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  Topic: Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility", in which assumptions are facts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2009,15:01   

Even if there were some enzymes that did react with only one particular amino acid (is that what "specific" means here?), how would that undermine part of the current theory? I don't know any reason why a the gene for a nonspecific enzyme couldn't accumulate changes that cause it to ignore all but one of the amino acids that are present in organisms of that species.

But anyway, what's all this about trying to undermine current theory by pointing to things that haven't been resolved at this time? Refuting a concept requires addressing what the concept says, not what it doesn't say.


Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2009,16:07   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 25 2009,11:38)
So deadman, is common descent settled science (IOW, the final answer) or was Bill lying?

So now I'm the arbiter of all that is true, Daniel?

OK: you're full of shit. Give it up.

Deadman and JAM might find my use of the term "settled science" pernicious, which might be worth discussing. But whatever the outcome of that discussion, the intention of the passages you quote was to underscore that, your feigned interest in science notwithstanding, you really are a science denier in the worst sense, as evidenced by your embrace - typical of creationists - of the hope that there is some possibility of a young, 10,000 year earth, and of special creation for individual species, particularly the human species. Like it or not, the leading edge of science has moved on from these questions, which have assumed their places in fund of background knowledge that becomes the framework within which new science is done.

I am a fan of Wittgenstein's little volume On Certainty, his last work (patched together from notes and notebooks written during the last 1 1/2 years of his life), in which he argues that pragmatic certainty inheres not in absolute knowledge that what one believes is correct, but rather in the observation that (to paraphrase) "if we can be wrong about that, then we don't really know anything."
If a blind man were to ask me "Have you got two hands?" I should not make sure by looking. If I were to have any doubt of it, then I don't know why I should trust my eyes. For why shouldn't I test my eyes by looking to find out whether I see my two hands? What is to be tested by what?


That is to say, the questions that we raise and our doubts depend on the fact that some propositions are exempt from doubt, are as it were like hinges on which those turn....If I want the door to turn, the hinges must stay put.

A 4.5 billion year earth, common descent, and the historical continuity of the human species with the rest of the natural world have long attained the status of the "background" world picture, the hinges around which our actions turn, including scientific investigation. There may be a basis in the future for justified doubt of those propositions, but at present there is none. To reject these facts is really to doubt not particular scientific assertions, but rather the value of the scientific process generally, for if these facts can be doubted, all scientific assertions must be doubted.

Of course you are free to do that, although in so doing you render further conversation on these topics inherently futile within a scientific context, as you have become a science denier and no longer share the essential frame of reference that makes scientific knowledge pragmatically attainable.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2009,17:11   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ April 25 2009,15:07)
Deadman and JAM might find my use of the term "settled science" pernicious, which might be worth discussing.

Pernicious? No. It's probably very confusing to laypeople without accompanying it with the caveat that overturning "settled science" is what makes one famous. After all, you tend to get a Nobel if you modify what we call "The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology."

I've always found that hard to explain to people who are under the misconception that scientists are all about knowing lots of stuff, when really we're all about being the first to know a few special things.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2009,17:19   

No one here is conned by your bullshit games, Denial.

-- You insist that people present you with scientific "Final Answers" before YOU will accept them (even though you *also* say scientists are the final arbiters and you try to bounce back and forth between those mutually-exclusive claims).

-- The "Final" part of "Final Answer" indicates an unconditional absolute, Denial. There is no "after-final" answer following a "Final Answer."

-- People point out, truthfully and honestly, that science cannot be said to deal in such absolute "Final Answers," and you are given  references for that, like the Gould quote and the Philosophy of Science info. You didn't even bother to read those -- or if you did, that merely compounds your fucked-up-ness.

-- You then try the smarmiest, most desperate word games and fallacies --  including the cheap stunt of trying to set people (who disagree with you) against each other to distract from your own failure and duplicity.

When Reciprocating Bill uses the term "settled" YOU try to claim it means the same thing as "final answer" then YOU try to get me to argue with Bill because YOU can't even begin to address YOUR own falsehoods, YOURSELF?

What kind of a God do you worship, Denial? It sure doesn't seem to be a Christian one, when you permit yourself to use any unethical or immoral tactic.

But people here have seen clownish pseudochristian clones like you time and again, so that's just another big fail for you.

