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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3504
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,13:05   

I thought she was just handing them rope...

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 78
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,13:40   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Feb. 07 2012,09:46)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 07 2012,09:18)
I have a hard time standing up for someone who isn't willing to stand up for themselves, unless they're unable to for some reason, but I really don't think that EL is unable to. I would think that she should realize that showing any weakness to those arrogant god-wannabes is not going to do any good. Like you said, she will never make mullings (or any other IDiot) see what he is, and especially when she caters to his dictatorial insanity in any way. I also think that gordo and the other IDiots will do just fine at showing how fucked up they are without her dissecting their arguments at UD. .

I believe you have made two fatal errors here. First, you are assuming she is being submissive. Second, you are assuming she is arguing with them in order to convince them that they are wrong.

On the first count, I see EL's debating style as a form of jujitsu.  They (and apparently you) expect a frontal assault. But, rather than giving them what they want (an excuse to ban her), she kills them with kindness.  She is able to effectively eviscerate them without even their knowing it.  Their continued outrage and insults only make them look the worse, while her calm tone adds more weight behind what she is saying.

To the second point, I am pretty sure she knows that she will never convince them of anything.  However, her comments will stand as a testament to reason for future onlookers (!) to see as long as UD stands.  All they have is sciency sounding arguments that, when left by themselves, are convincing to the incredulous.  Her comments, and the vile responses they receive, lay bear the ignorance and mean-spiritedness at the core of UD. So, it is far better to have her there, pulling apart their "arguments" than it is to leave them alone for future websurfers to find convincing in the absence of any counterpoint.

In short: Elizabeth is a fucking ninja.



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,14:13   

Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Joe: Most criticisims of ID stem from ignorance and jealousy.
Joe: As for the authors of the books in the Bible, well the OT was authored by Moses and the NT was authored by various people.
Byers: The eskimo would not need hairy hair growth as hair, I say, is for keeping people dry. Not warm.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,14:24   

Robert and BA need to get a room.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

Soapy Sam

Posts: 659
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,14:27   

Quote (Febble @ Feb. 07 2012,10:26)

FWIW, I don't think I'm "submissive " at all - I think that's a wrong reading completely.  It might be to do with being female, but not because females are doormats, but because on the whole (I'd say) we don't do that dick-measuring thing.

I think this is what I was getting at. I struck up a correspondence with a female poster on the old Dawkins site and she lamented the tendency for discussions to end up as 'lekking' displays. I absolutely recognise the tendency in myself to respond in kind when someone is snotty - despite the fact that all one is pecking at is a few words on a screen!

More frustrating is the general refusal to make the mental effort to understand the scientific position, or the contrary philosophical one - especially when one has made some effort to be clear, not to make someone look stupid but simply to convey an enthusiasm. I think my own patience may be wearing thin!

SoapySam is a pathetic asswiper. Joe G

BTW, when you make little jabs like “I thought basic logic was one thing UDers could handle,” you come off looking especially silly when you turn out to be wrong. - Barry Arrington

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,16:47   

Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,14:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Byers is Canadian - that's foreign.

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,17:45   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Feb. 07 2012,14:47)
Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,14:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Byers is Canadian - that's foreign.

So why is Byers Christian?  As far as I know, only one event* in the bible took place in Canada.

* The Sermon On The Mountie.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,19:21   

Is Bruce David channelling the spirit of DaveScot?:
It is not that the paranormal and spiritism are “personal”, but rather that a very strong characteristic of mind is that it is creative. Creativity, by its very nature is unpredictable, not subject to any kind of law that determines outcome.

One of the consequences of ID which has not been stressed enough, IMHO, is the central “dogma”, if you will, that it is only intelligence that is capable of producing complex, functionally specified information (CFSI). Another way of putting this is that it is only intelligence that is creative. A third way (a la Granville Sewell) is that the only known phenomenon that is capable of violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics is intelligence. And we don’t need to be Shakespeare, Beethoven, or Leonardo da Vinci to do this. I am doing this right now as I write this. We do it any time we figure out how to repair something, or speak a meaningful sentence longer than 20 characters or so. What does that say about us human beings?

