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Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 23 2006,08:50   


When one person can cause the system so much grief, the system needs to be modifed.

That's nice. Got any suggestions? Larry seems even better at finding new IP addresses than some others who could be mentioned.

So, maybe send an email request for confirmation for each comment entered? Use a registration system like Typekey? Set up so that all comments are moderated and will not be published until the post contributor approves them? If the thing being targeted by the troll is the openness of the system, pretty much any of these hands them a win.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 1143
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 23 2006,11:47   

I don't think that something drastic should be done that's not already being done. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even matter if Larry is not banned right away and has time to post some gibberish before you track him down: All Larry wants now is to draw some attention to himself by pretending to be a martyr.
He probably visits other forums where he posts links to his comments here, to show how the panda's thumb is just a faschist site that bans all dissenters and deletes their comments- and he's the hero who defies them.
So, if there's anything more to be done, this is what it is (in my opinion):
Every time another incarnation of his gets banned, provide a preset link to a text explaining who he is, what his behavior here was, and his actions that led to his permanent banning (after a long period of tolerance).
If anyone prompted by Larry to come here is able to see a small summary of his stupidity, it would make his pathetic efforts for attention even more laughable.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome. And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 846
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 23 2006,12:50   

someone else regularly suggests slashdot style moderation.

that would work against all trolls, larry included.

probably too much work tho.

easier would be just to get the contributers to recognize larry (gees, it's not hard) and toss his stuff on the BW more regularly.

seriously, Larry is immediately recognizable no matter what name he posts under.



(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 26 2006,14:26   

<quote author= "Sam Lewis who should be castigated for not giving prior warning">If we evolved from Homo Erectus, then why do I still get erections?</quote>

Why look a gift horse in the mouth?  You can achieve something Dembski cannot.





a positive outcome.



(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 26 2006,14:26   

<quote>I don’t think you can indent on PT. Let’s see.</quote>

I believe you are correct.

Henry J


(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 26 2006,14:27   

He also didn't initialize all the variables. LOL.


steve s


(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 26 2006,14:27   

I don't think you can indent on PT. Let's see.

   This should be indented.


Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 27 2006,07:15   

Larry is posting again under the name 'Nobody' in PT's thread 'The next time ID people cry censorship'. And of course, people are feeding him. Is someone going to delete his posts, or have they given up?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus



(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 28 2006,03:45   

I believe in an IDOL (Infinite designer of life )
Chaos comes naturally.  Order is “mind made”.

Creation 101

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
Gen 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament: and it was so.
Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day
Gen 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry [land] appear: and it was so.  
Gen 1:10 And God called the dry [land] Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that [it was] good.

What God did not make:

1. Darkness, chaos
2. Moving waters
Chaos is natural.  Order is “mind made”.

What God did create:

Light on day one.
Heaven on day two. Order
Earth on day three.

Verse 1,IMO is sort of like saying the title of a book:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, as follows: (my words)

Verse 2 says, "These were the conditions that existed before God
begain to work. chaos." ( my words)

Now if it's dark , one needs to turn on a light to work.
Jesus said, " The night cometh and no man can work."
The earth is always half dark and half light.  Mix the two and you have
morning and evening.

Now the first project begins, home.

The order of creation is as follows:

1. Verse 3 light
2. Verse 8 home. (firmament, heaven)
3. Verse 10 earth

When I posted the same topic on "Google talk origins", someone
posted,"You err." and he quoted where
God said,"I create darkness and I create light."

While taking a break, I jotted down my reply on a scratch pad:
"It's simple. If he chooses, he turns off the light."
I walked into my computer room to post, turned on the switch and the light bulb blew.

Rev 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
Rev 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb [is] the light thereof.
Rev 21:24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
Rev 21:25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.

Jesus said, “ I am the light of the world.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness.”
I have never known a leader that had a guide,
a pathfinder a path, or a trailblazer a trail.

