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  Topic: More good news< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 93
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 07 2008,12:41   

My son, now 18, was home schooled because his mother thought the public school environment was turning him into a little beast; she though his dislexia was not being properly addressed, also. The result is not an astonishingly accomplished student, but a well-adjusted young man. Heddle's example of students doing vcalculus at a ninth grade age, seems to me something done by parents who both value mathematics and who know calculus. Tom is not science oriented, but Tom's mother and I both know mathematics and science, specifically human paleontology and osteology, and he has a good grasp of biology. His main accomplishements are in art and language: his writing is exemplary, for a young person who learned to read around twelve, his vocabulary extensive and precise. He reads his work in public, he blogs his drawings and stories, and will go to college to work on both. Considering the often casual job we did with him, I think most of the credit goes to a wilfull but curious boy who was not really adedicated student, but who came out of this ahead of his age group in language, and at least at his age group in social studies, math and science. It takes more dedication than I had, but his mom did not work for years to ensure his instruction. She took education courses at a local university, and had a school teacher friend help with his curriculum. I have friends who home schooled their children because thei lived in isolated areas, and who have gotten their children into Ivy League schools. They are liberals, Christian but not fundamentalists, and accept modern science. Not all home schoolers are reactionary science deniers, and some become able teachers even in areas that are not their main strengths.


Beauty is that which makes us desperate. - P Valery

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