I'm sure you're used to it

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


Posts: 517
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2009,17:22   

Quote (Henry J @ April 25 2009,14:01)
Even if there were some enzymes that did react with only one particular amino acid (is that what "specific" means here?), how would that undermine part of the current theory?

It wouldn't. It's necessary, not sufficient.
I don't know any reason why a the gene for a nonspecific enzyme couldn't accumulate changes that cause it to ignore all but one of the amino acids that are present in organisms of that species.

There isn't.
But anyway, what's all this about trying to undermine current theory by pointing to things that haven't been resolved at this time? Refuting a concept requires addressing what the concept says, not what it doesn't say.

It's about BS, which is all Denial has.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2009,20:39   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 25 2009,11:58)
Quote (JAM @ April 21 2009,00:18)

How about answering one simple question--were you lying when you claimed they [enzymes] were "specific," because in reality, they are merely selective?


A Google Scholar search for the phrase "enzymes are highly specific" turned up 428 results.

A similar search for the phrase "enzyme is highly specific" returned 811 results.

A search for "enzyme is specific" produced 2160 results.

And a search for "enzymes are specific" gives 928 results.

So, either I'm in good company or all of these scientists are lying too.  (In which case you have a lot of letters to write to the editors of those journals!)

Chop chop!

You really think that finding particualr phrases in scientific papers, without even reading those papers to uderstand the context, supports your claim about enzymes in the context in which it was presented?

Jesus Haploid Christ on a pogo stick, you grow stupider by the day.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,05:17   


It would appear that Denial is too stupid to understand the difference between "settled science" (i.e. the product of multiple lines of consilient evidence from a variety of fields derived from a process which gives provisional answers to specific questions) and "final answers" (absolutist dogma derived from an assumed perfect source of knowledge and thus utterly unchangeable). One of these things exists, the other doesn't.

Hence, again, why I have since-a-dawn-a-time been banging on about Denial's major malfunction being a complete lack of understanding of basic philosophy.

Tragically, anyone mentioning the provisional nature of science/knowledge is doing so correctly, but to the utterly moronic (i.e. Denial) this is seen as a weakness. Equally tragically, anyone mentioning the power, and comparatively certain knowledge derived from the scientific method is damned, again by the utterly moronic (i.e. Denial) as a dogmatist. Extremely tragically, this sort of intellectually dishonest reaction is exactly what we expect from the utterly moronic (i.e. Denial).

The pointlessness, it overwhelms me!




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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,06:44   

Quote (JonF @ April 26 2009,04:39)
Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 25 2009,11:58)
Quote (JAM @ April 21 2009,00:18)

How about answering one simple question--were you lying when you claimed they [enzymes] were "specific," because in reality, they are merely selective?


A Google Scholar search for the phrase "enzymes are highly specific" turned up 428 results.

A similar search for the phrase "enzyme is highly specific" returned 811 results.

A search for "enzyme is specific" produced 2160 results.

And a search for "enzymes are specific" gives 928 results.

So, either I'm in good company or all of these scientists are lying too.  (In which case you have a lot of letters to write to the editors of those journals!)

Chop chop!

You really think that finding particualr phrases in scientific papers, without even reading those papers to uderstand the context, supports your claim about enzymes in the context in which it was presented?

Jesus Haploid Christ on a pogo stick, you grow stupider by the day.

I think Daniel has invented a new false logical argument.

Argumentum ad Google

He needs help though.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,09:04   

Quote (k.e.. @ April 26 2009,07:44)
I think Daniel has invented a new false logical argument.

Argumentum ad Google

He needs help though.

Nope. AfDave had it first.

(Followed by a long discussion about how likely papers from the 1940's were to be indexed on Google Scholar.)

(I note the extreme dishonesty in his choice of search terms at


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,09:07   

Indeed, Daniel should accept that his conversion to Christianity is totally provisional subject to actual evidence for the ghost or whatever it was of Jesus Christ entering his body while he was wide awake and presumably in broad daylight with onlookers who ....erm ....we can't exactly call reliable witnesses.

I think you hit the nail right on the head there.  I asked ‘what’s the problem’, but he won’t tell. Having followed him from the bathroom to his own abode here, it has become increasingly clear in spite of his denial that he is seeking confirmation of faith. He is on a quest for absolute certainty; thirsting for certainty at a level that science, i.e. nothing ever can satisfy.

