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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,12:09   

there are so many facets to the Uncommonly Dense crowd. I almost feel like we need one thread for DaveTard's injections, one for DougMoron's Kindergarten-Error Philosophy Class, one for Slaveador Cordova, ...


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,13:23   

Here's a good one from the days when Red Reader and I still got along.  Watch how he interprets the following passage from an abstract Dembski posted:
ABSTRACT: “Noise” had a glorious birth. While there were rumblings before 1905, it was Einstein’s explanation of Brownian motion that started the field. His motivation was not the mere explanation of the erratic movement of pollen, but much bigger: that noise could establish the existence of atoms.

"Einstein’s motivation was…that noise could establish the existence of atoms. ”
Hmmm. As in “_And God said_, ‘Let there be a firmament…’” (Gn 1:6) ?

Comment by Red Reader — December 9, 2005 @ 8:47 pm

Red Reader was being sardonic, I’m sure, but social constructivists actually do believe that Einstein, or Dalton, or Democritus really created atoms. Beaumie Kim says:

“Social constructivists believe that reality is constructed through human activity. Members of a society together invent the properties of the world (Kukla, 2000). For the social constructivist, reality cannot be discovered: it does not exist prior to its social invention.”

Good thing nobody’s thought of intelligent design… Oops, too late.

Comment by keiths — December 10, 2005 @ 3:17 am

Sorry, no, I was not being sardonic.

I actually think it is rather amazing that a credible physicist advanced a theory suggesting that matter (atoms) may have been created by “noise” AND that an ancient record suggests the same thing: that “the firmament” (matter) was created by a “saying”, a “spoken word”, a modulated frequency of some kind, a subset of “noise”.

My first comment was too clever by half.

Comment by Red Reader — December 10, 2005 @ 9:01 am

Actually it appears the universe was ordered by noise. One might even, without too much of a stretch, call it the voice of God.

In the comment below the second link is general reading on it and the third has .wav files where you can listen to it:

Comment by DaveScot — December 10, 2005 @ 11:18 am

I thought it was a play on words, but Red Reader assures me he was quite serious:

“Sorry, no, I was not being sardonic.
I actually think it is rather amazing that a credible physicist advanced a theory suggesting that matter (atoms) may have been created by “noise” AND that an ancient record suggests the same thing: that “the firmament” (matter) was created by a “saying”, a “spoken word”, a modulated frequency of some kind, a subset of “noise”.”

Red is referring to this sentence from the article:

“His [Einstein’s] motivation was not the mere explanation of the erratic movement of pollen, but much bigger: that noise could establish the existence of atoms.”

Red, “establish” is being used here in the sense of “provide overwhelming evidence for”. It does not mean “create”.

Example: “Red Reader’s comments establish that he is not a Darwinian.”

Check out an article on Brownian motion to see why it provides evidence for the existence of atoms (or more properly, molecules). It’s a simple concept, but interesting.

Comment by keiths — December 12, 2005 @ 9:35 am

What’s the difference between "establish" and "create" and what is the significance of these words? A wrong answer means you’re out of here. A right answer concedes my point. Enjoy. -dt

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,13:59   

"Einstein’s motivation was…that noise could establish the existence of atoms. ”

Good lord, Redreader misinterpreted that as meaning that noise brought about the existence of atoms???

Yeesh, no wonder they try so hard to negate the importance of expertise and learning.

Ryan may be a little dumber, but with UD it's really a race to the bottom...
Strike two, pal.-dt

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 134
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,14:38   

New ID buzzword: "meta-science"

...linking to:

Thus for a methodological naturalist it is perfectly reasonable possibility that in science lessons it will become necessary to teach children what is in fact not true and what is in fact known to be untrue for the sake of meeting the methodological naturalism criteria laid out by the grand assembly of the interplanetary science council.

The real truth can only be taught in a new subject called meta-science lessons and it is a perfectly reasonable possibility in the future for the syllabus in these lessons to contradict the science syllabus and for the meta-science lessons to be teaching the truth and the science lessons to be teaching what is known to be wrong.

