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The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:45   

Oh...and dont get to complain that people consider all who oppose gay marriage are a bigot

Earlier you spoke out on interracial marriage

But did he? I've heard this type of allegation before....but where has Thordaddy argued racist points of view? Could someone point this out?

I do agree with you that gay marriage apologists are too quick to play the "bigot" or "homophobe" card.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:45   

You are an idiot.

PuckSR is not in jeopardy for his opinions because he explains them and defends them in coherent and rational ways. What you are witnessing is two different points of view being discussed by sane people. That is how sane people do it. Disturbing isn't it?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,17:52   


Of course I never made an argument against interracial marriage although one could be made, I'm sure.

The problem is the radicalness of the "other" side and its insistence that no legitimate argument can be made in opposition to gay "marriage."  This is an ABSOLUTIST position as I'm sure you are well aware of.  This would, in any other normal circumstance, make the advocates for gay "marriage" certain extremists.


What is PuckSR's "coherent" argument...?  That gay "marriage" should be opposed due to its "practical implication[s]?"  LOL!

Is there a particular argument you find "coherent" in opposition to gay "marriage," but still oppose because of your extremism?  Just curious?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,18:18   

Here is his entire its entirety.

Posted: May 05 2006,13:59  

Thanks for some reasoning that was actually cogent to the debate.

Unfortunately, stevestory thinks it's "crap."

The problem with the argument for sanctioning gay "marriage" and its supposed equivalence to interracial marriage is two-fold.

First, one is a fact of reality and has been, for most of us, a fact of reality for our entire lives.  Interracial marriage has no relevance because it just is.

Second, interracial marriage discredited "race" as a deciding criteria for marriage whereas gay "marriage" is trying to discredit "gender" as a criteria.

I think there can be little argument that the sanctioning of interracial marriage was the "slippery slope" towards abolishing other criteria for marriage, namely, the criteria of gender.

Although, interracial marriage DOES NOT redefine the one man/ one woman tradition of marriage whereas gay "marriage" DOES.

The question then becomes, what definition will be settled on for "marriage" if only numbers and relatedness within a union are legitimate criteria for marriage?

But as you have noted, the argument is based on "equal rights" and tolerance and if religion, race and gender are illegitimate criteria for defining marriage then so is numbers and relatedness within a union if one is arguing from the "equal rights" and tolerance perspective.

Gay "marriage" necessarily defines the institution of marriage out of existence.  "Marriage" would be nothing more than the individual will seeking state validation for his/her personally chosen "union."  It's not even feasible.

And it's why most "liberals" support it!

He apparently claims that interracial marriage started the "slippery slope" to gay marriage.
He argues that we just keep removing criteria(such as race) and that eventually we will run out(which apparently we are about to) of criteria

Its not directly racist...but the general theme of his post seems to be that interracial marriage does more harm than good


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,18:26   

I realize you're interested in staying popular within this forum, but since you oppose gay "marriage" and those that advocate for gay "marriage" absolutely deny any legitimate opposition to gay "marriage," this would DEFINE you as a bigot

I am hardly trying to stay popular...but if you notice NO ONE has attacked me like they attack you...
Because my posts can be read without giving the reader a headache
Because I respond to criticism, and I do it logically
Because I make all of my arguments with an appeal towards rationalism

It might also help that I am a member of a dying religion.

Who knows?

But trust me...Im also not a any definition
A bigot is someone with a strong opinion who refuses to even acknowledge anyone else's views on a topic.
Everyone can see that I obviously acknowledge the views of the people who disagree with me.

Most extremists are bigots...because they wouldnt be able to be "extreme" unless they refused to acknowledge those who disagree with them


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,20:34   

PuckSR opines,

He apparently claims that interracial marriage started the "slippery slope" to gay marriage.
He argues that we just keep removing criteria(such as race) and that eventually we will run out(which apparently we are about to) of criteria

Its not directly racist...but the general theme of his post seems to be that interracial marriage does more harm than good

Let's dissect this specifically.  First, "liberals" don't believe in "slippery-slope" arguments because a belief in such arguments would force them to face the consequences of their actions.  That's why they deny any and all "slippery-slope" arguments.  

Secondly, the only reason "liberals" are able to claim "racism" when the discussion of interracial marriage takes place is because they retain a narcissistic view of politics.  The personal is political.  Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.  

