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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: June 14 2018,13:07   

Differences? Hair. Clothing. Minor change of proportions. Nostril sizes quite different. (Apes need big nostrils because they have big fingers.)

Also, the drawings look like apes rather than monkeys.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 14 2018,20:11   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 14 2018,01:16)
Oh look, a coloring book page that was already posted in the thread. From these things we can learn much about [how] the human mind works.

I noticed that you have been busy filling in some of the easily missed details:
Quote (Lethean @ June 13 2018,20:47)
Quote (stevestory @ June 13 2018,16:29)
Allan KeithJune 13, 2018 at 10:03 am
Tom Robbins,

Darwin was a racists – the full title of his Origin of a species was “On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.

I was wondering when this nonsense would be brought up.

derp city

I'm reminded of our own DrGH's article responding to that very criticism posted almost exactly four years ago ...

(yessir, I lurk your blog from time to time)

The lie that Charles Darwin was a racist.

Coincidentally, another article on the topic was posted just yesterday. However this one is intended to rebut a specific claim about Dwarin supporting Francis Galton's view of eugenics and that he also allegedly decried social welfare programs as harmful to mankind.

More "Dwarin was a Racist Bull

( sic :p )

I must say this is an absolutely brilliant way to highlight the stone throwers and their stones:
Darwin made virtually no mention of humans at all in "The Origin of Species" Further, popular political writing 150 years ago and even later commonly used "race" to mean nationality; we read from those times about the "Irish race" and the "English race." In fact, Darwin considered all human biological variation he observed in his worldwide travels merely due to differences in climate and diet. For example Charles Darwin, wrote in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (John Murray, London, 1871), "It may be doubted whether any character can be named which is distinctive of a race and is constant."

Note that this is at a time when many Christians argued that non-Europeans were not even human! The American slave owners were assured by the "preAdamites" that God had created the Negro with the "beasts of the field" and that the sons of Adam (of course all Whites) was only exercising his God ordained right to dominate these sub-humans. Christian racists in America even to this day maintain that nonwhites are subhuman, cite biblical support for slavery, and/or allege that Blacks are descended from Ham, the son of Noah who was cursed to be a mere servant.

Darwin's attitude toward Africans was shaped in part by his early friendship with a Negro man he became friends with in Edinburgh. Darwin learned the art of taxidermy from him and whom he mentioned in his autobiography; "By the way, a Negro lived in Edinburgh, who had traveled with Waterton and gained his livelihood by stuffing birds, which he did excellently; he gave me lessons for payment, and I used often to sit with him, for he was a very pleasant and intelligent man." -- Charles Darwin, Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882 (restored edition)(1958), Nora Barlow editor, p.51. Darwin also mentioned this in his 1871 book, “The Descent of Man;”

Continue reading at:

I recommend that this article be sent to both the DI and UD. If they refuse then you have my blessing to use social media to scream your brains out about "CENSORSHIP!!!!" by a phony scientific organization that does not even allow what their stoning victims actually said to be disclosed. There is of course the danger that Dr.GH actually gets published by the misinformation mill, then made an honorary fellow. But I think it's worth the risk.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 16 2018,18:45   

To start, let’s focus on this statement:

By publishing this book the Discovery Institute surrendered all claim to being scientific

And there is the first error.  Discovery did not publish the book in question.

Representatives ("fellows") of scientific organizations normally "publish" their work in peer reviewed science journals like Nature, PNAS, Science, PLOS, and more recently forums where peers in a given area of science together work 24/7 on models to explain how something like "intelligence" works.

What the representatives of the Discovery Institute chose to do is feed the general public mixed messages that go from promises of not wanting ID taught in public schools to "Teach the controversy!" crusades that demand politicians do so. The story keeps changing. Constantly saying one thing then doing another is indicative of compulsive liars, not a scientific organization that must maintain a consistent message and provide a testable model.

The DI network is getting into deeper trouble by trying to rationalize their way out of all the trouble that they already got themselves into. In this case there is denial of the fact that what has been published by the organization's "ID theorists" to support their "scientific theory" is religious philosophy based political rhetoric, not a scientific model or theory.

What their "fellows" have (anywhere) published for "theory" helps show why it's true that the Discovery Institute surrendered all claim to being scientific. Excuses like their organization did not always publish their results through their in-house publishing agency are sadly comical. Their willingness to start a bloody holy-war over their religious issue is psychopathic extremism that's way too dangerous for me to find any humor in. That message may serve doomsday cult leaders, but it certainly does not serve those who became their first targets to shoot at when their cleansing the world of "Materialists" begins.

