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Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,05:33   

From Ken's Facebook page today:

The world premiere showing of the startling new Evolution vs God movie (produced by Ray Comfort/Living Waters) will be at the AiG Mega Conference, Monday night July 22! Ray Comfort (Living Waters ministry) will be present for this showing. My blog this morning will have all the relevant details. If you have not yet registered for the AiG Mega Conference to be held in Sevierville Tennessee (Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area) July 22-26--I urge you to do so. You can watch a trailer for this new movie at this link:

What an incredible opportunity to meet Ray Comfort and be there for the world premiere showing of a movie I believe will rock the creation/evolution world!


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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,09:43   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ July 05 2013,06:33)
What an incredible opportunity to meet Ray Comfort



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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,09:51   

Quote (stevestory @ July 05 2013,17:43)
Quote (Peter Henderson @ July 05 2013,06:33)
What an incredible opportunity to meet Ray Comfort



"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
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Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,10:07   

What an incredible opportunity to meet Ray Comfort

Keep everything that might fit easily into his hands well covered.

Better safe...

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,10:42   

From Ken Ham's Facebook Page


"NEW BLOG POST: Don’t Miss the World Premiere of the Startling Film Evolution vs. God at the Answers Mega Conference!

If you thought Ray Comfort’s 180 movie was a powerful message for the sanctity of life and the gospel, wait until you see his latest film offering. Evolution vs. God will rock the creation and evolution world!

I’ve previewed it, and I think everyone needs to see it—every adult and every young person. This movie helps reveal like never before how millions of students and others are being conned into believing evolution by “priests” of the evolutionary religion. Evolution vs. God will reveal just how bankrupt evolution is, plus show that students and professors alike can’t defend their faith in evolution when challenged with simple but profound questions.

Ray Comfort—as only he can do with his bold style and penetrating questions—goes on campus at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and University of Southern California (USC) and interviews professors and students. He also interviews students at Long Beach State University.

Also in Evolution vs. God you will hear “testimony” from:

- Peter Nonacs, professor, UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Craig Stanford, professor, USC Biological Sciences and Anthropology
- Gail E. Kennedy, associate professor, UCLA Department of Anthropology
- PZ Myers, associate professor, University of Minnesota Morris

As Ray interviews evolutionary scientists, including well-known atheist PZ Myers, he asks a question that is something on the order of: “Is there scientific evidence—observable evidence—to support evolution?” Well, none of them could provide anything remotely scientific. Oh, they give the usual examples about changes in bacteria, different species of fish (like stickleback fish), and, as to be expected, Darwin’s finches. But as Ray points out over and over again in Evolution vs. God, the bacteria are still bacteria, the fish are still fish, and the finches are still finches! AiG has many web articles showing clearly that such changes are really the opposite of molecules-to-man evolution."

Good to see Ray ignoring the evidence as usual.  I can't wait to see how he quotemines everyone for this.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,15:47   

Ray Comfort.  Wasn't he the guy up for a Best Supporting Actor award for his performance supporting a member of genus Musa?


The ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 05 2013,17:22   

Quote (rossum @ July 05 2013,13:47)
Ray Comfort.  Wasn't he the guy up for a Best Supporting Actor award for his performance supporting fondling a member "member" of genus Musa?


Fixed that for you.

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF

Peter Henderson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 06 2013,16:32   

PZ Myers, associate professor, University of Minnesota Morris

Is this another case of a scientist being tricked into appearing (unbeknownst ) in a creationist video ?

Is P.Z. Myers even aware he's appearing in the film ?

Ken has flagged this up on his Facebook page today:

Answers in Genesis to Host World Premiere of Movie that Exposes Evolution as Bogus Science

Ray Comfort, the film’s executive producer added, “We love the people at Answers in Genesis, and we asked them to review Evolution vs. God to make sure it was scientifically accurate. They loved it and only had a few minor suggestions. So having them host the world premiere is a great honor for us.”

Comfort added: “The movie is unique because we don’t interview any creationists. It shows that Darwinian evolution has no scientific basis, and it does so by going to the experts—to evolutionary scientists at UCLA and USC and holding their feet to the fire. If you believe in evolution, prepare to have your faith shaken.”

Why isn't this being presented to a recognised science body ?


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(Permalink) Posted: July 06 2013,20:57   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ July 06 2013,22:32)

Is P.Z. Myers even aware he's appearing in the film ?


