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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 16 2006,18:42   

Another, rather conceptual as opposed to logical, problem I have with debates of this type revolves around the term "life-friendly." I think a better choice would be "life-permitting," since it seems far from clear that the universe we inhabit is in any way "life friendly." Surely the vast bulk of the universe is implacably hostile to any form of life familiar to us, and as far as anyone knows (I do not personally believe this to be the case), the only place life exists in the entire universe is right here on the surface of the earth.

It often appears that life exists in the universe in spite of rather than because of natural law. Surely a creator with an interest in life would not have been quite so profligate in creating life-hostile real estate. If the universe was created, the evidence seems to support the notion that life was not high on the list of desirable features. In fact, normal matter does not appear to have been too high on the feature list, either.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 16 2006,19:59   


(The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 16 2006,11:11)
Neverhteless, I still think you should condition on B, even though this is a continuous variable. Perhaps give tolerance a numeric range?

     (emphasis mine) I thought you said that B was a statement, and not a probability?  Statements are not "continuous variables", they are propositions like "the universe is natural in origin" which are either true or false.  Probabilities, on the other hand, are continuous variables, and you cannot condition on a continuous variable.

Two fallacies in your argument:

1) The fact that probabilities are continuous variables does not imply that continuous variables are probabilities, one only being the converse of the other. This is important, because I've said many many times that low tolerances are detachable from probabilistic statements (and certainly from any particular probabilistic value: competing physical models return conflicting interpretations about what the coincidences imply for our universe).

2) Adding a numeric range can turn a continuous variable into a qualitative statement. For example: "Changing a universe's cosmological constant by an order of magnitude will change its spatial geometry." Sounds like a true-false statement to me.

It's a shame that progress has to come because of your Google-scholar level comprehension, rather than an honest concession, but I'll take it.

Yeah, you're takin it, all right. But I can understand why you'd shy from "Google scholarship", as your last foray didn't turn out so well.  ;)

(The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 16 2006,08:47)
Let me know when you've replaced your temper tantrum with an actual objection.

Let me know when you've replaced your handwaving and whinging with some actual support for your claims.  

Since you dodged right past it, I'll have to repeat:

"Brittleness" isn't a property of universes, dimwit, it is the constraints on life-friendly physical laws and constants.

Not just life friendly laws, but laws affecting the creation and type of matter in the universe, its spatial geometry, age -- all of which can be studied independently of the existence of life. For example, universes that contain only hydrogen may be able to tolerate dramatic changes in their weak force parameters and remain hydrogen-only regions. Likewise for helium-only universes. But universes with heavier elements cannot tolerate large changes in this parameter.

How would you know what B supports?

I showed above that, even if we grant that B is a legit predicate,  conditioning on B has no influence on the Ikeda-Jefferys argument.

Which deals with relative likelihoods among like instead of unlike universes. This alone compromises the validity of their argument. I notice that you avoid this point, which is central to my argument. Why is this?

Let's summarize Paley's foray into fine-tuning thus far:

1) Paley claimed that I-J equivocated on F. This was proven wrong - and shown to probably originate with the source of most all of Paley's "knowledge": Wikipedia. 0 for 1.

Well, you could say that I attempted to tighten my argument. But my central point has never changed.

2) Paley claimed that conditioning on "brittleness" would collapse the I-J argument.  I proved above that it doesn't change it one whit.  Paley has provided exactly zero evidence in support of his assertion.  0 for 2.

On the contrary, adding B showed how empty their argument really is. After all, the final conditional probabilities could not cancel B, and was therefore left comparing the likelihoods of two flavours of brittle universes, which is not very informative.

3) Paley claimed that his (as-yet not precisely defined) "brittleness" statement is a legitimate predicate, which could be conditioned upon in Bayesian probability arguments.  He accidentally admitted that this is false.  0 for 3

See above.

4) Paley claimed that "brittleness" is a property of specific universes, as opposed to life-permitting physics.  Aside from its rather obvious inanity (and total lack of support among those who study "fine-tuning"), Paley has provided exactly zero evidence in support of this assertion.  0 for 4.

Well, I just gave an example in this post. You could have discovered it yourself if you didn't disdain that Google thang.

Ouch.  Given this kind of performance, it's understandable that Paley has attempted to distract from these failure and fallaciously shift the burden of proof regarding his positive assertion that "brittleness" changes the probability that the universe is natural in origin.

What?? I said two times that this calculation might not even be possible. How does this place the burden on anyone's shoulders? I'm just disappointed that the Ikeda-Jeffries proof is so uninformative. I'm not saying that I can do any better.


Another, rather conceptual as opposed to logical, problem I have with debates of this type revolves around the term "life-friendly." I think a better choice would be "life-permitting," since it seems far from clear that the universe we inhabit is in any way "life friendly." Surely the vast bulk of the universe is implacably hostile to any form of life familiar to us, and as far as anyone knows (I do not personally believe this to be the case), the only place life exists in the entire universe is right here on the surface of the earth.

True, and these observations sink any Earth-based anthropic coincidences.

It often appears that life exists in the universe in spite of rather than because of natural law. Surely a creator with an interest in life would not have been quite so profligate in creating life-hostile real estate. If the universe was created, the evidence seems to support the notion that life was not high on the list of desirable features. In fact, normal matter does not appear to have been too high on the feature list, either.

It does seem rather wasteful, doesn't it? I have no explanation other than to note that nature (and Nature's God?) is smarter than we are.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 17 2006,05:27   


Is a theological argument based on reason and observation?

