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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:21   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,11:15)
It's a complete waste of time to discuss these issues.  I'm hopeless.  I'll never be able to accept the notion that the mechanisms of evolution have the "power" to produce everything we observe in nature.  I don't care what the "scientific consensus" is.  It's simply not logically sound, IMHO.  

I'm convinced worldviews skew our ability to understand each other.  You think I'm a dishonest liar, and I cannot fathom how in the world you can actually believe that the mechanisms of evolution are as powerful as you believe them to be.

On the contrary, I don't think you're a dishonest liar, which is the reason I am engaging you. It's also the reason I'm not discussing anything with AFDave anymore. I promise to take what you say at face value, and discuss items without regard to current scientific consensus.

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:23   

"Have you got any scientific topic you ARE willing to discuss here."

Not really, but I would like an answer to the question I've had for years.  I don't understand why scientists insist that evolutionary mechanisms are responsible for everything we observe on planet earth.  How can that ever be considered anything other than speculation?  Why can't other options be considered?  

When I think about that first living organism, it seems like shear insanity to consider that it started evolving on it's own and from that starting point everything we observe came to be.  We've never observed anything remotely close to supporting this notion, but yet it's considered rock solid fact.  

This has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with basic logic.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:23   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,13:15)
I'm convinced worldviews skew our ability to understand each other.  You think I'm a dishonest liar, and I cannot fathom how in the world you can actually believe that the mechanisms of evolution are as powerful as you believe them to be.

Which peer-reviewed articles led you to that conclusion?


When I think about that first living organism, it seems like shear insanity to consider that it started evolving on it's own and from that starting point everything we observe came to be.  

Try harder.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:23   

FTK- since you asked: Lutheran. I stopped believing in God (if I ever did) at age nine. I did what was expected of me and it never occurred to me to ask to go elsewhere - otherwise I would have asked to go to a different school, too (and grow up elsewhere). It's no one's fault that I was different, restless, a tomboy, a voracious reader, a questioner and an artistic kid stuck in a small town she hated.

I stopped going to Sunday school/confirmation classes at age 18, when I left for college and after I was confirmed. I did what was expected of me until I could do what I wanted. Yes, I had science teachers who went to my church. Yes, I talked with a family member who was a 6-day creationist about these things. I don't believe in the supernatural. I have no evidence for the nonexistence or existence of God. I'm more interested in what I can do. Reality is participatory, like democracy.

Anybody has the right to try to convert anybody. You wouldn't be alone in my life if you tried to convert me. It's all good, this is America. But look around you. A recent poll confirms that Americans, who are so religious, are biblically illiterate. Read Rick Warren and see what an intellectual he is. *Bleah!*

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

Doc Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:27   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,13:15)
I cannot fathom how in the world you can actually believe that the mechanisms of evolution are as powerful as you believe them to be.

If you knew how to cook then you'd be able to answer this question yourself.

The secret is Time.

Learn to make gumbo and the entire theory of evolution will fall into place.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:29   

FtK, I'm very disappointed in you. Your "search for the truth" needs help. The idea that we all know all the arguments is preposterous. Do you think we have reached the end of knowledge? Were you there when every science debate ever happened? Is there no chance rational dialogue could convince you? Honestly, I could be convinced of a case for a creator if positive evidence was offered. I doubt it would be the god of the bible, though. Your refusal to talk science speaks volumes. the things you don't say, say it all.

You don't want to learn
You don't seek the truth
You must cling to your worldview and use it as a lens
You willfully ignore things that rock your faith
you are intellectually dishonest

And again, I will note, this is manifested in the fact that you post here unmoderated and you will not afford that courtesy on your own forum. Shame on you, and if you are indeed "for the kids" then I see an new dark age of anti-intellectualism.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:31   

"On the contrary, I don't think you're a dishonest liar, which is the reason I am engaging you. It's also the reason I'm not discussing anything with AFDave anymore. "

Sigh...well, that's sweet of you to say, but I'm sure it wouldn't be long before you would change your tune.  