(Louis:) Hence, again, why I have since-a-dawn-a-time been banging on about Denial's major malfunction being a complete lack of understanding of basic philosophy.

Right. And after having repaired that, on to Sartre, Kierkegaard, Swedenborg… Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads – anything as long as it would keep his mind off science…

Isn’t his basic problem that of learning how to live with uncertainty?

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,11:51   

Quote (Quack @ April 26 2009,10:07)
Having followed him from the bathroom to his own abode here, it has become increasingly clear in spite of his denial that he is seeking confirmation of faith. He is on a quest for absolute certainty; thirsting for certainty at a level that science, i.e. nothing ever can satisfy.

Exactly so. In the end, Denial's ultimate purpose is to convince himself.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,12:00   

Quote (Quack @ April 26 2009,15:07)

Isn’t his basic problem that of learning how to live with uncertainty?


Oh and also that science doesn't prove Jesus.

And that he's dishonest and thinks lying for Jesus is all well and good.


Ok bored now.




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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,12:04   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ April 25 2009,22:07)

Of course you are free to do that, although in so doing you render further conversation on these topics inherently futile within a scientific context, as you have become a science denier and no longer share the essential frame of reference that makes scientific knowledge pragmatically attainable.

More than that, he's a hypocrite. He's using a machine, built using knowledge discovered by the scientific method, to communicate* with people hundreds/thousands of miles away to try to argue the invalidity of science.

Pass me a shot gun, I'll take out his kneecaps and see if he asks for scientifically derived analgesia.

Whaddya mean that's a bit harsh? ;-)


*I use the term loosely.


Daniel Smith

Posts: 970
Joined: Sep. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,13:06   

Quote (deadman_932 @ April 25 2009,15:19)
No one here is conned by your bullshit games, Denial.

-- You insist that people present you with scientific "Final Answers" before YOU will accept them (even though you *also* say scientists are the final arbiters and you try to bounce back and forth between those mutually-exclusive claims).

-- The "Final" part of "Final Answer" indicates an unconditional absolute, Denial. There is no "after-final" answer following a "Final Answer."

-- People point out, truthfully and honestly, that science cannot be said to deal in such absolute "Final Answers," and you are given  references for that, like the Gould quote and the Philosophy of Science info. You didn't even bother to read those -- or if you did, that merely compounds your fucked-up-ness.

-- You then try the smarmiest, most desperate word games and fallacies --  including the cheap stunt of trying to set people (who disagree with you) against each other to distract from your own failure and duplicity.

When Reciprocating Bill uses the term "settled" YOU try to claim it means the same thing as "final answer" then YOU try to get me to argue with Bill because YOU can't even begin to address YOUR own falsehoods, YOURSELF?

What kind of a God do you worship, Denial? It sure doesn't seem to be a Christian one, when you permit yourself to use any unethical or immoral tactic.

But people here have seen clownish pseudochristian clones like you time and again, so that's just another big fail for you.

I'm sure you're used to it

In the interest of moving the discussion along then, I will amend my definition of "detailed pathway".  Just remove "final answer" and replace it with "settled science".


"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance."  Orville Wright

"The presence or absence of a creative super-intelligence is unequivocally a scientific question."  Richard Dawkins

Daniel Smith

Posts: 970
Joined: Sep. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,13:08   

[quote=JAM,April 25 2009,15:22]  
Quote (Henry J @ April 25 2009,14:01)

I don't know any reason why a the gene for a nonspecific enzyme couldn't accumulate changes that cause it to ignore all but one of the amino acids that are present in organisms of that species.

There isn't.

Please explain how a "non-specific enzyme" would work in any real system.

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance."  Orville Wright

"The presence or absence of a creative super-intelligence is unequivocally a scientific question."  Richard Dawkins


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,13:49   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,13:08)
Please explain how a "non-specific enzyme" would work in any real system.

Denial, I'm pretty sure we need you to define "real" system.

But in case your definition includes things on this planet, we've been around this mulberry bush before, at least twice, or maybe three times. I forgot if these rotations were clockwise or counterclockwise, but apparently you aren't dizzy enough yet.