You want a yes or no answer I see, fallacy time! False dilemma much Gimpy?

As far as it goes the answer is mostly yes, it's possible to have a reasoned, logical discussion of a hypothetical, unobserved object. But that's not the point of a theological argument is it? Theology is a field which is based on a logical fallacy (at least one) and is based about establishing something as fact for which there is no evidence. And by the way if you think that evolution relies on circumstantial evidence in the manner you describe (your strawvolution!;) you are very sadly mistaken.

You're conflating several things, deliberately dishonestly in my view. Theology is by no means scientific, it lacks some of the key elements, reliance on physical observation and honesty for a start. However it is as reasoned as literary criticism for the very reasons I mention above. If one treats theology as a branch of lit crit and philosophy (which to an independant observer, i.e. one outside of the specific religion that theology is dealing with, it is) then it is no less reason based than those fields. The arguments about interpretations of texts are reasoned, logical models based on observation of those texts, no problems there.

The problem theology as a field has is when it strays into things llike theodicy and "proofs of god" etc, all of which have been demonstrated to be based on logical fallacies or are contrary to observation or both. No doubt these are reasoned arguments based in part on observation, but they are neither accurate nor honest nor without fallacy. So they are based in part on reason, in part on faith in the proposition they are trying to prove is true (affirmation of the consequent is a big problem in theology) and totally devoid of any physical accuracy or observation. Thus they are not science or scientific, but they are at least in part due to reason.

A good analogy here would be a mathematical model/system with no corroborating observations from the real world to back it up. The model/system can be logically coherent, entirely reasoned and based on reason, and fallacy free. This doesn't mean that it's representative of reality (or not) because no reference to reality has been, or can be made. Numerous theories in maths and theoretical physics have been through, or are in this phase of development. This distinction I want to draw here with theology I hope illuminates something for you. Note that the same can be said of any similarly structured philosophical or theological idea. However, and here's the crunch, while these things can be the product of reason, they are missing the key elements needed to go that step further and be scientific. They are missing an honest evalutation of the observed universe and phenomena they seek to describe. So nice fantasies, even possibly coherent fantasies, but indistinguishable from fantasies of any other type.

Why is this most commonly the case for theology? Typically theological arguments work from a starting point of unstated and unquestionable axioms based on faith alone. Not all of them do, just most. Theologians are more than capable and intelligent enough to create logically coherent, reasoned models based on entirely specious bases. The problem with theology is not so much the arguments, although in many cases even these are fallacious, it's the axioms. This is why the answer to your question is both yes and no depending on which aspects of theology you are asking about. Is theology based on reason and observation, yes in as much as lit crit is, no in the manner that science is.

The key point is that the tools are the same, or very similar (reason, observation, logic) but they are being applied to an unreasoned, unobserved, illogical series of axioms. As I said right at the very start, the only other "ways of knowing" we'll come across will reduce to faith or revelation, or in fact simply be these things. The problem of theology is starkly obvious: it starts from a premise based on faith and revelation and tries to use reason to form arguments to corroborate it and shield it from scrutiny. This simply doesn't work.

What you don't understand is that I am not casting my net wide at all, in fact since day one you clearly haven't understood the argument I'm making at all. Theology is actually a good example, it uses the tools of reason and observation but it also uses other tools, the tools I mentioned at the start of faith and revelation. Theological debates are fun and all, but they aren't garnering any knowlege of anything other than that of the protagonist's ideas and sociology. Just like in subjective debates about who's better Shakespeare or J K Rowling. The reason for this is that in theology the debates is usually based on unfounded axioms, and the simplest "who's better Shakespeare or Rowling" debate is at best poor understanding and misuse of the word "better" , i.e. a shallow treatment of a poorly defined and possibly irrelevant false dichotomy, and at worst a total non sequitur.

Simply because someone uses reason in an argument it doesn't make them right, look at you for example. You slither this way and that trying to prove the "evos and libruls" wrong, but you've yet to make one palpable hit on any argument at all. The fact that you are using top quality tools to fix you car does not make you a competant mechanic. Same applies to theologians and everyone else, they can use the right tools but make mistakes. This does not say anything about the nature of the tools, but only about the ability of the individual to apply them.

Lastly, your strawvolution example. No Gimpy, that's a bad Gimpy. As usual you have it all backwards. We don't infer the evolution of whales from artiodactyls by interpreting the results in light of the idea that whales evolved from artiodactyls, which is how your claim is structured. We observe certain similarities between artiodactyls and whales and have developed a parsimonious explanation for the phenomenon we currently observe (for all knowledge is provisional, you keep "forgetting" this, read dishonestly ignoring in order to attempt ludicrous point scoring. And failing as usual I might add). That explanation is perfectly capable of being wrong, new data might well refute it. However, therein lies the crux of the differences between science and other fields: honest and unbiased (in terms of developing a coherent explanation) appraisal and acquisition of the data. As usual Gimpy your missing the key point that nobody cares what IS the case, they just care HOW we claim to have some knowledge of what is the case. Evidence could come in tomorrow which overturns the entire state of evolutionary biology as we understand it today. In fact right now thousands of scientists are working their respective gonads off to do just this. Not out of prior commitment to any worldview, ideology or interpretation, but out of the sheer desire to find out what actually IS there, and to test every hypothesis, theory and model to destruction if at all possible.

I'll enjoy watching you distort this section of the argument as you have every other.