F'instance, Dave said something simliar at one point but when he couldn't convince me of macroev., he simply concluded that I'm being disrepectful of his knowledge and have nothing other than a religious agenda.  He questioned my honestly and thinks I have no interest in the scientific issues, but am merely interested in shoving my religion down students throats.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:32   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 09 2007,12:57)
Every time I've ever seen a person refuse to answer whether they think the Earth is 6,000 years old or whether Noah's Flood actually happened, it has ALWAYS meant that the person indeed does believe those things, but they're embarrassed to admit it. Only YEC believers refuse to answer those questions.

So, we can take that as a 'yes'.

Yep, that's certainly a yes.

See this interesting discussion wherein FtK recommends this highly scientific book by YEC Duane Gish et al.

I particularly liked this no-hold-barred review, entitled "you mean I can't give it NO stars?" from the Amazon website.

I cannot believe in this day and age someone can write crap like this and get any of you morons to believe it. I would argue, but there is no evidence to argue with. Excuse me, I've got to go get myself a pet dinosaur from a cave in Africa, since they are still alive and all. Boy, I hope it breathes fire!! Yeah, what an argument, Creationists really put Evolutionists in their place. I just can't believe parents buy this rubbish for their kids. Do you realize that with no evidence to back any of this up, he is just a hack who is basically making a story up to try and sell books? He probably doesn't even believe this crap himself (at least I hope not)!
How can I put this most simply: EVOLUTION IS FACT. IT NEVER TRIES TO ARGUE AGAINST A GOD. IT JUST STATES THAT WE WERE NOT CREATED DIRECTLY BY GOD. And there is evidence right in front of all people to see!! We use evolution directly for our benefit!! We breed dogs, horses, and other animals for specific purposes that we determine!! Mules did not exist in nature before we made them! We have only been consciously evolving creatures for less than a few thousand years, so put on those thinking caps and think what nature could do in several billion. Does it ruin the egos of the general population to think that God did not specifically design us?!?! WHY? And what makes us so special? In my lifetime, all I have seen us do is fight wars over religious, moral, and other reasons. I would think someone who designed us in His image would not make such a flawed, worthless creature. I know most people are going to read this and continue to think in the incredibly flawed way that would cause them to rate this book positively. I just hope one person can look at this objectively and tell what a load of crap it is. THAT'S ALL!!

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:36   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,13:23)
"Have you got any scientific topic you ARE willing to discuss here."

Not really, but I would like an answer to the question I've had for years.  I don't understand why scientists insist that evolutionary mechanisms are responsible for everything we observe on planet earth.  How can that ever be considered anything other than speculation?  Why can't other options be considered?  

When I think about that first living organism, it seems like shear insanity to consider that it started evolving on it's own and from that starting point everything we observe came to be.  We've never observed anything remotely close to supporting this notion, but yet it's considered rock solid fact.  

This has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with basic logic.

All knowledge is tentative. NDE is the best explanation supported by positive evidence that fits what we observe in the world. There is no positive evidence for ID/Creationism. If there is, please point me to it. ID has zero predictive and explanatory power. It is ignorance seeded by dogma.

it would seem the problem is not with NDE but your ability to conceptualize. And I'm not going to give you a playfull spanking now.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 766
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:38   

"On the contrary, I don't think you're a dishonest liar, which is the reason I am engaging you. It's also the reason I'm not discussing anything with AFDave anymore. "

Sigh...well, that's sweet of you to say, but I'm sure it wouldn't be long before you would change your tune.  

F'instance, Dave said something simliar at one point but when he couldn't convince me of macroev., he simply concluded that I'm being disrepectful of his knowledge and have nothing other than a religious agenda.  He questioned my honestly and thinks I have no interest in the scientific issues, but am merely interested in shoving my religion down students throats.

Well, no worries since I doubt I'll be able to convince you of anything. A conversation about science would be beneficial to this board, as it does have readers that do not or rarely contribute.

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:49   

Quote (J-Dog @ April 09 2007,14:16)
Quote (Louis @ April 09 2007,13:11)
That way we can at least have a more intellectual discussion than the hilarious, but ultimately frivolous pseudoflirtation.


