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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,11:38   

Quote (Diogenes @ Oct. 02 2006,16:30)
Because a sense of scale may help.

Indeed it does. Too bad Davey doesn't have one of those. Thanks anyway. I wonder if that picture will look, to Dave, like a tree as much as the EB one looked like a ladder? Because Dave's Rorschach-like inklings regarding evidence seem to be all we have to work with here.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:09   

Points of agreement.

I'd still like to acknowledge and explore what I think was a huge leap for Dave just a couple of days ago:
Thirdly, I do not think that geochronologists sit around dreaming up ways to bash Christians and "exalt Satan."  

I think they simply have not considered the Bible.

As I stated previously, I see this as tremendous progress from his previous position that biologists, geologsts, anthropologists, etc. were "blinded by what they want to believe."

Dave then follows up by affirming the evidence and logic behind evolution and radiometric dating:
And if that's all that Joe the Geologist or Bob the Biologist ever does and never considers the Bible, then of course, why would they ever think anything BUT that life evolved, and that the radioactive decay we see is a true age indicator?  

Of course he would think this.  What else CAN he think?  He has no other outside information.  He's not conspiring to defeat the Christian worldview.  The truth is that he is walking in "Comfortable Oblivion", just as many Jews were in Germany.

Now, aside from the bizzarely inexplicable Holocaust reference, I think we can all agree with Dave on this point.  Indeed, without the influence of religious belief, what else would Joe and Bob do other than follow the physical evidence at hand?  Without something like the Bible to contradict the evidence, they have no reason whatsoever to doubt or disregard whatever conclusions they may arrive at by way of methodological naturalism.  Again, unless I am very much mistaken, we can all safely go along with this assesment.

At this point, it seems that we only disagree when it comes to methodology:
Well, at least we're all on the same page now, right?  That is, evolution and deep time are the best logical conclusions that we can make based on observed, testable evidence.
It is, indeed, were it not for that horrifying reality of ...


That is precisely where you and I differ ...
I see overwhelming evidence for the Supernatural element ...
... you do not.

Again, I think we can all agree that this is a major point (if not the point) of disagreement between Dave and, well, the world of science.

What I am proposing now is that we begin from this common ground.  We should accept Dave's implicit concession to the "materialistic" science behind evolution and "deep time", and allow him to get on with presenting his Supernatural evidence.  Now, Dave has previously defined "supernatural" as "simply natural things which we don't presently understand," so I'm not entirely sure on where and how he is trying to break from methodoligcal naturalism.  But that's Dave's problem, not mine.

I am proposing a shortcut.  We could continue arguing the finer "sciencey" points to Dave, but I think we all know where that's going to end up.  As Mike PSS is demonstrating, ultimately Dave will have to formally concede on all of the technical, materialistic elements of your theories.  So why don't we just take that as a given and get right to the heart of Dave's "hypothesis": positive evidence of natural things which we don't presently understand.  Once again, I think everyone here will agree that, eventually, that's what Dave's "hypothesis" boils down to.  It's only a matter of time before he ends up there, so why don't we just jump right to it?

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Mike PSS

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:21   

Here's some subject areas.

Materialistic -
"String theory."

Ponderable -
"If a bear sh*ts in the woods, does it smell?"
(of course with this we could enter the linguistic ground just like "eats shoots and leaves")

Zen -
"What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Theological -
"Angels, Pin, you get it."


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:27   

To answer Argy's question, I would guess that there is VERY LITTLE sequence difference among modern bacterial DNA.

AfDave's Imagination: 0
Biology: 827,485,712


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:37   

Mmmm ... not so fast.  I'm not done with Denton and his (and my) belief that sequence comparisons were a surprise to ToE.  More tomorrow on this.

Isochrons ... any time, Mike.  Convince me.

I think the "blinded by what they want to believe" applies to, er ... let's see ... what can we call them?  "anti-Biblicists" ? "skeptics" ?  ... you know ... folks like Russell who are going to school board meetings fighting people like me.  So I have not really made any leaps that I am aware of.  Just describing different groups.

