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  Topic: MrIntelligentDesign, Edgar Postrado's new Intelligent Design< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2089
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,09:37   

If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,09:48   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,03:59)
Quote (NoName @ Oct. 07 2015,17:22)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 07 2015,16:57)
Quote (The whole truth @ Oct. 07 2015,08:24)
Hey wait a second, Edgar, you said that animals are not intelligent, that they use instinct only, and that they are therefor "naturen", but you also say that ticks and dolphins are "intellen" (intelligent) because they have a defense mechanism. Can you name some animals that have no defense mechanism?

Since all animals are intellen, then, it is expected and predicted that all of them have defense mechanisms...

You appear to be contradicting yourself.
Are animals intellen or naturen?
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 06 2015,05:14)
Yes, intelligence is always having two or more solutions but those animals that you are saying don't use that.

Humans do it, but I don't consider humans as animals. I called them intellen beings.

I am not contradicting myself. I said and claimed that all animals are intellen and all animals except humans have no intelligence but instinct only.

Is that a contradiction?

Yes, that is a contradiction.

Your claims are a mass of contradictions and bald assertions.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,09:52   

Quote (N.Wells @ Oct. 08 2015,04:20)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,05:59)
Quote (NoName @ Oct. 07 2015,17:22)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 07 2015,16:57)
Quote (The whole truth @ Oct. 07 2015,08:24)
Hey wait a second, Edgar, you said that animals are not intelligent, that they use instinct only, and that they are therefor "naturen", but you also say that ticks and dolphins are "intellen" (intelligent) because they have a defense mechanism. Can you name some animals that have no defense mechanism?

Since all animals are intellen, then, it is expected and predicted that all of them have defense mechanisms...

You appear to be contradicting yourself.
Are animals intellen or naturen?
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 06 2015,05:14)
Yes, intelligence is always having two or more solutions but those animals that you are saying don't use that.

Humans do it, but I don't consider humans as animals. I called them intellen beings.

I am not contradicting myself. I said and claimed that all animals are intellen and all animals except humans have no intelligence but instinct only.

Is that a contradiction?

If I understand your claim, animals are intellen (created by intelligence) but are not themselves intelligent, while humans are intellen but are also intelligent. That is not a contradiction according to your terminology.  However, you are asserting without evidence that animals are intellen, that humans are intellen, and that no animals are intelligent.  The best available evidence is that humans are animals, that animals including humans became the way they are through evolution, and that some animals are capable of the same sorts of intelligent behavior displayed by humans (complex communication, delayed gratification, tool using, creative problem solving, etc.), albeit at much lower levels, and are not completely constrained by instinctive behavior.

You appear to be analyzing a deluded and false version of reality.

"albeit at much lower levels"

I disagree with that.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,09:56   

Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,17:29)
Quote (k.e.. @ Oct. 08 2015,16:26)
Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,17:02)
Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,15:54)
MrIntelligentDesign, Oct. 08 2015,15:45

Life is life and if life is meant to exist in physical form, it must have physical bodies.

And the bodies must be intellen for it is for life...
Put up or shut up forever

Mountains are mountains and if mountains are meant to exist in physical form, they must have physical rocks.

And the rocks must be intellen for it is for mountains...


Well they could be naturen if they're rolling stones because they gather no moss.

Unless the stone falls on some tissues and tears them up, haven't you learned the new ID yet? smh

Postacrudo must have some strong weed where he is. I feel like a song.

Rainy Day ID (apologies to Dylan)

Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so vague
They'll stone you just like they said they would
They'll stone you when you're tryna go a’tard
Then they'll stone you when you're putting on teh’lard

But you would not feel so all a’tard
If everybody just got stoned

Well, they'll stone you when you're posting on the blogs
They'll stone you when you're tryna keep your bluff
They'll stone you when you're movin’ teh goal posts
They'll stone you when you're getting’ in a huff

But you would not feel so all a’tard
If everybody just got stoned

They'll stone you when you're at the keyboard
They'll stone you when you are old and feeble
They'll stone you when you're tryna make a book
They'll stone you and then they'll say, "Good luck"

Tell ya what, You would not feel so all a’tard
If everybody just got stoned

Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end
Then they'll stone you and then you'll come back again
They'll stone you when you're writing in your basement
They'll stone you when you're posting in ur undies

Yes but you would not feel so all a’tard
If everybody just got stoned, alright

Well, they'll stone you when you’re postin’ all alone
They'll stone you when you are postin' from ur home
They'll stone you and when u say they all are wrong
They'll stone you when you're all done and gone

But you would not feel so all a’tard
If everybody just got stoned

ETA Rythm

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,10:08   

Quote (sparc @ Oct. 08 2015,16:37)
If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

LMFAO, not a single sale


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,10:22   

Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,18:08)
Quote (sparc @ Oct. 08 2015,16:37)
If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

LMFAO, not a single sale

How does Amazon have a remainder sale? Put the files on a 386 server in Burkina Faso?