I cannot change what the Discovery Institute did to itself. That's for the "fellows" in the spotlights to reconcile. I can only help show what the organization should have instead done.

And likewise: If there are any AE readers who also have posting privileges on UD (I was stripped of mine by UD management), [then] they are free to post a link to this article in reply to eddieunmuzzled’s comment.  And eddieunmuzzled is of course welcome to reply here to my comments, if he [then] thinks I have in any way misrepresented him or failed to deal with his arguments.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 1208
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2018,10:43   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 16 2018,18:45)
...peers in a given area of science together work 24/7 on models to explain how something like "intelligence" works.

Please refrain from posting here until you learn how to use adverbs. TIA

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2018,11:11   

Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.


Posts: 532
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2018,12:50   

Please refrain from posting here until you learn how to use adverbs.

And nouns and adjectives and verbs and ... Oh, to hell with it! just learn English grammar, sentence structure and English.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2018,19:08   

Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2018,11:11)
Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.

Inquiring minds might rather want to know what drives a person such as yourself to struggle this hard to become an alpha male of a forum like this one.

Natural selection must somehow be working against you.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2018,21:12   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 17 2018,19:08)
Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2018,11:11)
Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.

Inquiring minds might rather want to know what drives a person such as yourself to struggle this hard to become an alpha male of a forum like this one.

Natural selection must somehow be working against you.

Yet more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2018,05:14   

Quote (Texas Teach @ June 17 2018,21:12)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 17 2018,19:08)
Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2018,11:11)
Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.

Inquiring minds might rather want to know what drives a person such as yourself to struggle this hard to become an alpha male of a forum like this one.

Natural selection must somehow be working against you.

Yet more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

I don't plan on creating any more children, but at least I'm still fertile. And none of us ever know when the next religious war that kills off almost the entire male population will again happen. Therefore at least for myself I must keep my options open, in case I'm ever needed to help repopulate the planet.

Natural selection is still working in my favor.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2018,12:10   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 19 2018,05:14)
Quote (Texas Teach @ June 17 2018,21:12)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 17 2018,19:08)
Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2018,11:11)
Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.

Inquiring minds might rather want to know what drives a person such as yourself to struggle this hard to become an alpha male of a forum like this one.

Natural selection must somehow be working against you.

Yet more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

I don't plan on creating any more children, but at least I'm still fertile. And none of us ever know when the next religious war that kills off almost the entire male population will again happen. Therefore at least for myself I must keep my options open, in case I'm ever needed to help repopulate the planet.

Natural selection is still working in my favor.

Even more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

That would be genetic drift due to a bottleneck event, not natural selection, but in any case that possibility is too discouraging to contemplate with respect to survival of the human species.

However, if you were the only surviving human on Earth, your not-a-theory would at least then pass the general-acceptance test and would only fail at being a theory on the grounds of not having any confirmatory evidence, not being well enough defined, and not making any predictions / not being potentially falsifiable.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2018,18:40   

Quote (N.Wells @ June 19 2018,12:10)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 19 2018,05:14)
Quote (Texas Teach @ June 17 2018,21:12)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 17 2018,19:08)
Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2018,11:11)
Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.

Inquiring minds might rather want to know what drives a person such as yourself to struggle this hard to become an alpha male of a forum like this one.

Natural selection must somehow be working against you.

Yet more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

I don't plan on creating any more children, but at least I'm still fertile. And none of us ever know when the next religious war that kills off almost the entire male population will again happen. Therefore at least for myself I must keep my options open, in case I'm ever needed to help repopulate the planet.

Natural selection is still working in my favor.

Even more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

That would be genetic drift due to a bottleneck event, not natural selection, but in any case that possibility is too discouraging to contemplate with respect to survival of the human species.

Are you certain that there are absolutely no selective pressures working against guys like these who are in a hurry to die in a holy war?

Quote (N.Wells @ June 19 2018,12:10)
However, if you were the only surviving human on Earth, your not-a-theory would at least then pass the general-acceptance test and would only fail at being a theory on the grounds of not having any confirmatory evidence, not being well enough defined, and not making any predictions / not being potentially falsifiable.

Well then I require "confirmatory evidence" that there are absolutely no selection pressures for or against genetic variations that are easily drawn to deserts to shake their guns and knives in the air while daring a coalition of armies to blast them to bits with their guided missiles.