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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 17 2006,05:46   

Time for some repetition. Gimpy,you are clearly a dishonest fruticake with an agenda. Not only are your arguments demonstrably erroneous and fallacious, but your motivations are clear. I'd cheerfully accept a change of one of these from you. Either make your arguments good, or change your ludicrously obvious motivations. Granted your arguments' falsity is in no way related to your motivations, but the reasons why you make such poor arguments are. Forgive me if, as usual, I seriously doubt your ability to understand the distinction.

It does seem rather wasteful, doesn't it? I have no explanation other than to note that nature (and Nature's God?) is smarter than we are.

It only seems wasteful if one assumes as axiomic that life is some form of objective for the universe. The assumption that an anthropomorphised nature is smarter than we are as an actual argument (as opposed to a metaphor for the difficulty of research for examples) is yet another example of how backwards your thinking on the fine tuning issue is. Think of the puddle Gimpy, think always of the puddle.

Some things I've said before that you seem very keen to run away from:

I found this comment of yours in another thread telling:

Auster's attempt at Reductio ad absurdum isn't the best example out there, but his main point is pretty solid: science, being predicated on methodological naturalism, is often used to support metaphysical naturalism, and this is even more true for branches of science that deal with the origin and evolution of life. This conflation harms people because it delegitimises the intangible cultural and moral values holding society together. I don't believe all of this, but many people do assume that because science is the best strategy in its domain it should be the null strategy in all domains, including the realm of moral guidance. People then  replace one religion with another while rejecting the accumulated wisdom of societal selection. That’s why utopian ideas almost always fail –- they haven’t “proven” themselves over time like most traditional ideas have. The Law of Unintended Consequences ensues.

Bolding mine.

You are, as I have said many many times before, an enemy of reason. Your whole motivation is clearly not to "reclaim science for conservatives" or some such rot, but to destroy reason, the products of reason you don't like, and to assert your underlying subjective, unsupported claims as fact. Evolutionary biology does not in any way undermine or delegitimise any social, ethical or moral philosophy or system. You've made these sort of stupid comments before. Is does not equal ought. By the way, morals, ethics, social systems are products of reason and systems open to explanation and understanding by the process of reason and observation

And another repetition, just to remind everyone and your loathesome self of just how dishonest you are:

Oooh oohh while I remember.

What are these "other ways of knowing", from where, when and how are they coming to "a country near me"? If you think that lit crit/art appreciation/emotion are "other ways of knowing" please explain how these things are not already in "a country near me" and where they are coming from.

YOU propose "other ways of knowing" Gimpy, the burden of proof rests on YOU to demonstrate them. As well as the fact that you have yet to address one single point of my argument, except of course to repeat your original unsupported claims and make up silly strawmen to bash about.

Are you going to get honest any time soon or are you content with trolling and making yourself look like a total moron?

As with Ogee, and #### pretty much every "debate" you've got into here, when confronted with something you don't like you obfuscate, shift the goalposts, shift the burden of proof away from your claims, and lie. THIS is why you recieve mockery and abuse, and until this changes THIS is why mockery and abuse is going to be what you deservedly recieve. Like AirFarceDumbass and Trolldiddly and similar frothing loons you lack of comprehension, lack of ability to debate rationally and honestly and motivation for engaging in the proposals and claims you make are manifestly clear. You can blow clouds of ink as much as you like, you can try to turn the tables as much as you like, you can play your silly pretend make believe games as much as you like, but you are indistinguishable from the bigotted, creationist, geocentrist lunatic you falsely claim to have been parodying as a troll for the last year or so. Why should anyone take you seriously?



The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2006,11:40   

By popular request:


Check the current record.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 398
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2006,12:08   

Popular request? There was like one person you were talking sweaty wrestling with...

Is this one of the "other ways of knowing"?

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2006,13:57   

Popular request? There was like one person you were talking sweaty wrestling with...

Oh, c'mon, Ved....even Louis missed my half-nekkid rasslers. I'll address his latest twaddle when I get a chance.

Is this one of the "other ways of knowing"?

Apparently so. Show some gratitude, punk.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2006,14:28   

Oh boy. I did miss out on a lot of things, didn't I?

I was gonna type a (rather long) post apologizing for my long absense, but I thought I should read some of the the threads first... And I see that Ghost has come out! Amazing!
I literally gasped when I read this. Not because it seems that Ghost(s?) is/are 'evolutionists' after all- that wouldn't come as a surprise. Like I have said before, I never thought that (Troll) Paley actually gave a rat's arse about evolution; it was my opinion that he just wanted to "win at teh intarwebs", preferably against them libruls.
And he somehow believed that arguing against ToE in this forum helped in that... I guessed that, by successfully arguing for such an absurd opinion, he had thought he scored more points for his (obviously humongous) ego.
As a result, it was expected that he would do what he did at some point. When he had backed up into a corner in so many scientific issues (and he did, seeing as his latest attempts to support the creo position were utterly pathetic, the Geocentric Thread -his most ambitious project- being a perfect example), he would eventually have to say something like "haha j/k, I believe in ToE after all" and then he would be free to argue for his political views to his heart's desire.


It turns out that Ghost (and Deep Mind???) was trolling about his political views as well, and seems to be, in fact, way milder than his racist persona.
Now THAT caught be by surprise. I would never have thought that someone would invest so much time (it's been like, a year?) and trouble to pretend something he has no affiliation with, let alone construct the full-of-issues persona he was faking in such an elaborate way (complete with all the "Snake Plisken" remarks about how he gave all those black boys that were harassing him a good showing to, or all the kickboxing posts that indicated a person with serious problems of self-confidence).
So, naturally, I totally fell for it. There's just no way 'round it; all I can say is: My hat's off to you, Sir Paley. You got me.