In my view, one of the aspects of our being made in the “image and likeness” of God is that we, like Him, are creative. Others are that our essence is Love and that we are capable of knowing.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


Posts: 2195
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,19:57   

Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,12:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Here's another one:
This YEC suggests that the whole concept that evolution is somewhat balanced on is that SPONGES etc are more primitive then cats.
A creator would not make inferior or superior biological entities and so its to be proven a sponge is more primitive then anything else.
Whats primitive about these fantastic things!
No reason to see primitive to better by these creatures.
Thats species-ism.

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


Posts: 320
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,20:42   

Quote (Bruce David @ ,)

[T]he only known phenomenon that is capable of violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics is intelligence. And we don’t need to be Shakespeare, Beethoven, or Leonardo da Vinci to do this. I am doing this right now as I write this. We do it any time we figure out how to repair something, or speak a meaningful sentence longer than 20 characters or so. What does that say about us human beings?

It says that some of us are incapable of understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

(Edited to remove (even more) evidence of stupidity.)

"The . . . um . . . okay, I was genetically selected for blue eyes.  I know there are brown eyes, because I've observed them, but I can't do it.  Okay?  So . . . um . . . coz that's real genetic selection, not the nonsense Giberson and the others are talking about." - DO'L


Posts: 2195
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,21:23   

Quote (keiths @ Feb. 07 2012,17:57)
Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,12:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Here's another one:
This YEC suggests that the whole concept that evolution is somewhat balanced on is that SPONGES etc are more primitive then cats.
A creator would not make inferior or superior biological entities and so its to be proven a sponge is more primitive then anything else.
Whats primitive about these fantastic things!
No reason to see primitive to better by these creatures.
Thats species-ism.

He's got to be a sock:

Creationism is best here as it would be where error meets the most resistance because of the degree of intelligence.


And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,21:57   

Quote (noncarborundum @ Feb. 07 2012,19:42)
It says that some of us are incapable of understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

For me that would require actually studying stuff (to learn the math, rather than just the verbal description).


Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,21:59   

Quote (JohnW @ Feb. 07 2012,16:45)
So why is Byers Christian?  As far as I know, only one event* in the bible took place in Canada.

Yeah, after forty years of wandering in the desert, Moses never quite reached Canada.


Posts: 320
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,22:32   

Quote (Henry J @ Feb. 07 2012,21:57)
Quote (noncarborundum @ Feb. 07 2012,19:42)
It says that some of us are incapable of understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

For me that would require actually studying stuff (to learn the math, rather than just the verbal description).


I think it depends on how you understand "understand".  I don't know all the math myself, but [I flatter myself that] I understand enough to know that David is talking utter bollocks.

"The . . . um . . . okay, I was genetically selected for blue eyes.  I know there are brown eyes, because I've observed them, but I can't do it.  Okay?  So . . . um . . . coz that's real genetic selection, not the nonsense Giberson and the others are talking about." - DO'L


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2012,23:50   

Somebody ask him why he eats.

Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,02:04   

Quote (JohnW @ Feb. 07 2012,17:45)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Feb. 07 2012,14:47)
Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,14:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Byers is Canadian - that's foreign.

So why is Byers Christian?  As far as I know, only one event* in the bible took place in Canada.

* The Sermon On The Mountie.

What are the native religions? Mormonism and Scientology. Any others?

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


Posts: 442
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,02:33   

Quote (Bob O'H @ Feb. 08 2012,02:04)
Quote (JohnW @ Feb. 07 2012,17:45)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Feb. 07 2012,14:47)
Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,14:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Byers is Canadian - that's foreign.

So why is Byers Christian?  As far as I know, only one event* in the bible took place in Canada.

* The Sermon On The Mountie.

What are the native religions? Mormonism and Scientology. Any others?