Comfortable oblivion:

Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.

Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Get it now?


Improv ... you can pretend I agree with you that RM Dating and Deep Time is valid, but it doesn't make it true ... any more than pretending Humans evolved from Pond Scum makes that true.

Again, RM dating has nothing to do with the real age of rocks.  My comment was intended to mean that if you don't believe in God, then why not pick a good fairy tale and pretend it's true?  Perfectly logical course of action.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:38   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.

Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Your God is like Hitler?  WTF.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:39   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Comfortable oblivion:

Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.

Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

God is like Hitler.

Got that? Write that down.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:42   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Improv ... you can pretend I agree with you that RM Dating and Deep Time is valid, but it doesn't make it true ... any more than pretending Humans evolved from Pond Scum makes that true.

Well, obviously I know you don't think it's "true", but you agreed that evolution and "deep time" were the best logical conclusions that we can make based on observed, testable evidence.  That was really my point.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Mike PSS

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:51   

Are you dropping your argument about ". .all Isochrons are best described as mixing lines..."?

If you cede this point then Ipso facto, you agree with my summary that countered that claim.  I can then show you aging arguments.

Mike PSS


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:54   

Quote (improvius @ Oct. 02 2006,17:09)
Points of agreement.
I am proposing a shortcut.  We could continue arguing the finer "sciencey" points to Dave, but I think we all know where that's going to end up.  As Mike PSS is demonstrating, ultimately Dave will have to formally concede on all of the technical, materialistic elements of your theories.  So why don't we just take that as a given and get right to the heart of Dave's "hypothesis": positive evidence of natural things which we don't presently understand.  Once again, I think everyone here will agree that, eventually, that's what Dave's "hypothesis" boils down to.  It's only a matter of time before he ends up there, so why don't we just jump right to it?

I wholeheartedly agree, Improv, and in fact that's exactly what I've been trying to get Dave to do for the past five months. I've repeatedly admonished him to stop trying to find holes in the evidence supporting evolution, an old age for the earth, etc., and get on with providing "positive evidence" in support of his "hypothesis."

If you can think of a way to get him to do this, please, for the love of god, do so. I've been trying to get him to do it for months. The rest of this thread is just one giant detour around the issue.

And another point about "supernatural" causes, by which Dave appears to mean "causes the nature of which we don't yet have an understanding." Obviously, this is not what most people mean by the term, but I can work with it.

If that's what you mean by "supernatural," Dave, no scientist is going to dispute that various things could have "supernatural" causes.  What gives an electron its mass? Well, probably the Higgs boson, but no one knows for sure, so maybe the source of mass is "supernatural." Scientists don't rule out "supernatural" (in this sense of the term) causes because they're supernatural, but because there's no evidence (yet) for them.

But they are going to have a problem with "hypotheses" which can be ruled out right out of the gate because they conflict with simple, basic observation. Your young-earth "hypothesis" falls into this category. A 6,000-year-old cosmos "hypothesis" falls afoul of so many observational tests I could fill up an entire page with just a list of them.

Scientists don't fail to consider the Bible (specifically, Genesis) because they don't know any better, Dave. They don't consider it because it is clearly (and I do mean clearly, like any bright nine year old can see the problems with it) erroneous.

Now, if you want to propose some "supernatural" mechanism by which we can see a galaxy that's 2 million lightyears away in a cosmos that's only 6,000 years old, go right ahead. We'd be happy (no, fascinated) to hear your proposal. But unless you come up with some actual, affirmative evidence to support the existence of such a mechanism, we're going to laugh at you just the way we've been laughing at you all along. Some statement like, "Relativity theory makes it reasonable to suppose that God can exist outside of time and space and therefore he could make the galaxies only look like they're that far away" simply isn't going to cut it.

But again, Improv, if you can get Dave to actually focus on providing actual, affirmative evidence supporting the existence of these various "supernatural" mechanisms, I'll buy you a fifth of single-malt (if that's your thing).

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,12:59   

Thirdly, I do not think that geochronologists sit around dreaming up ways to bash Christians and "exalt Satan."  