I take a more comprehensive view.  I don't just want to know if a particular "ideal" will benefit some particular minority.  I want to know if this "ideal" will benefit our nation as a whole?  I want to know why the traditional ways of changing and redefining institutions has been usurped by a new and less representative method?  I want to know the real motivations behind the impetus for this change in the cultural landscape?

Lastly, you have seemingly conceded my point about gay "marriage?"  It is the end game for the radical homosexuals (those that have emnity towards traditional marriage, family and children).  They do exist, no?  Once this foundational criteria is toppled, marriage is meaningless in any cultural context.  It is simply the assertion of the will of the individual for societal validation.  All the "liberals" can see this, but playing dumb is the best strategy to get what they want.

In short, my statement about interracial marriage had nothing whatsoever to do with racism and it is a testament to the stifling ways of the "liberals" that it could even be construed as such.  They have no REAL experience with racism and yet they can gleen it from mere words.  Preposterous, I say!

Then you say,

A bigot is someone with a strong opinion who refuses to even acknowledge anyone else's views on a topic.

This is the exact definition for the gay "marriage" advocates.  They ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."  All opposing views, no matter how seemingly legitimate, are illegitimate, PERIOD.  Just peruse Occam's, Murphy's, Elliot's or BWE's posts to see what is clearly obvious?  And see if one advocate will deny my clear statement that they ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,08:13   

PuckSR, aren't you proud to be on the same side as this genius?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,08:38   

Not really....but that happens alot....
Apparently Dembski and I are both Theists....but I dont like to talk about it
Apparently Hitler and I both tried to be painters....but its embarassing.
Apparently Castro and I both love baseball....but he is older.

Oh....I may find Thordaddy to be a raving lunatic...but I'm not planning on letting that effect my viewpoint.

This is the exact definition for the gay "marriage" advocates

Great thordaddy...but I posted the definition in response to your claim:
I realize you're interested in staying popular within this forum, but since you oppose gay "marriage" and those that advocate for gay "marriage" absolutely deny any legitimate opposition to gay "marriage," this would DEFINE you as a bigot

Of forgot that you made this comment earlier...probably because you realized that no one would ever call me a bigot for my viewpoint.

Secondly, the only reason "liberals" are able to claim "racism" when the discussion of interracial marriage takes place is because they retain a narcissistic view of politics.  The personal is political.  Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.  

Did you smoke some pot and not tell us?
Denying people interracial marriage was/is racist...
are you arguing this?
The personal experiences of the members of this forum with racism is so irrelevent that even you should be ashamed.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:08   


You oppose gay "marriage" on "practical implications."  Some one asked what that meant and you still haven't given a straightforward answer.  Anyway, this opposition of yours, whatever it consists of, is TOTALLY illegitimate to the gay "marriage" advocates.  This in turn makes YOU a bigot in THEIR eyes.  But, who are the real bigots other than those that ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage?"  This is the very definition of a bigot.  So who are the bigots, us or them?

And if denying interracial marriage is/was racist then why was Muhammad Ali such a "liberal" icon?  Stinky hypocrisy once again!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:17   

Puck, do you agree with your BFF thordaddy, that we who support gay marriage are Teh REAL BIGGOTS!!!!!?

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:26   

This in turn makes YOU a bigot in THEIR eyes.  But, who are the real bigots other than those that ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage?"  This is the very definition of a bigot.  So who are the bigots, us or them?

I've learned a lot from this thread. First and foremost, I've learned that I can spout off any subjective, sillyass nonsense I want AND AS LONG AS I PUT IT BOLD AND IN ALL CAPS, it all becomes true!

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:29   

This is the exact definition for the gay "marriage" advocates.  They ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."  All opposing views, no matter how seemingly legitimate, are illegitimate, PERIOD.  Just peruse Occam's, Murphy's, Elliot's or BWE's posts to see what is clearly obvious?  And see if one advocate will deny my clear statement that they ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."

Boy, you've really got me there T-diddy. Perusing my posts, while obviously enlightening in many ways, puts me square in the middle of that definition. I certainly do not have opposition to gay marriage. I suspect that, in your symantically challenged way, you might mean something a little bit different. So, is this news? If being a liberal means not taking a position which firmly defines the person holding it as an a$$hole, then, well, I try to be liberal. But I suspect you mean liberal in the sense of that quote I posted a while back in this thread. It was Ted Kaczinski.

