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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2012,23:39   

Quote (paulmc @ June 26 2012,21:15)
Quote (CeilingCat @ June 26 2012,05:56)
Paul McBride, PhD candidate from New Zealand, is also reviewing "Science and Human Origins" on his website, "Still Monkeys".

Chapter two is here.  Scroll down for Chapter 1.  Good stuff.

Scroll further down and see him take on Cornelius Hunter and the molecular clock, explain Junk DNA, comment on some local NZ political stuff, recommend a bitching TED talk about proto-life (see those inert cells moving around and dividing), home brewing and Ann Gauger.

Well worth reading.

ETA: Scooped!

Thanks for the most generous plug. I will continue to review the DI book chapter by chapter, so the blog will show some signs of life again over the next few days.

The next two chapters are authored by Casey Luskin. One on the hominin fossil record and then one on junk DNA...


Thank you for actually reading the book, Paul.  I bought a copy (the curse of Kindle), but it appears to be a standard creationist shit-storm of unconnected and misunderstood "facts" having little or nothing to do with actual evolution.  

I don't have the background or stomach to chase them all down, especially since I know they'll just come up with another 500 "facts" just as bad as the first batch.

Now I have to go clean my checking account with a strong bleach solution because I actually sent money to the Discovery Institute.  I feel so used ....

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 26 2012,23:53   

Quote (dvunkannon @ June 26 2012,16:06)
Quote (The whole truth @ June 25 2012,22:03)
Quote (Patrick @ June 25 2012,12:48)
Out of curiosity, does anyone know what kairosfocus is talking about when he references a "constitutional crisis"?  I've looked at the Montserrat news recently and didn't see any kind of crisis nor any mention of anyone with the initials GEM creating one.

Unfortunately, he's no worse than some politicians in the deep south of the US, so I'm willing to believe it's possible that he might be a semi-prominent member of the street sweepers union on a sufficiently small island.

gordo uses the "constitutional crisis" bullshit (and a lot of other self-inflating bullshit) to try to make it sound as though he is an important statesman and has substantial political/governmental power and influence, not only in Montserrat but also in the UK and other countries. He's actually a nothing, a nobody, and has no political/governmental power or influence, anywhere. He's just a loud-mouthed, insignificant, bigoted, dishonest, insane coward with delusions of god-hood.  

I picture him as an insufferable, drooling pest who shows up at public meetings in Manjack Heights and spews a looooooooooooooooooooong, convoluted, sanctimonious sermon about the "crisis" of the world-destroying immorality of whatever conflicts with his anal-retentive religious dogma, even when the purpose of the meeting is just to discuss funding for patching a few potholes in the local roads.

Did you read that Meade decolonization link? Even the newspaper has this neo-Victorian verbal style... It might affect the whole island...

Ripley's advice might be best.

I just read the Meade article and I see what you mean. I followed a link there to another site where the Meade decolonization thing is reported and that one was somewhat more readable.

I can't help but think that the people of Montserrat should all* just get the hell off that volcano. Since they're living off of UK money maybe they should all* move to the the UK? Seems to me that they're nothing but a financial burden on the UK, and that whatever plants and wildlife are still left on Montserrat would be a lot better off if there were no people living there. There are some places where people just shouldn't live, and on a volcano is one of them.

* gordo could be left on Montserrat to keep an eye on the feral pigs and make sure that they don't do anything immoral.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,00:26   

Quote (Patrick @ June 26 2012,16:19)
I notice on Montserrat's Wikipedia page that no one with the initials GEM is listed in the section "Famous Montserratians."  An oversight, surely.

The population of the island is less than six thousand, spread over a number of towns and villages.  I wonder how many know kairosfocus by name?

With that small a population on the entire island you'd think that it would be easy to find the occupation and/or business activities, political power/influence, public service, participation in clubs/organizations/churches, or any other activities and contributions of someone as important as gordo thinks he is, but he's practically a ghost.