I think they simply have not considered the Bible.

Let me say that again ... louder.

I think they have simply never considered the Bible.

And people who have never considered the Bible and its supernatural claims, simply operate in the material world.  They never even consider that there is an immaterial world out there.  They are naturalistic simply because ALL of us are BORN naturalistic.  In other words, we do what comes natural.  What comes natural?  Well, you eat, sleep, work, play, you go to school, get married, have kids, get old and die.  And if that's all that Joe the Geologist or Bob the Biologist ever does and never considers the Bible, then of course, why would they ever think anything BUT that life evolved, and that the radioactive decay we see is a true age indicator?  

Of course he would think this.  What else CAN he think?

I need to look for an image of Elmer Fudd accidently blasting himself.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,13:15   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,17:37)
Mmmm ... not so fast.  I'm not done with Denton and his (and my) belief that sequence comparisons were a surprise to ToE.  More tomorrow on this.

How's this going to work, Dave? We've already explained ad nasueum that Denton's chart of sequence comparisons confirms evolutionary theory, disconfirms your mangled misunderstanding of evolutionary theory, and why. What more is there to discuss? It's clear that you have completely ignored every single post on the topic, and there have been dozens. It seems to me that your only way out of this quagmire is to come up with convincing evidence that eukaryotes are not all equally distantly related to prokaryotes, i.e., that they did not diverge from prokaryotes at the same time. Would you care to lay out your proposed method for even showing this?

Isochrons ... any time, Mike.  Convince me.

Now. Mike has asked you several times why you disagree with his summary re isochrons, after you already stated quite plainly that you do not disagree with it. First of all: which is it? Even you seem confused as to whether you agree with his summary or not.

If you do not agree with his summary, then why do you disagree with it? Please be specific. You're not fooling anyone with your "prove it to me" arms-folded pretense. You either have a specific disagreement with his summary or you don't. If you do, please let us know what it is. If you don't, then you can no longer claim that you disagree with it. You have to have a reason to disagree with it. You can't merely disagree with it without reason.

Improv ... you can pretend I agree with you that RM Dating and Deep Time is valid, but it doesn't make it true ... any more than pretending Humans evolved from Pond Scum makes that true.

Paging Strawman Dave? Is there a Strawman Dave in the house?

Of course there is. Are you going to ignore the multiple posts pointing out to you that no one, not one evolutionary biologist out there, believes that humans evolved from plants?

Again, RM dating has nothing to do with the real age of rocks.  My comment was intended to mean that if you don't believe in God, then why not pick a good fairy tale and pretend it's true?  Perfectly logical course of action.

Dave, you personally don't think RM dating has anything to do with the age of rocks, but you've given no one here the tiniest reason to believe that. It's nice that you've managed to persuade yourself that you're right, since clearly thinking otherwise would cause your head to explode, but you haven't exactly supported your position with reference to actual facts.

And in the meantime, your belief in god is way more a fairy tale than a belief in an old earth or the theory of evolution, because you simply don't have any evidence for it. I'm not saying god does not exist for a fact—there certainly could be a god. But you don't have any evidence for its existence. On the other hand, there's plenty of evidence for an old earth and for the theory of evolution. It doesn't matter whether you believe that evidence or not; it still exists. But where's your evidence for the existence of God? No need to re-post your UPDATED Creator God "Hypothesis"; I've already read it.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,13:31   

Mike-- That wasn't what I said exactly, but no, I'm not dropping anything.  Whaddya got?

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,13:34   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,17:37)
Improv ... you can pretend I agree with you that RM Dating and Deep Time is valid, but it doesn't make it true ... any more than pretending Humans evolved from Pond Scum makes that true.

Dave, we don't need to "pretend" you agree that RM Dating and Deep Time "are the best logical conclusions that we can make based on observed, testable evidence." You've already admitted that they are:

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 30 2006,17:47)
Well, at least we're all on the same page now, right?  That is, evolution and deep time are the best logical conclusions that we can make based on observed, testable evidence.
It is, indeed, were it not for that horrifying reality of ...