Well, I don't think we have much to discuss now; I'm ok with conservatives- he11, some of my best friends are conservatives (well one of them is). So cheers! And feel free to gloat about how you had me fooled: I deserve it.  :)

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2006,16:54   

Nice to hear from ya. I was half convinced that tragedy had struck, cause what else could keep someone from his Panda's Thumb fix? #### Wes and his intellectual heroin.....

It turns out that Ghost (and Deep Mind???) was trolling about his political views as well, and seems to be, in fact, way milder than his racist persona.

Actually, Deep Mind was someone else entirely....but his ideas didn't get included in the end. As far as my real politics....well, Louis and others will disagree on the racism issue. I'm more tolerant of Muslim immigration than TrollPaley, although like him I prefer the American to the European model. I believe that immigrants should be given time to assimilate, which implies cyclic restrictions. That's all I'll say on that subject.

Now THAT caught be by surprise. I would never have thought that someone would invest so much time (it's been like, a year?) and trouble to pretend something he has no affiliation with, let alone construct the full-of-issues persona he was faking in such an elaborate way (complete with all the "Snake Plisken" remarks about how he gave all those black boys that were harassing him a good showing to, or all the kickboxing posts that indicated a person with serious problems of self-confidence).

Life supplies the best material for any parody. The attitude was a bit of a put-on, however, because I get along pretty well with almost everyone I encounter in the real world regardless of race or politics. Somehow, my personality sells better in meatspace (and in real life the Louises tend to leave me alone). Once again, prepare to get challenged -- some dislike me even more since I've come out (read Ved's sig).  :D  :D  :D

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 21 2006,03:25   

Awwwww sweaty wrestlers for me? You shouldn't have.

Gimpy, try getting things through your head, nothing that happens on here is because anyone doesn't like you. You get reemed because you lie, post crap and generally behave like a wanker. Dislike of behaviour does not equate to dislike of person. I'm sure in real life you're sweetness and light (with a sweaty wrestler shirt on. Mmmmm  Hmmm, gotta stay in that closet!;). I assure you that were you to behave in meatspace how you behave here and I were present, you'd get vastly more unpleasant treatment. I tend to be extremely blunt to liars and trolls, be they online or in the real world. Amazingly I meet very few people who would behave like you do online, offline.




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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 21 2006,10:34   

Well, Ghost, since you agree that Muslims can integrate, same as everyone else, I got no beef with you. At best, you may say I am somewhat more optimistic than you, especially recently, after reading these sources (*). So we can agree we (mildly) disagree. After all, only time will tell.
As for this recent fine-tuning thing: I have no strong opinion about it, and I must admit I got completely lost in all those equations to make a substantial comment (heh, I can almost imagine TrollPaley rubbing his hands and snickering reading that).
My views on this have always been that you cannot successfully disprove it, for exactly the same reasons that you cannot successfuly use it: Because we simply do not know anything about the conditions "required" for this, or any universe to exist, and therefore cannot apply any probability to them. We do not even know if there is only one universe (which would make any probability arguments moot), if there is an actual number of universes, we don't know if that supposed number is finite, we know JS. So it's pointless to argue for or against it. But that's just my opinion. Sorry if it's been addressed already.

As for the response to your coming out: Come on, you must have known this would happen- justifiably so, perhaps. When a Loki troll accepts his assignment, he must be aware of all the risks and eventual consequences- don't tell me you weren't?  It comes with the job. :)

(*) Yes, the very sources TrollPaley quoted on something trivial. Dammit Ghost, you were good!

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 21 2006,11:23   


Well, Ghost, since you agree that Muslims can integrate, same as everyone else, I got no beef with you. At best, you may say I am somewhat more optimistic than you, especially recently, after reading these sources (*). So we can agree we (mildly) disagree. After all, only time will tell.

Like the parody, I believe that continuous, massive integration is counterproductive to the host nation. I also believe that some groups integrate better than others and should get the presumption (if you disagree, feel free to email). Nevertheless, selective immigration* + time to assimilate seems to work well enough even with "problem" groups, so that's what I embrace. Why mess with success?

In other words, I don't see the existence of white-majority nations as a "problem" that needs a "solution". Many lefties have admitted to me in private that they favour current policies because they want to see whites become a minority in every country. A couple of people on this board have conceded that whites need to be punished/bred out, and that immigration is a splendid way to accomplish this. All I've got to say is, "You first".

Please reply by PM if you disagree. Seriously, I'm done with this topic.

*with even stricter standards for immigrants from "problem" nations

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 21 2006,14:29   

Many lefties have admitted to me in private that they favour current policies because they want to see whites become a minority in every country. A couple of people on this board have conceded that whites need to be punished/bred out

Please reply by PM if you disagree. Seriously, I'm done with this topic.

That's fine, we don't have to discuss it or anything but since you mentioned it here, let me just say that I'm a "lefty" that doesn't agree with either of those statements.
some dislike me even more since I've come out (read Ved's sig).  :D  :D  :D

Sure. I dislike you more now. But to me you've always been this fat red thing with a shiny spinner, flying past my hook-scarred, bass-lipped face, that I just can't resist.

Are there still two of you posting under that name?

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 21 2006,16:30   

Are there still two of you posting under that name?