Why would I concern myself with evidence, when IMO "evidence" is only the mind arranging thought and matter to support what one already wishes to believe? - William J Murray

[A]t this time a forum like this one is nothing less than a national security risk. - Gary Gaulin

Peter Henderson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2013,10:35   

How Myers allowed himself to appear in this is beyond me, or is this quote mining par excellence ?

I presume the interviews were all recorded at the rally for reason rally, or something similar ?

Anyway, Ham is over the moon  about this bullshit:

I encourage you to read the following press release about the new movie Evolution vs. God produced by Ray Comfort of the ministry Living Waters. AiG will host the world premiere of this movie at the AiG Mega Conference later this month near Knoxville, Tennessee.

Evolution vs. GodEvolutionists are certainly aware that this movie is coming out. I’ve seen a number of their blogs that make all sorts of claims about the movie in their attempts to discredit it (even though they haven’t seen it yet)—it’s their attempt at “damage control.” Regardless of how well-done this movie is, the evolutionists will claim they were taken out of context, creationists don’t understand that evolution is happening, and it just requires time, etc.

As they usually do, the evolutionists in the film appeal to observable changes in living things as proof that evolution is happening. But these changes do not add brand-new information into the genes that is necessary to even begin proposing a molecules-to-man evolution. The bottom line is that molecules-to-man evolution is a lie and there is no observational scientific evidence that confirms it. On the contrary, observational science confirms the account of origins as given in Genesis.

I believe Evolution vs. God will do a lot of “damage” in the minds of many in the general public who have been indoctrinated to believe evolution is fact—which is why evolutionists are already scrambling to try to do “damage control.”

One of the unique aspects of this new movie is that no creationists were interviewed!

It will be very eye-opening for young people who have been brainwashed by their teachers to believe that evolution is fact. But see what happens when university students and professors are asked to defend this claim!


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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2013,11:38   

I agreed to do a cable TV debate for the Salvation Army. But, I did get some choice in who I would appear with on the show. I said flat out that Ray Comfort (their first choice) was no-go.

We settled on one of their executive 'officers' who had an extencive backgrond in public education, and I was actually looking forward to the conversation. The day before the shoot, I got an email that the SA was exchanging their guy for Ray Comfort's pick.

I told them to keep their money. Stupid dishonest fuckers!


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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2013,13:04   

Quote (Dr.GH @ July 10 2013,11:38)
I agreed to do a cable TV debate for the Salvation Army. But, I did get some choice in who I would appear with on the show. I said flat out that Ray Comfort (their first choice) was no-go.

We settled on one of their executive 'officers' who had an extencive backgrond in public education, and I was actually looking forward to the conversation. The day before the shoot, I got an email that the SA was exchanging their guy for Ray Comfort's pick.

I told them to keep their money. Stupid dishonest fuckers!

This is the expression you must've had:


He was just trying to show you the light.

"At our church’s funerals, we sing gospel songs (out loud) to God." -- FL

"So the center of the earth being hotter than the surface is a "gross
violation of the second law of thermodynamics??" -- Ted Holden


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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2013,22:34   

“I believe it’s going to take down evolution. It exposes it at bogus science,” Comfort said. “That sounds like a bold claim, but it’s true. The movie delivers, and it’s not just our claim.”


And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF

Peter Henderson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2013,15:57   

Comfort is currently on Revelation TV promoting his new film which he claims will demolish evolution.

Interestingly, he showed a clip where he asked a number of graduates at various universities if there was any "observable" evidence for Darwinian evolution of one kind changing into another.

None of the interviewees were able to answer the question (why was I not surprised). Now either they were very stupid, unaware of who Comfort was, or else this was some very clever editing indeed.

The first thing I'd have said to Comfort was can he define what he means by the word "kind".

He was also going on about everyone having faith of some sort. We faith every time we sit on a chair, or get in a plane for example. So faith in evolution is no different.

I'd have asked him if he thought scientists have faith in the periodic table.

I'd actually like to see a scientist who has seen the film (rather than appearing in it) debate Comfort on this load of nonsense, preferably a Christian (so it doesn't become "evolution vs God).

Wonder what people like Ken Miller think of this ?

Revelation TV will likely repeat this programme sometime tomorrow.

Current time in the UK, if you're interested, is 10 pm

Peter Henderson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2013,16:03   

Another claim he made was that when talking to Atheists he asked if they could make something like a rose out of nothing. Well, you can grow it from a seed was the standard reply but Ray then came back and said literally out of nothing.