I will also need to know how to "falsify" your confirmatory evidence, to my satisfaction. It better be good, very very good.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2018,21:50   

QED, again.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2018,22:17   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 19 2018,18:40)
Quote (N.Wells @ June 19 2018,12:10)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 19 2018,05:14)
Quote (Texas Teach @ June 17 2018,21:12)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 17 2018,19:08)
Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2018,11:11)
Quote (k.e.. @ June 13 2018,03:14)
The only reason Gary is here is for attention.

He mistakes criticism for stroking.

I view Gary's activities here as stream-of-consciousness talk therapy. Playing scientist seems to give him some relief from his mental issues. Which is fine by me, he's not hurting anyone.

Inquiring minds might rather want to know what drives a person such as yourself to struggle this hard to become an alpha male of a forum like this one.

Natural selection must somehow be working against you.

Yet more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

I don't plan on creating any more children, but at least I'm still fertile. And none of us ever know when the next religious war that kills off almost the entire male population will again happen. Therefore at least for myself I must keep my options open, in case I'm ever needed to help repopulate the planet.

Natural selection is still working in my favor.

Even more evidence that Gary doesn't know what natural selection is.

That would be genetic drift due to a bottleneck event, not natural selection, but in any case that possibility is too discouraging to contemplate with respect to survival of the human species.

Are you certain that there are absolutely no selective pressures working against guys like these who are in a hurry to die in a holy war?

Quote (N.Wells @ June 19 2018,12:10)
However, if you were the only surviving human on Earth, your not-a-theory would at least then pass the general-acceptance test and would only fail at being a theory on the grounds of not having any confirmatory evidence, not being well enough defined, and not making any predictions / not being potentially falsifiable.

Well then I require "confirmatory evidence" that there are absolutely no selection pressures for or against genetic variations that are easily drawn to deserts to shake their guns and knives in the air while daring a coalition of armies to blast them to bits with their guided missiles.

I will also need to know how to "falsify" your confirmatory evidence, to my satisfaction. It better be good, very very good.

Christ on a stick, Gary, how many times do you want to demonstrate that you are clueless about evolutionary biology?

Note first that there is very little similarity between 45 terrorists being assassinated and a "religious war that kills of nearly all the male population", so you are switching problems and moving goalposts.

Natural selection, by definition, encompasses only change in genetic frequencies that can be attributed to benefits or dasadvantages due to inheritable variations.  When survival and reproduction are random luck of the draw, by definition that's not natural selection at work.  Everything else is, very broadly, genetic drift.  Someone happening to avoid being killed in a war of mass destruction likely survived due to luck, such as avoiding being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now, if there's a genetic component to why that person survived (e.g. natural immunity to a released artificial pathogen), then we can start talking natural selection, but you initially posited a war that killed off nearly every male, which suggests luck, and id you can't show a genetic component to survival rates then you've disproven natural selection as an agent in that instance.

Now, if we switch to assassination of religious extremists, then that could be natural selection, if you can demonstrate a genetic component to becoming a militant religious extremist.  Maybe there is, or it could all be cultural.  To the extent that people become terrorists due to culture and their upbringing and the circumstances of their life, that's not natural selection, even if they are being culled from the population.

Moslems not raised in Islamic countries are almost never terrorists (neither are people raised in Islamic countries for that matter).  There are 3.3 million Muslims in the US, and we've had 17 notable Islamic terrorist attacks, with the majority of assailants being foreign-born.  How many of them had terrorist parents? The few that do become terrorists are sufficiently notorious anomalies that their motivations get analyzed very thoroughly, and in all cases investigators end up pointing to specific events or circumstances or associates that radicalized them.  I am well aware that Trump is trying to paint every Muslim as a potential terrorist, but since when have the FBI and the CIA come forward and said "the reason he became a terrorist is because he inherited terrorist genes"?  Not even Trump would be satisfied with such an obviously fallacious explanation.  How many American terrorists have had terrorist parents.  Education as a terrorist might or might not come from the parents, but terrorist genes would have to come from the parents.


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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2018,07:23   

I have been honored:
Examples of High Quality Posts
Here are some examples of well-constructed topics:

HTM Columns into Hexagonal Grids!
Oscillatory “Thousand Brains” Mind's Eye For HTM?
Basic Spatial Pooler Questions

Now I have to get back to my day job. Maybe this weekend I'll have time to get some of my science work accomplished.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2018,07:42   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ June 21 2018,08:23)
Maybe this weekend I'll have time to get some of my science work accomplished.