No. The other guy's got several boards he prefers over ATBC. To be honest, I don't think he's into evolution all that much, although he did read Dawkin's latest. Me likes evolution more. He's even more blunt than I am, so it's probably just as well.  ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 22 2006,19:51   

Oh this just cannot be let by:

Many lefties have admitted to me in private that they favour current policies because they want to see whites become a minority in every country. A couple of people on this board have conceded that whites need to be punished/bred out, and that immigration is a splendid way to accomplish this.


In a word.

As per usual Gimpy you are talking through your readily wrestler rammed puckered browneye. Take a dollar and buy a fucking clue.

What is it with you white supremacist racist bozos? No sane human being on the planet wants to punish or breed out "whites" whoever they are. We haven't even had a descriprion of what "white" is, and since based on previous "conversation" it seems to include various Asians, people from the Mediterranean and the Mid-East as well as all of Europe then "white" is about as "white" as my arse. Which is still pretty well tanned at the moment ta muchly, sue to a fantastic Cypriot holiday mere months ago, i.e. about as "white" as MLK. Even if we all manged to interbreed and screw each other to some sort of coffee colour the bog standard factors of genetics would mean that some were more cappuchino than espresso. Wave that racial red herring Gimpy.

Isn't it time this pointless fucking troll with his asinine racism and arbitrary contrariness was gone? Those who even entertain the "two Paley parody" claims need their heads read. Get rid of this troll, he's taking everyone for a ride and is nothing more than a one trick moron.


P.S. We STILL haven't seen any support for his "other ways of knowing coming to a country near you" claim yet (amongst many many many others). I wonder why? Is it because, as usual, it's just more thinly veiled racist ideology that he's been warned off?

P.P.S. Pay attention Gimpy, I'll try to put this in terms even you can understand: You are not blunt. Your previous "persona" was not blunt. You are a moron who google trawls up any sparkly looking article which even appears at a cursory glance to shore up your prejudices. From the start you have fooled no one. Many people are blunt, implying a degree of bluff honesty. You are merely rude and shit ignorant, and certainly never honest.



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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2006,12:55   

Oh come on Lou, clearly Paley is done talking about the topic. What he's not done with is merely mentioning his nasty thoughts about lefties and saying he doesn't want to talk about it.

Look, I can do it too: Fred Phelps is a right winger. I'm done with the subject. If you disagree take it to PM.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 24 2006,15:09   

Quote (Louis @ Nov. 21 2006,03:25)
Gimpy, try getting things through your head, nothing that happens on here is because anyone doesn't like you.

Indeed, Paley would be a lot less concerned what everyone here thinks of him if he really understood how rarely anyone DOES.


Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 25 2006,06:18   


Very good Ved! I have a series of topics I am similarly done with:

1) The dishonesty of religious lunatics.
2) The dishonesty of bigots.
3) The closet homosexuality of pretenders to 19th century spectral vicar status.

Lenny, oh come now, surely you realise that in life's great biscuit barrel we are mere crumbs and Gimpy is a chocolate chip (i.e. thick and greasy)? We mere mortals must bask in the glow of his enormous talents. After all, hasn't he decimated every evil evolibrulleftycommieatheistamericahating point made with his devastating combination of google trawling, knowing fuck all and claiming victory in the absence of any actual evidence. Surely you can see that in Gimpy's world his cognitive dissonance, lack of ability to read for anything approaching comprehension, dishonesty and arrogance constitute evidence that he is correct?

Now, let us pray: Oh Gimpy, thou art wse and we art foolish. Cometh down from on high and deliver us from evil by telling us that niggers, wogs and dune coons are sub human scum in league with liberals and commies to destroy GOD'S CHOSEN WHITE RACE (hallelujahgobble). Lead us from our temptation to treat people with respect regardless of their creed or colour and instead to wank furiously over pictures of sweaty wrestlers. For thine is the dumbness and dishonesty, the closet homosexuality and denial. Forever and ever, Ah-design-and-geocentrism-are-obvious-but-what-I-really-like-are-men.



The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2006,16:27   


As per usual Gimpy you are talking through your readily wrestler rammed puckered browneye. Take a dollar and buy a fucking clue.


The closet homosexuality of pretenders to 19th century spectral vicar status.


For thine is the dumbness and dishonesty, the closet homosexuality and denial. Forever and ever, Ah-design-and-geocentrism-are-obvious-but-what-I-really-like-are-men.

Wow, somebody thinks being a practicing (or closeted) homosexual must be a Really Bad Thing. This contrasts nicely with:

Cometh down from on high and deliver us from evil by telling us that niggers, wogs and dune coons are sub human scum in league with liberals and commies to destroy GOD'S CHOSEN WHITE RACE (hallelujahgobble).


2) The dishonesty of bigots.

Looks like you're the only bigot here. I was just reporting what many liberals say in private, and what a couple of liberals say on this very board. I'm not saying that I'm worried that these things will happen.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2006,16:57   

Oh, I almost forgot:

I'm sure in real life you're sweetness and light (with a sweaty wrestler shirt on. Mmmmm  Hmmm, gotta stay in that closet!. I assure you that were you to behave in meatspace how you behave here and I were present, you'd get vastly more unpleasant treatment. I tend to be extremely blunt to liars and trolls, be they online or in the real world.

You must hate yourself quite a bit, then, as you do very little but misrepresent other people's positions [scroll halfway down for a few examples], spew insults towards gays and people who disagree with your politics, and advocate violence against people you dislike (saying I need to be hit in the mouth, for example). All this after admitting that you did nothing while a potentially dangerous individual masturbated right in the middle of a packed subway. Certainly, neither you or anyone else rebuked Lenny for advocating violence against people he considers to be "aryan supremacists". I find the combination of your cowardice and barbarity highly amusing, but I sometimes wonder if others share my reaction to your childish temper tantrums.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 26 2006,17:36   

No Gimpy, I don't have a problem with closeted homosexuality, nor with unclosted homosexuality. YOU do, which is why I keep making fun of it.

