, model. What's more likely is a heightened level of strife, with SWAT teams being a fixture in many high schools, not just California's. Hope it doesn't come to pass, but the preliminary evidence doesn't look so hot (heh).

How about it, Paley?  Would you want your daughter to marry one of "those people" . . . . . . ?

Since my future daughter will be mixed, she'll probably marry another mixed individual. But whomever she marries, (s)he has my support so long as (s)he's not someone like you. You know, an angry person who writes deceptive, poorly researched essays. If that ever happens, then you bet I'll be pissed.

Lenny's reply:

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Oct. 21 2006,14:56)

[This fact distresses more whites than you think.]

I live in Florida, Paley.  I'm quite aware how "distressed" "whites" are by it.

And I laugh at them and their "distress".

[As for me, I don't care so long as the minority-majority culture]

Wow, you can't even bring yourself to SAY it, can you, Paley . . . even when they are "the majority", you will STILL continue to view them (and speak of them) as "minorities", and will STILL see yourself as their superiors. . . .

They will be "the majority", Paley.  YOU will be the "minority".  Get used to it, and pray they will be more merciful towards you than your ilk have been towards them.  Me, I think turnabout is fair play.  And you might even learn a lesson or two from it.

I think you and your fellow aryans are in for some awfully rough times in the next few decades, Paley. . . . .

[doesn't find Western values evil white abstractions.]

I see, so it's OK for YOU to think THEIR values are evil, but it's *not* OK if THEY think YOUR values are evil.  They have to integrate into YOUR culture, but YOU don't have to integrate into THEIRS.  I guess you're too good for that or something, huh.

And, uh, what again did you and your fellow aryans plan on doing if the majority DO decide to make you integrate into their majority culture (ya know, Paley -- like the way you want the Muslims to integrate into yours, and then bitch and complain when they don't do it to your satisfaction . . .?)

I do not think you are going to enjoy the next few decades, Paley. . . .

[If so, you'll be swinging next to me.]

No, Paley --- I'll be helping them string you up. I don't like aryan supremacists very much. And I take great pleasure in their "distress".

Stephen Elliot then said:

Just woke up so maybe I am not comprehnding this corectly.

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Oct. 21 2006,16:57)
They will be "the majority", Paley.  YOU will be the "minority".  Get used to it, and pray they will be more merciful towards you than your ilk have been towards them.  Me, I think turnabout is fair play.  And you might even learn a lesson or two from it.

Are you saying that it is ok to discriminate on race, providing it is done against whites?

To which Lenny replied:

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ Oct. 21 2006,22:52)
Just woke up so maybe I am not comprehnding this corectly.

 Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Oct. 21 2006,16:57)
They will be "the majority", Paley.  YOU will be the "minority".  Get used to it, and pray they will be more merciful towards you than your ilk have been towards them.  Me, I think turnabout is fair play.  And you might even learn a lesson or two from it.

Are you saying that it is ok to discriminate on race, providing it is done against whites?

Go back to sleep.  

I am saying that the good white aryans are not going to like what happens when they are the minority.  And it might teach them a lesson or two.

And I will laugh at them the entire time.  I think turnabout is fair play.

What I think is OK or not, matters not a whit. No one is going to ask my permission beforehand.

This has morphed into your new sig:

A lefty confesses:

"I do not think you are going to enjoy the next few decades, Paley. . . ."
[If so, you'll be swinging next to me.]
"No, Paley --- I'll be helping them string you up. I don't like aryan supremacists very much. And I take great pleasure in their 'distress'."

Any questions?

First and foremost, as can be seen from the linked thread and the in-order reposts and quotes above, the [If so, you'll be swinging next to me] comment was made by Gimpy BEFORE Lenny's "decades" comment.  Also the topic of this subsection of the thread was about the  "white, aryan supremacist" subset of "white" people, not the whole "white" people group. A fact clarified several times, not least in the reply Lenny made to Stephen Elliot above.

Remember Gimpy brought up the hanging imagery when referring to a shift in the racial makeup of American society.

You are quoting Lenny's words out of context in order to perpetuate a fictional, universal anti-white discrimination you believe exists on the basis on no evidence whatsoever.

While I don't agree with stringing anyone up, even racist bigots like you Gimpy, Lenny's comments were in context, based on an extension of a metaphor you used. Taking them deliberately out of context is dishonest. Gee what a surprise.

