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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 544
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 29 2008,17:17   

Here’s an interesting recent book, just the thing for Darwin Day, I guess: Apes or Angels?: Darwin, Dover, Human Nature, and Race by Cornelius J. Troost. Here’s his publisher’s blurb, abbreviated a bit:

APES or ANGELS?: It speaks the truth about Darwin’s views on human origins and race. Contrary to the beliefs of most academicians and educated readers, Darwin had two dangerous ideas instead of one. The second idea is rarely mentioned in politically correct America- that the human races are different in sometimes significant ways. Indeed, inequality is a normal condition of nature. Darwin’s clash with Christianity is winding down because modern science is a foundation of western culture and it fully accepts the truth of natural selection and the evolution of life(including man).

(My emphasis)

Abbreviated a bit, hmmm, what was removed and replaced by that ellipsis?

Daniel Dennett was perfectly right about the first, which was the notion that natural selection operated in a way that precluded explanatory intrusions from outside the natural world. In other words, metaphysics has no place in biological explanation. Things spiritual, like vitalism and finalism, are simply inapplicable to evolutionary biology.

"Darwin’s clash with Christianity is winding down"

Rather suggests that Darwin's disagreement with Christianity was about the  supernatural stuff. The  racist stuff was not something they disagreed about (*).  No wonder DO'L had to "abbreviate a bit".

(*) if you don't take into account that Darwin was significantly less racist that the average christian (or anyone else) of the day.

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