Remember YOU are the one who keeps posting these things. YOU are the one who gets all insulted whenever anyone makes a joke about it. YOU are the one who is making a value judegment. That's why it's funny to continually bait you. Notice you don't get bent out of shape about the dishonesty etc, just your little problem with manlove. Come out of the closet Gimpy, rush to a wrestling meet and make your botty available to a sweaty man.  You'll be amazed how happy it makes you. I think that being in the closet is terrible because there's nothing wrong with being gay. Stop living in denial Gimpy. Be all you can be!

Please seriously grow a fucking clue.

Oh and I LOVE your misuse of Lenny's comment (I seem to remember that the original stringing up comments originated elsewhere than Lenny) AND your attempt to quote mine me. By the way, advocating a lack of barriers to interracial breeding IF a certain unproven hypothesis were true is not the same thing as trying to eradicate the white race or being hostile to it as you claim above.

I also love the fact that you refer, yet again to your claim about muslim integration. A thread in which you had your arse summarily handed to you on a plate and yet you KEEP shifting the goalposts. Very funny.


P.S. The wanking tramp was a danger to nothing but the cleanliness of the seats. Or are all the tramps in the USA huge, muscley and well fed and you think the same thing happens here? The point of the story was, yet again, that people as a group will pretty much see what they want to and ignore those things that they don't like. (You're a fucking excellent example of this by the way. You've yet to score a palpable hit in any argument with anyone because you flail at strawmen and lack the intellectual gifts of a houseplant.) I LOVE the fact you keep returning to this as if beating up an elderly mentally ill person is somehow a good idea when what he was doing was, whilst unpleasant and shocking, utterly harmless.


The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,10:16   


No Gimpy, I don't have a problem with closeted homosexuality, nor with unclosted homosexuality. YOU do, which is why I keep making fun of it.

First of all, the term "gimpy" is offensive, and people with disabilities do not care for it. Trust me on this one. Second, you remind me of the racists who accused me of being "part black" (or even "Jewish") when I would defend racial minoritities. When I called them on their assumptions, they responded just like you: "Ain't nothin' wrong with being black [actually they used another word], I'm just doggin' ya." So you don't fool me. People don't tease someone about belonging to a particular group (and include belittling descriptions of that group's behaviour) unless they find that group disreputable. Once again, I don't care about your insults -- I just find your hypocrisy amusing. Why not throw in "half-breed" and "race-mixer" while you're at it? After all, I do have Amerindian blood and my gal's nonwhite, so these taunts would hit closer to the mark while also highlighting my alleged hypocrisy. The fact that you explicitly avoid these better, more relevant taunts while focusing on irrelevancies illustrates your prejudices better than I ever could.

Whatta punk. Not only a bigot, but a gutless one.  :D  :D

It seems that God has answered my prayers, because indeed my enemies are ridiculous. God must like Deists.  ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,12:21   

No Gimpy, that's a bad Gimpy.

"Gimpy" refers to your sexual problems, i.e. you are a gimp. Nothing to do with handicapped people or anythign like it. I'm not responsible for the spins you want to put on things, those are your problem, and vastly more revealing about you than me.

As for the closet thing, you keep missing the point. Why am I not surprised? It's nothing to do with homosexuality, it's everything to do with being a closet case. Honestly Gimpy, you can't even work your way through a good insult, let alone an argument, what hope is there for you?

You could be a closet ........ (fill in blank). The blank isn't the important bit because it doesn't inform or cause your obviously deviant psychology. The closet part DOES. Get it yet? Honestly I have to explain everything to you morons! You could post up pictures of interracial porn and I'd make jokes about you choking for big black cock. The big black cock part is irrelevant, the fact that you deny what is plain based on your posting behaviour isn't. Get it yet? Nope I doubt it.

Remember Gimpy, YOU post the sweaty wrestlers and make ridiculously macho claims of whupping libruls, no one else. Your memory really needs some work Gimpy. You got your tiny nosey in a sling when you first posted them and many people coughed {closet case}, loudly claiming you weren't a homosexual and having a snit. Yet again Gimpy, you are the one in denial, not anyone else. We're all perfectly comfy with our sexualities ta very much, gay, straight or other. The question remains unanswered why THOSE photos? Why THOSE images? No one makes you post them, quite the reverse, most people bothered to comment mock you for them. The fact that this still bothers you is highly amusing. Nowhere have I or anyone else made any value judgement, we've merely offered highly tongue in cheek comments on your possible motivations. No one else but you has made the link gay=bad. THAT is the telling part.

I'm not accusing you of being gay for supporting gay rights, so your analogy (entirely fictional as it obviously is. You? Minority rights? Please, that's less believable than your geocentrism claims) is flawed. If you were being persecuted/abused for supporting gay riights then you'd have a point. Since I and as far as I can tell every other poster on this site is a supporter of gay rights your claim wafts airily into the wind. You are being mocked for your posting habits and subsequent denials. Of course you don't understand this distinction, but that's because, well you're just a bit thick really.

Who gives a shit if you're gay, closeted or otherwise? No one Gimpy, because no one gives a shit about you. Like I've said many times, you're a rather paultry chew toy. Fun to bat around a bit, but no substance at all. You love to make grandiose claims but lack both the wit and wisdom to support them, or even make, understand, or follow anything approaching a coherent point. To be blunt, you're a bit pathetic. However, it's still fun to mock you. You're attempts at outrage are hilarious, as are you attempts to turn tables.

