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  Topic: bFast's Allele Blender, Zachriel< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 517
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 10 2008,02:09   

Quote (bFast @ Mar. 09 2008,23:59)
JAM, "That's funny that you should put it in such disturbingly quasi-racist terms"

I didn't mean slight.

It sure seemed that way. You're ignoring my point, which is highly relevant to your question.
I only was reaching for a population that was physically the farthest away from me.  I am likely to mate within my community, not a distant community.

Does your wife know about this? Seriously, do you not have any African-Americans in your community?
The calculations need only reference the assessible genepool, not the total conceivable genepool.

Why? You're not making any sense.
I am still not finding an answer to my question, however.

That's because, as Bob and I have noted, you are mangling the relevant terminology. Hint: geneticists don't use the term "genepool."
How many alleles are likely to exist within the human population in the average community.

In Africa, or in North Dakota? I can't see how there wouldn't be "average communities" in both places. Or are you hinting at racism again?
I can accept that many alleles are "not selectable", "fully neutral".

Those are generally described as polymorphisms. There are tens or hundreds of thousands.
Fine enough, how many "selectable" alleles are there in a typical community of humans?

I don't know, but I know that each of us is heterozygous for 5-10 recessive lethal alleles. Does that help?

The other place to look is in the huge study of Icelandic folks, which would only provide a lower bound, as they are very inbred.
If I read this correctly, there's LOTS of alleles!!

Is that a problem?

Google's not going to help if you use the wrong terminology.

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