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  Topic: Atheism as a religion:< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 27 2007,02:39   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 27 2007,01:56)
that's not exactly what I'm saying, it's more along the lines that decisions or inclinations one way or the other may be set at an early age without any real appeal to rationality.  I can certainly look back at my youth and never see a point at which I ever doubted the existence of God.  Everything since then has only confirmed that belief in my own mind but how much of that is objective or subjective.  Had my initial my inclination been towards no belief in God would my position be just as strong in my own mind?  I can't answer that but it seems to make sense.  The outlier would be those that believe one way and "convert" at some point in adulthood, those might be the cases we need to look at.

i must say that the childs brain will pretty much automatically beleive what it is told between the ages of 0~8.
this is why children who's parents are religios are something like 30 times more likely to beleive in thier parents own faith. (correct me if i'm wrong)
it is why adults who have grown up to believe in something will almost always defend their position even if shown insurmountable evidence, and not even waver.
I chose to be an atheist after several years of agnosticism and in that time i was not presented with a singal shred of evidence that a god exists, so i chose logic over faith (as in religious faith). Despite this i still respect many religions (specifically Islam and buddhism) for their quest for knowledge, while i don't beleive in god i do ebelive it is possible for one to beleive in god and still beleive in evolution.

If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case.
Charles Darwin
Vox populi, vox Dei

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