That is precisely where you and I differ ...

In other words, Dave, for evolution and deep time not to be the best explanations for what we observe, you need yet more "miracles."

Okay, you say you see evidence for all these supernatural causes. Where is that evidence?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,13:40   

Dave said:      
I would guess that there is VERY LITTLE sequence difference among modern bacterial DNA.

Bacteria are spectacularly diverse genetically --Just as an example --
Microbial genomes are being sequenced at an increasing pace, and we are rapidly building a detailed molecular picture of the microbial world that is yielding new biological paradigms on a weekly basis. With over 140 finished bacterial genomes now publicly available, and a larger number in progress, these data are scientific touchstones for their respective communities, in addition to establishing the molecular basis for microbial diversity studies. Improvements to sequencing technologies have reduced the cost of whole-genome sequencing, bestowing less-well-studied microbes with sequence data sets and the modern analysis approaches they engender. Microbial genomes, however, are characterized by extensive intraspecific variation, in that different strains or types within the same species can vary by as much as 20% in gene content
(My Emphasis)...see:
The differences INTERspecifically are great as well:        
The typical interdivisional rRNA sequence difference is 20 to 25%. For comparison, the 16S rRNAs of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, both representatives of the  group of Proteobacteria, differ overall by about 15%; the 16S rRNAs of E. coli and Bacillus subtilis ("low-G+C gram-positive bacterial" division) differ by about 23%.

more than 78,000 16S rRNA gene sequences have been deposited in GenBank and the Ribosomal Database Project, making the 16S rRNA gene the most widely studied gene for reconstructing bacterial phylogeny
rRNA = ribosomalRNA, DippyDave, just as an example of interspecific diversity.The metabolisms of bacteria are often SO radically different that "universal" probes couldn't detect them (as with hydrothermal vent bacteria)

K.E :The following page has the best "guesstimates" and information I've seen so far in my limited browsing on bacterial diversity and numbers of species. Basically, they say this: "the smallest drop of temperate seawater or a grain of agricultural soil will also yield myriad 16S rRNA sequences that are new to science"
THAT paper basically says we have no models to determine the actual diversity and it cites an older paper that says " the entire bacterial diversity of the sea may be unlikely to exceed 2 x 10^6, while a ton of soil could contain 4 x 10^6 different taxa. These are preliminary estimates that may change as we gain a greater understanding of the nature of prokaryotic species abundance curves."

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,13:41   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:31)
Mike-- That wasn't what I said exactly, but no, I'm not dropping anything.  Whaddya got?

Dave, read my post. It's your turn. You are now saying you disagree with Mike's summary re isochrons. Well, what about it do you disagree with? Unless and until you explain exactly what you disagree with, what do you think Mike can do with your "whaddya got" question? Just repost his summary?

What's your problem with his summary, Dave? Do you know? Or do you just disagree for the sake of being disagreeable?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,14:02   

Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

That's what I really despise about jerkoffs like StupidDave. He is implying "you're going to die and MY  god is going to burn you for eternity for disbelief or even mere doubt "... it makes your god  look insane, evil, selfish, childish, insecure and petty, DaveTard2.

Apparently you think you're going to convince people by "threats." You think an all-loving god thinks as evilly as YOU. This alone makes you a wanker, Dave. This explains why you accept a God that kills innocent children, then claimed it was because "God knew they were going to do evil in the future." You're truly laughable.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

Mike PSS

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,14:04   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,19:31)
Mike-- That wasn't what I said exactly, but no, I'm not dropping anything.  Whaddya got?

I got my summary (you can find it I'm sure) that addresses your "mixing" argument.  Nothing about time yet, just mixing.

What part of my summary do you disagree with?


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,14:31   

I think the "blinded by what they want to believe" applies to, er ... let's see ... what can we call them?  "anti-Biblicists" ? "skeptics" ?  ... you know ... folks like Russell who are going to school board meetings fighting people like me.
Oh, I can hardly wait to find out... what do I want to believe?