Feel free to pile in.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,14:56   

Quote (Aardvark @ Mar. 14 2006,20:38)
New ID buzzword: "meta-science"

...linking to:

Thus for a methodological naturalist it is perfectly reasonable possibility that in science lessons it will become necessary to teach children what is in fact not true and what is in fact known to be untrue for the sake of meeting the methodological naturalism criteria laid out by the grand assembly of the interplanetary science council.

The real truth can only be taught in a new subject called meta-science lessons and it is a perfectly reasonable possibility in the future for the syllabus in these lessons to contradict the science syllabus and for the meta-science lessons to be teaching the truth and the science lessons to be teaching what is known to be wrong.

Feel free to pile in.

Good lord, are you trying to kill me? Everytime I read that, I think it shortens my lifespan by at least a month...

The real truth can only be taught in a new subject called meta-science lessons

Somehow I'm strongly reminded of those madrassahs they have in the middle east, where all the teaching is 'Islamic'.
ID has nothing to do with Islam, buddy. Strike three, you're out.-dt

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,15:19   

The methodological naturalist will choose a naturalistic explanation over a meta-nature explanation to be taught as the truth in science lessons even if it is not actually true.

Thus for a methodological naturalist it is perfectly reasonable possibility that in science lessons it will become necessary to teach children what is in fact not true and what is in fact known to be untrue for the sake of meeting the methodological naturalism criteria laid out by the grand assembly of the interplanetary science council.

Ah yes, that old "argument"...

1. 'Methodologicalnaturalists' deny supernatural explanations of natural phenomena.
2. But what if those explanations were true? That would make them liars.
3. Therefore, 'methodologicalnaturalists' are liars.

Funny thing... I've written a comment in a debate on UD just a while ago that addressed this exact way of thinking, saying it's just a "scientific" wrap-up of the old theological non-argument:

"You deny the existence of God, but what if God exists after all? wouldn't that make all your points invalid, and you just a stubborn denier of the truth? ...So there you have it".

...And then they walk away fast, before you have time to reboot your brain.

The only one who's walking out real fast is you, pal. -ds

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 97
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,18:39   

Quote (stevestory @ Mar. 13 2006,19:35)
You have GOT to go read this Uncommonly Dense thread. When you get to crandaddy's statement that 'these are marginal claims' you will fall on the floor laughing.[/b]

I wonder how long comment 18 will remain?
In comment 1, Dave states, "We live in a democracy."

This may be the watered-down drivel taught in school these days, but it isn't the truth. The United States of America is not now, has never been, and was never meant to be, a democracy. The framers of the Constitution actually considered several forms of government, of which a democracy was one. It was immediately dismissed: throughout history every democracy has self-destructed in fairly short order.

Why? A democracy is the rule of the majority at the expense of the minority. In a sense, a democracy is a mobocracy - check out video footage of a riot to see a true democracy in action.

But that's not the worst thing about a democracy. The main problem that democracies face is that sooner or later the masses figure out that they can vote themselves money. At which point the end is near.

The form of government that the Constitional Framers settled on was a Constitutionally-Limited Republic. A democracy is 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. A constitutionally limited republic is one well-armed sheep telling the three wolves that voting on whats for diner is illegal, unconstitutional, and will not happen.

I'll just stop there and let you all decide who's the majority and who's the minority ;)


Posts: 59
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,19:11   

What's with the IDiots calling themselves "daddies"? Don't they understand how pathetic it sounds? crankdaddy, turddaddy...

Go to daddy. -ds


Posts: 276
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2006,23:41   

from 2006 -
Casey Luskin, program officer for public policy and legal affairs with Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture said while his group does not favor mandating the teaching of intelligent design, "we do think it is constitutional for teachers to discuss it precisely because the theory is based upon scientific evidence not religious premises."

*Snort* He must have missed the wedge document, and the Dover court case. Lying for Jesus again...