Not if DaveTard shows her his new tool.. I mean his new jet-ski when she visits him...

On the subject of which, I am eagerly awaiting Dave's comment on the weekly diet weigh-in.  I wonder what manly exercise he did during the last week to help him lose weight?  My Monday isn't complete until I've "seen" him swaggering around at FtK's with his tummy sucked in, telling us about all the power tools he used.  Arrgh, Arrgh, Arrgh!

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:52   


As much as I am attracted to you, I must be honest with you and tell you that you simply don't listen (at all).  I *HAVE* been studing these issues *endlessly* for years now.  

It must on some level occur to you that you are never ever going to consider anything other than what coinsides with your worldview, so what is the point of further dialogue?  

You're not interested in actually considering that neither of us might have the perfect explanations.  Nor are any of you willing to come to some sort of understanding or middle ground on how to solve the conflicts in this debate.  

I've been reading the threads in this forum for a while now (ever since Richard started screwing with me over on my blog), and it's pretty apparent that you guys are here for only one reason.  And, sincere dialogue is certainly NOT the reason.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2780
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:56   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,13:31)

F'instance, Dave said something simliar at one point but when he couldn't convince me of macroev., he simply concluded that I'm being disrepectful of his knowledge and have nothing other than a religious agenda.  He questioned my honestly and thinks I have no interest in the scientific issues, but am merely interested in shoving my religion down students throats.

Wrong, again.

In that comment thread, FtK stated: "Macroevolution, on the other hand, is a concept that I don't find to be that important to science."

I posed a question and asked her how it would be approached from an ID standpoint, and how it could be approached from an evolutionary standpoint. This question was batted around for a bit by FtK and ace logician Larry Farfaman, but nobody really got the answer. When I pointed out that the answer, a real life example, showed how understanding of common descent led to the availability of a potent anticancer drug (Taxol), she (and Larry) dissembled a bit but never really had cogent arguments against that example.

And I did question her "honestly" (sic), but didn't say anything about her "honesty".

Nowhere in that thread did I say that she was being "disrespectful" of my knowledge. I did say that she seemed to be missing the point, and I'll stand by that statement even now.

Nowhere did I say that I thought she was "interested in shoving (her) religion down student's throats". I did say that folks like her were interested in teaching ID in science classes; perhaps her confusion about God and the designer made her think I said something else.

And in my ultimate comment on that thread, I pointed out that her criteria for how science should proceed (follow the evidence, no matter where it leads), meant that ID was useless. Without a mechanism more specific than some unknown designer acting in some unknown manner at some unknown time, you can't make predictions, and predictions are HOW you follow the evidence in any scientific endeavor. So far she hasn't come back to that topic either.

What's next?

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,13:58   

[quote=Ftk,April 09 2007,13:52]
I've been reading the threads in this forum for a while now (ever since Richard started screwing with me over on my blog), and it's pretty apparent that you guys are here for only one reason.  And, sincere dialogue is certainly NOT the reason.

Yeah, atheists only ever want ONE thing...

Does this mean you refuse to tell us why common descent and the Oort Cloud are a 'crock'?


"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,14:08   

Ok then, we'll do it a different way, FTK. I'm an open minded geezer, all I care about is the evidence, I don't care WHAT is true I care HOW WE KNOW it's true.

Show me some evidence for some aspect of your "worldview" (you might have to explain what that is and what your worldview is before I get it).

Take for example the diversity of the organisms on the planet. How many species are there in your "worldview" and how did there get to be that number?




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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,14:09   

"There is no positive evidence for ID/Creationism. If there is, please point me to it. ID has zero predictive and explanatory power. It is ignorance seeded by dogma."

There is no positive evidence for common descent either.  Inference...key word here.  Inferences for both ID and common descent.  The predictive power of evolution is overstated.  It's more a mind set than anything else.   If the notion of common descent had never been considered, science would have rolled along at exactly the same speed as it has.  It's irrelevant.  

"it would seem the problem is not with NDE but your ability to conceptualize."

