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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 29 2006,21:48   

In all fairness, if Davey did spend time growing up in those areas, there is a lot of scary shit down there, mostly in the parasitic realm (and there really are some nasty snake species round those parts too).

I'm sure his daddy used to terrorize him with his surroundings on a daily basis, in order to better brainwash him.

what a pity his daddy couldn't show him the real wonder of the place instead.

such are the little differences that end up making a scientist vs. an ideologue.

Your daddy did you a gross disservice, Dave.

How does that make you feel?  Isn't your own anger towards your father the REAL reason you're here; the REAL reason you accused us of having black hearts, when you really want to accuse your own father, and yourself?

Can we talk to your kids and show them this thread?  Show them what a disservice you are doing to them, as your daddy did to you?

show them how, very much like a person who physically abuses their kids, you have/are mentally abusing them?

show them what happens to kids that suffer abuse?  show them that they typically become abusers themselves?

what do you think, Dave?  Do you think your kids should see what happens to children of abusive parents?

Or is that too much reality for you?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


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