This is old news and has been refuted by Campus Crusade and several churches. Shape up or shape out pal -ds


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,00:40   

Well I finally made it, and without ever having to get angry or insult anyone (that was my self-appointed goal):

(From "water on Saturn's moon" thread)

Not that it matters, but my comment was this... (doesn't say anything we don't know, feel free to scroll down if you like)
"LoL! Keep moving the goal-posts! Purpose doesn’t have to be “some great cosmological plan”. A beaver’s “instinct” allowed it to create dams and lodges? That is just stupid."

Moving the goalposts? I thought we were discussing about some ultimate purpose behind the existence of the universe... Did I miss something, and we're now just talking about beavers and their ways? Either way, I explained that the "purpose" behind the building of dams by a beaver (like nests by a chicken, or anthills by ants) is none other than the creatures suvival: that is the ultimate goal of all life. That is no puzzle for science: what scientists seek to know, however, is what ways does life find to achieve this end, and how they are accomplished (and I do not understand your disapproval of instinct- do you think beavers are capable of abstract thought, or is the Intelligent Designer always whispering in their ear?). And of course, I suppose you agree that your other two examples are completely off the mark. We do not seek a purpose a comet might have for colliding with a planet: We look for the reasons
That led to the collision.

"That is your opinion. And you are welcome to it. Just don’t try to force it on me."

Nobody's trying to force anything on you- we're having a discussion, and it is you who asked for what I propose.

"True it was a given, but that was to demonstrate a valid point."

How can it be a valid point if the supernatural designer is taken as a given? In reality, the scientific method is not inconsistent because we do not know if there is a supernatural designer: we're working with what we have. That statement is just another way of phrasing the old phisosophical argument:
"You claim not to believe in God because there is no proof, but what if God turns out to exist after all? What would you say then? I bet you'd look silly"
...Which is not an argument at all.  

"There you go Phed. If you want to falsify the design inference provide evidence that supports option #1 or shut up."

I'm afraid you don't get it. It is neither my job nor yours to falsify either theory: It's the job of the theory's proponents to try and prove it. You see, there are three ways of trying to establish a theory:
1. "I propose theory A, and I will try to find evidence to support it"
2. "I propose theory B, but I won't bother producing any reliable evidence for it"
3. "None of you can definitely prove their theories, let alone disprove mine, so I can say whatever I want"
Now, which do you think is proper science, which is bad science, and which is no science at all?

"Scienec isn’t about “proof”.

From Dr. Behe:(...)"

Come on, don't quote Behe as an authority on what science is about- He claimed on the stand that astrology can be science, for crying out loud.
Science is indeed "an effort to make true statements about physical reality", But in order to do so in any meaningful way it simply has to figure out what "rules are used to decide what explanations are to be permitted". The whole scientific revolution of the past centuries is based on this notion that Behe finds mistaken.

"If science isn’t about finding the reality to our existence, whatever that reality is, then it is useless. Just as Mike Gene’s demonstrations states."

If you mean finding the reality of the universe around and within us, I wholeheartedly agree. If you mean finding some hidden meaning behind our existence, well, no. If that was science's true goal, it would have dissolved into philosophy ages ago- and I'll let you figure out how useful this would have been for today's world.

"The technology behind the internet is not related to the lame science you want us to believe in. "

Avoiding the issue? This is not about evolution ,or physics, or any particular field of science: It's about scientific methodology in general. *all* science follows the scientific method, not just ToE.
Now, do you seriously believe we would have the internet, or computers, or electricity for that matter, if science was not about finding *natural* mechanisms to explain natural phenomena? Think about it.

"BTW Phed- archaeology is filled with purpose- Why did people build Stonehenge? What is the purpose of the lines and figures on the Nasca Plain?"