You really need to find a new gig; this one isn't working out for you at all, and it's getting really boring.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,14:26   

Quote (Quack @ April 26 2009,17:07)
Indeed, Daniel should accept that his conversion to Christianity is totally provisional subject to actual evidence for the ghost or whatever it was of Jesus Christ entering his body while he was wide awake and presumably in broad daylight with onlookers who ....erm ....we can't exactly call reliable witnesses.

I think you hit the nail right on the head there.  I asked ‘what’s the problem’, but he won’t tell. Having followed him from the bathroom to his own abode here, it has become increasingly clear in spite of his denial that he is seeking confirmation of faith. He is on a quest for absolute certainty; thirsting for certainty at a level that science, i.e. nothing ever can satisfy.

(Louis:) Hence, again, why I have since-a-dawn-a-time been banging on about Denial's major malfunction being a complete lack of understanding of basic philosophy.

Right. And after having repaired that, on to Sartre, Kierkegaard, Swedenborg… Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads – anything as long as it would keep his mind off science…

Isn’t his basic problem that of learning how to live with uncertainty?



Daniel doesn't do Comparitive  Mythology  only Scientism.

His ego is far too large to accept some chased by hords sandaled dusty mystic's words of wisdom, even ones nailed to a cross by Biggus Dickus and his band of bloody bodice rippers.

Daniel if he was there would have been on the board of of the Temple arguing for the staus quo, quoting the ancient scrolls.

His none too recent immersion at some pomo christo ashram with his subsequent self inflicted rapturous mind-gasm promising everlasting cross eyes has him never coming up for air for eternity.

Rebirth as an old fart, a veritibal Guru of ...erm...nothing much.

Or maybe it was a bedroom conversion, the female of the species never takes prisoners only total devourment awaits the lost neophite. Although it can be devine, it can lead to awkward moments in groups with rational people.

So Daniel tell us more about your conversion


I suspect he wields his Bible passive aggressively over the family dining table. If he has one.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,15:17   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,13:06)
In the interest of moving the discussion along then, I will amend my definition of "detailed pathway".  Just remove "final answer" and replace it with "settled science".


No, I'm not "happy," Denial.

Be honest (try hard!) -- you're not interested in "moving the discussion along." Otherwise, this thread would be much, much shorter than it is.

Two questions, then, Denial:
(1) Will you define "settled science" without asking someone else to do it for you?

(2) Will you flip-flop back and forth again on who determines "settled science?" Here, you've used mutually-exclusive tactics; claiming that scientists determine it, then in the next breath posing yourself as the one who decides.

In order to do so, you mainly rely on the old smarmy creationist tactics of quotemining or pointing to dissenting voices in science -- no matter how far removed the "dissenting voice" is from actual research in the relevant field at this time. Finding isolated "dissenters" from mainstream science isn't hard, Denial. There are lots of scientists in the world and like any population, many of those will be incompetent, unhinged or simply bullshitting themselves. Your job, then, is to point to ANY competing models and show how they are *better* than evolutionary-based ones. You have failed to do this, and when pressed, you admit that you can't.

In the case of the aminosynthesis pathway you were given, you haven't been able to point to any competing models. I don't know of any. So, in the absence of  dissenting voices, your only option right now is to try to pose yourself as an "arbiter of valid science" again....which is exactly what you will try to do.

See, when I look for reasons *I* (and scientists actually in the relevant field) might be wrong, and I go to YOU or any other creationist to see how robust their competing models are...they offer nothing but handwaving that should shame any snake-oil salesman or con-artist.  

So, define your terms, Denial. Deny yourself your usual smarmy tactics and look for reasons that you might be wrong -- then be honest about it when you are wrong..  

Try it, it's refreshing.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


Posts: 517
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,15:35   

[quote=Daniel Smith,April 26 2009,12:08]
Quote (JAM @ April 25 2009,15:22)
Quote (Henry J @ April 25 2009,14:01)

I don't know any reason why a the gene for a nonspecific enzyme couldn't accumulate changes that cause it to ignore all but one of the amino acids that are present in organisms of that species.

There isn't.

Please explain how a "non-specific enzyme" would work in any real system.

How about how such an enzyme actually does (not would) work in the system you specified?

Would that show you how idiotic you are being?

Daniel Smith

Posts: 970
Joined: Sep. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,18:57   

Quote (deadman_932 @ April 26 2009,13:17)
Two questions, then, Denial:
(1) Will you define "settled science" without asking someone else to do it for you?