Naturally, the Atheists flounder around unable to answer the question (according to comfort).

I honestly think some scientists who are Christians really need to have a go at comfort. In my opinion his understanding of both Christianity and science is way, way off.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2013,16:57   

My understanding is that the professors gave evidence, but none of it was 'directly observable' in a human lifetime or something like that, so Comfort is free to ignore it with the "you weren't there" argument.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2013,17:17   

Quote (OgreMkV @ July 18 2013,16:57)
My understanding is that the professors gave evidence, but none of it was 'directly observable' in a human lifetime or something like that, so Comfort is free to ignore it with the "you weren't there" argument.

Evidence from the past "takes faith," you see, not like the Bible.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Peter Henderson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2013,17:17   

This was a whole load of graduates/Post graduates rather than Professors OgreMkV.

All appeared completely clueless and unable to answer the question (almost like loads and loads of Dawkins' type silences).

I'm not sure if it was very clever editing or not.

Answers ranged from "I dunno", "that's a very difficult question", "Now let's see, I'm not sure", through to just silence and a blank look.

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: July 18 2013,17:36   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ July 18 2013,17:17)
This was a whole load of graduates/Post graduates rather than Professors OgreMkV.

All appeared completely clueless and unable to answer the question (almost like loads and loads of Dawkins' type silences).

I'm not sure if it was very clever editing or not.

Answers ranged from "I dunno", "that's a very difficult question", "Now let's see, I'm not sure", through to just silence and a blank look.

The answer is, "Creationism is not replicable, so no."

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

Peter Henderson

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(Permalink) Posted: July 19 2013,06:08   

Here's the recording of the Ray Comfort interview on Revelation TV last night.

Judge for yourselves:

After the Dawkins fiasco in "from a frog to a prince" surely the likes of P.Z. Myers should have had more sense ?

Did no one think of asking Comfort to actually define a "KIND"


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(Permalink) Posted: July 19 2013,17:02   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ July 19 2013,06:08)
Here's the recording of the Ray Comfort interview on Revelation TV last night.

Judge for yourselves:

After the Dawkins fiasco in "from a frog to a prince" surely the likes of P.Z. Myers should have had more sense ?

Did no one think of asking Comfort to actually define a "KIND"

Given the quality of the camera-work in Comfort's recent cinematic magnum doofus, it's not clear that Comfort's victims were actually aware that the Bananaman was filming them. Recall that video cameras can be real small these days, and if someone is carrying one mounted on a beltbuckle, or in some other location not commonly associated with cameras…
This suggests that if Comfort approaches you for an 'innocent conversation' under any circumstances whatsoever, it's probably best to assume that he's recording it and will later edit the video with malice aforethought.

Also, Comfort is perfectly capable of editing the bejeezus out of any footage he has custody of. So it may well be that lots of people asked him "oh, yeah? what's a 'kind', then?", and all of those questions ended up on the cutting room floor. Or in the bit-bucket, as seems more likely in these days of all-digital editing.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2013,19:57   

I believe PZ at least was clear that Comfort was recording the interview, but went along with it anyway.

He's stated that he expected Comfort to heavily and dishonestly edit it though, so I don't really know why he went along with it.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2013,08:17   

Quote (Cubist @ July 19 2013,17:02)
Quote (Peter Henderson @ July 19 2013,06:08)
Here's the recording of the Ray Comfort interview on Revelation TV last night.

Judge for yourselves:

After the Dawkins fiasco in "from a frog to a prince" surely the likes of P.Z. Myers should have had more sense ?

Did no one think of asking Comfort to actually define a "KIND"

Given the quality of the camera-work in Comfort's recent cinematic magnum doofus, it's not clear that Comfort's victims were actually aware that the Bananaman was filming them. Recall that video cameras can be real small these days, and if someone is carrying one mounted on a beltbuckle, or in some other location not commonly associated with cameras…
This suggests that if Comfort approaches you for an 'innocent conversation' under any circumstances whatsoever, it's probably best to assume that he's recording it and will later edit the video with malice aforethought.

Also, Comfort is perfectly capable of editing the bejeezus out of any footage he has custody of. So it may well be that lots of people asked him "oh, yeah? what's a 'kind', then?", and all of those questions ended up on the cutting room floor. Or in the bit-bucket, as seems more likely in these days of all-digital editing.