LOL, conceptualize?  That's what this comes down to?  You can imagine that first little blobby cell popping out of nowhere and starting the process of evolution on it's own and I cannot.  Fine, you're great at day dreaming, but I consider those stories just that.  Interested dreams.

"And I'm not going to give you a playfull spanking now."

:(  :(  :(

My day just won't be complete without that playful slap on the ass.  I'm going to go have a good cry...unless you might consider changing your mind?

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,14:29   

There is no positive evidence for common descent either.

Will you share with us the 'positive evidence' for a 6,000-YO earth and Noah's flood?


There is no positive evidence for common descent either.  Inference...key word here.  Inferences for both ID and common descent.  The predictive power of evolution is overstated.  It's more a mind set than anything else.   If the notion of common descent had never been considered, science would have rolled along at exactly the same speed as it has.  It's irrelevant.  

Which peer-reviewed articles led you to this conclusion?

And yet 'irrelevant' as it is, common descent gets you upset enough to devote a whole blog to 'defeating' it.


My day just won't be complete without that playful slap on the ass.  I'm going to go have a good cry...unless you might consider changing your mind?

Please, the sex kitten routine is just creepy when you do it.  :O

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,14:36   

Suddenly I remember a story about my chemistry teacher, who went to my church. I adored this guy. Just about everybody did.

There we are, learning about covalent bonds, ionic bonds, chemical reactions, etc., and finally I raised my hand and said [I’m reconstructing all this, of course]:“I have to ask this, okay? These elements are active. I mean, they don’t just sit there – they do things. They do things instead of just doing nothing.” And my teacher got that gleam in his eye that I knew so well. “Why? [I had someone at home who was going to ask me this question.] What makes them do things?” And my teacher said, “Everyone, what is the Law of Inertia?”

Of course, the whole class starts reciting, “Things that are at rest remain at rest, and things that are in motion remain in motion, unless acted upon by another force…” And he put up his finger and said, “No – not quite. You were taught that, but now it’s time to unlearn something. Nothing is at rest. Everyone is in motion, all the time. ‘Rest’ is only relative.” And he said, “So the reactions of chemicals are a given. We have not observed anything ‘starting them up.’ The universe is in motion. For all we know it always was, even before the Big Bang.”

Whoa! You meant the Big Bang may not have been the beginning…?

He didn’t go there. “If you want to believe that ‘Something started it,’ and that’s God for you, fine. If you want to believe that things always being in motion is God, fine. Or you can just believe that everything was always in motion, forever back however long it extends if there was a beginning. But if you put down on any test that ‘God did it,’ you get an F.” He paused, and then said with a twinkle, “And even if God takes my class and puts down on my test that ‘I did it,’ He’ll get an F, too. And then I’ll keep Him after class and make Him write a paper. Boy, [winking] would I make Him write a paper!”

Science is doing. We're quibbling on and on. I guess all I can recommend at this point is for Ftk to pull back and just pick a science topic that interests her and just learn about it in detail. Hold off on all the It is/Is it not ID and just study what the mainstream science says about it. It could be zoology, astronomy, chemistry, biology, geology, whatever.

That's what I did. When I realized that I didn't believe in God I didn't automatically accept evolution - I hadn't heard of it yet. I went in other directions for a while. What attracted me to science was its evidence-trail, its cumulative effect.

I really don't care if anyone believes in God. I guess, though, that I'm disappointed that people were so desperate for me to believe in God that they didn't care how I believed. I think it's important how one believes, if one is going to be a believer.

Incidentally, Ftk, I have recently encountered, though unfortunately not yet met, a Christian who is a scientist and who impressed me very much with his book. He really took me by surprise. But look at how he is being treated.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,15:04   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,13:52)

As much as I am attracted to you, I must be honest with you and tell you that you simply don't listen (at all).  I *HAVE* been studing these issues *endlessly* for years now.  

It must on some level occur to you that you are never ever going to consider anything other than what coinsides with your worldview, so what is the point of further dialogue?  