That would be a first.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2018,19:17   

Due to the lack of work for the machinery: the large printing press I once had access to was sold to a printing company in Mexico. I'm no longer able mass produce large volumes of books or booklets.

Along with all I have to do to support myself: keeping up with the latest science papers while developing an original model is too overwhelming. I'm sorry for not being able to do everything on my own.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2018,19:44   

Typo. It was another long hard day at my day job and watching the 40 inch two color being dismantled made it especially depressing. I'm just going to go to bed and try to stop thinking about all the bad things happening right now.

Due to the lack of work for the machinery: the large printing press I once had access to was sold to a printing company in Mexico. I'm no longer able to mass produce large volumes of books or booklets.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 532
Joined: Nov. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2018,00:57   

Now I have to get back to my day job. Maybe this weekend I'll have time to get some of my science work accomplished

Sorry, Gaulin, but "accomplished" is NOT a synonym for "started".

And your bullshit so far is a long, long way from "accomplished".


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: July 03 2018,08:20   

In less than two weeks the tracksite is expected to be busy until the end of July, for the most major scientific "excavation" ever. I have been busy preparing for that and other things.

And we can play Jesus Jones to this one:
Scientists have proposed numerous possible roles for brain waves. A leading hypothesis holds that synchronous oscillations serve to “bind” information in different locations together as pertaining to the same “thing,” such as different features of a visual object (shape, color, movement, etcetera). A related idea is they facilitate the transfer of information among regions. But such hypotheses require brain waves to be synchronous, producing “standing” waves (analogous to two people swinging a jump rope up and down) rather than traveling waves (as in a crowd doing “the wave” at a sports event).

Also, here's my new neuroscience title:

Definition of cadre
1 : a nucleus or core group especially of trained personnel able to assume control and to train others; broadly : a group of people having some unifying relationship a cadre of lawyers a cadre of technicians
2 : a cell of indoctrinated leaders active in promoting the interests of a revolutionary party
3 : a member of a cadre
4 : frame, framework
… the current specialisms and cadres of our university curricula … —H. M. McLuhan

Did I get lucky or what?

The Numenta forum is now discussing modeling of microglia cells and other things that have never been modeled before. Interesting discussions I'm (when possible) active in are:

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2018,12:15   

Did I get lucky or what?

The Numenta forum is now discussing modeling of microglia cells and other things that have never been modeled before. Interesting discussions I'm (when possible) active in are:

The answer is "or what.

Nothing, repeat nothing in that forum has anything at all to do with your "theory" or "model". You are still just plagiarising the work of people who know far more than you about neural networks.

You are like the little kid running after the baseball star to tell him how to bat.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 06 2018,07:54   

In a Reddit Ask-Science Discussion I found this (checks out to be accurate) neuroscience related information on "faith healing" that might make a good party trick, or psychology science paper:

Not like, with a car or anything; I'd noticed that every person he touched dropped to the ground in a very dramatic fashion. He explained the key was pushing a person off-balance. He described his method of placing a hand on the individual's lower back while using the other hand to push their head ever so slightly. Eventually they'd fall, but they wouldn't necessarily connect their losing a fight with gravity to you tripping them in slow motion.

The rationalization:

"It's OK if we have to fake it a little bit," my mentor told me once, "because people need to see the power of God, and it's OK if we have to fudge things to make that happen."

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 20 2018,06:29   

Quote (Woodbine @ Aug. 17 2018,22:23)
While designing his Biblically-based giant death robot, Mapou is getting cold feet....

AI Hot Potato

This AI thing is a hot potato. It's getting so hot, I'm on the verge of dropping it. I don't need the hassle. In a different world, I would be all for it. This world is not moving in the right direction. True AI can only hasten its demise. The remorse would kill me long before it happens.

But that's not all! Dark forces are monitoring him and his work....

I'm getting paranoid again. Over the past week or so, some bot program running on an Amazon server in Oregon has been systematically datamining all my blog articles. I know it's probably some indexing program but I have never noticed this behavior before. It's doing specific keyword searches (like "fig trees", "occult", "Michael Wolfe", Numenta, etc.) that are kind of spooky. I know I'm just paranoid but I'm getting too old for this crap.