I think that he's just an unemployed, un-liked, avoided, unproductive, totally unimportant, basement dwelling nobody who spends almost all of his time spewing his insanity on the internet. What's left of his time is likely spent on beating his wife and children with Mr. Leathers while yelling 'Praise the Lord!', and on viewing porn.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 16
Joined: June 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,00:45   

Quote (CeilingCat @ June 26 2012,23:39)
Thank you for actually reading the book, Paul.  I bought a copy (the curse of Kindle), but it appears to be a standard creationist shit-storm of unconnected and misunderstood "facts" having little or nothing to do with actual evolution.  

That pretty much nails it to the core. It's like the intellectual analogue of a dirty bomb. Bits of shrapnel fly every which way, with the hope that at least something will hit a target somewhere.

Paul McBride, Darwinist Hero of the Hour -- David Klinghoffer
[T]his is the red flag that tells us what is at stake for our civilisation in these debates -- Kairosfocus (in response to the question: which topic would you like to discuss?)

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,01:03   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ June 26 2012,11:25)
If the key cell-level mechanisms of life are based on FSCO/I and that is best explained per observation on design — it is a reliable sign of it — then it is part of the shift in balance on how we view FSCO/I across the world of life.

Hey, Gordo, you keep saying "if" don't you? Why?

You talk about "reliable signs" not "certainty". You talk about "if" not "is".

Yet you'll then proclaim with absolute certainty that somebody else is wrong, that "islands of functionality" preclude evolution, but then can't make a coherent answer to pertinent questions other then to mumble "proteins, configuration space" and chant some numbers like a voodoo curse.

Let's look at your post.
Ah, Joe:

Ah, your first mistake. Getting down that low in the barrel and shit is going to stick to you, no matter what. But let's face it, what choice do you have? Talking to BA77 is not an option is it?
While I await the outcome of the no-confidence debate.

Just like everybody else who had no influence in it what-so-ever.
I think that, at least, the people can hear for themselves what is going on, and begin to realise what changes we will need to take the country and region forward.

As long as they realise the right sort of change, yeah? Like keeping the gay people down, huh?
You are right to highlight that the ability to carry out self-replication is indeed an instance of what has to be explained, FSCO/I.

Then why don't you explain it?

Go ahead......

Explain self-replication.

Oh, what's that? You can't? You can't actually say anything about the origin of life at all except some dubious calculations about how improbable it is?

Lol @ you then, moron.
Which is what Paley pointed out 206 years ago, long before the debates that strawmannised and lampooned him.

Yes, even Paley knew about FSCO/I. The magic quantity that you can't calculate or otherwise use in any way what-so-ever.
And, the truth is, the only empirically and analytically justified causal factor known to be adequate to cause FSCO/I, is intelligence.

Is it? As a moment ago I had you down as an "if" or "reliable signs" type of guy? Now it's down to a single, certain cause?

What was that cause? What caused FSCO/I Gordo?
One would have thought that at least the Anti-Evo habituees would have learned to do their homework before trotting out talking points.

And lo! The pot speaketh, and it say: "Hey, kettle, look at all that soot on you!".

If you did your homework KF, you'd never speak again.
But, yet again, they did not.

They? You are only talking about me, who is they?

If "they" is everybody then you are obviously judging them by my words alone.

And yet you greet Joe in the first line of your post as a comrade in arms.

You are so far down in the dirt Gordon Mullings....
And, we need not further underscore the basic lack of broughtupcy that seems to be so characteristic in places like Anti Evo. One hopes, they will wake up and clean up their act.

Yeah, the place you can't stay away from, the place you read every fucking post on despite the fact it's such a disgusting swamp.

It never seems to work out so well for you Gordo when I come to yours. So why don't you try it over here? You might be surprised at the welcome you'd get!

PS: The point here is that OOL cannot be separated from OO body plans or basic morphologies of life forms across the world of life.