Secondly, the only reason "liberals" are able to claim "racism" when the discussion of interracial marriage takes place is because they retain a narcissistic view of politics.  The personal is political.  Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.  
Well, not quite. When someone claims that something is racist, they are usually making a claim that could be semi-objectively verified. Courts do this sometimes. You should read Brown v Board of Education. And I personally find it distasteful to interrupt someone's will to be wierd unless it is quite likely to cause personal injury to others.

You fit that second category. I'll tell you how sometime. Maybe we can go get a few drinks, go to a porno theatre, and, well, talk about it. :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,13:22   

You oppose gay "marriage" on "practical implications."  Some one asked what that meant and you still haven't given a straightforward answer.

1.  It is completely unnecessary...other legal action could grant the same rights and privelages
2.  It has almost no historical basis(universal sufferage, interracial marriage, polygamy all had previous historical basis)
3. It would complicate current law(which I wouldnt really mind...except refer back to #1)
4.  It would be biased against polygamists
5.  The idea behind it is firmly grounded in "gaining acceptance" for a certain group.  Acceptance is not a right...
Legal protection is not afforded for ACCEPTANCE

The only reasons I have currently had presented pro-gay marriage are:
1.  Acceptance
2.  Financial benefit
3.  Love(between the 2 getting married)

I find none of these as justifiable reasons to start screwing with legal institutions.
I find #2 as a perfectly legitimate reason to establish new financial laws
I find #1 as a mildly acceptable reason to more strongly enforce legally binding documents(such as the power of attorney argument)

Honestly...I'm not at all concerned about "destroying" the sanctity of marriage.  I am also not opposed to "opening the flood gates".  I am opposed to half-ass legal reform that is selectively beneficial to a very small minority(gays who wish to get married).

Let me see if I can give another example that is not as mired in controversy.
I believe in free speech...ALL FREE SPEECH.
I only make exception for "clear and present danger" scenarios.
Censorship is a violation of free speech....but if someone proposed a reform to current censorship laws that allowed the discussion of "anal penetration"(currently you can refer to someone as an "ass" but you cannot tell them to go shove it up their "ass")...then I would argue that unless the proposition advocated the end of all censorship...I would not endorse it.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,13:47   

Sounds like you wouldn't mind a 'civil union' type deal. Marriage, without the name marriage. Would you?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,14:16   

eh...if "civil union" is going to be exactly the same as marriage...go ahead and call it marriage

A better summary of my position is that I fully agree that the current law is flawed...but instead of solving the problem for a minority of the population...I believe we should solve it for a majority


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,14:18   

Well, if you're saying that all the stuff could be done in contract law, isn't that more or less a civil union?


A better summary of my position is that I fully agree that the current law is flawed...but instead of solving the problem for a minority of the population...I believe we should solve it for a majority

The majority have a problem getting married?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,16:27   

Well, if you're saying that all the stuff could be done in contract law, isn't that more or less a civil union?

Yes...but it is far short from instituting a new legal concept.  Such as gay marriage or civil union

The majority have a problem getting married?

but the majority have a problem with the enforcement of legal documents, commonlaw marriage, financial classification of marriage, work benefits for married people.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,10:39   

stevestory wrote:
PuckSR, aren't you proud to be on the same side as this genius?

Just as I suspected. Front runner.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,10:43   

Ok, to #### with it.

Second, the most obvious opposition to gay "marriage" is due to the effect of rendering marriage of any larger societal meaning.  This is the MAIN MOTIVATION behind the push for gay "marriage."

So, when gay people say they just want to be able to visit their spouses in the hospital or let them inheret their property by default or file for joint insurance policies, what they REALLY want is to undermine the "larger societal meaning" of marriage. Yeah, makes sense.

The problem is the radicalness of the "other" side and its insistence that no legitimate argument can be made in opposition to gay "marriage."
An argument can be legitimate and be totally wrong. All I have ever said, is that any argument against gay marriage that is not really based in religion will invariably be an argument against heterosexual marriage too.