July 27, 2018 at 8:36 AM

Somebody has been relentlessly creating a keyword-indexed database of all my blog articles. Email me and let me know why you're doing this. What's the point anyway? Most of my early ramblings about the brain, intelligence and other topics are a mix of good and bad assumptions. My views have changed tremendously over the years.

July 28, 2018 at 3:09 PM

Someone or some group at MIT is mightily interested in my writings. They've been datamining my blog articles nonstop for almost two weeks straight. It will not do them any good. I keep all the big secrets to myself. LOL

July 29, 2018 at 5:26 PM

I'm going to lay low for a while. My blog articles are beginning to attract unwanted attention from certain unsavory quarters. It seems that not even my writings on Biblical symbology and my crackpot reputation are enough to keep some of them at bay. Hang in there.

July 30, 2018 at 5:42 PM

It's been three weeks. Somebody is still using some program to relentless datamine my blog posts. What do you hope to accomplish? I have written a lot of stuff over the years. Some of it is good but a high percentage of it is crap. Unlike the Pope, I don't claim to be infallible. If you're really interested in what I think now, email me. The worst that can happen is that I might tell you to kiss my ass. LOL

August 4, 2018 at 8:48 AM

Just because you're paranoid....

With issues like that, the Trump administration will need to appoint them to be the next White House science adviser.

I'm sure their valued service to the ID community will speak for itself.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 21 2018,22:13   

A good number of our elected officials (and those who believed them) need to hurry up and get their facts straight:

Mike Pence Denies Evolution Because It's "Just a Theory"

The THEORY Mike Pence was misrepresenting is called "Evolution by Natural Selection" not "Evolution". Since all theories are tentative they are subject to updates. The same is true for the "THEORY of Intelligent Design", which is at best another theory to explain how evolution works, otherwise it's not a scientific theory it's a very serious religious fraud.

The FACT Mike Pence was misrepresenting is that the "Fossil Record" has beyond a reasonable doubt scientifically indicated that "Evolution" did indeed occur, and still is. Those who wish to deny that fact are simply in denial, for entirely religious (not scientific) reasons.

Quibbling over a THEORY is not going to change a FACT. Doing so is the same thing as attacking gravitational theory in order to try making (the fact of) gravity go away. You'll only likewise make a fool out of yourself, by trying. So don't do that to yourself, too.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 532
Joined: Nov. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2018,13:25   

The same is true for the "THEORY of Intelligent Design", which is at best another theory to explain how evolution works,

There is no theory of "intelligent design". It is at best a religious based political movement to force christianity into science classes. At worst it is an attempt to drag us all back into a pre-enlightenment age where the churches ruled, a time of church-led butchery.

otherwise it's not a scientific theory it's a very serious religious fraud.

Probably the only time I have agreed with you. I may have to go for a lie-down.

None of which validates your pseudoscientific bullshit.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2018,09:18   

Recent ID theory chaos at Reddit has calmed down, so here's a link to a long but informative debate where it again prevailed:

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2018,06:47   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Aug. 29 2018,09:18)
Recent ID theory chaos at Reddit has calmed down, so here's a link to a long but informative debate where it again prevailed:

And you got your backside handed to you again, by a whole bunch of new people raising familiar old issues.
(And you are still sticking with the dog's breakfast that you made of your misguided "four requirements" approach.)

Some highlights:
A scientific theory does not just explain how something works. A scientific theory explains how something works and has very strong evidence supporting it's accuracy. If you don't have such strong evidence, you have, at best, a hypothesis.
No. You don't just get to define reality as "whatever I think is real." Your "hypothesis" is not "scientifically acceptable." Your "hypothesis" is not worth the bytes used to store it.

Gaulin's not-particularly-a-theory is… not even wrong. Extremely confused, at best. According to Gaulin's not-a-theory, a Roomba vacuum cleaner qualifies as "intelligent".

Don't worry, everyone has that reaction to Gary at first. He supports his own brand of intelligent design. It's natural to be confused about what he's saying - he is too.

The thing is, he has always talked gibberish, wordsalad and woowoo. Many creationists do, when they try to appear scientific. But at some point, he split from mainstream Intelligent Design, when it became obvious that even they rejected the 50-page-pdf full of nonsense he called a theory. He decided to disavow the mainstream intelligent design movement completely, but couldn't bring himself to abandon his nonsense "theory" in the process, despite the fact that it was born entirely out of creationism in the first place.

It was completely unintelligible to begin with, but now that there's a dissonance between the core of his "theory" and his expressed beliefs, not even he himself can decipher what he wants to say.