Walk in the light


Word equals God x God (pure math)

Letting a=1, b = 2, c = 3, etc, mathematically:

God x God x God ….….….….….….….…… . = 47,900,160
70 seven fold x 99 x love….….….….….…. ... = 47,900,160
God x 1260 x love ….….….….….….….……. = 47,900,160
10 % of heaven seven fold x God x God ...........= 47,900,160
10 % of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12......... = 47,900,160 *
704 x 54 x 1260 (Rev 12:6.)….….….……..... = 47,900,160
word x (3xGod) ….….….….….….….….…... = 47,900,160

Jesus said, “ I have chosen you 12.”
word x 2112 (u 12) ….….….….….….……... = 47,900,160
47,900,160 minus (Jesus x Jesus x one) ……..= 47,160,900

word = God (54) x G x 0 x d (7 x 15 x 4)
word = 54 x 7 x 15 x4
word = 22,680
word = 2/3 of iron ( 9 x18 x 15 x14) (Rev. 12:5)
word = First ( i ) x Last (14) x 360 over 2
word = one (ace) x 1 week (168 hours)
word = 90 % of seventy 360’s (the remainder is 2 1260’s)
word = first x last x it ( i x [a+m] x i x t )
word = 126 (az) x 180 (9 x 20)
word = God x God (John 1:1)

Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
word equals God x God
word = God (54) x G x 0 x d (7 x 15 x 4)

God = 1260 (alpha, omega & nothing )
God = 704 (beginning, end & nothing)
God = 54 (first, last,& nothing) (Ass + 15) Zec 9:9
God = 26 ( a through z ) also G + o + d  (7 + 15 + 4)
God = U 12 (2112) divided by 3
God = 11 hidden in 3 measures (G , O , & D )  (111) (Az + fold) Zec 9:9
God = Eve x 22
God = Eve + 22
God = 10 % of heaven sevenfold
God = seven 360's folded
God =  the total of the first 12 #s divided by 3 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 divided by 3)
Jesus = the total of the second 12 #s divided by 3
( 3 x God ) + (3 x Jesus ) = the total of the first 24 #s
666 = the first 12 + the second 12 + the third 12  (check out a roulette table ) the total of the 4 center numbers on the table, 14, 17, 20, and 23=
74, Jesus (Gd).
666 = 9 x Jesus
666 + 12 = 378  (3 x God ) + (3 x Jesus ) + ( 3 x Alpha and Omega  or  3 x the beginning and the end  or 3 x the first and the last )
Jesus x 12  = 888  
God (704 ) = 88 x 8  (ph)
Jesus x 24  = 1776  Rev 4:4 And round about the throne [were] four and  ............................... twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and ................................twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and ................................they had on their heads crowns of gold.

Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.


* God’s reward for healing 10 “Thank you.”... 10 %.

2. Moving waters
Chaos is natural.  Order is “mind made”.

What God did create:

Light on day one.
Heaven on day two.
Earth on day three.

Verse 1,IMO is sort of like saying the title of a book:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, as follows: (my words)

Verse 2 says, "These were the conditions that existed before God
begain to work. chaos." ( my words)

Now if it's dark , one needs to turn on a light to work.
Jesus said, " The night cometh and no man can work."
The earth is always half dark and half light.  Mix the two and you have
morning and evening.

Now the first project begins, home.

The order of creation is as follows:

1. Verse 3 light
2. Verse 8 home. (firmament, heaven)
3. Verse 10 earth

When I posted the same topic on "Google talk origins", someone
posted,"You err." and he quoted where
God said,"I create darkness and I create light."

While taking a break, I jotted down my reply on a scratch pad:
"It's simple. If he chooses, he turns off the light."
I walked into my computer room to post, turned on the switch and the light bulb blew.

Rev 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
Rev 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb [is] the light thereof.
Rev 21:24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
Rev 21:25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.

Jesus said, “ I am the light of the world.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness.”
I have never known a leader that had a guide,
a pathfinder a path, or a trailblazer a trail.

Walk in the light


Word equals God x God (pure math)

Letting a=1, b = 2, c = 3, etc, mathematically:

God x God x God ….….….….….….….…… . = 47,900,160
70 seven fold x 99 x love….….….….….…. ... = 47,900,160
God x 1260 x love ….….….….….….….……. = 47,900,160
10 % of heaven seven fold x God x God ...........= 47,900,160
10 % of 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12......... = 47,900,160 *
704 x 54 x 1260 (Rev 12:6.)….….….……..... = 47,900,160
word x (3xGod) ….….….….….….….….…... = 47,900,160

Jesus said, “ I have chosen you 12.”
word x 2112 (u 12) ….….….….….….……... = 47,900,160
47,900,160 minus (Jesus x Jesus x one) ……..= 47,160,900

word = God (54) x G x 0 x d (7 x 15 x 4)
word = 54 x 7 x 15 x4
word = 22,680
word = 2/3 of iron ( 9 x18 x 15 x14) (Rev. 12:5)
word = First ( i ) x Last (14) x 360 over 2
word = one (ace) x 1 week (168 hours)
word = 90 % of seventy 360’s (the remainder is 2 1260’s)
word = first x last x it ( i x [a+m] x i x t )
word = 126 (az) x 180 (9 x 20)
word = God x God (John 1:1)

Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
word equals God x God
word = God (54) x G x 0 x d (7 x 15 x 4)

God = 1260 (alpha, omega & nothing )
God = 704 (beginning, end & nothing)
God = 54 (first, last,& nothing) (Ass + 15) Zec 9:9
God = 26 ( a through z ) also G + o + d  (7 + 15 + 4)
God = U 12 (2112) divided by 3
God = 11 hidden in 3 measures (G , O , & D )  (111) (Az + fold) Zec 9:9
God = Eve x 22
God = Eve + 22
God = 10 % of heaven sevenfold
God = seven 360's folded
God =  the total of the first 12 #s divided by 3 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 divided by 3)
Jesus = the total of the second 12 #s divided by 3
( 3 x God ) + (3 x Jesus ) = the total of the first 24 #s
666 = the first 12 + the second 12 + the third 12  (check out a roulette table ) the total of the 4 center numbers on the table, 14, 17, 20, and 23=
74, Jesus (Gd).
666 = 9 x Jesus
666 + 12 = 378  (3 x God ) + (3 x Jesus ) + ( 3 x Alpha and Omega  or  3 x the beginning and the end  or 3 x the first and the last )
Jesus x 12  = 888  
God (704 ) = 88 x 8  (ph)
Jesus x 24  = 1776  Rev 4:4 And round about the throne [were] four and  twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.


* God’s reward for healing 10 “Thank you.”... 10 %.

Ps: I sent a copy of the above to Uncommon Descent and the Kansas School Bord.

I was gaged here:



(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 28 2006,03:58   

Hey Zero

Keep it, Heep it, up, the Funsies (not sic) luv that stuff.
IF you can keep on track for a few minutes get hold of

<url href="">"A Skeleton Key to Finnegans wake"</url>.

XXXXXX HCE (he ran a bar you know, long live Anna Livia Plura belle)

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 28 2006,05:57   

Converts RNA Enzyme to DNA Enzyme In Vitro
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have successfully converted an RNA enzyme (ribozyme) into a DNA enzyme (deoxyribozyme) through a process of accelerated in vitro evolution. The molecular conversion or transfer of both genetic information and catalytic function between these two different genetic systems, which are both based on nucleic acid-like molecules, is exactly what many scientists believe occurred during the very earliest period of earth's existence.


Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 28 2006,08:23   

Taking a bite out of a fellow worker helps wasps recruit new foragers
If you think you've got a bad boss, one who loves to chew people out, or if you work with backstabbing co-workers, be thankful you are not a wasp.

If you were, chances are your nestmates might bite you to communicate that it is time to leave the nest and forage for the colony, [...]

J Simes


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

The courtroom sketch of Judge Jones is too flattering -- it shows him with his hand on his chin,   as if he is actually thinking !  

I have been so busy finding flaws in the Dover decision that I missed an obvious one:   Considering the great breadth of the decision -- banning even the mere mention of ID in public-school science classrooms forever -- why was the decision based to such a great extent on just a single ID book,   <i>Of Pandas and People</i> ?    The name of the <i>Pandas</i> book appears no less than 74 times in the 139-page Dover opinion.     There are several other books that promote ID  -- <i>Pandas</i> just happened to be the book chosen by the Dover Area school board.

'Rev Dr' Lenny Flank


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   


Sorry that you don't like the judge's ruling.  Please feel free to whine, weep, moan, groan, jump up and down, and throw as many hissy fits as you want to over it.  After all, it simply DOES NOT MATTER whether you like the decision or not.  All that matters is that you FOLLOW it.  If you don't, then we'll sue the crap out of you.  (shrug)



(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

<quote author="Larry">I have been so busy finding flaws in the Dover decision that I missed an obvious one: Considering the great breadth of the decision — banning even the mere mention of ID in public-school science classrooms forever — why was the decision based to such a great extent on just a single ID book, Of Pandas and People ? The name of the Pandas book appears no less than 74 times in the 139-page Dover opinion. There are several other books that promote ID — Pandas just happened to be the book chosen by the Dover Area school board.</quote>

Larry has been so budy trying to find flaws in the Dover decision and yet none of them really survived closer scrutiny. Pandas and People was used to implement the Dover ID policy. Based on Pandas and People as well as extensive expert testimony (I wonder if Larry is even aware of the available transcripts) show not just how the Dover board was trying to bypass the constitutional protections but also how ID, which was claimed to be 'scientifically relevant' failed as a science.