Let's dissect this specifically.  First, "liberals" don't believe in "slippery-slope" arguments because a belief in such arguments would force them to face the consequences of their actions.  That's why they deny any and all "slippery-slope" arguments.  
Haven't been paying attention to the Privacy debate have you? These are all slippery slope arguments made by liberals. Oh, the NSA just says they are spying on terrorists, but it's a slippery slope and they might be spying on their political rivals or even private citizens. Net Neutrality is another slippery slope argument made by liberals. First they wall off websites that didn't pay enough, then they control your lives...classic slippery slope stuff.

Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.

This is some amazingly boneheaded stuff right here.
I've never been in a war, but can that stop me from opposing war?

I don't just want to know if a particular "ideal" will benefit some particular minority.  I want to know if this "ideal" will benefit our nation as a whole?
Wow, man, wow! I'm sure I could pull out numerous analogies to show why this is totally fascist thinking. If the majority of the nation is xian, then who cares about some piddling minority like jews or athiests? If the majority is white, who cares about those damned asians? Lesbians? Who cares what happens to them as long as the rest of the country isn't "burdened" by letting them have legal marriage rights.

I say the country as a whole would benefit if the govt got completely out of the marriage business. Don't you?

It is the end game for the radical homosexuals (those that have emnity towards traditional marriage, family and children).  They do exist, no?


At least not as a political entity. There may be one or two nutcases out there that thinks this, but come on. You might not be so paranoid if you laid off the crack. Once you realize that you are being manipulated and motivated by fear, you might become more reasonable about things like this. Once you realize that Republicans are using this as a wedge issue ONLY and have no real desire one way or the other as long as it gets people like you off their butts to go vote for their corrupt asses. If those damned gays didn't want to be treated like everyone else, they couldn't use it as an issue right? Just like if those damned blacks hadn't started so much trouble, racist politicians wouldn't have a platform, would they?

Once this foundational criteria is toppled, marriage is meaningless in any cultural context.  It is simply the assertion of the will of the individual for societal validation.
Is this even supposed to mean anything?

From PuckSR:    
Honestly...I'm not at all concerned about "destroying" the sanctity of marriage.  I am also not opposed to "opening the flood gates".  I am opposed to half-ass legal reform that is selectively beneficial to a very small minority(gays who wish to get married).
That's the way I see it. get govt out of marriage altogether.

But in lieu of that, for now, most gays would settle for the half-assed legal reform.

but the majority have a problem with the enforcement of legal documents, commonlaw marriage, financial classification of marriage, work benefits for married people.

Here's an example. It's not a huge deal, but it's just illustrative.

Personally, I don't see a real need to be married. If my gf and I wanted to have kids one day, then we'd get married, for them. But until that day, there really isn't any need in my eyes to go through an expensive ceremony, sign contracts, and buy rings and all that just to be together. So we've just been living together (in sin! ) for the past 6 years. Now, I don't have dental insurance right now, but she does. It would be cheaper on both of us if I could be on her policy. But we can't because we're not married. Ah! But at her company if we were the same sex, we could. This is obvious discrimination. Non-married (legally) gay partners can apply for joint health/dental insurance policies, but non-married hetero couples cannot.

Again, this isn't a big deal to me since I could just go get my own policy for more money, but it's just illustrative of the kind of petty BS that permeates this whole "debate."

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,11:56   

But in lieu of that, for now, most gays would settle for the half-assed legal reform.

True...they would....
But I don't think that is right....

Think of blacks.....and reperations... would really help poor black people...but it would only help poor black people and therefore it discriminates against everyone else.

half-assed legal reform that is designed to only assist a selective portion of the population is discriminatory.
It discriminates against everyone who is not part of the minority it assists.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,12:02   

It's a bit shocking watching people come up with halfassed justifications for their desires. "Allowing gays to get married discriminates against heteros" is disappointing.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,12:26   

beervolcano opines,

So, when gay people say they just want to be able to visit their spouses in the hospital or let them inheret their property by default or file for joint insurance policies, what they REALLY want is to undermine the "larger societal meaning" of marriage. Yeah, makes sense.

You need to distinguish between ordinary homosexuals and the radical activists.  Ordinary homosexuals may want these things, but this isn't the underlying motivation of the radical gays.

Next you say,

An argument can be legitimate and be totally wrong. All I have ever said, is that any argument against gay marriage that is not really based in religion will invariably be an argument against heterosexual marriage too.