And, tell me, why do I drag myself to school board meetings? Is it because I don't want kids to learn "the truth"? Is it because I hate Jesus?

I wonder if dave's psychological insights come with the same level of certainty as his biological, geological, chemical and physical insights.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Mike PSS

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:00   

When I started explaining to you how your "Isochron's are mixing lines" argument was wrong you asked for an "executive summary" for you to review (I can find that quote if you want).  I complied with your request and formed an executive summary rebutting your mixing claim on page 6 of this thread.

Please read, comprehend, and comment on this summary.  If you have any questions please ask.  It doesn't bother me at all that you could disagree with the summary.  I need to know what part(s) you disagree with so we can discover further where you (or I) are wrong.

This is how a debate works in a civil environment.  Point, counter-point with supporting evidence.  Claim, counter-claim with supporting reasoning.  Or do you not want to debate this topic.  Your the one who said to me that you doubted I wanted to debate you (I can find that quote too).


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:25   

Mike--  Once again, my statement is that Deep Timers cannot prove that whole rock isochron diagrams are not merely mixing diagrams because all COULD be.  There is no way to tell for sure.  Your turn.

Russell-- Just a guess, but my guess is that you want to believe that Evolution is true and that Genesis 1 & 2 are merely nice, religious myths.  How close did I get?

Deadman-- Not only does the Bible speak of God as a loving  heavenly father, but it also says He is a "consuming fire."  Would I be doing you a favor if I did not warn you of the danger of not submitting yourself to the Great Creator and Judge of Mankind?

Microbial genomes, however, are characterized by extensive intraspecific variation, in that different strains or types within the same species can vary by as much as 20% in gene content
Great.  And a far cry from 64% ... and that's overall.  Now how about their Cytochrome C, which is what Denton was comparing.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:30   

Would I be doing you a favor if I did not warn you of the danger of not submitting yourself to the Great Creator and Judge of Mankind?

Who?  Hitler?

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:37   

Not only does the Bible speak of God as a loving  heavenly father, but it also says He is a "consuming fire."  Would I be doing you a favor if I did not warn you of the danger of not submitting yourself to the Great Creator and Judge of Mankind?

If the "Judge of Mankind" is anything worth following, it is not insane, petty and vicious. Your version of God is evil, as you described it. Keep your God. I prefer to avoid such concepts.

And on your view of genetic distances..I suggest you get off your lazy ass and quit begging others to spoonfeed you data. You're as wrong in this as you were in virtually all your claims.
Mike--  Once again, my statement is that Deep Timers cannot prove that whole rock isochron diagrams are not merely mixing diagrams because all COULD be.  There is no way to tell for sure.
I patiently explained to you how the laws of physics and chemistry show that the meteorites mentioned could not have been the result of mixing. Of course, you didn't bother to look that up, despite me giving you references. Again...typical of your dishonesty.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:50   

If the "Judge of Mankind" is anything worth following, it is not insane, petty and vicious. Your version of God is evil, as you described it. Keep your God. I prefer to avoid such concepts.
Read the Bible for yourself.  Maybe you'll get a different picture than I have painted.

And on your view of genetic distances..I suggest you get off your lazy ass and quit begging others to spoonfeed you data. You're as wrong in this as you were in virtually all your claims.
I already did.  I went out and bought a book ... just like you always tell me to.  Problem for you is that it was written by a top notch molecular biologist who happens to disagree with you.  He's made his case very clearly.  You are trying to refute him so the burden is on you.

I patiently explained to you how the laws of physics and chemistry show that the meteorites mentioned could not have been the result of mixing.
And I patiently showed you in detail how you are wrong ... complete with pictures.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:52   

Great.  And a far cry from 64% ... and that's overall.  Now how about their Cytochrome C, which is what Denton was comparing.

Hoo, boy, are you in for a surprise!

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,15:59   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,21:25)
Mike--  Once again, my statement is that Deep Timers cannot prove that whole rock isochron diagrams are not merely mixing diagrams because all COULD be.  There is no way to tell for sure.  Your turn.

