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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,15:16   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ June 29 2007,14:43)
And very interesting point there Hermagoras about if Dr Dr Dr Dembski has ever conceded anything substantive?

I have to wonder is it possible to even concede anything at all when trapped in that mindset? I mean, one thing goes for reason X, it's likely that reason X will also do for everything else too (wny not?) and the whole house of tards fall.

When you have the delete/ban button at your disposal, why even bother going to the trouble of reading your critics?

A little bit of politics now, but being surrounded by yes-men must sort of be like what GWB has been feeling. At some point reality intrudes however, and I understand that to have been this week. When will reality intrude for Dr Dr Dr Dembski I wonder?

Good point. And the longer you insulate yourself from reality, the harder you will fall when that insulation deflates.

I've been thinking about this in the context of FtK. Clearly she believes what she says. Clearly she has put a lot of time and psychic energy into justifying those beliefs. I am not saying that this was time well spent, nor am I saying that she justified them with logic or evidence, but she has spent an inordinate amount of time propping them up. Just like Dembski. And lots of folks spent a fair amount of time and energy trying to get her to turn just one small corner, admit just one small uncertainty, or see just one small piece of evidence for the current explanation of the diversity of life on the planet. All for naught. But in hindsight, it should have been obvious that we were tilting at a windmill.

What are the prospects that anyone like that will ever see the light? If you have spent that much time and energy propping up a belief system, and if your surroundings (church, family, friends, sycophantic blog commenters) help you maintain that belief system, will you ever turn that corner? Maybe, but it gets less likely with every mole of ATP expended in defense of your belief system.

It might be almost impossible for someone like that to abandon a comfy, well-defended niche for anything like a scientific outlook. Certainty will have to be replaced with uncertainty. Ignorance will have to be replaced with knowledge. Friends and family and church members might still accept you, but "shunning" is still a viable strategy in many communities like that. It would take a very strong person to willingly start down that road, and an even stronger one to finish it. I don't think many folks could do it from the position that she has staked out for herself. Sadly, our efforts here may only have contributed to a further hardening of the defenses. If she ever does break out and "find science", it will be at a tremendous emotional cost. That is frankly very sad, either way.

As for DrD, he's made enough money from the scam that you can't really feel sorry for him.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
- Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,15:21   

At last.  Time for the Isaac Newton of Farty Noises to settle this once and for all.  He should ask Dr Lerle whether Darwin caused him to become a Nazi sympathiser.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,15:22   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ June 29 2007,14:59)
With the UD mindset, if it's not in English, it doesn't exist.

Official documents in German therefore prove nothing.

After all, Jesus spoke English. Right? Right?

Exactly.  And if it's good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for the Germans.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,16:12   

Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,21:13)
Just for giggles, let me ask: has Dembski ever conceded a significant point?

The only one I can think of is this: Public Retraction and Apology to Kevin Padian

Strictly speaking though, it wasn't a point about ID/Religion, which would have made it considerably easier for him. Still, he does seem to go on to add a certain amount of "but actually, come to think of it, I was right and you are a bigot" towards the end.

Normally "conceding" takes the form of removing the page on which the original point was made and/or banning people.

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,16:31   

Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,14:13)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 29 2007,13:57)
Oh, my.

That's very fine.

Just for giggles, let me ask: has Dembski ever conceded a significant point?

Not long ago, WAD publicly retracted his idiotic assertion that R. Dawkins only had three publications to his name.

(What choice did he have?)

The entire topic went "poof" a day or so later.


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- David Foster Wallace

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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,16:52   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 29 2007,13:57)
Oh, my.

Strangely, when I am reading case reports in bed at night and I encounter something truly disgusting I don't say anything profane or obscene.  I say, "Oh My."

I learned this through an observation by my wife, Sherrie.  When I would say, "Oh My," she would say, "Let me see."  Once I said "Dear, this is really a bad photo."  Her reply was, "I know that because you said, "Oh My."  So the blown up, sawed up, chewed up bit and pieces of our fellow humans spread out on the ground or across the lab table have no mystery to Sherrie because I said "Oh My."

Edited by Dr.GH on June 29 2007,16:55

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,17:04   

We seem to agree on the proper usage of, "Oh, my."

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,17:11   

Quote (cogzoid @ June 29 2007,11:32)
I believe the proper plural of penis is penes.

Sorry, but "penes" just doesn't have the same . . . . je ne sais quois . . . .

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,17:13   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 29 2007,17:04)
We seem to agree on the proper usage of, "Oh, my."

I enjoy these points of agreement.

Often, I view everyone as either victim, or victimizer.  Human capacity for violence is unending.

