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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,09:23   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,12:01)

I do not put my faith (or trust) in anything unless there is ample evidence that that thing is trustworthy. Before I deposit my money in a financial institution, I want a certain amount of evidence that they are FDIC insured or have a certain financial strength or what have you.  Before I trust my car to a body shop, I want some evidence that my car will not come out looking like an Earl Scheib $99 special.

See, Dave, this is exactly why you're a dupe. You say you've seen massive amounts of evidence supporting your beliefs, but when we ask you to provide that evidence, you come up empty-handed. I've been asking you since the first couple of days of May to provide evidence just for one subset of your "hypothesis": evidence for a young earth. I know you think you've provided evidence for this assertion, but the fact is, you simply haven't. Ask anyone here on this thread if they think you have, and everyone will give you the same answer: no.

So what are we to make of you, Dave? In all honesty, on this point (your claim that you've provided evidence for a young earth), I hesitate to say you're lying, because you really do seem to think you have provided such evidence. But your sincerity on the issue is pretty irrelevant.

So help us out here, Dave. You claim that for you, belief in God is not a matter of faith; it's a matter of evidence. Then why is it so hard for you to present that evidence? You claim it's a "massive amount," so it shouldn't be too hard to post some of it here. But you simply haven't. Why not?

Geologists aren't dismissing your "global flood" as a fairy tale because they're scared to admit there's evidence for a god. They dismiss it because the evidence simply isn't there, and in fact the contrary evidence is truly mountainous (as I've said many times before, you have to eliminate all the evidence—every last bit of it—of an old earth for your "hypothesis" to avoid falsification).  You say you have "in the very rocks a message so loud and so clear validating the truth of one of the most pivotal events in the history of the world," but it's not there. It simply isn't, and we've been around and around on this subject for long enough to have proven that.

Again, Dave: what methodology would you use to determine the age of the Grand Canyon strata? What is the date that that methodology provides? And what are the error bars on that date? Until you can present at least a methodology and the results thereof, how can you expect anyone to take seriously your claims?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,09:41   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,12:43)
What I see though is that the biggest evidence for a global flood doesn't even require reading a single scientific paper.  It doesn't require a geology degree.  It doesn't even require any high school level science classes at all.  

Guys, I don't know how to say this any more clearly.  We have something like 2 miles thick (maybe I'm off a mile or two--doesn't matter for my present point) of mostly water-laid sediment on planet earth!!  All you have to do is look at the abundant pictures of the Grand Canyon or any other exposed area.  The evidence is there.  There was a whale of a lot of water required to lay down all that sedimentary rocks, friends!

Now HOW exactly did it happen?  OK ... now we need to do some scientific work and write some papers.  I agree.  But to show it DID OCCUR?  No scientific papers required, friend.  

All that's required is some eyeballs and some functioning synapses.

Wrong, Dave. Wrong, wrong wrong.

Why do you think that evidence of a lot of water-laid sediment is evidence for a global flood? Why do I have to keep asking you over and over again this simple, basic question?

Why is it not more likely that this same sediment was laid down over millions to billions of years? The continents are covered with an average of 2,600 meters of sediment (sorry, my earlier figure of 6,000 meters was incorrect, but the error doesn't affect my argument). How much water would it take to lay 5,000 feet of sediment worldwide, Dave? A hundred thousand feet? A million feet? And where did all that sediment come from? (hint: it didn't wash down from the mountains.) You still can't explain where your water came from, how it managed to cover the entire surface of the world to a depth of 5,000 feet—not nearly enough to have deposited that amount of sediment—and where it all drained to. Why do I find myself asking you the same questions over and over again, month in and month out, without ever getting an answer from you?

Dave, the Grand Canyon strata have been assigned dates by reference to uncontrovertible evidence. You have gotten nowhere trying to discredit that evidence. Further, you have provided no methodology whatsoever, despite being asked multiple times, that you would use to date those same sediments that would result in your clearly erroneous dates.

So you're wrong when you say "All that's required is some eyeballs and some functioning synapses." A lot more than that is required, Dave. You act like science has no idea how the Grand Canyon got to be there. Actually, geologists know pretty much exactly how it go there, and your "hypothesis" not only doesn't explain how it got there, but young-earth creationists are on record admitting that your "global flood" would require the suspension of physical laws to have happened.

