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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2013,09:17   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ July 11 2013,08:52)
The way science is supposed to work, one person explains their theory to explain a phenomenon, then all those who disagree must explain theirs. If no other theory can be coherently presented then that best theory remains standing. Only pompous ass-kissers pat each other on the back for good excuses, for not meeting this scientific obligation.

Here is my theory. Now where's yours?

Epic fail, albeit a repeated one.
You keep singing this song, and we keep pointing out how incredibly incorrect it is.

Oddly, you were singing a completely different song early on in your career of failure.  A few pages back we saw links to your belief that theories and hypotheses were to be evaluated, and  were to succeed or fail, on the  merits, regardless of other theories or hypotheses on the ground.

But of course we can all see the self-serving drives that motivated the change.
Just as we can all see the fundamental irrationality of your position in starting with the presupposition that a phenomenon or class of phenomena has been clearly identified and stands in need of explanation.
This is where your scientific failure begins -- you start with a happy-sounding phrase that lacks any precision or applicable meaning, extend it far beyond any reasonable scope, and then insist that all players must compete to provide the best theory for your hallucinatory fantasy as embedded in your pet phrase.
It's an old game, Gary, and not a very respectable one.

But since we're here, let's again ask why it might be that your theory fails to explain your own behavior, given that it is supposed to be a theory of intelligent cause, intelligent agency.  Could it be that your theory is wrong?  Or could it be that you simply don't qualify as an intelligent cause or intelligent agent?
Personally, I think it's both.  But what do you think?

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