That there may be other books promoting ID is irrelevant Larry. As are most of your contrived objections to the excellent Dover decision.

W. Kevin Vicklund


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

Larry of course is ignoring the fact that other books on ID were in fact explicitly included in the decision (not to mention the testimony based upon other writings by the authors), and that many of the references to Pandas in the decision were in regards to the decision to purchase it, not the actual content.

Stephen Elliott


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

Posted by W. Kevin Vicklund on April 1, 2006 12:18 PM (e)

Larry of course is ignoring the fact that other books on ID were in fact explicitly included in the decision (not to mention the testimony based upon other writings by the authors), and that many of the references to Pandas in the decision were in regards to the decision to purchase it, not the actual content.

Are you claiming Larry ignores inconvenient evidence? I am shocked sir! OK, maybe I am not (shocked that is).

Arden Chatfield


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

<quote>The courtroom sketch of Judge Jones is too flattering — it shows him with his hand on his chin, as if he is actually thinking !

I have been so busy finding flaws in the Dover decision that I missed an obvious one: Considering the great breadth of the decision — banning even the mere mention of ID in public-school science classrooms forever — why was the decision based to such a great extent on just a single ID book, Of Pandas and People ? The name of the Pandas book appears no less than 74 times in the 139-page Dover opinion. There are several other books that promote ID — Pandas just happened to be the book chosen by the Dover Area school board.</quote>

Nice to see you acknowledging April Fool's Day, Larry. And here I thought you had no sense of humor.

You've actually <i>read</i> the Dover decision?

Oh wait, yeah, April Fool's Day again. Gotcha.

Bob O'H


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

<quote>Nice to see you acknowledging April Fool’s Day, Larry. And here I thought you had no sense of humor.

You’ve actually read the Dover decision?

Oh wait, yeah, April Fool’s Day again. Gotcha.

Errm, you don't think that that could have been an April's Fool by a regular PT member, posting as Larry, do you?




(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

<quote>Comment #92319

Posted by J Simes on April 1, 2006 06:14 AM (e)

The courtroom sketch of Judge Jones is too flattering — it shows him with his hand on his chin, as if he is actually thinking!

I have been so busy finding flaws in the Dover decision that I missed an obvious one: Considering the great breadth of the decision — banning even the mere mention of ID in public-school science classrooms forever — why was the decision based to such a great extent on just a single ID book, Of Pandas and People ? The name of the Pandas book appears no less than 74 times in the 139-page Dover opinion. There are several other books that promote ID — Pandas just happened to be the book chosen by the Dover Area school board.</quote>

His Name is Legion couldn't understand a comprehensive legal opinion, never mind find a flaw...

Arden Chatfield


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

<quote>Errm, you don’t think that that could have been an April’s Fool by a regular PT member, posting as Larry, do you?</quote>

Uh oh. Hadn't thought of that...

Well, unless <b>you</b> were the one who posted that message (well done, if so!), there's no telling, given the fact that there is technically no difference between IDC arguments and parodies of same.

But come to think of it, that message was WAY too short to be a standard Larry post. So <i>was</i> it you...?

Bob O'H


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

<quote>But come to think of it, that message was WAY too short to be a standard Larry post. So was it you…?

Not me.  I was too busy ordering books from Amazon (a book of matches, and <i>Woodern Churches of Western Texas</i>).


President Jefferson Davis


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,10:32   

I would like to protest in no uncertain terms that the previous post by J Simes was not in fact written by me, despite the name on it. First of all, it is an outrage to think that I would stoop to read the Dover decision. The twentytwo lawsuits which I have brought against the Federal Government have given me an expertise in the American legal system surely surpassing that of any lawyer, and I can confidently tell you without reading it that Judge Jones' ruling is completely illegitimate and will be shortly overturned. If you do a global search, you will see that Judge Jones' ruling contained the word 'the' over 1,200 times -- the same number as found in Karl Marx's <i>Communist Manifesto</i>, a book about communism, and the same number as found in the closing arguments of murderer OJ Simpson's fourteen lawyers, who, by the way, probably demanded inexcusably high hourly fees throughout the trial, a fact which Judge Jones failed to address <b>even once</b> in his supposedly exhaustive indictment of Intelligent Design. (So much for Judge Jones being a responsible pulic servant.) And all this was done on the taxpayers' dime. The good people of Pennsylvania surely deserve better.