Yes, the Grand Canyon certainly "did occur." No disputing that. But how? Your "hypothesis" cannot explain how, without requiring the suspension of physical laws.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,09:41   

Quote (ScaryFacts @ Sep. 01 2006,14:05)
WWJD - What Would Jesus Drive?

A Bugatti Veyron, surely!

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,10:13   

SFBDave rambles on with:
What I see though is that the biggest evidence for a global flood doesn't even require reading a single scientific paper.  It doesn't require a geology degree.  It doesn't even require any high school level science classes at all.  

Guys, I don't know how to say this any more clearly.  We have something like 2 miles thick (maybe I'm off a mile or two--doesn't matter for my present point) of mostly water-laid sediment on planet earth!!  All you have to do is look at the abundant pictures of the Grand Canyon or any other exposed area.  The evidence is there.  There was a whale of a lot of water required to lay down all that sedimentary rocks, friends!

Now HOW exactly did it happen?  OK ... now we need to do some scientific work and write some papers.  I agree.  But to show it DID OCCUR?  No scientific papers required, friend.  

All that's required is some eyeballs and some functioning synapses.

Let me try a little SFBDave logic (it’s gonna hurt I’m sure, but here goes):


My Holy Book teaches me that the world is populated with an abundance of invisible tree fairies.  These tree fairies have teeny paint brushes, and every autumn they roam the world (the Northern hemisphere anyway) painting the leaves in their favorite colors – red, gold, orange!  Then, when they tire of the colors, the tree fairies take tiny invisible pruning shears and cut the leaves off!

My Argument:

What I see though is that the biggest evidence for tree fairies doesn't even require reading a single scientific paper.  It doesn't require a biology degree.  It doesn't even require any high school level science classes at all.  

Guys, I don't know how to say this any more clearly.  Every autumn we have something like 2 million square miles of forests whose leaves change color and then fall to the ground!!  I'll say it again -billions of colored leaves lying on the ground every autumn.  All you have to do is look at the abundant pictures of the Appalachian Trail or any other heavily forested area.  The evidence is there.  There were a whale of a lot of tree fairies required to paint and cut all those leaves, friends!

Now HOW exactly did it happen?  OK ... now we need to do some scientific work and write some papers.  I agree.  But to show it DID OCCUR?  No scientific papers required, friend.  

All that's required is some eyeballs and some functioning synapses.

NOW SFBDave – can you tell me what is wrong with my logic?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,10:19   

Silly me, I forgot Jesus already  has a car just look at the pictures.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,11:30   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,08:49)
What I would like to see is one of the kids Dave is poisoning see this thread and sue his pants off.
This one statement speaks volumes about you.

 This one statement speaks volumes about you.

And the fact you ignored the substantive part of my post speaks volumes. The point is that in any INFORMED debate about christianity or science the conversions tend to go one direction only. What does that tell you. Ofcourse you know that's why you try and get the kids before they can get educated.

The fact that you haven't:

1. Explained why the fossil record supports common descent not a flood. Handwaving about body size or speed does not explain the sorting.

2. Explained away the high correlation between dating methods which support an old earth.

As has been noted you have plumbed the depths of AIG and have found nothing that could stand up to any examination. In fact the original thing that shows your lies is your original promise to show "new" evidence for global floods etc. Everything you presented was straight from AIG. Everything you presented was already dealt with in T.O.. *ho-hum* another boring creo.[QUOTE][/QUOTE]


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,11:46   

(on a parallel accounting blog somewhere)

H&RDave: Why can't all the expert accountants in the world understand my theory that Enron is a great investment?

oldmankenlaydidit: Uh, because it's a piece of crap, HRDave? We've pointed that out to you for 4 months now. Are you retarded?

H&RDave: I already refuted that and I won't repeat it. You're just a religious zealot. You believe in Millionsofdollarsoffraudism. You're so blind. All it takes is some neurons. I'm sure one day you'll all be Enronists.

JakeF: Look, it's been 150 pages. You have yet to show any financial analysis of Enron. We've quoted you hundreds of sources saying it's crap. Where's your evidence?

H&RDave: Oh, you want my evidence again?

Liveman837: God, you're stupid.