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 525
Joined: April 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,11:46   

Quote (k.e.. @ Oct. 08 2015,10:22)
Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,18:08)
Quote (sparc @ Oct. 08 2015,16:37)
If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

LMFAO, not a single sale

How does Amazon have a remainder sale? Put the files on a 386 server in Burkina Faso?


Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,11:54   

Quote (k.e.. @ Oct. 08 2015,10:22)
Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,18:08)
Quote (sparc @ Oct. 08 2015,16:37)
If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

LMFAO, not a single sale

How does Amazon have a remainder sale? Put the files on a 386 server in Burkina Faso?

The first web server I set up was a spare 80286 box using KA9Q.

And that would have infinitely more bandwidth than required.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,12:25   

Quote (The whole truth @ Oct. 08 2015,09:52)
Quote (N.Wells @ Oct. 08 2015,04:20)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,05:59)
Quote (NoName @ Oct. 07 2015,17:22)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 07 2015,16:57)
Quote (The whole truth @ Oct. 07 2015,08:24)
Hey wait a second, Edgar, you said that animals are not intelligent, that they use instinct only, and that they are therefor "naturen", but you also say that ticks and dolphins are "intellen" (intelligent) because they have a defense mechanism. Can you name some animals that have no defense mechanism?

Since all animals are intellen, then, it is expected and predicted that all of them have defense mechanisms...

You appear to be contradicting yourself.
Are animals intellen or naturen?
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 06 2015,05:14)
Yes, intelligence is always having two or more solutions but those animals that you are saying don't use that.

Humans do it, but I don't consider humans as animals. I called them intellen beings.

I am not contradicting myself. I said and claimed that all animals are intellen and all animals except humans have no intelligence but instinct only.

Is that a contradiction?

If I understand your claim, animals are intellen (created by intelligence) but are not themselves intelligent, while humans are intellen but are also intelligent. That is not a contradiction according to your terminology.  However, you are asserting without evidence that animals are intellen, that humans are intellen, and that no animals are intelligent.  The best available evidence is that humans are animals, that animals including humans became the way they are through evolution, and that some animals are capable of the same sorts of intelligent behavior displayed by humans (complex communication, delayed gratification, tool using, creative problem solving, etc.), albeit at much lower levels, and are not completely constrained by instinctive behavior.

You appear to be analyzing a deluded and false version of reality.

"albeit at much lower levels"

I disagree with that.

My horse disagrees - he said "nay"
Well, I didn't quantify "much".  I'm happy to agree that some animals can be impressively ingenious - I'm especially impressed by octopuses [octopodes] figuring out how to open jars and elephants painting.

Henry J

Posts: 5786
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,13:25   

Your horse is a nay sayer?


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:16   

Quote (Henry J @ Oct. 08 2015,13:25)
Your horse is a nay sayer?

Very negative animal, my horse - just naying all the time. In fact, he can be a real nag.  And he bridles at any hint of criticism, worse than G.G.  Like G.G., he's in stable for a good part of each day, but unlike G.G., the rest of the time he's usually out standing in his field.  

(My apologies for the cross-thread reference.)


Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:38   

Quote (sparc @ Oct. 08 2015,09:37)
If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

I wrote and published my science books for my own self documentation of what I've discovered since I don't believe that giving them for FREE, the public would be very happy.

Thus, I wrote them.

My discoveries will stay as along as humans live on this universe and that is tooooooooo long...thus, I am not even worry about the sales..

You need to worry yourself since you have no clue on intelligence...


Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:39   

Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,10:08)
Quote (sparc @ Oct. 08 2015,16:37)
If you are curious you will find some links to MrIntelligentDesign's recent book sales here.
October sales for

Atheism and Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
The New Intelligent Design, Turning The Scientific World Upside Down (Kindle Edition) = 0
Psychology Of Intelligent Design (Kindle Edition) = 0
Physics of Intelligent Design = 0
Biology Of Intelligent Design (First Edition edition) = no sales rank available
Intelligent Design must explain = no sales rank available
Philosophy Of Intelligent Design = no sales rank available
Guide A Child To Enjoy School = no data
Peer-Review and the New Intelligent Design: a documentary = no data

Why does the term windbag comes to mind?