4) In my re-reading of certain threads, I came across a piece of profound and humbling wisdom from Shirley Knott:

Louis, and others, I share your frustration with Paley's Ghast, and have been wrestling with appropriate responses.
When someone so egregiously abuses the hospitality and good will of so many for so long, it seems that exclusion of the abuser is the only remedy with any hope of preserving the sociality of the gathering.  Banning would give him far more attention than the miserable little twunt deservers.
Therefore, I can only suggest that the only legitimate response is emphatic shunning.
GoP should be ignored, no responses to his lies and drivel should be posted -- aside from at most a note to 'see previous behavior patterns for a full explanation of why this wanker is being ignored'.  He is not a member of the community, he is not a welcome participant, he is not even so respectable as that complete loser afDave.  So, ignore him utterly and completely.

no hugs for thugs,
Shirley Knott

I hate to cede the "last word" (or in Gimpy's case, last lie) to a dishonest bigot, but there really is no point discussing anything with you. You are a proven self confessed lair and troll. It is a waste of my time to deal with you. Shirley is right. Good bye.


P.S. It always pays to remember that if one anally fists a donkey one comes away with only two things: a shitty fist and a pleased donkey. I'm tired of pleasing the donkey and getting shit on my fist.

P.P.S. "I might be paranoid, but that doesn't mean I'm without enemies." You grant yourself vastly more significance than you deserve. The fact that you are a demonstrated narcissist as well as bigot and liar has been mentioned before. Get help. I mean that both sincerely and seriously.

P.P.P.S. I've long thought that you are another datapoint in the nutter camp of "my views must be important because you're debating them". Looks like I was right. Again.


The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2006,12:21   

Um, Louis, how do anecdotes involving self-defense morph into beating up the mentally ill? The only time I would "beat up" a mentally ill person is if that individual attacked me, and even then I would only do enough damage to stop the attack, and no more. As I've said before (and you continue to ignore), I only advocate escorting potentially dangerous people off crowded subways, not beating them. But please don't take my word for it -- ask Stephen Elliot.

As far as the Lenny comment is concerned, I'm glad you included the context, because it proves my point: that Lenny, in fact, wishes to string up me and other crime thinkers when he gets the opportunity. That is all I've been saying, and that's all my sig says. No quote-mine.

First and foremost, as can be seen from the linked thread and the in-order reposts and quotes above, the [If so, you'll be swinging next to me] comment was made by Gimpy BEFORE Lenny's "decades" comment.  Also the topic of this subsection of the thread was about the  "white, aryan supremacist" subset of "white" people, not the whole "white" people group. A fact clarified several times, not least in the reply Lenny made to Stephen Elliot above.

Remember Gimpy brought up the hanging imagery when referring to a shift in the racial makeup of American society.

You are quoting Lenny's words out of context in order to perpetuate a fictional, universal anti-white discrimination you believe exists on the basis on no evidence whatsoever.

Notice how the bolded bit distorts my position. I only claimed that Lenny wants to lynch me & other unspecified "bad" whites, and the context proves just that. I never said that Lenny wants to lynch or discriminate against white people in general -- only the ones he deems bigots:

They will be "the majority", Paley.  YOU will be the "minority".  Get used to it, and pray they will be more merciful towards you than your ilk have been towards them.  Me, I think turnabout is fair play.  And you might even learn a lesson or two from it.

He also thinks its OK if the majority culture reduces all white people into subservient status:

And, uh, what again did you and your fellow aryans plan on doing if the majority DO decide to make you integrate into their majority culture (ya know, Paley -- like the way you want the Muslims to integrate into yours, and then bitch and complain when they don't do it to your satisfaction . . .?)

I do not think you are going to enjoy the next few decades, Paley

Making someone integrate =forcing them to integrate -> punishing/discriminating against whites who want to maintain their own culture. Dhimmitude, in other words. So even your attempt to mischaracterise my position backfires, as Lenny actually does seem to think that white culture should be eradicated (although he thinks that nonwhites should get to make that decision....awww, how nice of him).

Don't ever become a defense attorney, Louis.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2006,18:10   

Is Paley  ***STILL***  yapping . . . . ?  (yawn)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2006,14:31   

Louis in another thread:

By denying reality, by preferring fantasy and dogma to a reasoned understanding of the world around us we hasten the last days of our Rome. Our current comfort is a very recent and very very hard won luxury, that facets of it are unsustainable is undeniable, but that really doesn't mean too much. We're an inventive bunch. The fact is that we don't have the luxury of entertaining creationist propaganda in science class, or faith based programmes or selective faith schooling. We don't have the luxury of zionist foreign policies, abolishment of double jeapordy, abolishment of right to a free trial, the open use and support of torture, the derogation of dissent, the state control of an otherwise "free" press (no matter how vile or low brow). These are luxuries we don't have because they are incredibly hard won. They have been bought on the backs of generations, bought in blood.

Mel, is that you? You're supposed to be laying off the sauce!

 :D  :D  :D

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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