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  Topic: Evolution of the horse; a problem for Darwinism?, For Daniel Smith to present his argument< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2008,06:55   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ Feb. 17 2008,14:32)
Quote (mitschlag @ Feb. 17 2008,05:08)
So, I now see the parallel in Schindewolf's claims for corals and ammonoids: an ontogenetic switch.

Is that the gist of his saltationist hypothesis?  It looks testable.  Are there any molecular-genetic-devolopmental data pertaining thereto in the literature?

Yes this is the gist of his saltational hypothesis (and one of the cornerstones of his theory).  I don't know if anyone has tested it or not.  A quick search on Google Scholar turns up many articles that are unavailable, except for the abstracts, without a subscription.
As you know, Schindewolf favored Goldschmidt's theory of macromutations via chromosomal rearrangements.  Davison has expanded on this as well.  I personally don't know enough about it to know if this is the direction you would go in looking for whether or not Schindewolf's saltational mechanism has been tested.  What do you think mitschlag?

I think a look at neoteny is a start:
Neoteny plays a role in evolution, as a means by which, over generations, a species can undergo a significant physical change. In such cases, a species’ neotenous form becomes its “normal” mature form, no longer dependent upon environmental triggers to inhibit maturity. The mechanism for this could be a mutation in or interactions between genes involved in maturation, changing their function to impede this process...

"You can establish any “rule” you like if you start with the rule and then interpret the evidence accordingly." - George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984)

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