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  Topic: Comparing Dembski and Mike Gene, Story of two attempts to infer design< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Thought Provoker

Posts: 530
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 06 2008,11:06   

Hi Richardthughes.

You wrote, "But its not science, is it?"
Mike Gene agrees with you.

"It's arbitrary rankings."
Mike argues otherwise.

Are what Olympic judges and medical professionals do "arbitrary"?

They maybe somewhat subjective, but not arbitrary

Edit: Well... most of the time... well... it is what they are SUPPOSED to do most of the time...

I will tell you what.  You write a book and sell it for less than $20, I will buy it.  Deal?

Design Matrix is $16.74 on Amazon

BTW, I would like to make use of your "Critic's Resource" to find out what you guys have on a RogerRabbitt.

He has been around since the ARN days.

If you wish to tell me privately.  I can be reached at dfcord (at)


  204 replies since Jan. 04 2008,22:07 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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