E N R O N   I S   T H E   G R E A T E S T    C  O  M  P A N Y  
S I N C E   W O R L D C O M .   I   H A V E    D  E  S  T  R O Y E D
Y O U R   S O   C A L L E D   ' R E S P E C T A B L E    A U D I T S '


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,11:49   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 01 2006,16:46)
(on a parallel accounting blog somewhere)

Truly brilliant parody, Steve

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,12:18   

Steverino hits the nail on the head when he writes:
You [afdave] have yourself convinced that you have refuted the work of thousands of scientist much smarter than you or I with your misunderstandings.
This is where the arrogance of the creationist belies the alleged humility of the alleged christian.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,12:26   

Quote (Russell @ Sep. 01 2006,17:18)
Steverino hits the nail on the head when he writes:  
You [afdave] have yourself convinced that you have refuted the work of thousands of scientist much smarter than you or I with your misunderstandings.
This is where the arrogance of the creationist belies the alleged humility of the alleged christian.

Woah there cowboy.  Are you saying that single sentence platitudes that a 9 year old can understand aren't enough to disprove a scientific theory with 150 years of verfication that provides the backbone for hundreds of thousands of scientists' work?  Because that's just elitist snobbery.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,12:59   

Expect some kind of fake BS humility, like "Oh, no, why li'l ol me would never try to outthink all you bright folk, nosiree...why I only know the truth cause the Lord God told me, I never coulda figured it out myssef."


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,16:54   


(on a parallel accounting blog somewhere)

H&RDave: Why can't all the expert accountants in the world understand my theory that Enron is a great investment?

oldmankenlaydidit: Uh, because it's a piece of crap, HRDave? We've pointed that out to you for 4 months now. Are you retarded?

H&RDave: I already refuted that and I won't repeat it. You're just a religious zealot. You believe in Millionsofdollarsoffraudism. You're so blind. All it takes is some neurons. I'm sure one day you'll all be Enronists.

JakeF: Look, it's been 150 pages. You have yet to show any financial analysis of Enron. We've quoted you hundreds of sources saying it's crap. Where's your evidence?

H&RDave: Oh, you want my evidence again?

Liveman837: God, you're stupid.

E N R O N   I S   T H E   G R E A T E S T    C  O  M  P A N Y  
S I N C E   W O R L D C O M .   I   H A V E    D  E  S  T  R O Y E D
Y O U R   S O   C A L L E D   ' R E S P E C T A B L E    A U D I T S '

Man I love analogies!  And this is one of the finest!  But to make it applicable, you need to tweak it just a little ... all you have to do is rewind time 3 years (or so) to a time oh maybe  6 months or a year or so PRIOR to the Enron meltdown.

Now put yourself in the position of advocating an investment in Enron ... you know ... all the most highly educated accountants and snobbish stock brokers say its a great investment, etc., etc.  Only H&RDave and a few other "anti-progressives" says it's not a good investment.

Now you have a much more realistic analogy because neither side can see the future.  We both have to analyze the available evidence without the benefit of hindsight.

And to make it an even more realistic analogy, we should say that there is ample evidence readily available to anyone who wants it that Ken Lay and his buddies were stealing money.

Now you would have a good analogy to "AFDave vs. the Evos on the Genesis Flood."

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,17:11   

You say you've seen massive amounts of evidence supporting your beliefs, but when we ask you to provide that evidence, you come up empty-handed.
Yeah ... empty handed ... forget about 2 mile thick sedimentary rock layers, 3/4 of the present globe covered by water, evidence that mountains used to be under water and sea floors have sunk ... but, yeah ... other than that little dinky minor evidence, I'm empty handed.  Sure Eric.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,17:37   

Hey SFBDave, since you want to talk about evidence:

How about those six independent methods for calibrating C14 dating results that all cross-correlate with each other, and all indicates dates of a minimum of 10,500 YBP?  Any explanations yet?

How long does it take 1000' of limestone to form Dave?

How long does it take water to erode a 500' deep canyon in rock-hard limestone Dave?

How could such a canyon be formed and then buried under 17,000 ft. of sediment in only 3-4 days Dave?

And what about the Yellowstone buried forests Dave?  The ones you brought up that have over two dozen mature forests growing and then buried one on top of the other in distinctly identified layers?  How long does it take a mature forest to grow Dave?