So, now we've gone from looking for intelligent purpose in the properties of the universe to looking for intelligent purpose in intelligent actions? And it's me who's shifting the goalposts?
Even so, and although speculating on the purpose for the actions of people in ancient times can help in its cause (people are intelligent after all), search for purpose is hardly what archaeology is all about:
The real challenge in archaeology is not why Stonehenge was built (or the Nazca drawings, or the pyramids, you name it) but *who* built them and *how*. And that's where the scientific methodology is essential.
Think about it: Stonehenge seems like an impossible task for the people of that time (well it seemed, once). Should archaeology take into serious consideration the possibility that Merlin actually brought the stones floating in the air from Ireland, using his magic?
A lot of respectable authors of yore have mentioned that story, so it is backed up by authority- and it's much simpler than to imagine intricate constructions of wood and soil nobody proved without doubt they existed, and large groups of people working under the command of some geniouses that just could not exist at the time? All we have to do is accept the possibility some mythical person suspended the laws of gravity once, in an unexplained way (we won't go into that), and everything falls into place!

Once again, I'll leave it to you to figure out what we would actually know about the past now, if archaeology (and science in general) worked that way.

Comment deleted.

Phed, you’re not fitting in well here. I think it’s time for you to bother a different blog.

Thanks for all the fish. -ds

Comment by Phed — March 14, 2006 @ 5:13 pm

Should've seen it coming, but joseph was kinda getting on my nerves with his "shut up stupid" arguments...

I'll show you shut up, pal! you're outta- oh wait s**t
Um, could you like, register again for a minute?-ds

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 276
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,02:45   

It was a good post Faid! Really. Problem is, UD people don't like to be shown just how c_rappy their own logic is. As a matter of fact, there is a lot in common with their logic and their intelligent designer. It's just d_amn so hard to prove it exists...

We have lots of logic. Take any number and our holy lord Dumbski will proove there was a space alien (wink wink) behind it. Now THAT, is logic. If you disagree, I will smite ..uh.. ban thee!-ds

Stranger than fiction

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,03:28   

Dave was right about one thing.  You definitely didn't fit in there.
And don't you forget it. -ds

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,04:33   

Something just occurred to me -- this thread is essentially the 'annotated' version of Uncommon Descent.
Annotate this, buddy, you're gone.-dt

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,05:04   

before I started this thread I thought about ways to annotate Uncommonly Dense. It would be possible to have a browser plugin which let people add annotations, and others with the plugin would see the annotations when they went to UD. I've heard about similar software. But I'm not a programming wiz and it would probably take me 20 hrs to write such a thing myself. Since I have better things to do with those 20 hrs I started this thread ;-)

Everybody knows that annotations are measured in ergs per kilogram. And of course ergs are synonymous with parsecs. Next time you decide to be argumentative I suggest you do a better job of it. -dt


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,07:26   

March 14, 2006
The Trouble with Methodological Naturalism

Andrew Rowell over at ID in the UK has done a very good job of exposing the problems with having methodological naturalism as the exclusive methodology for the natural sciences:
Filed under: Intelligent Design — crandaddy @ 6:57 pm
Comments (2)

Claim CA301.1:
If the correct explanation for a phenomenon happens to be supernatural, the naturalistic method of science will miss it. "With creationist explanations disqualified at the outset, it follows that the evidence will always support the naturalistic alternative."
Johnson, Phillip E., 1990. Evolution as dogma: The establishment of naturalism. First Things (Oct.), 15-22.

  1. Nobody has ever come up with a useful definition of supernatural. By most definitions, something having an effect on nature makes that something a part of nature itself. So any explanation for something we see in nature can be considered natural by definition.

  2. We cannot observe the supernatural, so the only way we could reach the supernatural explanation would be to eliminate all natural explanations. But we can never know that we have eliminated all possibilities. Even if a supernatural explanation is correct, we can never reach it.

  3. Suppose we do conclude that a supernatural explanation is correct. It is impossible, even in principle, to distinguish one supernatural explanation from another. Many people, including many scientists, are willing to accept certain supernatural explanations on faith. There is nothing wrong with that as long as they do not claim special privilege for their faith. Some people, however, are not satisfied unless others believe as they do; this group includes all those who want to make the supernatural a part of science. Since they cannot make their case by using naturalistic evidence, they must resort to other means, such as force of arms. (This is not hyperbole. Such groups continually attempt to get political enforcement on their side.)

