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  Topic: GoP defends his claim about muslim intergration, Rebuttal as appropriate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,16:29   

Hey, I think the pit yorkie yapped something. . . . .

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,20:37   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Oct. 25 2006,21:29)
Hey, I think the pit yorkie yapped something. . . . .

GoP beats off all day and somehow thinks we're all entranced by watching it. Yawn.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,20:41   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Oct. 25 2006,20:17)
Poor little Louis: he can't even rise to ... And Louis? Even if I were the easily intimidated type, you pretty much showed your true colors when you admitted to being terrified of a masturbating hobo.

This is the first obviously dishonest (flat out lying) statement I have seen you write on this thread. There may be more but this is one that definately needs calling.

GoP, Louis claimed to be embarassed by that guy, not intimidated. They are not the same thing.

Whereas it was you that wanted to present a simple choice backed by physical agresion to somebody with a mental illness. What that guy was doing was abnormal and embarrasing, not threatening. He was not actually doing anybody bodily harm.

Being willing to beat-up the mentally ill is not something you should boast about.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,23:10   


Thanks for the support. It's not necessary because Gimpy's simply floundering about wantonly. Actually the point of the wanking tramp story was manifold.

1) That on the Tube people wouldn't notice someone if they were on fire and that this not noticing is entirely deliberate.

2) Wanking tramps are funny, to be honest everyone was trying to stifle laughter behind their Standards. Especially because the guy was making very amusing noises. Embarassment is also part of the funny.

3) People tend to ignore what is right in front of them if it doesn't fit into their world view. That's a hint for Gimpy et al.

4) There has been a breakdown in care for the mentally ill in the UK which has lead to "Care on the Northern Line". That poor sod wasn't the first or last nutter I've encountered on the Tube. Smacking the crap out of him would serve no purpose other than to harm him when he really wasn't harming anyone else.

5) Other things I can't remember!





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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,23:34   


1) Still being dishonest? I think I dealt with the smallness of the buddhist sample in the last post. Still ignoring the non-religious grouping I note. The point of including the buddhist data was, as I said, to a) illustrate the small sample problem and the fact that you are treating a small percentage of a group as representative of a whole group, and b) that if the criminality of muslims was relevant to their religion due to the over-representation of muslims in prison, then the same follows (a fortiori) for buddhists and more strongly for non-religious people.

The whole point is to demonstrate that you are picking and choosing your stats to suit your prejudices, not to advance an alternative claim. I keep repeating this and you keep bashing away at the strawman in your head and ignoring it.

2) Read the axes of the graphs on pages 23 and 24 of the document you misquote and you will see that a greater percentage of the graph for the Pakistani/Bangladeshi is in the range 20-39 than for any other group except black Africans and Carribeans (another high crime group you ignore for convenience).

Also I made the point about the inadequacy of the data you refer to, the population graphs (pages 23/24) are more usueful but I have extracted the numbers from them. They are nice piccies Gimpy, you should be able to see the differences.

3) Get this through your skull, I am not making any claims other than the data does not fit your claim and that other factors are correlated more strongly with your integration criteria than religion or race and that you are ignoring these. Yet again my point is that you have to look at the WHOLE picture, not just the bits you like. As I've said MANY times now there are many correlations, religion is one, but to focus on it to the exclusion of others is dishonest, irrational and ridiculous. Especially when it is'nt the strongest correlation. You focus on the increase in muslim criminality, which is significant for the muslim population (although not the UK pop as a whole) I am asking why you don't focus on the bigger increase in buddhist criminality and non-religious criminality which are more significant for the buddhist community and non-religious community respectively (but only in the latter case for the UK pop).

Do you see where you have gone wrong? You're accusing me of comparing the tiny sample of criminal buddhists to the UK pop when I am not, I'm comparing it to the buddhist pop, just like you are comparing the criminal muslim pop to the muslim pop. Since both are small samples of the whole UK pop, they either both fall foul of the problems you claim exist or both don't. You are STILL ignoring the increases in the statistically far more significant non-religious pop.

Lastly, it's really amusing to see you keep misrepresenting my argument, it demonstrates my point that the only way you can maintain your claim is by lying. Thanks for your help.