SFBDavie, as long as you continue to dishonestly refuse to address this factual info, you'll be both empty handed and empty headed.

Oh, I forgot.  You do believe in the tree fairy religion, right?  Even an idiot can see the evidence...

B I L L I O N S   O F  C O L O R E D  L E A V E S  L Y I N G   O N   T H E  G R O U N D  E V E R Y  A U T U M N  ! ! ! :p

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,17:51   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,23:11)
You say you've seen massive amounts of evidence supporting your beliefs, but when we ask you to provide that evidence, you come up empty-handed.
Yeah ... empty handed ... forget about 2 mile thick sedimentary rock layers, 3/4 of the present globe covered by water, evidence that mountains used to be under water and sea floors have sunk ... but, yeah ... other than that little dinky minor evidence, I'm empty handed.  Sure Eric.

Um Dave, our "millionsofyearsism" has all that stuff too, so

W H A T   E L S E   H A V E   Y O U    G  O  T  ?


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,18:39   

Quote (Ved @ Sep. 01 2006,22:51)
Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,23:11)
You say you've seen massive amounts of evidence supporting your beliefs, but when we ask you to provide that evidence, you come up empty-handed.
Yeah ... empty handed ... forget about 2 mile thick sedimentary rock layers, 3/4 of the present globe covered by water, evidence that mountains used to be under water and sea floors have sunk ... but, yeah ... other than that little dinky minor evidence, I'm empty handed.  Sure Eric.

Um Dave, our "millionsofyearsism" has all that stuff too, so

W H A T   E L S E   H A V E   Y O U    G  O  T  ?

Oh noes! Ved, you... you just showed dave how to use bigger fonts!


A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,19:19   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,21:54)

Man I love analogies!  And this is one of the finest!  But to make it applicable, you need to tweak it just a little ... all you have to do is rewind time 3 years (or so) to a time oh maybe  6 months or a year or so PRIOR to the Enron meltdown.

And to make it an even more realistic analogy, we should say that there is ample evidence readily available to anyone who wants it that Ken Lay and his buddies were stealing money.

Now you would have a good analogy to "AFDave vs. the Evos on the Genesis Flood."

No we wouldn't, Dave. And here's why: because when we ask you, why is this company a bad company to invest in, you can't give us a single reason.

Yes, Dave, it's possible (extraordinarily, fantastically, astronomically unlikely, but possible) that all of geology, biology, genetics, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, anthropology, paleontology, and archaeology are wrong. But that's not the point. The point is this: when we ask you why we should think geology, biology, etc. are wrong—you can't give us a single reason! That's the problem, Dave. The only reason you have for believing that all of science is wrong is your own personal incredulity, without reference to any supportable contrary evidence.

We've asked you time after time after time to provide evidence—any evidence at all—to support your assertions, and every time you fail. Even in the (extremely limited) cases where we know there actually is evidence, e.g., for "cosmic fine tuning," you still can't provide the evidence.

So yet again, you provide us with a completely broken, inapt, inapplicable analogy. Imagine our surprise.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,19:39   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 01 2006,22:11)
Yeah ... empty handed ... forget about 2 mile thick sedimentary rock layers, 3/4 of the present globe covered by water, evidence that mountains used to be under water and sea floors have sunk ... but, yeah ... other than that little dinky minor evidence, I'm empty handed.  Sure Eric.

Let me try this one more time, Dave. None of those things can be accounted for by a "global catastrophic flood" (how could 5,000 feet of water deposit two miles of sediment, Dave? Think about that for a minute.) Are you saying the mere existence of oceans implies a flood? How does that work, Dave? Have you given this any thought? Where has the excess water gone? You're talking almost double the amount of water that actually exists today. Where did it go?

I don't need to "forget" about 2,600 m of sediment, oceans, and plate tectonics, Dave. I've asked you over and over again to explain how these things do not rule out a "global catastrophic flood," but you can never come up with anything. How many times have I asked you how less than a mile of water could deposit more than a mile of sediment? I've asked you at least ten times, and you've never even acknowledged the question.

Conventional geologic theory gives a precise and interlocking explanation for every single one of those things you think is evidence for a flood, Dave, in a way that is mutiply-reinforced by multiple, independent, mutually-reinforcing lines of evidence. Not only can your "flood" not account for them; it's effectively ruled out of consideration by most of them.