You're not interested in actually considering that neither of us might have the perfect explanations.  Nor are any of you willing to come to some sort of understanding or middle ground on how to solve the conflicts in this debate.  

I've been reading the threads in this forum for a while now (ever since Richard started screwing with me over on my blog), and it's pretty apparent that you guys are here for only one reason.  And, sincere dialogue is certainly NOT the reason.

I think I stated that all knowledge is tentative and that positive evidence could persuade me. I haven't studied it endlessly nor do I think that there is an unassailable end state of knowledge, which is why I'm very keen to discuss it.

It must on some level occur to you that you are never ever going to consider anything other than what coinsides with your worldview, so what is the point of further dialogue?

Is a very dangerous statement. Imagine if politics worked like that?

NDE isn't a perfect explanation - there are lots of gaps, more work to be done. But it is growing, maturing, evolving and always subject to revision by a better theory. This is the way of the scientific enterprise.

Talk of a "middle ground" confuses me. If you say that 2+3=5 and I say 2+3=7, do we compromise on 2+3=6?

Give sincere dialogue a try. I'll treat you with more respect then I'd give you in the bedroom. Maybe it confirms your view and changes mine, who knows?

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,15:08   

"There is no positive evidence for common descent either"

I believe speciation has been observed. Heredity is positive evidence. Zach will no doubt offer 250 more.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1201
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,15:33   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,13:15)
It's a complete waste of time to discuss these issues.  I'm hopeless.  I'll never be able to accept the notion that the mechanisms of evolution have the "power" to produce everything we observe in nature.  

In 6000 years or less, definitely not.  ???

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,15:41   

Quote (Richardthughes @ April 09 2007,15:08)
"There is no positive evidence for common descent either"

I believe speciation has been observed. Heredity is positive evidence. Zach will no doubt offer 250 more.

I would ask her how she would explain us sharing 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees, tho I fear her non-explanation would accomplish nothing more than a low-grade headache.


As much as I am attracted to you, I must be honest with you and tell you that you simply don't listen (at all).  I *HAVE* been studing these issues *endlessly* for years now.  

References, please? Articles in AIG don't count.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 1201
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,15:48   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,14:09)
There is no positive evidence for common descent either.  Inference...key word here.

You do know that inference comes from observations of facts, that are termed evidence, don't you?

I hope you also know that it means more than just direct visual observation.

Different interpretations....that's all.  You're "facts" are no more supported by empirical evidence than mine are.

These different interpretations are of equal value to you, of course. Oh wait...
Facts don't support empirical evidence, btw.
Anyway, these interpretations (at least the scientific ones) are actually hypothesis, that allow us to make predictions. And predictions are compared to collected data.
But interpretation comming from creationists are just that, post-observational interpretations. No hypothesis, no prediction, no comparison to observation.
What did your theory predict regarding the isotopic ratios of the basalts in the altantic crust? I'm just curious.

PS: How do you falsify ID?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,16:10   

Quote (Richardthughes @ April 09 2007,15:08)
"There is no positive evidence for common descent either"

I believe speciation has been observed. Heredity is positive evidence. Zach will no doubt offer 250 more.

29+ evidences for macroevolution (and common descent)


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,17:02   

Okay, Kristine, I find you quite may not want to continue this conversation because I’m not sure my comments can all be classified as “science”, but nonetheless, I’ll throw it out there anyway and maybe you‘ll take a stab at it.

FTK- since you asked: Lutheran. I stopped believing in God (if I ever did) at age nine. I did what was expected of me and it never occurred to me to ask to go elsewhere - otherwise I would have asked to go to a different school, too (and grow up elsewhere). It's no one's fault that I was different, restless, a tomboy, a voracious reader, a questioner and an artistic kid stuck in a small town she hated.

Hmmm...I grew up Lutheran as well.  I’ve since dropped the dogma of “religion” and attend a non-denominational church which is a more authentic, down to earth, fact driven environment.  Nothing against Lutherans, but I wanted an environment where I was learning more about why we believe, not what we believe (plus the organ music and hymns from 1850 were torture to sit through).