So regardless of your basic misunderstanding, which I believe to be deliberate, of conflating OOL and what comes after, what's your fucking point?



gordo only says "if' sometimes in a dishonest attempt to fool people into believing that he's open minded and not trying to be a know-it-all authoritarian, but every other word he pukes abundantly demonstrates that he is a deliberately tyrannical, dictatorial authoritarian AND an evangelical, fire and brimstone, completely inflexible, religious fundamentalist/creationist.

He's a legend, and a god, in his own mind.

Something I've noticed about gordo is that he tries, although often unsuccessfully, to sound less religious on UD than he does elsewhere. He tries to sound 'sciency' on UD, but fails miserably. His real self shows, abundantly.

It must be really difficult and frustrating for him to hold back any of the religious crap that saturates him from top to bottom. Of course more than enough of his extreme fundagelical beliefs shows up in his sermons on UD but he really lets out his religious insanity on his sites and in comments on some other sites.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,01:15   

Speaking of islands of functionality, searches, irreducible systems, and all that jazz, I have a question for gordo:

Hey gordo, picture a remote oceanic island that has organisms living on it and around it. It's a complex, integrated/interrelated system, an eco-system. Did/does that eco-system come about via stochastic events and processes, or was/is it intelligently designed?

ETA: irreducible systems

Edited by The whole truth on June 26 2012,23:24

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 16
Joined: June 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,01:45   

My review of Science and Human Origins, chapter 3 is now online for those who might be interested.

Paul McBride, Darwinist Hero of the Hour -- David Klinghoffer
[T]his is the red flag that tells us what is at stake for our civilisation in these debates -- Kairosfocus (in response to the question: which topic would you like to discuss?)

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,03:12   

Just one of the things that comes to my mind when I think of IDiots like Luskin is this:

I am 5' 11 and 1/2" tall, my younger brother is 6' 3 and 1/2", and my older brother is 6' 1 and 1/2" tall. My dad was 5' 7" tall, and my mom was 5' 4" inches tall at her tallest. She has since shrunk a little like most old people do. Luskin and company would likely tell me that I have to prove that there were a bunch of gradual intermediates between my parents' heights and those of me and my brothers. Such a 'gap' in heights, in a single generation, would surely be impossible in his limited mind. How could a relatively short man and woman produce much taller children? Surely that would take millions, maybe billions of generations via "Darwinian" processes. My height and that of my brothers must be because of the intervention of the christian god. It's a miracle!

And our hat sizes, and hair and eye colors don't all match either. Praise the lord!

Edited by The whole truth on June 27 2012,01:34

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 388
Joined: Aug. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,03:51   

Quote (Patrick @ June 27 2012,00:19)
I notice on Montserrat's Wikipedia page that no one with the initials GEM is listed in the section "Famous Montserratians."  An oversight, surely.

The population of the island is less than six thousand, spread over a number of towns and villages.  I wonder how many know kairosfocus by name?

Given his fearful reaction to people using his real name I would guess that those who know of him refer to him as either 'you know who' or 'he who shall not be named'

Or maybe just occasionally 'The dark lord'


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,04:50   

Gordon is known locally as "The Dork Lord".


Posts: 388
Joined: Aug. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,05:32   

Quote (BillB @ June 27 2012,09:51)
Quote (Patrick @ June 27 2012,00:19)
I notice on Montserrat's Wikipedia page that no one with the initials GEM is listed in the section "Famous Montserratians."  An oversight, surely.

The population of the island is less than six thousand, spread over a number of towns and villages.  I wonder how many know kairosfocus by name?

Given his fearful reaction to people using his real name I would guess that those who know of him refer to him as either 'you know who' or 'he who shall not be named'

Or maybe just occasionally 'The dark lord'

Just realised of course that Gordon will read that and decide that my use of the word Dark is a racist slur, and probably launch a hate filled tirade at me from some secure obscure spot on teh interweb.