Edited by Dr.GH on June 29 2007,17:16

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,17:13   

Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,14:13)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 29 2007,13:57)
Oh, my.

That's very fine.

Just for giggles, let me ask: has Dembski ever conceded a significant point?

Why would he need to?  He's an infallible Spokesman Of God™©, ya know.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,17:21   

I recall writing a piece for PT about Dembski being a would-be Nazi.  I also did one on IDC and Holocaust deniers.

Most people were angry that I had "over stepped."

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."



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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,17:35   

PaV has an interesting prediction re Behe's latest book:
Im not given to hyperbole, but I must say, taken as a whole, TEOE strikes me as possibly being as powerful and influential a book as The Origins of Species.

Once I would have said words fail me but I guess I'm too used to the never ending stream of nonsense coming out of UD.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,19:56   

Quote (Kristine @ June 28 2007,22:18)
Hold it right there, Duran Duran. There's another person in that link! And then Husband Number One showed up himself and commented! Your fight, should you chose to accept it, is with him. *Sits back with popcorn*

USE THE INVISIBLE KEY! And if you power up that laser I shall have to release the Matmos!

Talked about but never tagged.  What's a guy gotta do around here?

"I am not currently proving that objective morality is true. I did that a long time ago and you missed it." -- StephenB


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,20:47   

Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,18:56)
Talked about but never tagged. What's a guy gotta do around here?

*Sigh* Here you are. But you can't be Number One Husband unless you write about snakes.

Did anyone click on the Matmos link? Pretty funny, I thought. :p Via Han Salvo's YouBoob linkies.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,20:53   

Quote (Kristine @ June 29 2007,20:47)
But you can't be Number One Husband unless you write about snakes.

(Lenny brightens right up)


Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,21:02   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ June 29 2007,19:53)
Quote (Kristine @ June 29 2007,20:47)
But you can't be Number One Husband unless you write about snakes.

(Lenny brightens right up)


Yeah, sugar! I've only dropped a thousand hints! ;) You apparently missed the beginning of the joke at Ichy's goodbye thread. But now you must battle Louis.

Oh look, I think it's love over at UD! Gil to PaV:
You express me better than I express myself.

Isn't that sweet.
Gil: Mmmmwah! PaV, you complete me. Sentences. Uh, you complete my sentences. [An IDer doesn't make love, an IDer is love.]

I wish they, and Jo Hovind, could all complete really long, long sentences. :p They're so very pretty pretty!

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,21:14   

Quote (Kristine @ June 29 2007,20:47)
Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,18:56)
Talked about but never tagged. What's a guy gotta do around here?

*Sigh* Here you are. But you can't be Number One Husband unless you write about snakes.

Did anyone click on the Matmos link? Pretty funny, I thought. :p Via Han Salvo's YouBoob linkies.


Creationists complain that they've never seen a dog turn into a cat.

Here's a pic of a Joey turning into a snake:


Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,21:21   

Quote (Ptaylor @ June 29 2007,17:35)
PaV has an interesting prediction re Behe's latest book:
Im not given to hyperbole, but I must say, taken as a whole, TEOE strikes me as possibly being as powerful and influential a book as The Origins of Species.

Once I would have said words fail me but I guess I'm too used to the never ending stream of nonsense coming out of UD.

Oh my.   :p

Evolander in training


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(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2007,23:42   

Quote (Kristine @ June 29 2007,21:02)
Oh look, I think it's love over at UD! Gil to PaV:      
You express me better than I express myself.

PaV to Gil: You . .  . complete me.
Gil: you had me at "design."

(I don't know if PaV is a guy, but so what?  Have you seen the T-Shirt on Gil?)

"I am not currently proving that objective morality is true. I did that a long time ago and you missed it." -- StephenB

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,00:21   

Good point. And the longer you insulate yourself from reality, the harder you will fall when that insulation deflates.

Oh just shut up about Paris Hilton.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,00:42   

Kristine wrote:  
Han Salvo

Very funny. I was trying to think of something along those lines, but Kristine nailed it!

And I needed a laugh; the discussions at UD lately have been more pathetic than they have been entertaining. For some reason, Im particularly revolted by the thought that I have spent even a second of my life listening to Sal indulging in his Star Wars fantasies.

It could be that Im just burned out on this stuff. I havent been commenting as often as many of you do, but I have been following the ID issue online and in books very intensely for over a year and a half, particularly regarding the relationships between engineering and ID. (Realistic comparisons undermine the ID position.)

Im going to spend less time on this at least for a while really

[Note to Mister DNA: Greetings and welcome to a fellow spud Duty Now for the Future!]

