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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 583
Joined: Nov. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 22 2007,18:55   

Amazon sales ranks can fluctuate wildly from hour to hour, much less day to day or week to week. Honestly, I think it's mostly unprincipled evilutionists buying copies for their own amusement with no thought to the wider consequences (such as inadvertently encouraging Dr. Dr. Billy). Pharyngula linking to it probably caused a rush of interest from the godless, who all bought their copies within two days of each other and spiked the ranking. I predict a swift taper in sales once that effect wears off.

"ALL eight of the "nature" miracles of Jesus could have been accomplished via the electroweak quantum tunneling mechanism. For example, walking on water could be accomplished by directing a neutrino beam created just below Jesus' feet downward." - Frank Tipler, ISCID fellow

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