Glen Davidson
That is what I really don't get about Carol, that she claims to be Jewish, and comes in here preaching to the gentiles, trying to "persuade" us of the rightness of her narrow sectarianism, <i>and</i> of how it really only belongs to the Jews. I'm guessing that the Jews she knows are really tired of her.
In NYC I was always happy to be able to tell proselytizing little Jewish boys that I am not Jewish. One reason only: they'd completely leave me alone and go bother some poor ethnic Semite who obviously didn't really want to be bothered any more than I did. I'm sorry for the Jewish person, of course, but it's the ol' "at least I'm rid of the Jewish equivalent of JWs" idea.
On PT, though, we have preacher Carol blathering on about nonsense that we don't care about, alternately telling us that the Bible isn't really ours (so shut up already--most of us wouldn't claim it if we could), and that it is really correct about everything, so worthy of notice by, I guess, everyone. She's either not Jewish, or she doesn't understand her own religion.
Btw, Carol, there is nothing at all new about the fact that "day" in Genesis can mean "period of time" or "era". Jews know it, gentiles know it, and intelligent people recognize that "day" is meant in the first chapter from the context. It sure reveals hubris for you to come on here telling people "what Hebrew really says," when it's old knowledge in both Xian and Jewish communities--and obviously outside of there as well.
Well, there you are, I guess Carol is just one of those things that Jews have to put up with. Because however annoying she is to the rest of us, at least she isn't speaking "for us" in her cluelessness.
Glen D