Ice hockey?

Celine Dion?

Soapy Sam

Posts: 659
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,02:47   

Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,14:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

From the same ...

The[n] people would not waste peoples time with anything other then Genesis.

YEC Admits Genesis Waste of Time Shock.


SoapySam is a pathetic asswiper. Joe G

BTW, when you make little jabs like “I thought basic logic was one thing UDers could handle,” you come off looking especially silly when you turn out to be wrong. - Barry Arrington


Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,04:22   

Quote (noncarborundum @ Feb. 07 2012,20:42)
Quote (Bruce David @ ,)

[T]he only known phenomenon that is capable of violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics is intelligence. And we don’t need to be Shakespeare, Beethoven, or Leonardo da Vinci to do this. I am doing this right now as I write this. We do it any time we figure out how to repair something, or speak a meaningful sentence longer than 20 characters or so. What does that say about us human beings?

It says that some of us are incapable of understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

(Edited to remove (even more) evidence of stupidity.)

I learned aeons ago that blood flow to the brain increase when a person is performing some intelligent action like kopfrechnen. (Got kopfrechnen from Duden, couldn't find an English translation of 'hoderegning'.) "Head calculation"? doesn't look good to me.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 5432
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,06:32   

Quote (JohnW @ Feb. 08 2012,01:45)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Feb. 07 2012,14:47)
Quote (Freddie @ Feb. 07 2012,14:13)
Ha ha ... Byers should do stand-up with lines like these:
Only biblical creationism is worthy.
Not foreign religfions[sic].

Byers is Canadian - that's foreign.

So why is Byers Christian?  As far as I know, only one event* in the bible took place in Canada.

* The Sermon On The Mountie.

Blessed are the Lumberjacks.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 289
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,06:44   

Quote (Quack @ Feb. 08 2012,04:22)
I learned aeons ago that blood flow to the brain increase when a person is performing some intelligent action like kopfrechnen. (Got kopfrechnen from Duden, couldn't find an English translation of 'hoderegning'.) "Head calculation"? doesn't look good to me.

Try "mental arithmetic".  A case where English uses its Latin roots rather than its Germanic ones.


The ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,07:04   

Anyone in need of a signature can try on this one, courtesy of StephenB:
Granted, the dictionary definition of “genocide” does not make provisions for good motives, but I think it should be a factor in our analysis of God’s actions.

It's about those pesky Canaanites.

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The whole truth

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,08:34   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Feb. 07 2012,07:46)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 07 2012,09:18)
I have a hard time standing up for someone who isn't willing to stand up for themselves, unless they're unable to for some reason, but I really don't think that EL is unable to. I would think that she should realize that showing any weakness to those arrogant god-wannabes is not going to do any good. Like you said, she will never make mullings (or any other IDiot) see what he is, and especially when she caters to his dictatorial insanity in any way. I also think that gordo and the other IDiots will do just fine at showing how fucked up they are without her dissecting their arguments at UD. .

I believe you have made two fatal errors here. First, you are assuming she is being submissive. Second, you are assuming she is arguing with them in order to convince them that they are wrong.

On the first count, I see EL's debating style as a form of jujitsu.  They (and apparently you) expect a frontal assault. But, rather than giving them what they want (an excuse to ban her), she kills them with kindness.  She is able to effectively eviscerate them without even their knowing it.  Their continued outrage and insults only make them look the worse, while her calm tone adds more weight behind what she is saying.

To the second point, I am pretty sure she knows that she will never convince them of anything.  However, her comments will stand as a testament to reason for future onlookers (!) to see as long as UD stands.  All they have is sciency sounding arguments that, when left by themselves, are convincing to the incredulous.  Her comments, and the vile responses they receive, lay bear the ignorance and mean-spiritedness at the core of UD. So, it is far better to have her there, pulling apart their "arguments" than it is to leave them alone for future websurfers to find convincing in the absence of any counterpoint.