I am also disturbed by the shameful cowardice of the Ohio Board of Education. I heard something to the effect that the government hired well over a hundred attorneys, all of them probably charging inexcusably large hourly fees. Why was this necessary? The forces of the Darwinists should certainly have needed no more than one lawyer, preferably working <i>voir dire</i>, which I'm pretty sure is a real legal term that real (overpaid) lawyers use, meaning 'to work for free'. Why were the Darwinists lawyers not willing to work <i>voir dire</i> in Ohio? Didn't they think their cause was important enough? This is something none of the evolutionists will talk about, no matter how much they may crow about their so-called victory in Pennsylvania. I find this hypocrisy appalling.

Ever since their little “victory“ against ID in Dover, Darwinists have been trying to give the false impression that all criticisms of Darwinism are ID. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many criticisms of Darwinism in fact are Creationist, and since Intelligent Design and Creationism have nothing in common, this proves that criticism of the standard totalitarian Darwinist orthodoxy comes from all corners of scientific endeavor.

Another piece of evidence why the Dover ruling was completely illegitimate was the number of lawyers involved. I think I read somewhere that the evolutionists hired upwards of 28 attorneys, while the school district probably hired far fewer, let's say 8 just for the sake of argument. However, a cold hard revisionist analysis of the facts will surely show that 28 attorneys were certainly not enough to defeat the 8 attorneys dedicated to the promulgation of free speech. How would the Darwinist attorneys be able to recognize the attorneys for the school district? How would they know where to find them, in order to round them up? How would they know where they lived? The logistics clearly could not be made to work, as any unbiased observer would have to agree. So therefore it is inescapable that in fact the defeat of intelligent design was in fact far <i>smaller</i> than Darwinists like to claim, or indeed, I daresay it is entirely possible that the Dover trial in fact did not take place at all.

Arden Chatfield


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,11:14   

Larry is also posting at the "The next time ID people cry ‘censorship’" thread. Delete him there, too?


Posts: 846
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,11:20   


i seldom check the bw any more.

why don't you post your items as new threads?

It certainly is more interesting that Thordaddy's drivel.


J Simes


(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,12:59   

<blockquote>Comment #92683 posted by Reed A. Cartwright on April 1, 2006 04:34 PM


I’ve just moved a bunch of comments to the BW.

Do not feed the trolls!</blockquote>

So you deleted some posts that were reasonably on-topic while allowing posts about beer to remain.    That figures.

Panda`s Thumb should either stop persecuting anti-Darwinist commenters or turn in its Scientific American magazine web award.   That is all there is to it.

<blockquote>Comment #92699 posted by Arden Chatfield on April 1, 2006 05:11 PM

Larry is also posting at the “The next time ID people cry ‘censorship’ ” thread. Delete him there, too?</blockquote>

Shut up,  #### you,  or I will start posting under your name.     Then some of your posts may be deleted along with mine.

It is ironic that you propose censoring messages that I posted on a thread that condemns censorship.



(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,12:59   

<quote>So you deleted some posts that were reasonably on-topic while allowing posts about beer to remain</quote>

actually, the posts on beer are far more ON topic, if you could be bothered to actually read Steve Steve's post.

what would a beer loving panda like more than bamboo beer?

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,14:41   

Wes, Larry is STILL posting at the "The next time ID people cry censorship' thread. Any way to get him deleted, especially since he threatened to start posting under my name if I didn't leave him alone about it?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Raging Bee


(Permalink) Posted: April 03 2006,10:43   

Since Larry Noname Farfromsane seems too busy doing actual science in support of ID to respond here, I figured I'd offer what I infer will be his point of view on this.  Just for the sake of balanced treatment, of course...

<i>You call this a victory for Darwinian dogmatism?  Think again!  The first drawing proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the panda was exerting mind-control on Judge Jones, deluding him into making an unfounded, invalid activist decision.  Such mind-control techniques are well-known to persecuted truth-seekers like me: they're the same techniques used to make people think slavery was worse than it really was, and inflate the number of Jews killed during the "Holocaust."  Just one look at the panda's eyes and America's high-school students will know they're beeing lied to by dogmatic "scientists" and using super-powered pandas to corrupt the minds of good Republican judges into believing such totally implausible ideas as macroevolution.</i>

Raging Bee


(Permalink) Posted: April 03 2006,10:43   

<i>Whether it thrives or fails in someone’s belief system is strictly their business.</i>

Unless, of course, they try to pass it off as "science" and have it taught to other people's kids; in which case, they're guilty of fraud child-abuse, and subject to ridicule, ostracism and lawsuits.

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