The whole thing would be funny, if he hadn't sacrificed literal decades to this delusion by now.

If you want some insights into his mind, read his pdf. It is almost entirely word salad, factual mistakes and unsourced woowoo.

Are you really this dense?

There's one problem with all of this: there has never been a single instance where the supernatural has proven to be an acceptable, or valid answer for any scientific question. Not one. Also, the supernatural by its nature cannot necessarily be verified, or falsified. That's why it's not used in science. If you can come up with a good way of falsifying the supernatural, let me know. Until then, it's not science.

Right, but intelligence is a matter of opinion. Sea urchin sperm cells 'smell' their environment similar to how we do with receptors to catch particles, which induces a signal cascade that which then evokes a response from the organism (we just have a series of neurons between sensing and an whole-organism response). You could easily argue that their sense of 'smell' is better for that particular element, because they don't even have to move to determine directctionality.

This is all without any special field. This is straight molecular biology. You could say that's intelligence, sure. To be able to integrate signals isn't anything special though. Literally every modern cell does that (EDIT: except maybe RBCs).

Again though, while you might be able to call cells intelligent, and use whatever tools you like to be able to make that distinction (since again, where you draw the line between intelligent and unintelligent is opinion), you can't draw the conclusion that things were made by an intelligent being - which is what ID actually proposes.

Now, onto your post.

who (to fully model complex neural behaviors) have to model cellular and the molecular level processes that are at least as complicated a system to figure out as our brain and body.

No. Our brain is 100 billion cells interacting with each other in a complex network, each with around 20,000 genes and however many functional RNAs that themselves function in a complex network (though not all will be expressed). Compare that with a sperm cell, which under the same metric as Dr. Albrecht-Buehler on centromeres (he doesn't actually state his model organism on the website where he makes his case, which is annoying) could be considered intelligent, you don't have that interaction of 100 billion cells. Unless you use a strange definition of complexity, I would objectively say no.

What gets favored in a given environment over another is something that gets watched, after it's working and time to relax and admire the new creation(s).

Here's your thesis, right? Lets see if you demonstrate it.

The stuff of life that fills the universe

Are you talking stardust or aliens?

   Having to study "natural selection" related theory on top of all the theory needed for modern cognitive science is something best avoided, anyway.

What you're saying is that the theory that is generally considered the best description for the mechanism that causes the diversity in life is to be ignored. You need to demonstrate this. You should also keep in mind that natural selection works between generations, not intra-generation. Studying the 'intelligence' of an organism irrespective to fitness probably wont elucidate much about future generations.

   Where all in "science" is in proper balance those who were sincere about scientific development of a new theory that somehow gives the Darwinian theory in its place (by via cognitive science being where the latest science fun's at for origins theory development) already has one, through my explaining what to look for and easiest way to begin in neuroscience related forms. No protest necessary, already done. Proves that the power of science

This is completely incomprehensible.

I'm not downloading a PDF from a random religion-related google site. PDFs can contain malware, and religious websites are three times more likely to infect your computer than porn sites.

   Even the premise of the Theory of Intelligent Design has been put into scientific context. It's so powerful that for those like you who wanted to put the DI in their place it's the same thing as already "beating them at their own game" strong. There's actually no greater science fun for you than that.

You keep saying that ID is a holy grail theory but you haven't demonstrated at all how it is even a supported hypothesis. I don't think you've gone back to your thesis once in this post.


You could start with presenting evidence for ID.

This sounds like pure unscientific word-salad. Bonus points for sneaking in a Trinity in there, so you get to say later that life exists because Jesus. Sorry, but no.
Well, fine, you can define the chemotaxic behaviour of a cell as intelligent, but that still doesn't get you one iota closer to proving that the explanation for that phenomena is that an intelligent designer conceived of this is a better explanation that everything we already know about how that cell came about through natural selection.

I don't care if you define rocks as intelligent, the critical missing step is where you give evidence and a mechanism for how an intelligent designer is a better explanation.

We don't need that, that just happens to be exactly what ID preaches. If you don't accept that, then maybe you should stop using the ID label, as somebody who came before you already gave it a meaning that is widely accepted.

Okay. lets entertain your idea that all life is objectively intelligent (which imo makes intelligence meaningless, but whatever). It really doesn't matter, because you're missing the crux of the issue, how you get from "everything biological is intelligent" to
   certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause

Your concept of "prevailed" is truly bizarre, but that is line with your concepts of so much else.