  4. If we do miss a supernatural explanation, so what? Supernatural explanations cannot be generalized, so the explanation does not matter anywhere else. The usefulness of science comes from the ability to apply findings to different areas. Any supernatural explanation would be useless.

  5. Creationist accounts of origins are not disqualified. People are free to believe whatever religion they choose. P. E. Johnson and others like him merely object to their religion not being taught as science to the exclusion of all other religious interpretations (not to mention to the exclusion of all of science).


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,07:40   

actual, unadulterated Davetard:

I have received emails from biology PhDs identifying themselves as commenters here using pseudonyms because they’re afraid of what will happen if they attach their real names to ID sympathetic writing.


Posts: 634
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,08:24   

Quote (stevestory @ Mar. 15 2006,13:40)
actual, unadulterated Davetard:

I have received emails from biology PhDs identifying themselves as commenters here using pseudonyms because they&#8217;re afraid of what will happen if they attach their real names to ID sympathetic writing.

To the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean":

   The Lurkers support me in e-mail
   They all think I'm great don't you know.
   You posters just don't understand me
   But soon you will reap what you sow.

   Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you'll see, you'll see
   Off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you'll see.

   The lurkers support me in e-mail
   "So why don't they post?" you all cry
   They're scared of your hostile intentions
   They just can't be as brave as I.

   Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you'll see, you'll see
   Off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you'll see.

   One day I'll round up all my lurkers
   We'll have a newsgroup of our own
   Without all this flak from you morons
   My lurkers will post round my throne.

   Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you'll see, you'll see
   Off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you'll see.

                                             Jo Walton


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,08:33   

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

How’s this for ID research …

I get the impression that if any scientist uses any of Dembski's favorite words in any context, Dembski is now going to claim their work as a branch of ID.

Let's see your impression of someone falling off a blog, dt.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,08:40   

In light of Shi's antics on the other thread, this was amusing:

one has to appreciate, especially in the current climate of controversy, that the researchers are being up front about how intelligent design is at the center of their work and also that they resisted the urge to suck up to the establishment by offering ritualistic deference to Darwin and conventional evolutionary theory.

Bill Dembski, doing valiant service for a reactionary religious establishment, trying to advocate the literal truth of some 2,000+ year old ancient scriptures. Whatta rebel!
Okay, that does it. If you guys don't stop this sh1t of putting fake comments from me at the end of every comment, you will be very sorry.-dt

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,08:43   

Quote (JonF @ Mar. 15 2006,14:24)
Quote (stevestory @ Mar. 15 2006,13:40)
actual, unadulterated Davetard:

I have received emails from biology PhDs identifying themselves as commenters here using pseudonyms because they&#8217;re afraid of what will happen if they attach their real names to ID sympathetic writing.

To the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean":

   The Lurkers support me in e-mail
   They all think I'm great don't you know.
   You posters just don't understand me
   But soon you will reap what you sow.

   Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you'll see, you'll see
   Off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you'll see.

   The lurkers support me in e-mail
   "So why don't they post?" you all cry
   They're scared of your hostile intentions
   They just can't be as brave as I.

   Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you'll see, you'll see
   Off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you'll see.

   One day I'll round up all my lurkers
   We'll have a newsgroup of our own
   Without all this flak from you morons
   My lurkers will post round my throne.

   Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you'll see, you'll see
   Off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you'll see.

                                             Jo Walton


Post it at UD and get out your stopwatch til it's deleted.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,09:09   

Note for Phed. I can see the email address you used to register at UD and knew you were Faid on ATBC since you began commenting here. Even knowing your duplicity I tried to give you a chance. You got the axe for being terminally stupid. Don’t flatter yourself or your playmates into thinking it was because your arguments were too good. Thanks for laughs though! I’m glad you found a circus where you and clowns like you can feel good about yourselves through mutual back patting.  -ds

Well Dave, since you obviously spend quite some time lurking here, lemme just grab this opportunity to say:

No s***, Sherlock.