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,03:04   

You've hit the nail on the head again, Louis.  GOP is making much of how small a proportion (0.9%) of the prison population is Buddhist.  The priceless part is that he is simultaneously harping about a group representing less than 0.4% of Britain's Muslim population (~6,000 prisoners out of ~1.6 million Muslims).  Worse yet, he's doing a spectacularly bad job of handwaving away the demographic problem.  The vast majority of prisoners are 18-39 years old; not coincidentally 18-39 year-olds are overrepresented by 30-40% (back-of-envelope) among the two largest sources of Muslims (Pakistanis and Bangladeshis) relative to the generalpopulation, according to the histograms in the Ethnicity and Religion report.  Therefore, age demographics alone can reasonably account for about a third of the Muslim overrepresentation in British jails.  Given that Gippy hasn't even started to account for other factors (economics, education, conviction rates), this is quite devastating - and is why he is so very desperate to shift the burden of proof to you.  In all, it's quite hilarious: Gippy has actually managed to undermine a claim that many people (myself included) would have considered quite plausible at the outset.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,03:32   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 26 2006,04:10)

Thanks for the support. It's not necessary...


I know you do not require my support. It was however necessary for me to point out the dishonesty of GoP here though.

I can remember the outline of the conversation as it is a subject that I have an interest in.

At the time, Ghost eventually said what he would do. It was myself (probably among others) who pointed out to him (GoP) that hitting somebody harmless and ill was not something to be proud of. Ghosty then claimed something along the lines of "missreading the mental ill part". I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Something I am usually happy to do. Missunderstanding is a regular thing in this medium.

For him to then make the statement I responded to here indicates beyond reasonable doubt, Gop is being far from honest.

That is all from memory. I haven't looked up the original posts. So if I am incorect GoP should be easily able to refute me.



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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,04:05   


Argh, the limitations of text and my (lack of)communication skills! I didn't mean that I didn't need your support (i.e. I am not ungrateful or ingracious) I meant that Gimpy's just wallowing around looking for any branch he can grab and that's his current choice. Gimpy's dishonest, film at 11! He'll lie and distort anything to "win at that Interwebz" which is one of his two primary goals, the other being attention whoring/trolling. I'm always grateful for any support.




The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,04:11   

Yes, guys, I saw the population pyramids on one of Louis's links. The Pakastanis have the largest demographic issues to account for, but the Bangladeshis are so right skewed that their populations rapidly fritter away by the time you reach the 30-39 age group. My back of the envelope calculations show that at most the demographic issues account for 40% of the discrepancy, and probably a lot less.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,04:32   

By the way, I can't participate in this debate any more for now. For the reason, ask SteveStory.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,04:36   


Thanks for that! Yeah that's (at least partly) my point.

As I said at the start, and several times since, I too thought it was a plausible claim, which is precisely why I asked Gimpy to defend it. It seemed open to evidenciary support, unambiguous, and possible. Again as I said at the start, it's not a topic I knew/know anything significant about, another reason I thought it a good one for Gimpy to defend (unlike say, geocentrism). He does seem to have made a total balls of his "defence" though.

I've got to admit that the most amusing part of this for me is that either way I don't care!

If "yay", I'm perfectly happy to have religion play an enormous part in criminality (for example). After all I'm an atheist who would rather see it disappear from the public arena. If the correlation between criminality and islamic faith is too strong to ignore (which it isn't) then I have a really good argument against allowing faith schools/religious policy making and a myriad of insidious religious influences on public life. All of which I decry strongly.

If "nay", I'm perfectly happy for faith to have no influence on criminality (for example) because I can use that to argue against the same policies/public influences "informed" by religious faith. Get rid of tax supported prison chaplains for example.

As far as I am concerned it's win-win for me!

The thing I really don't like is Gimpy's slippery bait and switch with regards to immigration. As every "wave" of immigrants has appeared in every nation the world over there have been problems. Guess what, human's ain't perfect. From immigrant cries of discrimination to natives repeating the same cries they did for the previous wave. It has ever been thus. Guess what, I'll take Achmed/Kofi/Ferentz/Ramachandran/Manfred the mugger and all his chums in exchange for one Salman Rushdie/Benjamin Zephaniah/Abdus Salam/Freddie Mercury/CLR James/Andrew Adonis/G Constantinesceu/Paul Dirac/Harry Kroto/Roslaind Franklin/my grandparents/my wife's parents all of who were immigrants or descended from immigrants. Immigration demonstrably adds more to a nation that it takes away, and Gimp's arguments amount to no more than "ooooh aren't they different".

What Gimpy doesn't get is that he isn't arguing with the "StrawLiberal" in his head.





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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2006,07:03   

Okay, well, masturbating hoboes has sealed the deal. We're done here.

I encourage anyone who wants to deeply pursue issues of race and islam to set up a blog expressly for that purpose. The purpose of this site is Anti-evolution.

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