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  Topic: Editorial: No child should find science, math bori, A Google Alert item< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 21 2006,13:57   

Editorial: No child should find science, math boring
Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription) - Minneapolis,MN,USA
.. for the time being. But creationism is just an irritating sideshow
compared with more serious threats science faces. At the top ...

Just another Hitler comparison, misapplied
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA
.. wild evolutionary beliefs had driven H & S to kill people, a propensity,
it seems, they would not have had if only, if only, they had believed
in creationism. ...

The gospel of Gervais
TV Squad - Santa Monica,CA,USA
.. myself a pretty strict Darwinist, but I have to admit, Ricky Gervais,
best known for The Office and Extras, does offer a compelling argument
for Creationism. ...

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