I don't believe in the supernatural. I have no evidence for the nonexistence or existence of God. I'm more interested in what I can do. Reality is participatory, like democracy.

This type of statement has always been of extreme interest to me.  From what I have gathered, atheists are quite driven by the belief that we must use our reason and intellect when considering the many facets of this debate, and education is what they believe to be the key that allows one to dismiss the “myth” of the supernatural.  Yet, they have no evidence that God doesn’t exist.  It seems to me that the only option for someone who doesn’t believe that there is evidence for or against the supernatural would be to adhere to agnosticism.  So, what is it that takes a person that step further and claim that their belief is that there is no god?  I’ve never quite been able to figure that one out.

And, for me, it seems like an interest in science automatically leads to the question of the origin of life.  But, I suppose I’m just an odd duck.  The bottom line for me is that I ~can’t~ conceive of the universe evolving from nothing whatsoever.  That is an extremely irrational, illogical conclusion, IMHO.  So, that leads to the next obvious there any evidence at all that supports the notion of a supernatural or natural designer, and can we learn anything about that source of our existence from science, history, archeology, or other areas of study.  So, that’s were I’ve been for the past 6+ years - addicted to finding the answers to these questions.

Anybody has the right to try to convert anybody.

While that may be true, I have no interest in attempting to convert a hard core atheist.  I’ve never converted anyone in my life, and I am *certainly* not going to attempt it here.

A recent poll confirms that Americans, who are so religious, are biblically illiterate. Read Rick Warren and see what an intellectual he is. *Bleah!*

Could be.  I’m certainly not going to doubt that.  I’ve met some pretty biblically illiterate Christians in my day.  But, I will say that there are many biblical scholars and everyday Christians who could probably carry on a very intellectual conversation with you.  Does the fact that so many Christians don’t know what’s in their bible make Christianity wrong?  Nope.  Does the fact that many atheists don’t know squat about science and consider Dawkins as their source that proves the non-existence of the supernatural make atheism the wrong conclusion?  Not necessarily.  

Regarding your science teacher:
He didn’t go there. “If you want to believe that ‘Something started it,’ and that’s God for you, fine. If you want to believe that things always being in motion is God, fine. Or you can just believe that everything was always in motion, forever back however long it extends if there was a beginning. But if you put down on any test that ‘God did it,’ you get an F.” He paused, and then said with a twinkle, “And even if God takes my class and puts down on my test that ‘I did it,’ He’ll get an F, too. And then I’ll keep Him after class and make Him write a paper. Boy, [winking] would I make Him write a paper!

I have no problem with what your science teacher told you.  In fact, I agree with him.  

I think it's important how one believes, if one is going to be a believer.

I certainly agree with that, but I think it’s different for different people.  Some have no problem believing in a God or Buddha or whatever on blind faith.  For me, that seems insane.  That is why I have a hard time understanding the mindset of some theistic evolutionists that I’ve talked with.  They state that they are Christian, but it seems to me that they base their beliefs on faith alone because they do not seem interested in considering the evidence for their beliefs.  

Incidentally, Ftk, I have recently encountered, though unfortunately not yet met, a Christian who is a scientist and who impressed me very much with his book. He really took me by surprise. But look at how he is being treated.

Yeah, I’m pretty familiar with Miller’s arguments, and it doesn’t surprise me that atheists are impressed with him.  He believes everything that they do in regard to the issues of this debate, except in the end he states that he is a Christian with no further explanation of ~what~ he bases his Christian beliefs upon.  

It sounds to me that he bases his Christian beliefs on that “feel-ology” thing that you seem to abhor.  So, I’m not sure why you are impressed with him.  I actually exchanged a few emails with him once because he is someone who is of extreme interest to me as well.   There seems to be a disconnect somewhere between his theology and his science.  Of course, he was not keen on telling me much because he had read my review of his KU lecture, but he did mention something that I felt might shed a little light on the reason for his beliefs.  