You mean an argument FOR gay "marriage" that isn't based on traditional marriage is a illegitimate argument?  If traditional marriage is an intolerant and discriminatory institution then gays are simply joining the club and shutting the door behind them.  The point is that the gay "marriage" advocates on this thread ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION arguments.  They are, by definition, extremists.

Then you say,

Haven't been paying attention to the Privacy debate have you? These are all slippery slope arguments made by liberals. Oh, the NSA just says they are spying on terrorists, but it's a slippery slope and they might be spying on their political rivals or even private citizens. Net Neutrality is another slippery slope argument made by liberals. First they wall off websites that didn't pay enough, then they control your lives...classic slippery slope stuff.

So "slippery-slope" arguments are legitimate in regards to the potential negative consequences of gay "marriage?"

And then you say,

This is some amazingly boneheaded stuff right here.
I've never been in a war, but can that stop me from opposing war?

No, but if you accuse someone of "racism" because they discussed interracial marriage in a critical way then you a least have to have either some experience with racism or some experience with the person you are accusing of racism.  Since I was accused of racism in my discussion of interracial marriage, I was perplexed how such a conclusion could be reached by said "liberals?"


I say the country as a whole would benefit if the govt got completely out of the marriage business. Don't you?

Why would our society decide that traditional marriage was no longer in need of exaltation?  Didn't you say the motivation behind gay "marriage" was to get things on a personal level and now you want to scrap the whole institution?  Your stand is very much equivalent to the radical gay's stand.

Next you say,


At least not as a political entity. There may be one or two nutcases out there that thinks this, but come on. You might not be so paranoid if you laid off the crack. Once you realize that you are being manipulated and motivated by fear, you might become more reasonable about things like this. Once you realize that Republicans are using this as a wedge issue ONLY and have no real desire one way or the other as long as it gets people like you off their butts to go vote for their corrupt asses. If those damned gays didn't want to be treated like everyone else, they couldn't use it as an issue right? Just like if those damned blacks hadn't started so much trouble, racist politicians wouldn't have a platform, would they?

It sounds like you are the one manipulated by propaganda.  What does this have to do with blacks or Republicans?  And if you really believe that radical homosexuals don't exist as a political entity then you must explain who is behind this push for gay "marriage?"  Who?


Is this even supposed to mean anything?

Yes, it means that the argument for gay "marriage" is...

I want it, therefore I should get it!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,16:28   

It's a bit shocking watching people come up with halfassed justifications for their desires. "Allowing gays to get married discriminates against heteros" is disappointing.

Allowing gays to get married BECAUSE poorly written/poorly executed laws that effect everyone are flawed is discrimination against everyone who is not a homosexual planning on getting married.

Police officers are using highly inaccurate radar guns.
Out-of-state drivers are complaining that they get bogus tickets...and cannot fight them because they are out-of-state...and it is even more of a hassle for them to fight the tickets....
Should we stop the police from writing speeding tickets for anything less than 20 mph over the speed limit for out-of-staters?
Or should we create legislation that requires police to use accurate radar that everyone(both in and out of state) benefits...and justice is served?

I agree that homosexuals may be more effected by the current legal system...but as long as it is a burden on everyone(to some degree)...we should seek to fix it for everyone.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,16:34   

Just thought I'd check in and see if Thordaddy has said anything new or interesting lately. Nope. Just the same old crap about how "radical homosexuals" want to dynamite traditional marriage, and hence civilization itself, at its roots. And that advocating for gay marriage is necessarily advocating for the abolition of traditional marriage.

42 pages of this verbal diarrhea. Amazing.

Can someone wake me when Thordaddy says something new?

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"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,16:39   

Painful to watch, Puck.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,18:22   

Painful to watch, Puck.

Ahh...but isn't self-expression a beautiful thing


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,18:24   

Birth may be a beautiful thing too, but when the afterbirth hits the floor I go




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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,00:51   

Oh phlying phasmatoids of phuckwhittery is ThudBumchum still going with his standard garden fertiliser produced by male ruminents?

You guys have patience I can only dream of. I couldn't deal with 42 pages of "no, supporting gay marriage does not mean we hate heterosexual marriage and think that people should be able to marry their twin underage piglets. Buy a clue."

Oh and just to stir the pot some more, ThickDimwit, I think that polyamourous marriages should be allowed. I also think that ANY marriage that two or more human adults able to give rational and reasoned consent to and can imagine, should be legally available, supported and tolerated.