Just so you know gordo - it is a reference to Harry Potters evil nemesis, lord voldemort.


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,05:41   

Denyse comes down hard on The Westboro Baptist Church.
She quotes from the Huffington Post:        
Science and religion are once again pitted against each other — this time in a Kansas Board of Education race in which one candidate, Jack Wu, has called evolution “Satanic lies.”

Wu, who also attends, but is not an official member of, the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, is running for the Board of Education in the 4th District against Democratic incumbent Carolyn Campbell. The church is known for anti-gay protests around the world.

She speaks for herself:
Wu, “just a friendly little guy,” allows us to know that “his mission is to ‘make a difference in this evil city of Topeka and this perverse state of Kansas.’”

Excellent! It’s heartening when religious groups or people identify a mission that they can easily accomplish instead of the usual woolly, save-the-world goals.

Westboro Baptist Church, your key to improving the state is obvious: Just shut down. And shut up.

Mr. Wu, resign your candidacy. If that is the way you feel about your city and state, you’ve no business running for office. Nor should you wish to.

Huh?  Mr. Wu believes Topeka is evil and Kansas is perverse and you want him to shut down and shut up?

I can just see Denyse in the first century.  "Jesus, you believe Jerusalem is evil and Israel is perverse.  If that is the way you feel about your city and state, you've no business preaching.  Nor should you wish to.  Shut down and shut up!"

Heck, she might have spared the earth a new religion if she'd been there and Jesus had taken her advice.

P.S. Denyse, please tell us you're still anti-Gay.  Or do you hate Jesus?

Edited by CeilingCat on June 27 2012,05:43


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(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,06:09   

Denyse can't believe that Government money is going to pay some Christian schools to teach that the Loch Ness monster is real.

She says that a UD inquiry to ACE (Accelerated Christian Education, the publishers of the textbook in question), has gone unanswered.

Hey, don't worry, Denyse.  The Washington Post reports that no Government money will go to Islamic schools:      
It is interesting to note that one of the schools originally on the list, the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans, withdrew its application for voucher students after an outcry about its participation by some lawmakers.

It seems that fundamentalist Christian schools are acceptable to receive public money, but Islamic schools are not. Republican state Rep. Kenneth Harvard was quoted by the Associated Press that he would not support public funding for “Islamic teaching.”

“I won’t go back home and explain to my people that I supported this,” he said.

There's a reason for the Separation of Church and State.

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,07:59   

Quote (paulmc @ June 27 2012,01:45)
My review of Science and Human Origins, chapter 3 is now online for those who might be interested.

Sounds like Luskin has recycled his "Human origins and intelligent design" paper for the third time...

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,08:10   

Quote (BillB @ June 27 2012,04:51)
Quote (Patrick @ June 27 2012,00:19)
I notice on Montserrat's Wikipedia page that no one with the initials GEM is listed in the section "Famous Montserratians."  An oversight, surely.

The population of the island is less than six thousand, spread over a number of towns and villages.  I wonder how many know kairosfocus by name?

Given his fearful reaction to people using his real name I would guess that those who know of him refer to him as either 'you know who' or 'he who shall not be named'

Or maybe just occasionally 'The dark lord'

I suspect he's known as "that poor man" by people who then put their arms protectively around their children and cross the street to avoid him.


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,09:13   

Quote (Patrick @ June 27 2012,08:10)
Quote (BillB @ June 27 2012,04:51)
Quote (Patrick @ June 27 2012,00:19)
I notice on Montserrat's Wikipedia page that no one with the initials GEM is listed in the section "Famous Montserratians."  An oversight, surely.

The population of the island is less than six thousand, spread over a number of towns and villages.  I wonder how many know kairosfocus by name?

Given his fearful reaction to people using his real name I would guess that those who know of him refer to him as either 'you know who' or 'he who shall not be named'

Or maybe just occasionally 'The dark lord'

I suspect he's known as "that poor man" by people who then put their arms protectively around their children and cross the street to avoid him.