Tell me Gimpy have you ever actually made a coherent and supported point about anything anywhere? Many months ago I paraphrased the Bard in describing you:

"GoP's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a role
Played by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

You have only reinforced that opinion.



The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,12:51   


No Gimpy, that's a bad Gimpy.

"Gimpy" refers to your sexual problems, i.e. you are a gimp. Nothing to do with handicapped people or anythign like it. I'm not responsible for the spins you want to put on things, those are your problem, and vastly more revealing about you than me.

It's true that the word can mean other things in urban slang, but the traditional definition remains:

1. A limp or a limping gait.
2. A person who limps.
intr.v. gimped, gimp·ing, gimps
To walk with a limp.

It's sort of like "Gyp", or "Jew someone down". I've heard people use both while maintaining innocence about the origins of these terms. Doesn't change reality, though.

As for the closet thing, you keep missing the point. Why am I not surprised? It's nothing to do with homosexuality, it's everything to do with being a closet case.

Then why not tease me about being part nonwhite? After all, it's all about me being a closet case. If I'm a white supremacist, then by definition I'm rejecting part of myself (heck, I might even be part black, but I don't have any evidence of this). So why not apply your nonprejudicial teasing to my racial background? I'm sure Crabby and Deadman won't mind....

Who gives a shit if you're gay, closeted or otherwise? No one Gimpy, because no one gives a shit about you.

Well obviously you care, or otherwise you wouldn't keep bringing it up. After all, I haven't even mentioned my real views on gay rights -- how do you know I don't support them? My parody is not me. In any case, my sexual orientation has nothing to do with my Deism, which is the current topic of this thread.

Tell me Gimpy have you ever actually made a coherent and supported point about anything anywhere?

As you know very well, I'm censored on several topics. Nevertheless, ask Eric and Flint about our tax debate -- I made several good points there. Oh, and there's several good points on the Dave thread on gene duplication and whatnot. I'm still waiting for Ogee's response to my last what's your point again?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 89
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,14:28   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 27 2006,12:51)
I'm still waiting for Ogee's response to my last what's your point again?

That was a rebuttal?  You've convinced no one: no further response will be required, if that's the best you've got.  Why on Earth would I waste more time prompting repetitions of inane bullshit from a discredited, iron-skulled cretin?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,15:04   


That was a rebuttal?  You've convinced no one: no further response will be required, if that's the best you've got.  Why on Earth would I waste more time prompting repetitions of inane bullshit from a discredited, iron-skulled cretin?

And yet you find the time to insult me. That says something, I think.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,15:44   

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,16:20   


Theology is by no means scientific, it lacks some of the key elements, reliance on physical observation and honesty for a start. However it is as reasoned as literary criticism for the very reasons I mention above. If one treats theology as a branch of lit crit and philosophy (which to an independant observer, i.e. one outside of the specific religion that theology is dealing with, it is) then it is no less reason based than those fields. The arguments about interpretations of texts are reasoned, logical models based on observation of those texts, no problems there.

The problem theology as a field has is when it strays into things llike theodicy and "proofs of god" etc, all of which have been demonstrated to be based on logical fallacies or are contrary to observation or both. No doubt these are reasoned arguments based in part on observation, but they are neither accurate nor honest nor without fallacy.

You claim that theology is as reasoned as literary criticism, but since it's lacking observation, it can't be scientific. On the other hand, literary criticism is based on observation, so there's no qualititative difference between lit crit and science -- it's all a matter of degree:

My point is that reason and observation underlie the arts and emotions, and that, whilst there are differences in the accuracy and conscious use of these tools, they are the same tools as those used in science. You've done nothing to demonstrate this is false except continually reassert your original claim.

Notice that Louis thinks that theology is dishonest, at least when it tries to prove God's existence. So Louis is saying that the substantive difference between lit crit and science lies in accuracy levels as well as how these domains apply reason and observation. Meanwhile, theology must struggle at a lower level since it possesses only one of these tools.

Now here's a few questions:

1) How do you know that the disparate way the tools of reason and observation are applied in lit crit and science are quantitative, rather than qualitative? And if these disciplines are different in kind as well as degree, then why couldn't you classify the literary approach as "another way of knowing"?

2) You claim that theology lacks observation. What about circumstantial evidence like the anthropic coincidences, or science's failure to explain certain phenomena? In fact, some scientists believe that we will never have a complete theory of say, abiogenesis. Why can't theologists use negative evidence in addition to (or even the exclusion of) positive evidence? "Just you wait -- I'm sure we'll figure it out someday" isn't based on anything more than an inductive inference, which is either tentative or fallacious no matter how you look at it. Why treat hopes as guesses as facts? Because there sure ain't much else when it comes to life's origin.

3) You apparently claim that an individual can only "know" something by applying reason or observation. But then you admit that theology is based on reason alone. Wouldn't this qualify as another "way"? And what about people who rely on dreams as a source of inspiration, or even "delusions" about past lives? Some of these may have been hoaxes or due to humdrum mental phenomena, but nobody really knows what happened in some of these cases.

4) What if some things exist, but are unobservable by human minds? How can we decide if this situation applies? Especially since we're using the same tool we're allegedly testing?

5) What about the limitations of certain branches of mathematical logic as elucidated by Gödel's incompleteness theorems? What, if any, connections can be made to human intelligence?

