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  Topic: DIs new book ", My irony meter just blew up....< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 486
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 28 2006,12:29   

Stephen Elliot opines,

Now that is quite some question. The honest answer is, I don't know.

However, you do seem to be getting confused between life and conscious.

Why did you use the word predicated? It is confusing.

"So human life can't be predicated (=stated as true) on consciousness alone, can it?"

Well I would have thought consciousness was a requirement to be considered human. Wow, what a can of worms.

In some ways I am billions of years old. Every single atom that constitutes me pre-dates the solar system. In another way I am 44 years old. That being the age I have reached. In another way I am just a few days/weeks old, in that the majority of atoms that make me have been captured in that time.

Anyway. How would you define a human life? I doubt you consider a sperm as human (or being a wanker would make you a mass kiler). But a sperm is alive.

Sorry for rambling, but it is difficult to answer vague statements without doing so. Although I am pretty sure Thordaddy will dismiss this as a non-answer.

So you don't know when your life began, but you know it was not at conception (the beginning) and you suspect it started with the emergence of your consciousness?  Which means you don't know when you became conscious other than it was not at conception (the beginning)?

Is this your claim?

You don't KNOW when you began, but you're sure it wasn't at the beginning (conception)?

Then why look for this scientist for any answers?

When you state that consciousness ALONE signifies human life you must necessarily negate that which is required for consciousness, namely, human life.  

If a zygote does not represent human life then it stands to reason that a zygote cannot become conscious.  And if the zygote becomes conscious then it had to be human life, no?

So human life is not predicated on consciousness alone.  Afterall, I'm aware of no evidence of adults being conscious at their births.  This in turn would suggest that birthed babies are not conscious.  Will you claim these babies to be mere flowers, sperm cells or bacteria?  They can't be human life because they are not conscious and consciouness ALONE signifies human life according to you.

IS this your claim?

Human babies are not human life?  Is this a scientific facts?  LOL!

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