LMFAO, not a single sale

I am not selling, I am documenting myself, thus, I don't even worry about the sales..

I have a job..


Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:40   

Quote (The whole truth @ Oct. 08 2015,09:48)
[quote=MrIntelligentDesign,Oct. 08 2015,03:59]
Yes, that is a contradiction.

Your claims are a mass of contradictions and bald assertions.

No, I did not even contradict myself. I am perfectly clear.


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:42   

I wrote and published my science books for my own self documentation

That's fortunate, because otherwise they wouldn't be a successful solution, and now we all understand what that would imply.


Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:47   

Quote (N.Wells @ Oct. 08 2015,15:42)
I wrote and published my science books for my own self documentation

That's fortunate, because otherwise they wouldn't be a successful solution, and now we all understand what that would imply.

Educating religious people like you takes time. Look at what Galileo had done and his heliocentrism..


Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:50   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,22:38)
My discoveries will stay as along as humans live on this universe and that is tooooooooo long...thus, I am not even worry about the sales..

No, because as I've told you a zillion times, your inexistent discoveries are not repeatable. You've been complete unable to provide a comprehensive an precise method of identifying intelligent design, let alone empirical evidence to support your absurd claims.

Once you're gone, there will be no one to "clarify" that it's sculpture what threatens rocks or similar hilarious claims like that. Nobody will know you even existed, and sorry to break it down for you, you won't be anywhere else looking down to see how irrelevant you keep being after death.

And it's abundantly clear that you are lying when you say that your books are just for personal documentation. You could use a cloud storage system, but what you clearly want to to make a dent in history.

You'll only be remembered as a crackpot of the highest order when someone comes across one of these forum threads in the future


Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,15:57   

Quote (dazz @ Oct. 08 2015,15:50)
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,22:38)
My discoveries will stay as along as humans live on this universe and that is tooooooooo long...thus, I am not even worry about the sales..

No, because as I've told you a zillion times, your inexistent discoveries are not repeatable. You've been complete unable to provide a comprehensive an precise method of identifying intelligent design, let alone empirical evidence to support your absurd claims.

Once you're gone, there will be no one to "clarify" that it's sculpture what threatens rocks or similar hilarious claims like that. Nobody will know you even existed, and sorry to break it down for you, you won't be anywhere else looking down to see how irrelevant you keep being after death.

And it's abundantly clear that you are lying when you say that your books are just for personal documentation. You could use a cloud storage system, but what you clearly want to to make a dent in history.

You'll only be remembered as a crackpot of the highest order when someone comes across one of these forum threads in the future

You had never read my science books that is why you don't know many things.

Why should I worry about you? I don't care.

What I care is that I told you that there is already real intelligence and give you how to categorize X and shared to you one Section of my science book. Since you are lazy to read, then, that is your fault, not mine.

I cannot spoon-fed are not babies anymore...


Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,16:03   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,22:47)
Quote (N.Wells @ Oct. 08 2015,15:42)
I wrote and published my science books for my own self documentation

That's fortunate, because otherwise they wouldn't be a successful solution, and now we all understand what that would imply.

Educating religious people like you takes time. Look at what Galileo had done and his heliocentrism..

You still haven't noticed the crackpot index and how comparing yourself with Galileo is the predicted by the CpDT? (I know you love sciency acronyms, so there's one for you I just made up)

CpDT = Crackpot Detection Theory

Educating religious people like you takes time

Actually, educating religious people LIKE YOU is impossible.
We're not religious, your definition of religion is irrelevant, and our science has tons of evidence to support it, no matter how much you kick and moan, that is a fact.

Religion is believing in sky daddies and that's your thing. We don't worship Darwin, or think he was right in everything, or even that "Darwinism" is all there is to evolution. Darwin published his findings more than 150 years ago and other scientists have made huge contributions to the ToE after that. We're still no Mendelists or Crickists, we're just rationalists


Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,16:10   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,22:57)
What I care is that I told you that there is already real intelligence and give you how to categorize X

No you haven't. When I asked you for the first time to tell me how to do it, you said you needed to know what it was. That's enough of a proof that no one will be able to apply your "method" without your arbitrary input.

Wanna play again? OK, I have a new "X" in mind.
How do I know if it's intellen or naturen without asking you to apply your own "method"?