If two homosexual brothers want to marry and have no chance of producing offspring, let 'em do it.

If my wife and I want to add a mutual female friend with large gazungas and a casual attitude to nudity and bisexual exploits to our already wonderful marriage, let us do it. (Oh PLEASE let us do it. OUCH! Sorry dear!;)

If a commune of 30 mixed race homosexual men want to marry in a satanic ritual and nail each other's penises to planks of wood whilst chanting "I hate straight people!" for the rest of their lives, let 'em do it.

Get it? ANY sexual/marital/whatever relationship that two or more human adults who are capable of giving reasoned consent to should be legally allowable.

There are a few caveats:

1. No children (too young, deemed unfit to give reasoned consent)
2. No people with severe mental handicaps being allowed to enter legal, marital relationships without strenuous checking (making sure that the individual can and does give consent, a function of this person's healthcare supervision. This intends to prevent abuse)
3. No animals (deemed unfit to give reasoned consent)
4. No incestuous heterosexual marriages that have the possibility of producing biological offspring should be allowed. As is the case now, first cousins can marry, but with medical screening.

So TwatBigot, for me the issue is one of consent. No matter how "icky" or repusive I find the acts alluded to above, let 'em get on with it. If the human adult in question is capable to give reasoned consent, let 'em do it. Why should my sexual kinks and desires be legally preferred to George Michael's, given the above caveats?

Oh and I speak only for myself on this one. Not evolutionary biologists, or liberals, or even English people. Just me.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,11:15   

You need to distinguish between ordinary homosexuals and the radical activists.  Ordinary homosexuals may want these things, but this isn't the underlying motivation of the radical gays.

Ah, I see. So the goals of an exceedingly small minority of a very small minority of people (gays) should be the thing we focus on. But again, I have never heard or seen any gay activist call for the destruction of heterosexual marriage.

I think maybe you are creating a strawman here.

You mean an argument FOR gay "marriage" that isn't based on traditional marriage is a illegitimate argument?
What? Are you trying to confuse me? I'm saying that arguments against legal gay marriage may be legitimate, but that doesn't make them right. Also, most arguments against gay marriage that do not involve a religious component tend to be arguments against all marriage. They are usually arguments that there will be some sort of economic burden on the rest of us, which would be the same regardless of the gender of those getting married. I don't agree that there will be any real difference economically since we are talking about 1-2% of the population here.

So "slippery-slope" arguments are legitimate in regards to the potential negative consequences of gay "marriage?"
I made no comments to the legitimacy of any argument. I was simply correcting your assertion that liberals don't make slippery slope arguments.

No, but if you accuse someone of "racism" because they discussed interracial marriage in a critical way then you a least have to have either some experience with racism or some experience with the person you are accusing of racism.  Since I was accused of racism in my discussion of interracial marriage, I was perplexed how such a conclusion could be reached by said "liberals?"
I don't know anyone without SOME experience with racism. And an argument can be racist without the whole person being racist. The only type of argument that I can think of against interracial marriage that isn't fully racist are those that say that it would upset the social fabric, which translates roughly to "Other people are racist, so we wouldn't want to anger them, so let's not allow interracial marriage."

I say the country as a whole would benefit if the govt got completely out of the marriage business. Don't you?

Why would our society decide that traditional marriage was no longer in need of exaltation?
See? You're the one that wants special treatment for a certain class of citizens. Exaltation?

Didn't you say the motivation behind gay "marriage" was to get things on a personal level and now you want to scrap the whole institution?  Your stand is very much equivalent to the radical gay's stand.
When did I say anything about scrapping the whole institution? The govt doesn't (isn't supposed to) get involved with the institution of religion. Yet, the institution is quite deeply rooted in our society. It seems like your stand is very much equivalent to Dominionists' stand.

And if you really believe that radical homosexuals don't exist as a political entity then you must explain who is behind this push for gay "marriage?"  Who?
Regular gays.

Yes, it means that the argument for gay "marriage" is...

I want it, therefore I should get it!
No, it's "One group of people have it, why shouldn't we?"

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,11:47   

I would phrase it as "Is there a compelling reason to deny this category of couples in love the privileges we allow most couples in love to select?" And I see no compelling reason. I just see a lot of lousy reasoning from people trying to justify their prejudices.

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