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  Topic: Why There Almost Certainly Is No God, Richard Dawkins< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 380
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,13:14

Excellent read, even if you don't agree

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands

Seizure Salad

Posts: 60
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,14:57   

Dawkins is great and all, but this is much more entertaining. (And on-topic.)

Nope, just can't get enough of Carl Sagan!


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,02:41   

Speaking of Dawkins, I got to see him last night at a book signing in DC.  He talked and then took questions.  One questioner asked him about how he explains the complexity of DNA (ugh) and another actually tried to challenge him with Pascal's wager (double ugh).

Anyway, I got him to sign The God Delusion and Unweaving the Rainbow.  I told him that I enjoyed the talk and like his books, but he really lit up when my gf told him that she loves his tie (the one he wore on the Colbert Report actually.)  Apparently his wife painted the tie for him and he was very excited to talk about it.


Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,03:19   

but he really lit up when my gf told him that she loves his tie (the one he wore on the Colbert Report actually.)  Apparently his wife painted the tie for him and he was very excited to talk about it.

We have a saying down here in Australia for blokes like that...smooth bastard...said for example, when a bloke opens a door for a sheila. Puts a bloke off his beer, that sort of thing. Still, it could have been a bit of light relief for him not to have put up with more 'breathtaking inanity' so I'll let him off ...this time.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

Seizure Salad

Posts: 60
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,09:26   

Quote (GCT @ Oct. 25 2006,07:41)
Anyway, I got him to sign The God Delusion and Unweaving the Rainbow.  I told him that I enjoyed the talk and like his books, but he really lit up when my gf told him that she loves his tie (the one he wore on the Colbert Report actually.)  Apparently his wife painted the tie for him and he was very excited to talk about it.

That's cute. He did remarkably well on the Colbert Report, I thought. Stephen was going a little overboard tryng to shut him down (with lots of distessingly non-ironic audience support) and Dawkins managed to hold his ground to the very end.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,13:05   

There was a review by Jim Holt of Dawkins's book   in Sunday's NY Times book review.
The least satisfying part of this book is Dawkins’s treatment of the traditional arguments for the existence of God. The “ontological argument” says that God must exist by his very nature, since he possesses all perfections, and it is more perfect to exist than not to exist. ... [Dawkins] dismisses the ontological argument as “infantile” and “dialectical prestidigitation” without quite identifying the defect in its logic, and he is baffled that a philosopher like Russell — “no fool” — could take it seriously.
I guess I find Holt's review somewhat "unsatisfying", because I really can't see how this logic (even if it is logical, which I don't quite get) gets us any closer to the entity known as "God" by anyone who actually uses that word in public discourse (you know, the entity that carved the commandments in Moses's stone tablets, the entity that got Mary pregnant, the entity that tells Dubya what to do on a regular basis...)

This is just an example, of course. But it seems to me typical of these condescending critiques of Dawkins's thoughts on the subject. It always seems as if the critic is saying that if Dawkins's theology were more sophisticated, he would understand that the more primitive and atavistic statements of religion are much more profound than his doubts.

Well, I have my doubts. But I haven't read the book. Maybe I'll find it dumb. But I see nothing in Holt's review to make me think so.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,13:59   

Quote (Russell @ Oct. 25 2006,18:05)
the entity that tells Dubya what to do on a regular basis...)

Dick Cheney is God . . . .. ?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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