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  Topic: Dave Tard Memorial Thread, Another Victim of the Culture Wars,,,< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 80
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(Permalink) Posted: July 19 2006,12:54   

She did, however, write articles about cats for Hi-Rise magazine, which would seem to indicate a level of biological study that surpasses many of her peers.


Rev. BigDumbChimp

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(Permalink) Posted: July 19 2006,14:37   

MonkeyBoy really fell off the haywagon and boy is he pissed.

I hate to disappoint the church burnin' ebola boys but I won't be commenting on UD in the future. I just told the smarmy Canadian cross dresser to go fuck itself in an email. It would have banned me in any case as it's nowhere near as cool as Bill Dembski. The stick up its disgusting ass could make a redwood feel inadequate. I'm going to go ahead and forgive Bill for this monumental brainfart as he's going through some long term bad shit on the homefront with a sick child. I felt bad about bailing out on him at a time like this but he forced my hand. No big deal. I had a few extra hours today to finish rebuilding the carbs on my jetboat (it's back together and running great) and throw a ball in the water for my puppy. He's napping at my feet on the houseboat at the moment. I think we'll go out for a swim and then take the jetboat for a longer validation run.

P.S. if my dog was as ugly as the Canadian cross dresser I'd shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards.

HAHAHA - I kill me sometimes!

DaveTard shows his couth


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(Permalink) Posted: July 20 2006,08:19   

She has written for newspapers, magazines, book publishers, and trade journals, including the Globe & Mail, the Toronto Star, and Canadian Living.

One wonders how many of those were op-ed pieces that anyone can write.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: July 20 2006,20:36   

I come not to praise davescot, but to bury him.   :)

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,08:36   

Quote (KiwiInOz @ July 21 2006,01:36)
I come not to praise davescot, but to bury him.   :)

I actually kind of miss Dave, but if he's the one disemvowelling random comments right now at UD, I can see he's not going quietly.  :p

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 15 2006,19:21   


I think I met you in Dallas last week. I took a picture. Is this you?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Robert O'Brien

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,13:27   

Quote (deadman_932 @ July 19 2006,00:25)
I weep for the Ann Coulters and Kent Hovinds of the world that no longer have a champion for their cause. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. But surely, Dave the computer expert and autodidactic 180-IQ Scientific American Marine Agnostic that believes god created all animals equally...will stand up to the occasion like the  mushrooms he raises so lovingly.

Don't forget that DaveScot is the lover of many men's wives, who beg him to impregnate them.

Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,13:38   

Hey Robbie, isn't that a sinful thought . . . . ?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Robert O'Brien

Posts: 348
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,14:22   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Aug. 16 2006,18:38)
Hey Robbie, isn't that a sinful thought . . . . ?

For whom? I definitely don't get off on the thought of DaveScot spreading his seed. In fact, I find the prospect f'ing terrifying.

Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,16:11   

Quote (Robert O'Brien @ Aug. 16 2006,19:22)
Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Aug. 16 2006,18:38)
Hey Robbie, isn't that a sinful thought . . . . ?

For whom? I definitely don't get off on the thought of DaveScot spreading his seed. In fact, I find the prospect f'ing terrifying.

My goodness, Robbie, you certainly do seem to have an obsession with, uh, "precious bodily fluids".

Anything you want to, uh, tell us . . . . . . ?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Robert O'Brien

Posts: 348
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,16:18   

My goodness,Robbie, you certainly do seem to have an obsession with, uh, "precious bodily fluids".

You must be projecting.

Anything you want to, uh, tell us . . . . . . ?


Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei

Paul Flocken

Posts: 290
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,16:28   

Flank, get over yourself.  I thought what O'brien wrote about DT was spot on to the idea in the previous post and good enough to laugh at.  Don't be a knee jerk hater just because you disagree with O'brien's wingnuttery elsewhere.

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.  Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."-John F. Kennedy

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,16:33   

Quote (Paul Flocken @ Aug. 16 2006,21:28)
Flank, get over yourself.  I thought what O'brien wrote about DT was spot on to the idea in the previous post and good enough to laugh at.  Don't be a knee jerk hater just because you disagree with O'brien's wingnuttery elsewhere.

That's, uh, "Rev Dr" Flank.

I paid eight bucks for my titles, and I want to make sure I get my money's worth.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Robert O'Brien

Posts: 348
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,19:12   

Quote (Glen Davidson @ July 19 2006,13:03)
More importantly, in the area of psychology we have reason to suppose that if she didn't look like a chain-smoking dyke, while apparently having a fundy background, she might be more open to scientific ideas.  She's reacting against the more knowing/better looking/cooler than Dembski (yes, we exist) types.

What does psychology tell us about an unjustifiably arrogant dick who likes to hit below the belt like you?

Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei


Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2006,21:36   

hmm, define "unjustifiably arrogant", considering what you can learn from the single statement you just commented on, especially taken out of context of the rest of what Glen wrote.

You must be psychic.

does that come with the melding of mathematics and theology?

Your reaction bespeaks of fondness.  Is your defense of Oleary justifiable, I wonder?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


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