(2) Will you flip-flop back and forth again on who determines "settled science?" Here, you've used mutually-exclusive tactics; claiming that scientists determine it, then in the next breath posing yourself as the one who decides.

1. Settled science = A hypothesis that is finely detailed, extensively tested, empirically verified by each test, and agreed "settled" by the experts in the field.

An example of settled science would be the hypothesis that the Earth orbits the Sun.

2. Settled science is determined by consensus of the experts in the field - never by internet posers.

Now - all you have to do is show me a detailed natural evolutionary pathway that meets these two criteria.  Your aminosynthetic pathway does not qualify A) because it is a sketchy outline, and B) because you cannot show where the experts in the field have agreed - after extensive testing - that it is "settled science" to the same degree that it is settled that the Earth orbits the Sun.

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance."  Orville Wright

"The presence or absence of a creative super-intelligence is unequivocally a scientific question."  Richard Dawkins

Daniel Smith

Posts: 970
Joined: Sep. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,18:59   

[quote=JAM,April 26 2009,13:35]  
Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,12:08)
Quote (JAM @ April 25 2009,15:22)
Quote (Henry J @ April 25 2009,14:01)

I don't know any reason why a the gene for a nonspecific enzyme couldn't accumulate changes that cause it to ignore all but one of the amino acids that are present in organisms of that species.

There isn't.

Please explain how a "non-specific enzyme" would work in any real system.

How about how such an enzyme actually does (not would) work in the system you specified?

Please do.  That would be perfect.

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance."  Orville Wright

"The presence or absence of a creative super-intelligence is unequivocally a scientific question."  Richard Dawkins

Daniel Smith

Posts: 970
Joined: Sep. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,19:01   

Quote (Henry J @ April 25 2009,13:01)
Even if there were some enzymes that did react with only one particular amino acid (is that what "specific" means here?),

By "specific" I meant specific as to the substrate they will accept and the catalytic reaction they will perform on that substrate.

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance."  Orville Wright

"The presence or absence of a creative super-intelligence is unequivocally a scientific question."  Richard Dawkins

Daniel Smith

Posts: 970
Joined: Sep. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,19:06   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ April 26 2009,11:49)
Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,13:08)
Please explain how a "non-specific enzyme" would work in any real system.

Denial, I'm pretty sure we need you to define "real" system.

But in case your definition includes things on this planet, we've been around this mulberry bush before, at least twice, or maybe three times. I forgot if these rotations were clockwise or counterclockwise, but apparently you aren't dizzy enough yet.

You really need to find a new gig; this one isn't working out for you at all, and it's getting really boring.

The first link takes me to a post where you cite this abstract and this paper but I'm not sure what your trying to say by citing these papers or how they are specifically relevant to what we are presently discussing.

The other two links just take me to JAM's post at the start of this thread - so again I'm not sure what your trying to say.

Why don't you just spell it out without being so cryptic?

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance."  Orville Wright

"The presence or absence of a creative super-intelligence is unequivocally a scientific question."  Richard Dawkins


Posts: 3094
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,19:57   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,18:57)
Quote (deadman_932 @ April 26 2009,13:17)
Two questions, then, Denial:
(1) Will you define "settled science" without asking someone else to do it for you?

(2) Will you flip-flop back and forth again on who determines "settled science?" Here, you've used mutually-exclusive tactics; claiming that scientists determine it, then in the next breath posing yourself as the one who decides.

1. Settled science = A hypothesis that is finely detailed, extensively tested, empirically verified by each test, and agreed "settled" by the experts in the field.

An example of settled science would be the hypothesis that the Earth orbits the Sun.

2. Settled science is determined by consensus of the experts in the field - never by internet posers.

Now - all you have to do is show me a detailed natural evolutionary pathway that meets these two criteria.  Your aminosynthetic pathway does not qualify A) because it is a sketchy outline, and B) because you cannot show where the experts in the field have agreed - after extensive testing - that it is "settled science" to the same degree that it is settled that the Earth orbits the Sun.

With your example of planetary orbits of the sun, you should have pointed to "origins" of that system...because it's there that your con-game is exposed. For example: is the ORIGIN of current planetary orbits "settled science,"  Denial? In all detail? Verifiably? Replicably? With consensus in the scientific community?

