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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 696
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,12:27   

Quote (Mr_Christopher @ Feb. 15 2008,09:43)
WAD's "ID Predictions confirmed by researchers":


William Dembski


6:36 pm
Here’s what I had FTE’s PR people pass on to Keith Olbermann’s producer:


Dear SNIP,

Please pass the following examples of ID’s predictive prowess on to [Keith Olbermann’s producer]:
Best wishes,
Bill Dembski

That is the sorriest shit I've ever read from someone who supposedly has 5 freaking degrees.  Isn't one of his degrees something like philosophy of science.  Do they not teach you what a freaking testable theory is in philosophy of science classes?  Do they not teach you what a freaking prediction is?

The real laff howler is the RE-tard cultists at UD don't even know Demsbki is blowing smoke up their asses on these predictions.

UD is nothing but a room full of dumb asses.  Well and a handful of covert operatives ;-)

Anyhow, kudos for finally getting William Dembski, PhD to publicly demonstrate intelligent design creationism has not a single prediction.  Maybe that's because before you can make an idc prediction you need an idc theory ;-)

What dunces.

I nominate Dembski for the award for lifetime achievement in acting like a Creationist in order to make them look stupid.

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