Rumour has it Montserrat's new marketing phrase is:

"Montserrat - Mullings = Paradise!"

Personally I find G.E.M to be truly outrageous.


PS I thought I'd wag my chops a bit more

PPS and do one on these

1-> Enumerated list

2- > [[Brackets] fail([

3 - > From 1 and 2 {parenthetically} FOICSI

4 - > No actual math

5 - > Design

6 - > Whilst not watching porn the other day I was disgusted by man on man felching. I was disgusted several times, but the first viewing was the best most disgusting.

Edited for KiarosFocus.

Edited by Richardthughes on June 27 2012,09:14

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,09:39   

Quote (afarensis @ June 27 2012,05:59)
Quote (paulmc @ June 27 2012,01:45)
My review of Science and Human Origins, chapter 3 is now online for those who might be interested.

Sounds like Luskin has recycled his "Human origins and intelligent design" paper for the third time...

Isn't recycling the same old crap all that religious zealots do? After all, it isn't as though they're actually doing any scientific research and coming up with any new and interesting evidence.

Just for fun I'd like to meet with luskin and some other religious IDiots in the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming and watch them demonstrate their extensive knowledge (LOL) of geology/stratigraphy/paleontology/biology. I'm sure (LOL) that their belief in things like 'the flood' would really come in handy and would guarantee that they would find fossils that no one else has ever found, like trilobites in the Meeteetse Formation, or brontotheres in the Morrison Formation, or dinosaurs in the Willwood Formation, or lagomorphs in the Sundance Formation, or humans in the Chugwater Formation, in situ of course.

With all the mixing during 'the flood' it shouldn't matter which formation one looks in because it's all just a bunch of dirt with some fossilized remains of dead things in it, that were violently killed a few thousand years ago by their loving, merciful god. And with just the right prayer they could get their god to direct them to just the right spot and easily find fossils that would demolish the ToE and solidly establish the truthfulness of 'the flood', and sudden, special creation, and the lack of any 'macro-evolution' since the original creation. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that they're not out in the fossil fields turning up what must be massive evidence of their claims, that evilutionists have either missed or are deliberately hiding in a secret warehouse somewhere.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 4999
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(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,09:49   

KF has just recycled another 10,000 words saying the exact same thing for the Nth time.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,10:12   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ June 27 2012,07:49)
KF has just recycled another 10,000 words saying the exact same thing for the Nth time.

Only 10,000? He must have a 'crisis' to attend to and was in a hurry.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,11:42   

Quote (Patrick @ June 26 2012,16:19)
The population of the island is less than six thousand, spread over a number of towns and villages.  I wonder how many know kairosfocus by name?

With only six thousand people and more than one village, there might not be enough idiots to go around.  No wonder he's so busy.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


Posts: 185
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(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,12:42   

I did my (about) once per month peek at UD and they have all but died out.  Most articles have "No comments" and the few that do are usually 2-5 posts. Some (very) few have over a dozen.

Is there anything really worth discussing over there? They don't seem to even want to discuss it among themselves.


Being laughed at doesn't mean you're progressing along some line. It probably just means you're saying some stupid shit -stevestory

Doc Bill

Posts: 1039
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,15:30   

Over at Evo Snooze, old Dembski dropped that he's moving his family to Iowa.

Hmmm, I thought he had a new job at Bubba's Bible Kollege, Hair Care and Tire Emporium in North Carolina.

Change o' plans?


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,15:33   

Classic Threads, volume XI:

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,16:49   

I liked being 'Blue Lotus' in that thread.

Perhaps you would be better served by addressing the issues on their merits rather then trying to accuse everyone who disagrees with you of slander.

Hey, Gordo, does weasel latch or not? LOL

And you never answered this:
I ask you one more time.

If I have two programs.

