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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Nov. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 04 2008,13:52   

I love Sal.

he Darwinists have framed the ID debate as being about what should and should not be taught in the public school science classroom. I speculate that the debate over the public school classroom is another example of Bulverism.

Because clearly, it's those nasty Darwinists who maliciously insert their agenda into classrooms without doing any real research!!!!!

As I pointed out here, the real issue is whether life is designed. If so, most every other question pales in comparison. And also lost in the Darwinist Bulverism is whether individuals in universities will have the chance to answer the question of design for themselves, and whether these individuals will have the freedom to tell others what they discover.

Uhhhhh. First, Sal says the debate should be about whether life really is designed (the actual scientific question). It is clearly the Darwinist's fault that anyone would focus on any other aspect of ID. Then, Sal starts complaining about universities not funding the people he likes best. How do you contradict yourself that quickly and not notice?

The real culture war is not over what should or should not be taught in the science classroom. The real culture war is whether individuals will be allowed to pursue their inalienable rights which were endowed to them by their Creator. Individuals have the right to investigate who the Creator is, they have the right to tell others who they think the Creator is. They have the right to acquire Bachelors, Masters Degrees, and PhDs in biology in order to help them achieve those ends.

Darwinists have no right to impede the acquisition of diplomas merely on the grounds that the biology student might use his scientific learning to further the spread of his personal faith and convictions. Whether an individual believes the Creator is a Deity or the Flying Spaghetti monster, that individual has the right to follow his convictions and not be punished academically for having such convictions….I expect the fight over students civil rights may only be beginning.

Uh yeah. You can also roll cigarettes with your degree, use it to line your cat carrier, or get rid of it altogether. I don't think anybody minds too much. They might not be thrilled they wasted their time on you, but they can't preempt you. If your thesis is on the art of rolling cigarettes with advanced degrees, however, you can expect to be failed, because that's (probably) not what you're supposed to be studying. If you teach undergraduates that your field is entirely about earning degrees and rolling cigarettes with them, you're going to be fired because that's (probably) not what you're supposed to be teaching. If you apply for grants to study the art of rolling cigarettes with advanced degrees, you're not gonna get them, because it's (probably) not something anyone wants to study. That's not persecution, and that's all anyone seems to come up with.

"ALL eight of the "nature" miracles of Jesus could have been accomplished via the electroweak quantum tunneling mechanism. For example, walking on water could be accomplished by directing a neutrino beam created just below Jesus' feet downward." - Frank Tipler, ISCID fellow

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