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  Topic: How Evolutionists do things, Evolutionists cherry-picking of data< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 42
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 26 2005,07:55   

Midnightvoice pretty much said what I wanted to say, and in fewer words. But I'd like to respond briefly to a few points.

So do you agree that there is nothing inherent in Christianity that causes war?

I can't agree with that.  Believe me, I'd like to.  I think Jesus had a wonderful core message, and if Christianity's holy book was only that message I'd be inclined to agree with you.  The Old Testament, in my opinion, is what confuses people.  Its full of wiggle room and justifications and just plain ick.  So I'm forced to look at the results.  I'd like to agree with you, but I don't see how I can.

...but at least it provides (admittedly imperfect) protection against completely sociopathic behavior.

It seems like you are implying that sociopaths are a result of atheism?  Its an interesting observation, but I'm not sure if that follows.  And if it does, I'm not sure that the occasional sociopath is any worse than the dark, national pathologies that arise from some religions.  I would even suggest that sociopaths are preferrable.  They have a harder time motivating an army to attack another.

I think if you try to quantify the destruction caused by theocratic vs secular governments, then religion comes out ahead, although both sides can reference plenty of horror stories to support their case.

I agree religion comes out ahead, way ahead.  That might be because historically there have been a lot more governments with religious inclinations than atheistic ones.  It would be easier to compare if there was something resembling parity.

I don't know.  I'm not trying to blame all the world's woes on religion.  Maybe if the situation were reversed, and atheist governments were the rule rather than the exception, we'd see just as much war and persecution and blood as we have under the banner of religion.  But maybe not.  We'll probably never know.

  42 replies since Oct. 17 2005,06:41 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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