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  Topic: More good news< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 123
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 08 2008,09:10   

Doesn’t California allow state approved home school correspondence courses? I know my state does (or did) some years ago.  Due to an injury we used such a course for our son for a few months. The requirements from what I remember at that time for home schooling were a) A state approved correspondence course. b) The parent could develop the curriculum if they had some advanced degree or other. I don‘t remember what the degree had to be in, I just remember it didn’t have to be in teaching, nor required the parent to be a certificated teacher. There may have been a provision for opting out of either a or b on religious grounds. I was glad to have the option of a correspondence course since the cost of a tutor (always an option in shot term situations) was more than we could bare at the time.

I think requiring certified teaching requirements for home school parents to be way over the top. In my case, such a requirement would have imposed a financial strain on our family since we would have had to hire a tutor.  

Full disclosure: California is one of the few states I have never been in. I want to be 3000 miles away when  Catastrophic Plate Tectonics ala John Baumgardner resumes. I suspect that’s why the ICR is moving its base of operations to Texas. Also, I avoid Kansas like the plague since my mother-in-law lives there.

Grand Poobah of the nuclear mafia

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