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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 10 2011,07:38   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Nov. 10 2011,06:12)
Robert Byers: Poet?        
I am YEC.
It amuses me and I welcome the recent great discrediting of evolution by associating it with Nazism.
What can the establishment say?
They have to respect a seemly likely connection.
Surely evolution and Hitler were dancing together.

Yet i am sure evolution was not the origin for the big killing agendas.
It justified to the public and upper middle classes there the attempt to exalt German identity.
The upper middle classes needed,as in our day, educated ideas to justify German being the bestism.
Lower classes easily accept those things.

It made sense from a evolutionary view that selection makes desirable fixed traits.
In fact all the time today people uses phrases like ITS IN THE GENES for something positive or negative. Not free will.

yet the killing of people was in fact just to get rid of them.
not purifying the race. thats just excuse.
They could of deported the gypsies.
The Jews were claimed to be killed to solve the Jewish problem .
The problem being seen as a small foreign identity controling and striving to destroy germany and European civilization in order to replace it with a Jewish one. It was believed they could do it.
That was the claim as I have heard.
in fact the real object was simply to destroy a people who had prevailed over a native population and become the master.
It was envy(which is hatred) and hatred against a dominating foreign people/race.
They were furious at Jewish superiority because, I say, they ,Hitler, believed they had proven to be superior men. A superior race.
So they grasped to prove they were the superior race but in their own hearts believed they were beat by the Jew.
They misintrepretated Jewish achievement.

One could say better that it was evolutionary presumptions that made Hitler and company believe the Jews were a superior race( and coupled with sincerely seeing them as a threat to their civilization, nation, people) and led to a murderous determination to get rid of them from earh.

Modern North America mirrors these things somewhat.
Segregated identities within a boundary, segregated results in achievement , and determination to interfere or not interfere for the desirable results relative to identity.
The modern liberal establishment, Obama world, and some conservative/republican are all living evolutionary construct of right and wrong answers in organizing mankind.

We report, you decide.


I am YEC.

Hello YEC! <waves>
It amuses me and I welcome the recent great discrediting of evolution by associating it with Nazism.

Yes, because "Nazism" is kind of amusing if you look at it in that light ...
What can the establishment say?
They have to respect a seemly likely connection.

How about "You are an incomprehensible bigot"?
Surely evolution and Hitler were dancing together.

I think that was Eva, not Eve or Evolution

... continues forever.  Often a Byers comment seems to shut down a thread as no-one knows how to respond to his screed but can't ignore it if they post.  Maybe there is a friendly, woollen (or cotton .. no discrimination here ... just no blended materials, please), voice over there that can pump it up some.

Joe: Most criticisims of ID stem from ignorance and jealousy.
Joe: As for the authors of the books in the Bible, well the OT was authored by Moses and the NT was authored by various people.
Byers: The eskimo would not need hairy hair growth as hair, I say, is for keeping people dry. Not warm.

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