So, in spite of my "duplicity" (obviously for you it's a crime if someone posts both in your forum and somewhere else) you decided to "give me a chance" (which obviously means "delete half my posts and make all others appear 24 hrs later")?
Tell me, did the thought I never intended to hide my identity or my views in  the first place ever run through your head? That much should be obvious, from my first post. So, why should I use a different IP address to post in your realm (like some other people I might mention have repeatedly done here)?
Is the concept of sincerity so alien to you, you can only attribute it to stupidity? Tells a lot about your character, Dave.
Speaking of stupidity, thanks for providing a link here so that your forum members can see that my post was neither insulting nor pointless, and there was no reason for it to be deleted other than that you didn't like what it said.
The point remains: During my brief stay in your lil' shack, I tried to express my dissenting views in a polite, debate-friendly, mild and unprovoking manner (often more than necessary). And that I did, in spite of various challenges from your hounds. If I got banned, it was for my views alone.
Now, I know I didn't really prove anything not known already, but a man's got to have some targets, right?  :p
As far as I'm concerned, you can go on believing the rest of the world is a maze of lies and illusions and the only reality is that little banana republic under your divine rule. I'm done trying to take any of you seriously.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,09:12   

What dave doesn't know is, every Nobel Prize winner, living and dead, has emailed me to say that Dembski is a fraud. Also, Dembski himself emailed me that he is a fraud. And Mike Behe. But they refuse to say so publicly, because they're afraid of what will happen.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,09:24   

'Duplicity'? ? ?

Does Dave hope we'll magically forget the myriad of different names he's posted at here and at PT?
Here's a name for you if you don't knock it off: toast.-dt

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 1201
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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,09:32   

Quote (stevestory @ Mar. 15 2006,15:12)
What dave doesn't know is, every Nobel Prize winner, living and dead, has emailed me to say that Dembski is a fraud. Also, Dembski himself emailed me that he is a fraud. And Mike Behe. But they refuse to say so publicly, because they're afraid of what will happen.

Your lies are far less credible than mine pal, that's the difference. Come back to me when you've learned how to lie credibly. Until then, you're out. -dt


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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,11:25   


March 15, 2006
“IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security”

Information Forensics (IF) — another branch of ID:
Filed under: Intelligent Design — William Dembski @ 1:14 pm
a branch of Intelligent Design???????????

Stranger than fiction

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(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,11:29   

Dave is nothing if not helpful.

Quote (DaveScot @ UD)

James Wynne asks what this has to do with ID.

This is what.

Thanks for clearing that up, Dave.  We can always count on you to provide us with 11,000 irrelevant hits.

How do you know they're all irrelevant?  Did you read them all?  Next time do your homework, or it's adios. -ds


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,11:34   

anyone know how to turn off those smileys which always misfire?

YOU always misfire. If either a computer or an evolutionist makes a mistake, it's always the evolutionist's fault. All you do is drink vodka with Mark Perakh all day long and you are a homo. -dt


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,12:21   

Rosenhouse talks about an Uncommonly Dense thread by the clown Salvador Cordova:

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,12:21   

Quote (stevestory @ Mar. 15 2006,17:34)
anyone know how to turn off those smileys which always misfire?

Underneath the box where you write messages, click 'Emoticons' -- they have a list of the codings for the 8 different emoticons, one of which is 3 question marks in a row, which gives this the following emoticon: ???
Hey I used to work at Dell and I know WAY more about emoticons than YOU do. Liberal homo.-dt

What I do is just insert spaces between the question marks. That 'neutralizes' the emoticons.
I'm neutralizing you right now, pal.-dt

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 71
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2006,12:29   

Quote (stevestory @ Mar. 15 2006,17:25)

March 15, 2006
“IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security”

Information Forensics (IF) — another branch of ID:
Filed under: Intelligent Design — William Dembski @ 1:14 pm
a branch of Intelligent Design???????????

Wow, I.D. just keeps on evolving.  Actually I guess it's always being tinkered into a new form.  So now I.D. encompasses any field that detects design?

Don't they find it problematic that in every field that does detect design, it's always in relation to what, when, where, and who?   If you ask those questions about I.D. being applied to biological systems, they suggest you go see your preacher.

"For everything else, there's Mastertard"

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