See, you're not just pointing to existing bio-genetic things and saying "I want to know a pathway for aminosynthesis."'re asking for the ORIGINS of that pathway.

You're using obvious fallacies (again!) in your con-game , Denial:

(1) You're trying to substitute a now-existing system (planetary orbits) for your actual previous request for the ORIGINS of a system ("show me how an aminosynthesis [or solar system] pathway evolved"). This is a "compositional fallacy." Or I could just call it a false analogy and leave it at that.
(2) With your example of planetary orbits, you're also using "begging the question" of such a system, because you're assuming facts not in evidence, like the ORIGINS of that system -- which is what you **REALLY** asked for about an evolutionary pathway. Try putting the EXACT same burdens of evidence on your own examples as you did on the examples of others, Denial. Don't try to substitute "existing " systems for "origins of" an existing system.

I could bother to point out how you're also employing a "cause and effect" fallacy, strawman,equivocation, etc.,  but I won't bother.

Now that you've dropped your other fake game of "final answers" in science, point to things in science that deal with what YOU actually asked for, Denial -- the ORIGINS of a system.

I want those examples to be as detailed as what your "definitional" criteria demands. Obviously you can find some that meet that level of " fine detail," testing, verification and agreed-upon acceptance. While you state just exactly, PRECISELY what criteria you use to determine EACH of those things.

See how easy it is to expose your con-game , Denial?

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


Posts: 2780
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,21:25   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,19:06)
Quote (Albatrossity2 @ April 26 2009,11:49)
Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,13:08)
Please explain how a "non-specific enzyme" would work in any real system.

Denial, I'm pretty sure we need you to define "real" system.

But in case your definition includes things on this planet, we've been around this mulberry bush before, at least twice, or maybe three times. I forgot if these rotations were clockwise or counterclockwise, but apparently you aren't dizzy enough yet.

You really need to find a new gig; this one isn't working out for you at all, and it's getting really boring.

The first link takes me to a post where you cite this abstract and this paper but I'm not sure what your trying to say by citing these papers or how they are specifically relevant to what we are presently discussing.

The other two links just take me to JAM's post at the start of this thread - so again I'm not sure what your trying to say.

Why don't you just spell it out without being so cryptic?

Is it "cryptic" to point you to papers where the authors deal with enzymes that have multiple activities, when you seem confused about the meaning of the word "specific" when it applies to enzymes?

Is this quote, from the first paper I cited, cryptic?  
Thermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes cyclodextrin glucanotransferase primarily catalyses the formation of cyclic ?-(1,4)-linked oligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) from starch. This enzyme also possesses unusually high hydrolytic activity as a side reaction, thought to be due to partial retention of ancestral enzyme function.

Weren't you reading a biochemistry textbook once upon a time?

If you don't understand those abstracts, and why they are directly relevant to your problems with biochemical pathways, perhaps you should, as I suggested before, stop talking about stuff that you don't understand..

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,21:41   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,19:57)
Now - all you have to do is show me a detailed natural evolutionary pathway that meets these two criteria.  

Wup wup wup wup, whoa, boy. If you are serious about leaving it to scientists to determine what is settled science, you need to leave to them the determination of when sufficient detail to reach that settled status has been attained.

What we have here, otherwise, is a naked attempt to reserve for yourself a backdoor through which you can abscond by inserting your own judgment: "I asked for a detailed account. This isn't detailed enough."

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington

Schroedinger's Dog

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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,22:43   

Rational person: -"I don't get this. What's wrong with me?"

Denial: -"I don't get this. What's wrong with it?"

I'm getting bored of this guy...

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2009,23:54   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ April 26 2009,17:59)

Please do.

1. acetohydroxy acid synthase (x 3 isozymes)
2. acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase
3. dihydroxy acid dehydratase
4. multiple transaminases that use both isoleucine and valine as substrates
That would be perfect.

I don't believe you.


Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2009,11:24   

Quote (k.e.. @ April 26 2009,14:26)



Sigh, guess you're right. Anyway, essentially, IMHO they don't say that much more than Monoimus, but I think they are great.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2009,18:46   

Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ April 26 2009,22:43)
Rational person: -"I don't get this. What's wrong with me?"

Denial: -"I don't get this. What's wrong with it?"

I'm getting bored of this guy...

yeah he is a boring old cunt

duh flud?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

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