In short: Elizabeth is a fucking ninja.

I'm not assuming that she is submissive, I'm observing it.

I agree that their insults make them look worse and that the responses EL receives "lay bear the ignorance and mean-spiritedness at the core of UD", but I can't agree that being submissive to mullings or any other IDiot is a necessary or productive way to deal with them.

There's a huge difference between "calm tone" and caving in.  All that being submissive accomplishes is to encourage the IDiots to think that they are dominant and superior, and lets them think that they have 'conquered' their opponent, and conquering, domination, and superiority is what  they want. In other words, it 'enables' them and strengthens them.

Remember what I said about lions, limping prey, that I can see EL's weaknesses, and so the predatory IDiots can too?

Why do you think that EL gets so many accusations of being a liar thrown at her, and so many insults, and so much attention from the most belligerent, domineering IDiots? Sure, some other people get the same things thrown at them but some people who are more 'in-their-face' with the IDiots are not accused or insulted as much as EL is. Do you know why?

There are basically three things to consider:

1. The IDiots, and especially certain ones, are arrogant, narcissistic, chauvinistic, male, controlling, authoritarian, jealous, power-hungry, ruthless, predatory, unscrupulous god-wannabes.

2. EL is a woman, and they know it.

3. EL shows many weaknesses, and even submissiveness at times.  

Once or twice on UD I've seen an IDiot say they they respect a strong opponent. Now, whether respect is really what that particular IDiot felt or not, it is something to think about. Of course most of the IDiots would never say that they respect a strong opponent and wouldn't 'respect' any opponent under any circumstances, but that doesn't mean that opponents shouldn't stand up firmly for whatever respect they 'deserve', and especially whatever respect they deserve from self-proclaimed 'moral', bible-thumping, ten-commandment promoting christians.

Think about this:

If you were in a face to face discussion/debate with a self-proclaimed 'moral' evangelical fundamentalist christian (e.g. gordo) and they repeatedly called you a liar and insulted you over and over again just because you disagree with them and point out why, with rational, evidence based arguments, in a calm tone, would you just stand there and take it and/or continue to try to discuss/debate anything with them, and would you think it's a good idea to show weaknesses or be submissive in any way?

The fatal error is to let a predator see you limp.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,08:35   

Quote (olegt @ Feb. 08 2012,05:04)
Anyone in need of a signature can try on this one, courtesy of StephenB:
Granted, the dictionary definition of “genocide” does not make provisions for good motives, but I think it should be a factor in our analysis of God’s actions.

It's about those pesky Canaanites.

And their pesky pets, plants, and livestock.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 235
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,08:43   

Quote (Quack @ Feb. 08 2012,04:22)
Quote (noncarborundum @ Feb. 07 2012,20:42)
Quote (Bruce David @ ,)

[T]he only known phenomenon that is capable of violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics is intelligence. And we don’t need to be Shakespeare, Beethoven, or Leonardo da Vinci to do this. I am doing this right now as I write this. We do it any time we figure out how to repair something, or speak a meaningful sentence longer than 20 characters or so. What does that say about us human beings?

It says that some of us are incapable of understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

(Edited to remove (even more) evidence of stupidity.)

I learned aeons ago that blood flow to the brain increase when a person is performing some intelligent action like kopfrechnen. (Got kopfrechnen from Duden, couldn't find an English translation of 'hoderegning'.) "Head calculation"? doesn't look good to me.

It's "hoofdrekenen" in Dutch. "Hoofd" is head and "rekenen" is "doing arithmetic" (or reckoning?). Seems a bit closer to the Norwegian than the German version. But then again, Dutch does have the word "kop", which means head of an animal. Yes, that's right, Dutch has separate words for human and animal anatomical features. A human leg is "been" whereas an animal leg is "poot". An exception is made for horses, whose head is also "hoofd" and leg also "been". They're noble animals after all.

After much reflection I finally realized that the best way to describe the cause of the universe is: the great I AM.



