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  Topic: GoP's LAMSM Theory, Liberal Agenda of the Mainstream Media?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,16:47   

Who's leaving, Ghost? I wouldn't miss watching your pathetic attempts to save face for the world. I'm just through taking you seriously.

So even if you agree with their unevidenced speculations, you must concede the basic point: the media cover crimes in a racially biased way

Whoo hoo we agree! Now, about that "liberal" thing...
After all, slaveowners had an economic motive as well: does that make slavery morally acceptable?

I see. That makes my argument that, when you use racial panic to make a buck, it makes racial panic morally acceptable, go down the drain, I guess. Curses!
(BTW: I like the "as well" bit-heh)
I still fail to see how this study helps your argument - the data sure as #### doesn't.

You mean the data of the work that claims a racial bias for profit do not support a racial bias for profit?  Well, like I said, maybe you should take it with the authors... But I'd be happy if you demonstrate it here. Fat chance, I know.
But that's why you tried to shift the argument in the first place.

You're right, I deserved my clobbering: I shouldn't start arguing for an *undefined* racial bias when I had promised I'd deliver proof for a liberal bias... No wait, that was you.
Man, I really broke your brain, didn't I? You're bitching because I can back my case up and you can't?
Oh, you broke my brain alright, Ghost. Just now. *tilt* :0  :D

So! you ready to support your claims using actual arguments? You can start from what I previously said about hardcore liberal media being the ones to actually report all those "suppressed by the liberal media" cases of police brutality. I can give you a few hints to help you along the way, but you'll have to do most of it yourself.

Or you can simply keep this charade up and let your immaturity shine through with each post you make. Idontcare.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

  221 replies since April 27 2006,06:17 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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