I think Dave is implicitly conceding that, based on scientific evidence, they are not results of mixing.  Most likely he is referring to the possibility of unkown "supernatural" forces that could have somehow caused mixing.  In other words, Mike, you can't rule out that your crystals were not formed by miracles.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,16:27   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,20:25)
Microbial genomes, however, are characterized by extensive intraspecific variation, in that different strains or types within the same species can vary by as much as 20% in gene content
Great.  And a far cry from 64% ... and that's overall.  Now how about their Cytochrome C, which is what Denton was comparing.

Read more carefully, Dave.  Phrases such as “WITHIN THE SAME SPECIES” are important here. (Or do you think there is only one species of bacteria?) That beautiful phylogenetic tree Diogenes presented will give you an idea of how genetically different bacteria are at levels above the "species". Compare the lengths of the lines connecting different groups of bacteria with, say, the length of the lines connecting animals and plants.

Anyhow, since Dave is merely going to spurt and sputter about how “ridiculous” our “whoppers” are (no matter what the evidence, and no matter how that evidence casts our whoppers relative to Dave's big, all-consuming God), I humbly suggest we just blow his mind with random biological (or other scientific) facts he hasn’t bothered to learn yet.

I’ll start.

Dave, you know those mushrooms you put in your salad tonight? Did you know that you are more closely related to them than the lettuce you mixed them with is? Didn’t think so.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,16:28   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,20:25)
Mike--  Once again, my statement is that Deep Timers cannot prove that whole rock isochron diagrams are not merely mixing diagrams because all COULD be.  There is no way to tell for sure.  Your turn.

Dave, is it physically impossible for you to answer Mike's question? He asked you, what is it specifically about his summary that you disagree with?

Mike asked you a very simple question. It's got nothing to do with deep time, and nothing, particularly, to do with whether isochrons are mixing diagrams or not. It has to do with what it is about his "executive summary"—you know, the one you asked for?—that you disagree with. What about Mike's summary in particular is wrong, which allows you to claim that all whole-rock isochrons could be just mixing diagrams?

Until you answer this simple, basic question, there's no way your debate with Mike can proceed. So what's the hold-up?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 374
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,16:36   

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,20:50)
If the "Judge of Mankind" is anything worth following, it is not insane, petty and vicious. Your version of God is evil, as you described it. Keep your God. I prefer to avoid such concepts.
Read the Bible for yourself.  Maybe you'll get a different picture than I have painted.

I recommend Judges, Deadman. After that, it's hard to cast God in such a flattering light as you have.

And on your view of genetic distances..I suggest you get off your lazy ass and quit begging others to spoonfeed you data. You're as wrong in this as you were in virtually all your claims.
I already did.  I went out and bought a book ... just like you always tell me to.  Problem for you is that it was written by a top notch molecular biologist who happens to disagree with you.  He's made his case very clearly.  You are trying to refute him so the burden is on you.

Interesting concept of burden of proof, Dave. If only we could reference the work of thousands upon thousands of top-notch scientists who knew what they were talking about when it came to evolution... Maybe the very same papers Denton ripped his cyctochrome C data from, for example? Ah, fie, to be crushed by a popular book and the massive weight of the Encyclopedia Britannica!

I know with that purchase you're probably over your book quota for the decade, Dave, but maybe you could borrow an elementary text on evolution. Check the index for an entry on cytochrome C. Read what it has to say. See if it confirms that, as we are trying to tell you, Denton made a boneheaded mistake here in his interpretation of evolutionary descent. (Again, I am taking you at face value that he -- not you -- made these claims as you portray them.) Even if the burden of proof was on us, Davey, it's been hoisted easily. As it turns out, the categorically wrong (stupendously so!;) claims of our opponent are as light as a feather. In fact, they make our point for us so well, we don't even need to be here -- your "burden of proof" carries itself, Dave.


Posts: 1621
Joined: April 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,16:54   

You guys aren't going to get off that easy.  I have a hard time believing that Denton made a "bone-headed mistake."  And we have ONLY been discussing bacteria.  Denton's claim covers many other organisms in addition to bacteria.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

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