Posts: 666
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,08:43   

eigenstate tries spoon feeding Joe:
The universe is an isolated system, but the earth isn’t the universe. It receives enormous amounts of energy from the sun. And photosynthesis is an everyday process happening around you that harnesses the sun’s energy to grow and sustain plants. Those plants store energy received from the sun, which is available for work, and can, in turn sustain grazing animals or other organisms that can convert that stored energy in the plant into energy available for their use.

Biology is sun-powered.

Granville Sewell's creationist second law nonsense is laid bare in a single paragraph.

Of course, like any petulant child, Joe will spit up what he's been fed without digesting any of it.


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,09:01   

Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 08 2012,09:34)
I'm not assuming that she is submissive, I'm observing it.

. . .

Remember what I said about lions, limping prey, that I can see EL's weaknesses, and so the predatory IDiots can too?

. . .

The fatal error is to let a predator see you limp.

I understand and empathize with your anger towards many of the UD regulars.  The majority of them are beyond the reach of reason.  Their behavior is appalling ungentlemanly and would warrant physical confrontation in a face-to-face discussion.

That being said, I believe you are interpreting Lizzie's mien completely incorrectly.  I am truly amazed at her ability to remain centered and grounded in the midst of the belligerence to which she is subjected at UD.  As with any situation, we can't control how others act, but we are responsible for our own reactions.  Lizzie is speaking her truth, and doing so eloquently.  The grace she exhibits exemplifies what in my meditative practice is called the divine feminine.  Her responses are not only an intellectual pleasure to read but a source of inspiration, reflecting some aspects of my own personality that I would like to strengthen.

Elizabeth Liddle is by far the most dominant person currently posting at UD.

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,09:06   

Patrick, you're cracking me up. :)

On another note, here's a bit of what gordon mullings thinks about the Canaanites and genocide:

"So, we must immediately recognise that God acting in just government against evil doers holds special duties and just powers. It is in that context that cultures that become a sufficiently destructive contagion and plague of evil in the world are destroyed by him: first by the self-destructive implications of such a way of life and society; second by their stubborn disobedience to the Tao and to those who stand up to warn them, thus proving that they must be held in check by force; and, thirdly by destructive force — the just power of the sword."

He also says elsewhere:

"And, isn't our God wonderful beyond all praise! AMEN"

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,09:18   

Quote (Patrick @ Feb. 08 2012,07:01)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 08 2012,09:34)
I'm not assuming that she is submissive, I'm observing it.

. . .

Remember what I said about lions, limping prey, that I can see EL's weaknesses, and so the predatory IDiots can too?

. . .

The fatal error is to let a predator see you limp.

I understand and empathize with your anger towards many of the UD regulars.  The majority of them are beyond the reach of reason.  Their behavior is appalling ungentlemanly and would warrant physical confrontation in a face-to-face discussion.

That being said, I believe you are interpreting Lizzie's mien completely incorrectly.  I am truly amazed at her ability to remain centered and grounded in the midst of the belligerence to which she is subjected at UD.  As with any situation, we can't control how others act, but we are responsible for our own reactions.  Lizzie is speaking her truth, and doing so eloquently.  The grace she exhibits exemplifies what in my meditative practice is called the divine feminine.  Her responses are not only an intellectual pleasure to read but a source of inspiration, reflecting some aspects of my own personality that I would like to strengthen.

Elizabeth Liddle is by far the most dominant person currently posting at UD.

Patrick, to clarify, when I said you're cracking me up I meant with your post and picture about joe.

Regarding EL, with due respect, I have to stand by what I've said.

And frankly, from what I've seen lately, I'd say that eigenstate and champignon (sp?) are doing a lot better at UD than EL.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2012,09:31   

Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 08 2012,10:18)
And frankly, from what I've seen lately, I'd say that eigenstate and champignon (sp?) are doing a lot better at UD than EL.

I appreciate all their efforts.  I spent several months there carefully keeping my temper in check; I know how hard it is.

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