Once always outputs data similar to

Generation 1: XXXYYYXXXZZZ
Generation 2: XXXYYXXXYZZY

The other always outputs data similar to

Generation 1: XXXYYYXXXZZZ
Generation 2: REJSJTHVHASG

Would any reasonable person claim that they were in fact the same program producing similar outputs?


Yet given two programs where the outputs are


you continue to claim that they are the same program!

Please note the latter set of results were generated via WeaselWare here
So they are valid results. The previous generation 1 and 10 are obviously from TBW.

Please explain Kariosfocus how these two outputs are in fact being generated by the same program?

Classic. C'mon Gordo. It's been *years* and where have you got so far over at UD? So make an account and convert the unbelievers!

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 1180
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,17:40   

Quote (Richardthughes @ June 28 2012,08:33)

Classic Threads, volume XI:

I'm not sure of the relevance of the pic (I'm a bit slow sometimes), but anything with John Peel in it brightens my day.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


Posts: 2195
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(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,17:45   

Quote (Ptaylor @ June 27 2012,15:40)
Quote (Richardthughes @ June 28 2012,08:33)

Classic Threads, volume XI:

I'm not sure of the relevance of the pic (I'm a bit slow sometimes), but anything with John Peel in it brightens my day.

Classic threads.

ETA: Do 'threads' equal 'clothes' in Kiwi-ese?

Edited by keiths on June 27 2012,15:47

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,18:35   

Quote (keiths @ June 27 2012,17:45)
Quote (Ptaylor @ June 27 2012,15:40)
Quote (Richardthughes @ June 28 2012,08:33)

Classic Threads, volume XI:

I'm not sure of the relevance of the pic (I'm a bit slow sometimes), but anything with John Peel in it brightens my day.

Classic threads.

ETA: Do 'threads' equal 'clothes' in Kiwi-ese?


5 plural: clothing

My linguistically impoverished colonial chums.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,18:38   

Quote (Doc Bill @ June 27 2012,16:30)
Over at Evo Snooze, old Dembski dropped that he's moving his family to Iowa.

Hmmm, I thought he had a new job at Bubba's Bible Kollege, Hair Care and Tire Emporium in North Carolina.

Change o' plans?

You neglected to mention just how badly he must have gotten spanked by Miller in that conference.

"I didn't quit from Dover, I was fired!"

Could it be that he sees his increasing irrelevance as ID continues to fade?


Posts: 1180
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,18:39   

Quote (keiths @ June 28 2012,10:45)
Quote (Ptaylor @ June 27 2012,15:40)
Quote (Richardthughes @ June 28 2012,08:33)

Classic Threads, volume XI:

I'm not sure of the relevance of the pic (I'm a bit slow sometimes), but anything with John Peel in it brightens my day.

Classic threads.

ETA: Do 'threads' equal 'clothes' in Kiwi-ese?

I get it now. Like I said - I can be slow. And yes threads = clothes here.

Other news - this is good  - over at Amazon one Vince M has written a glowing review of the Axe, Gauger & Luskin book and has been outed as EnV's David Klinghofffer (or someone plagiarizing him) in the comments. Too funny.
Edited - spelling.

Edited by Ptaylor on June 28 2012,11:41

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


Posts: 4402
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2012,21:19   

Quote (Doc Bill @ June 27 2012,15:30)
Over at Evo Snooze, old Dembski dropped that he's moving his family to Iowa.

Hmmm, I thought he had a new job at Bubba's Bible Kollege, Hair Care and Tire Emporium in North Carolina.

Change o' plans?

Over at Evo Snooze, old Dembski dropped that he's moving his family to Iowa.

IOWA- Where Dembski can get corn-cobbed by an entire state - not just a Bible College!  

IOWA - Where Dembski can listen to a Voice In The Corn Fields tell him "If You Build It, They Will Come", and immediately build Behe's Moustrap instead of a cool baseball field.

IOWA - It's Better Than Montserrat!

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11

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