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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 3, The Beast Marches On...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 22 2010,19:20   

Quote (JohnW @ Jan. 22 2010,12:01)
Quote (AdmiralAckbar @ Jan. 22 2010,08:36)
What is the obsession of Chopra-types and fundamentalists with string theory?  God, universal consciousness, fairies and unicorns hiding out in extra dimensions?  Last refuge of those looking for them?  And the crazy irony is the blind acceptance of string theory as proven fact in the same breath where they dispute evolution.

1.  It's sciency.
2.  It's difficult to understand.
3.  Most people have heard of it, without knowing much about it other than (1) and (2).
4.  Unless there are any scientists in the congregation, it can be dropped into a stream of tard and used as evidence for just about anything you like.  You'll sound really clever.
5.  Therefore Jesus.

See also: relativity, quantum mechanics, black holes, dark matter...

edit - I know you referred to string theory first, but I've seen more quantum woo than anything else, thus my post.

Don't forget that you can use it in any situation.  Consciousness - It's Quantum.

Free Will - Quantum!

Mechanism for Design - Quantum!

Creation from Nothing - Quantum!  (ok, so this one may be true for some particles, if I understand the theory correctly - or has this been observed?)

God Communicating to people - Quantum!

Virgin Birth - Quantum!

See - the word Quantum (which koalas hate, IIRC  :p ) can spice up any hypothesis you like, and works great in soda and casseroles.  I do wonder what people think of when they hear Quantum, since it refers to really tiny things.  Calling a man "quantum dick" is like calling some "built like a gorilla."  Does this mean Quantum Gods are really, really, really tiny?  That might explain a lot  ;)

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

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