Anyway, I am curious why a guy like Miller impresses you when he doesn’t seem to me to be using his intellect in regard to his religious beliefs - rather he seems to rely on “feel-ology“.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,17:26   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,16:02)
Anyway, I am curious why a guy like Miller impresses you when he doesn’t seem to me to be using his intellect in regard to his religious beliefs - rather he seems to rely on “feel-ology“.
I doubt it. I think he's very well educated in theology as well. He strikes me as well read in literature, too; hardly the type that I adhor. (I guess you missed my comment on the UD thread that I'd rather listen to Dembski talk for an hour (and I have listened to him for many hours) than jump around in these "fun, fun, fun!" megachurches. You know, I'm probably Dembski's biggest listener. How ironic.)

What interested and impressed me was the science in his book, Finding Darwin's God. However, the last two chapters I did not get at all. I don't understand where his religious beliefs come from. I have no idea where they come from and I don't presume to know; it was, frankly, gobbledygook but at least they don't come from a vehement rejection of science that I've seen demonstrated by other people.

What impressed me was where his science came from. It is his example, the life that he lives and the science that he pursues, that impresses me. So I decided to let his religion be.

Now, my dear, I think that I have answered enough of your questions. This is not a thread about me. Quit deflecting the issue. I've asked you several times about Wes's paper. Let me know when you have a reply to that.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,17:26   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,17:02)
And, for me, it seems like an interest in science automatically leads to the question of the origin of life.  But, I suppose I’m just an odd duck.  The bottom line for me is that I ~can’t~ conceive of the universe evolving from nothing whatsoever.  That is an extremely irrational, illogical conclusion, IMHO.  So, that leads to the next obvious there any evidence at all that supports the notion of a supernatural or natural designer, and can we learn anything about that source of our existence from science, history, archeology, or other areas of study.  So, that’s were I’ve been for the past 6+ years - addicted to finding the answers to these questions.

And what evidence has shown up that "supports the notion of a supernatural or natural designer"? We're still waiting... Take your time.

Science is, if nothing else, dependent on what we can do. We all have questions about origins, We just don't have any currently identified scientific way to answer the questions. There are no consensus answers to questions about the origin of the universe or the origin of life. If it is so unsatisfying to you that the current answer is "We don't know", there is not much to say except that you should be thankful you didn't live a few centuries earlier, when a lot more questions (e.g., What causes diseases?) should have been answered like that. Unfortunately, in earlier centuries a lot of them were still answered the same way you are answering the origins questions today, with a superstitious just-so story for which there is no evidence...

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,17:38   

Theistic evolutionist here.  And yes, I do base my belief in God purely on faith.  What else is there?  I'd be very curious to hear about concrete evidence about God.  I've yet to hear anything convincing to tell you the truth.  Philosophical attempts like Decartes's to try and prove the existence of God using purely rational means have been complete failures.

For me, faith and reason are two completely different tools for understanding life, the universe and everything.  Faith is the correct tool for the spiritual side of things and reason is the right one for the material.  Like apples and screwdrivers.

Apparently, you don't think that way.  Maybe this is this worldview of yours you've mentioned?  Perhaps your real resistance to understanding evolution better is that it will threaten your belief, that you have your rational and spiritual sides all in a tangle?  Like you've been trying to change the light sockets with a granny smith?

You say that evolution is simply illogical.  I can't think of anything more inevitable.  I'm an ecologist and I spend a lot of time out of doors, observing organisms in their environments.  The potential power of natural selection to change organisms is striking when you see, for example, the zonation of different plant species and different phenotypes of the same species at different levels in a transitory lakebed.

I used to spend more time here lurking.  There are a lot of sharp people here who would be more than happy to discuss the science with you.  They've done it before with much more unhinged types.  Give it a go.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,17:47   

Quote (Ftk @ April 09 2007,14:52)
I *HAVE* been studing these issues *endlessly* for years now.

Studying I believe.  Understanding ... you have a long way to go.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2007,18:15   

FtK, if we showed up at your door, out of the blue, with a freshman biology test, what do you think you'd score?

(every time Davetard starts babbling about the Second Law of Thermodynamics I imagine showing up at his door with a test from my sophomore thermo class)

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