Henry J

Posts: 5786
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,16:59   

Quote (N.Wells @ Oct. 08 2015,11:25)
My horse disagrees - he said "nay"
Well, I didn't quantify "much".  I'm happy to agree that some animals can be impressively ingenious - I'm especially impressed by octopuses [octopodes] figuring out how to open jars and elephants painting.

Those octopuses are cute little suckers, aren't they?


Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,18:07   

Quote (Henry J @ Oct. 08 2015,23:59)
Quote (N.Wells @ Oct. 08 2015,11:25)
My horse disagrees - he said "nay"
Well, I didn't quantify "much".  I'm happy to agree that some animals can be impressively ingenious - I'm especially impressed by octopuses [octopodes] figuring out how to open jars and elephants painting.

Those octopuses are cute little suckers, aren't they?

And yummy too.. oh wait! yummy / suckers = asymmetric... Praise the lawd!!!11!111one


Posts: 398
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,18:25   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,15:40)
[quote=The whole truth,Oct. 08 2015,09:48]
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 08 2015,03:59)

Yes, that is a contradiction.

Your claims are a mass of contradictions and bald assertions.

No, I did not even contradict myself. I am perfectly clear.

You seem a bit confused about a fairly basic tenant of reasoned discourse so maybe I can assist you here:

Asserting something over and over does not make it true.

Evolander in training


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,18:39   

Quote (someotherguy @ Oct. 08 2015,16:25)
Asserting something over and over does not make it true.

Of course not.  However, asserting something over and over, interspersed with "do you understand?" "you're religious" and "buy my books"...

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

Henry J

Posts: 5786
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,20:16   

And with lots of capital letters - don't forget those!


Posts: 1218
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2015,21:17   

William H. Smith Jr is one of Edgar's 5 Star Amazon reviewers.

He wants us all to know he's an elderly gentleman but his tortured English seems oddly familiar.

Here's a selection of Edgar's William's reviews (oldest first)....



Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2015,07:13   

Quote (Woodbine @ Oct. 08 2015,21:17)
William H. Smith Jr is one of Edgar's 5 Star Amazon reviewers.

He wants us all to know he's an elderly gentleman but his tortured English seems oddly familiar.

Here's a selection of Edgar's William's reviews (oldest first)....


For me, I don't care what other people think of me. As long as I have real science, the last victory laugh will always be mine...


Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2015,07:18   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 09 2015,14:13)
Quote (Woodbine @ Oct. 08 2015,21:17)
William H. Smith Jr is one of Edgar's 5 Star Amazon reviewers.

He wants us all to know he's an elderly gentleman but his tortured English seems oddly familiar.

Here's a selection of Edgar's William's reviews (oldest first)....


For me, I don't care what other people think of me. As long as I have real science, the last victory laugh will always be mine...

You are a dishonest little piece of shit. And a pathetic failure too. Using sock puppets to boost your ratings at Amazon, SMFH

And all this from a christian who of course won't miss a chance to let others know that they sit on a moral higher ground!

Fuck off, liar for Jeebus


Posts: 405
Joined: Sep. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2015,07:52   

Quote (dazz @ Oct. 09 2015,07:18)
[quote=MrIntelligentDesign,Oct. 09 2015,14:13]
You are a dishonest little piece of shit. And a pathetic failure too. Using sock puppets to boost your ratings at Amazon, SMFH

And all this from a christian who of course won't miss a chance to let others know that they sit on a moral higher ground!

Fuck off, liar for Jeebus

I have always science because I have new discoveries and no one had ever smashed them. So, if you are a real scientist, you can read my science books and smash them and publish them in science books..



Posts: 247
Joined: Mar. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 09 2015,08:00   

Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 09 2015,14:52)
[quote=dazz,Oct. 09 2015,07:18]
Quote (MrIntelligentDesign @ Oct. 09 2015,14:13)

You are a dishonest little piece of shit. And a pathetic failure too. Using sock puppets to boost your ratings at Amazon, SMFH

And all this from a christian who of course won't miss a chance to let others know that they sit on a moral higher ground!

Fuck off, liar for Jeebus

I have always science because I have new discoveries and no one had ever smashed them. So, if you are a real scientist, you can read my science books and smash them and publish them in science books..


We've already smashed your ridiculous "theory"
Now we're talking about honesty.

Do you believe, as a christian, that your God is OK with you using that William H Smith Jr  sockpuppet to post fake feedback at Amazon?

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