That may be illegal depending on where he filmed them... if he did not tell people he was filming.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 559
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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2013,14:26   

Quote (OgreMkV @ July 22 2013,08:17)
Quote (Cubist @ July 19 2013,17:02)

Given the quality of the camera-work in Comfort's recent cinematic magnum doofus, it's not clear that Comfort's victims were actually aware that the Bananaman was filming them. Recall that video cameras can be real small these days…

That may be illegal depending on where he filmed them... if he did not tell people he was filming.

I am aware that many jurisdictions have laws regarding what degree of consent is needed, if any, before one can record another person. Do you think the Bananaman is aware of such laws, or that the Bananaman cares whether he might be violating such laws in the process of committing this sort of 'service' to his Lord?


Posts: 3668
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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2013,14:50   

Quote (Cubist @ July 22 2013,14:26)
Quote (OgreMkV @ July 22 2013,08:17)
Quote (Cubist @ July 19 2013,17:02)

Given the quality of the camera-work in Comfort's recent cinematic magnum doofus, it's not clear that Comfort's victims were actually aware that the Bananaman was filming them. Recall that video cameras can be real small these days…

That may be illegal depending on where he filmed them... if he did not tell people he was filming.

I am aware that many jurisdictions have laws regarding what degree of consent is needed, if any, before one can record another person. Do you think the Bananaman is aware of such laws, or that the Bananaman cares whether he might be violating such laws in the process of committing this sort of 'service' to his Lord?

He's probably aware, but doesn't care.

Laws are for people who aren't burdened with glorious purpose.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 50
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 04 2013,14:45   

Quote (OgreMkV @ July 18 2013,16:57)
My understanding is that the professors gave evidence, but none of it was 'directly observable' in a human lifetime or something like that, so Comfort is free to ignore it with the "you weren't there" argument.

That's pretty much it:
I was one of those scientists. NO, I did not disagree with Dawkins about evolution or the evidence for evolution; NO, nothing I said provided any support to creationist claims; NO, there is not a lack of evidence for evolution.

What actually happened is that I briefly discussed the evidence for evolution — genetics and molecular biology of fish, transitional fossils, known phylogenies relating extant groups, and experimental work done on bacterial evolution in the lab, and Ray Comfort simply denied it all — the bacteria were still bacteria, the fish were still fish. I suspect the other scientists did likewise: we provided the evidence, Ray Comfort simply closed his eyes and denied it all.

The sad thing is just how ignorant Comfort is of biology, yet people like Ham don't care:

"Except not every animal has males or females. Which Genesis neglects to mention. Why is that, Ray?" Cory Kent
Do you really think slugs and snails are "animals." They are not. They are what are termed “invertebrates,” which means they lack a backbone. They belong to a large and highly diverse group of invertebrates known as the Phylum Mollusca. You had better read Genesis again.

Texas Teach

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 04 2013,18:16   

Quote (the_ignored @ Aug. 04 2013,14:45)
Quote (OgreMkV @ July 18 2013,16:57)
My understanding is that the professors gave evidence, but none of it was 'directly observable' in a human lifetime or something like that, so Comfort is free to ignore it with the "you weren't there" argument.

That's pretty much it:
I was one of those scientists. NO, I did not disagree with Dawkins about evolution or the evidence for evolution; NO, nothing I said provided any support to creationist claims; NO, there is not a lack of evidence for evolution.

What actually happened is that I briefly discussed the evidence for evolution — genetics and molecular biology of fish, transitional fossils, known phylogenies relating extant groups, and experimental work done on bacterial evolution in the lab, and Ray Comfort simply denied it all — the bacteria were still bacteria, the fish were still fish. I suspect the other scientists did likewise: we provided the evidence, Ray Comfort simply closed his eyes and denied it all.

The sad thing is just how ignorant Comfort is of biology, yet people like Ham don't care:

"Except not every animal has males or females. Which Genesis neglects to mention. Why is that, Ray?" Cory Kent
Do you really think slugs and snails are "animals." They are not. They are what are termed “invertebrates,” which means they lack a backbone. They belong to a large and highly diverse group of invertebrates known as the Phylum Mollusca. You had better read Genesis again.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff.  Best pack up the Ebola and the matches boys and girls, we're finished.

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 04 2013,18:27   

but I just bought a buncha MAAAAAPPPPPPPP GAAAAAAASSSSSSS...  :angry:

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 07 2013,10:16   

The film is now available on Youtube:

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
Joined: Aug. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 07 2013,19:52   

Review from the discotute.

Not particularly favourable:

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