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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Nov. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,05:33   

This person claims that my 'evidence' is not evidence at all ... he says evidence would be something like bits of hair or blood from a murder scene.  Where you go wrong is this.  The bits of hair and blood from the murder scene do the very same thing for the truth search that my evidence does.  They make it "look like" so-and-so committed the murder and the judge really can only say that "probably" this man is guilty--he really cannot say for sure and there have been plenty of people that were erroneously prosecuted, or the reverse--they were guilty, but got let off.

Hmm...but here is the problem AFDave.....
No one can dispute the fact that the hair and blood are from someone else.  If they DNA test the blood...and it matches or does not match a suspect....that still argue that the evidence was "faked".  The problem is that you never gave us "blood and  hair".  

Your not analyzing facts and coming to logical conclusions.  You havent even presented any facts.  You have wildly and irresponsibly made conclusions without even first presenting your "facts".

Your "proof" of God is a sad excuse even within the Theological realm.  Your arguments are neither original or creative.  The problem is that your also trying to pass off your philosophical proofs as "evidence".  Evidence would be if we found a section of DNA that was base-4 code for the ASCII characters that made up "Hello, my name is God and I am your Creator".  You can make perfectly sound arguments without evidence Dave.....but they are not arguments based on evidence.  Evidence is indisputable.

Isn't what you call the Moral Law simply our herd instinct and hasn't it been developed just like all our other instincts?"  Lewis dismantles this objection by noting that many times humans behave in a way contrary to our instincts, such as the man who dives into floodwaters to save a drowning man, or leaves a girl alone who he would like to have.

You really do not understand the concept of "evolved morality".  Diving into floodwaters to save a drowning man is our instinct.  People put themselves in harm's way all of the time to try to save someone.  It only runs counter to a "survival instinct"....and not to our general instincts.

All of the "morality" that all humans shared is also shared with dolphins, dogs, crows, and apes.  In some cases humans actually violate the "universal morality" more often than other animals.

It is our herd instinct evolved as a means of survival.  Good deeds and altruism helps the group survive....and that is why you feel good when you are charitable.  If you could step outside of your "little world" for a moment you would see that an old argument from C.S. Lewis is hardly persuasive in the face of new scientific studies.

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