Posts: 62
Joined: Sep. 2017

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2018,08:49   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Aug. 29 2018,09:18)
Recent ID theory chaos at Reddit has calmed down, so here's a link to a long but informative debate where it again prevailed:

What world do you live in???

Everyone in this thread told you that what you were doing was not even close to science, and some questioned your mental health.

How can you look at that and say "Well, my goobledygook bullshit prevailed!"?? This is a pathological delusion, or blatant lying.

Let's look at a few of those comments, shall we:

ID is mutually incompatible with science, simply because it’s unfalsifiable.

If a proposed explanation for a phenomena does not match reality it is not a scientific theory at all

A scientific theory does not just explain how something works.

A scientific theory explains how something works and has very strong evidence supporting it's accuracy. If you don't have such strong evidence, you have, at best, a hypothesis.

I admit that I could not make it all the way through your wall of text, but do you have any actual evidence at all that says your belief is true? The part that I read was a lot of rationalizing and excuses

Are you really this dense?

Meh. Publish in a scientific journal that is credible and go through the peer review process. It has been shown the ID is just creationism in disguise from the people who invented it. Why is this being pushed still? Publish in a reasonable journal that is peer reviewed journal and join in the actual discussion. Produce testable claims that aren't appeals to ignorance.

From p10 of your "hypothesis":

Whether something is supernatural or not depends on what a person believes. Those who have realistic expectations of how we were created and accept scientific discoveries in that regard can have a belief in creation by an intelligent cause that is not at all “supernatural” their belief is scientifically testable.

No. You don't just get to define reality as "whatever I think is real." Your "hypothesis" is not "scientifically acceptable." Your "hypothesis" is not worth the bytes used to store it.

Gaulin's not-particularly-a-theory is… not even wrong. Extremely confused, at best. According to Gaulin's not-a-theory, a Roomba vacuum cleaner qualifies as "intelligent".

This is completely incomprehensible.

I'm not downloading a PDF from a random religion-related google site. PDFs can contain malware, and religious websites are three times more likely to infect your computer than porn sites.

You keep saying that ID is a holy grail theory but you haven't demonstrated at all how it is even a supported hypothesis. I don't think you've gone back to your thesis once in this post.

This sounds like pure unscientific word-salad.

You are, of course, missing the point entirely.

No. This is still unacceptable

This is also another problem, evident from your choice of language: your rejection of any evolutionary theory is also not rooted in data or evidence, but ideology. I hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as "alternative facts," you are NOT entitled to an opinion or to be taken seriously in science. Evolutionary theory isn't a "luxury." Cognitive scientists still have to have some functional awareness of how evolution and genetics work, because it's still the background behind what they do. Genetics influences the development of the brain; populations change over time, a known fact that even children raised by wolves know; evolution is the name for that change over time, and Darwinian Evolution models how that change takes place.

Anybody with more insight and capacity for critical thinking than a 10 year old, should be able to steer well clear of these pathogenic ideas. If not, you are either the victim of systematic indoctrination, or mentally deferred.

Frankly though I think calling his rants word salad might be a bit of a compliment, his is more a word purée I think. Can't make heads or tails of it.

Yep....You sure prevailed there....Show me one comment from that thread that actually agrees with your nonsense not-a-theory.
I can't fathom why you would post this here, other than that you are actually deluded enough to look at all this, and think "Yeah, this looks good for me. I sure convinced them!"


Posts: 62
Joined: Sep. 2017

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2018,08:53   

Damn, looks like I was a bit too late. Sorry, did not mean to post such a redundant post. I swear, N.Wells, your comment wasn't there yet, when I started writing mine. Left it open for a while, while getting some stuff done, and then came back and finished it.

Tony M Nyphot

Posts: 492
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2018,15:51   

Gary at his Reddit link:
I never received a complaint about how I represent cognitive sciences, and historic leaders.

That's certainly a falsehood, but perhaps Gary meant he didn't receive a complaint within the previous couple of minutes before he posted his manic mélange of text.

"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"


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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 30 2018,16:54   

Quote (coldfirephoenix @ Aug. 30 2018,08:49)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Aug. 29 2018,09:18)
Recent ID theory chaos at Reddit has calmed down, so here's a link to a long but informative debate where it again prevailed:

What world do you live in???

Familiar screennames. Same clown act.

Welcome to the traveling circus.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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