Invoking intelligent design in science is like invoking gremlins in engineering. [after Mark Isaak.]
All models are wrong, some models are useful. - George E. P. Box


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,01:08   

Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,22:42)

(I don't know if PaV is a guy, but so what? Have you seen the T-Shirt on Gil?)

Um, yes. :) Hawt! Kinda beefy for my taste, tho...and no snakes are involved...
Quote (Freelurker @ June 29 2007,23:42)
Kristine wrote:  

Han Salvo

Very funny. I was trying to think of something along those lines, but Kristine nailed it!

And I needed a laugh

I'm serious about writing a sci fi cabaret about this stuff. I think it's the only rational response at this point.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,04:40   

SChen24 shows what an expert he is over at the revitalised (lie) OW. The bold part is a post SChen24 is responding to:

But I'm not sure what you were trying to say with this statement. Are you saying that because the evolution of the bacteria against the drugs was because of something we did that it isn't really evolution? Evolution is evolution regardless of the cause.

If we helped the bugs evolved their resistance, then there was an intelligent design--cause by humans. Remember, evolution cannot be helped, because then that becomes an argument for design. Evolution must be natural and cannot follow any pattern. From this're arguing for design.
So, under that idea if man sets fire to the planet with thermonuclear devices then that would be intelligent design because it would favour the cockroaches?


I think we need a slap head emoticon :)

EDIT: this is worth noting also, SChen24 again
lso, I am interested in seeing what evidence you has to offer concerning the fossil record. The fossil record has been Darwinian evolution's worst enemy. Recognizing this fact, late Harvard Darwinist Stephen Jay Gould came up with his theory of "punctuated equilibrium." The fossil record shows no transitional forms and lends no support towards gradual evolution

The next post on that thread asks "Then what is your take on Tiktaalik?" and i'll be interested to see what the answer is!

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gaugers work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,05:37   

Quote (Kristine @ June 30 2007,01:08)
Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,22:42)

(I don't know if PaV is a guy, but so what? Have you seen the T-Shirt on Gil?)

Um, yes. :) Hawt!

Oh, then do check out one of his album covers.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it. We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,08:03   

Quote (carlsonjok @ June 30 2007,05:37)
Quote (Kristine @ June 30 2007,01:08)
Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,22:42)

(I don't know if PaV is a guy, but so what?  Have you seen the T-Shirt on Gil?)

Um, yes. :) Hawt!

Oh, then do check out one of his album covers

I'm going to defend Gil on that one. Everybody wore ridiculous clothes back then.  [Hermagoras recalls his leisure suits and prom tux, shudders.]

"I am not currently proving that objective morality is true. I did that a long time ago and you missed it." -- StephenB

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,08:42   

Quote (Hermagoras @ June 30 2007,08:03)
Quote (carlsonjok @ June 30 2007,05:37)
Quote (Kristine @ June 30 2007,01:08)
Quote (Hermagoras @ June 29 2007,22:42)

(I don't know if PaV is a guy, but so what? Have you seen the T-Shirt on Gil?)

Um, yes. :) Hawt!

Oh, then do check out one of his album covers

I'm going to defend Gil on that one. Everybody wore ridiculous clothes back then. [Hermagoras recalls his leisure suits and prom tux, shudders.]

Not all of us could muster that pensive gaze, however.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,08:47   

Hey, Hermagoras! I checked out the continuation of the rhetoric thread at Uncommon Descent. In the one corner are the UD group with tomatoes. In the other, you are gagged and bound. You seem to be covered in rotten fruit.

Admit it, Professor. You clearly lost the debate. It's as if you have no answers to their arguments.

William Dembski: "If the evidence for Darwinian theory were so great, why keep slamming ID? Just present it!"


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,08:54   

Which is not to disrespect Gil's performance career. No mean feat. Chopin, Lizt, Rachmaninoff had a LOT of fingers, and not every professional pianist could master that literature.

Serious doff of cap to Gil.

If only you wouldn't meddle in areas where you have no expertise, Gil.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,09:00   

Oh my! We'll just let the facts speak for themselves.

Slimy Sal
Dawkins and Maynard-Smith were defeated in debate by Berlinski, PhD and Wilder-Smith, PhD PhD PhD about 20 years ago. (Thats right, Wilder-Smith has 3 PhD in science, including one from Oxford).

The intellectual firepower Dawkins faced was too much for him. Dawkins has never debated the science live ever since. Think upon it, if he were succesful at debate (as his supporters say) then the best thing he could do is to keep debating.

I have an audio tape of the debate, but havent listened to it yet.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
- Pattiann Rogers

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: June 30 2007,09:02   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ June 30 2007,09:00)
Sal: ...I have an audio tape of the debate, but havent listened to it yet.

That's OK, Sal, because nobody has listened to you yet, either.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington

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