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  Topic: The Traveling Twin Takes a Short Cut, Continuation of MG v Demski Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Thought Provoker

Posts: 530
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,23:31   

Hi Blipey,

You wrote...
The guano is the part about not needing to understand the basics.

But understanding the basics is what I am doing.  It is the base foundations that I look for, the supporting walls, the pillars.

Take your acting as an example.  Surely, in acting you run into the type of people who can tell you the names of all the different techniques and maybe even have been schooled in them, but still don’t understand them.  Going through the motions and mouthing the words does not mean you understand them.

Yes, the riggers of training is important for the practitioners, be they actors or scientists.  I am neither an actor nor a scientist.  But that doesn’t keep me from understanding and appreciating either or both.

As an actor, would you try to convince me that I am incapable of understanding the need for an actor to be believable just because I don’t know the details of acting techniques?

I don’t think I am relying on intuition, I am relying on understanding.  Of course I can only understand what I know.  I know GPS Satellites must adjust their clocks because four-dimensional space-time is real.  I know quantum effects interact non-locally in three dimensional space (e.g. Bell’s inequality, GHZ states, etc).  I know there are different path lengths between two points in four-dimensional space-time.  It is my understanding that the space-time path lengths correspond to varying perceived clock times.  I deduce that the different clock times in the Twin Paradox is due to different path lengths in space-time.  Which is why I think…

…the traveling twin takes a short cut.

Does my understanding become “guano” because I might not know the proper terminology or I fail to appreciate all the subtleties and techniques needed to reach such a conclusion?

  124 replies since Jan. 25 2008,22:00 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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