So yes, as Mr. Aftershave so perceptively pointed out: you're not just empty-handed, you're empty-headed.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Crabby Appleton

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,20:58   

Quote (improvius @ Aug. 31 2006,17:20)
Don't feel too bad.  My parents told me that chiggers would burrow under my skin.  whenever I got chigger bites, my mom would cover them with nail polish to "smother" them.

They also fed me, among other things, Spam sandwiches.

Strangely enough the old nail polish remedy is one of the best. It doesn't smother redbugs but it does keep oxygen away from the stylostome and helps prevent the bite from turning into that nasty suppurating wound.

I swear by it anyhow.

Chigger bites are the only thing I hate worse than fire ant bites.

What's wrong with Spam sandwiches?

Crabby Appleton

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,21:03   

Quote (afdave @ Aug. 31 2006,21:50)
... glad you are still here drinking from the Fount of Creationist Wisdom :-)

Guess what I do in that fount?

Crabby Appleton

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,21:28   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 01 2006,13:52)
Was Jesus driving a '68 Charger?

Cause that's what I'd drive if I were god.

Oh come on, God was driving a Matra in '68, Jesus was driving a Chaparral and Judas was driving a Charger.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,21:53   

Dave, I already explained that the equation
Code Sample
No Flood <=> no water-lais sediments
is wrong.
Can you understand some very basic stuff or are you brain damaged?

Crabby Appleton

Posts: 250
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 01 2006,22:07   

DDTTD, your whale of amount of water needed to lay down the sediment we see in Grand Canyon is exactly the amount of water that's always been here. No more, no less, no fludde.

I've asked you several times to identify a fossil forest that shows every sign of having gigantic trees moved across half a continent in a massive (but not world encompassing) flood.


It would seem to support your claims but the AiG/ICR boys ain't got no answers

What would Jeshua drive? It depends, if it was a performance car it would probably be like this


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,08:14   

"This planet has lots of water and lots of dirt in layers, so I must be right -- except for all the details I avoid"

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,12:44   

On more question, Dave, to add to the four dozen or so you've never answered: how did your remarkably turbulent, chaotic floodwaters separate all their sediment (more sediment, in fact, than water) into nice neat layers, exactly the sort of layers the competing theory expects? I've never seen floodwaters lay down nice neat layers, filled with nicely organized fossils—organized according to exactly the sort of order to be expected by evolutionary theory, have you?

Is this another question you're just going to ignore?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,14:06   

Nice organized fossils, huh?  Wanna show me an example?

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,15:15   

Nice organized fossils, huh?  Wanna show me an example?

Sure. No modern mammals in the Morrison. Find one outside of the Cenozoic.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,15:19   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 02 2006,19:06)
Nice organized fossils, huh?  Wanna show me an example?

Sure, Dave. Find one fossil of a rabbit (or, indeed of any mammal) anywhere in any Precambrian stratum, anywhere on the planet. Indeed, find me a single trilobite fossil, in Triassic sediment or later, anywhere in the world.

In other words, Dave, every single fossil you find in any sedimentary stratum anywhere on the planet is correctly ordered, in exactly the place paleontologists would expect to find it.

You want an example? Pick up a fossil in any stratum anywhere. That's your example.

Now, about that 5,000 feet of sediment laid down by 5,000 feet of water, Dave…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,15:32   

Notice again how your questions get immediately answered, AirHead? Notice that you cannot do the same?
The Cenozoic "Age of Mammals" extends back about 65 Million years, Stupid.
The Mesozoic "Age of Reptiles" extends over roughly 3 times that expanse. Yet, in all those layers layed down over all that time, all over the world...not one modern mammal that has ever been reliably confirmed. Ever. No deposits of horse bones as we see in the Cenozoic. No bears. No elephant graveyards in 180 Million years of the Mesozoic. No Tigers. No lions, no Raccoons, no humans. All those layers...and not ONE modern mammal. dinosaurs in the Eocene (okay, birds count for lots of people). No angiosperms in the Silurian. No horses there, either. It all fits a long time span with evolution occuring. It doesn't fit your model, which is why you can't even answer the simple question: "Why are there no modern mammals in the Morrison? "

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2006,15:39   


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