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  Topic: Evolution of the horse; a problem for Darwinism?, For Daniel Smith to present his argument< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,01:09   

Quote (Daniel Smith @ Feb. 09 2008,11:02)
So, I try to limit my responses (mostly anyway) to the most important matters regarding the current discussion.  JAM is bringing up things that were said weeks ago on a whole different topic.  What relevance does that have now?

It is the very same topic, but you're either too dim, too deluded, and/or too dishonest to see it. It's all about your patently false assumption, unsupported by any evidence, about the way that development works (or more to the point, how life was "designed").

  1733 replies since Sep. 18 2007,15:27 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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