More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,16:59   


<yawn>. I guess we need a better class of atheists on this board. I'm bored already!

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 27 2006,21:09   

I would like to spend a few minutes demonstrating how Louis is precisely what he accuses me of being. For example:

You love to make grandiose claims but lack both the wit and wisdom to support them, or even make, understand, or follow anything approaching a coherent point.

Let's see how Louis demonstrates his abilities in this matter:

I found this comment of yours in another thread telling:

Auster's attempt at Reductio ad absurdum isn't the best example out there, but his main point is pretty solid: science, being predicated on methodological naturalism, is often used to support metaphysical naturalism, and this is even more true for branches of science that deal with the origin and evolution of life. This conflation harms people because it delegitimises the intangible cultural and moral values holding society together. I don't believe all of this, but many people do assume that because science is the best strategy in its domain it should be the null strategy in all domains, including the realm of moral guidance. People then  replace one religion with another while rejecting the accumulated wisdom of societal selection. That’s why utopian ideas almost always fail –- they haven’t “proven” themselves over time like most traditional ideas have. The Law of Unintended Consequences ensues.

Bolding mine.

You are, as I have said many many times before, an enemy of reason. Your whole motivation is clearly not to "reclaim science for conservatives" or some such rot, but to destroy reason, the products of reason you don't like, and to assert your underlying subjective, unsupported claims as fact. Evolutionary biology does not in any way undermine or delegitimise any social, ethical or moral philosophy or system. You've made these sort of stupid comments before. Is does not equal ought. By the way, morals, ethics, social systems are products of reason and systems open to explanation and understanding by the process of reason and observation

And another repetition, just to remind everyone and your loathesome self of just how dishonest you are:

Oooh oohh while I remember.

What are these "other ways of knowing", from where, when and how are they coming to "a country near me"? If you think that lit crit/art appreciation/emotion are "other ways of knowing" please explain how these things are not already in "a country near me" and where they are coming from.

YOU propose "other ways of knowing" Gimpy, the burden of proof rests on YOU to demonstrate them. As well as the fact that you have yet to address one single point of my argument, except of course to repeat your original unsupported claims and make up silly strawmen to bash about.

Are you going to get honest any time soon or are you content with trolling and making yourself look like a total moron?

What's funny is that Louis criticises me for agreeing with him: the point of the bolded bit was that many advocates of evolution conflate methodological naturalism with metaphysical naturalism, and this causes them to improperly derive moral lessons from evolutionary biology. Not only was I not defending the statement "is = ought", I was specifically criticising some scientists for engaging in this fallacy, while decrying conservatives who present this "false dilemma" to their readers. So his tirade about me being an "enemy of reason", having been based on this gross misreading of my position, collapses. And yet this is the very type of tainted evidence that "supports" Louis's right to behave like a jackass! Let's examine another misreading. First, here's my statement:

My point is that reason and observation underlie the arts and emotions, and that, whilst there are differences in the accuracy and conscious use of these tools, they are the same tools as those used in science. You've done nothing to demonstrate this is false except continually reassert your original claim.

Ok, then, what disqualifies theological debate? God may not be able to be observed directly (assuming he exists), but both reason and observation are applied in this domain as well. People observe the structure of the universe, and use these observations to derive a theological conclusion. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence (no human observed the evolution of whales from artiodactyls, but by interpreting genes and fossils we can infer the event). See, by casting your net so wide you've captured everything, which means your argument goes hungry.

The bolded part is pretty straightforward: many events of evolution are not directly observable, but can be inferred by recourse to fossil and genetic evidence. Likewise, theological arguments can be built on circumstantial evidence such as anthropic coincidences, etc. Now many people might disagree with my conclusion, but certainly most would agree with my characterisation of whale evolution. Now let's see how Louis handles this:

Lastly, your strawvolution example. No Gimpy, that's a bad Gimpy. As usual you have it all backwards. We don't infer the evolution of whales from artiodactyls by interpreting the results in light of the idea that whales evolved from artiodactyls, which is how your claim is structured. We observe certain similarities between artiodactyls and whales and have developed a parsimonious explanation for the phenomenon we currently observe (for all knowledge is provisional, you keep "forgetting" this, read dishonestly ignoring in order to attempt ludicrous point scoring. And failing as usual I might add). That explanation is perfectly capable of being wrong, new data might well refute it. However, therein lies the crux of the differences between science and other fields: honest and unbiased (in terms of developing a coherent explanation) appraisal and acquisition of the data. As usual Gimpy your missing the key point that nobody cares what IS the case, they just care HOW we claim to have some knowledge of what is the case. Evidence could come in tomorrow which overturns the entire state of evolutionary biology as we understand it today. In fact right now thousands of scientists are working their respective gonads off to do just this. Not out of prior commitment to any worldview, ideology or interpretation, but out of the sheer desire to find out what actually IS there, and to test every hypothesis, theory and model to destruction if at all possible.

I'll enjoy watching you distort this section of the argument as you have every other.

[my bolding]

Notice that Louis doesn't bother to quote the offending passage, a sure sign that the game is afoot. Once again, you can say that my analogy missed the mark, but there is nothing in the passage to support Louis's wild tirade. I wasn't accusing scientists of circular reasoning, but only saying that scientists can use indirect observations (and by necessity, their interpretative abilities) to derive models even when the direct evidence is unavailable. Unless the whales have been keeping records....

See? Louis is what he accuses others of being. And he's one of this board's heavy hitters.

:O  :O  :O  :O  :O  :O


Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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