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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 97
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 21 2007,22:17   

That sticker.... I live in NYC, and I see better design work produced on my block a couple of times a day, by my dog.

"Ben Stein" in jumbly letters? Why? The crossbar in almost-illegible typography? Why?

And, yeah, if you're trying to make a case for opening up the science curriculum, you don't slap a big NO/NEIN/VERBOTEN/IXNAY symbol across the supposed opponent. Not if you're making any sort of honest, logically consistent argument, outside religi... Oh.

But this is the serious insult -- $100? That's just pitiful. Did Grandpa Simpson set the prize limit in bees? Is that really all Dembski can spare? Or is it that the very most he's willing to shell out to the UncommonlyDense rubes?

Anyway -- shouldn't AtBC participate in this contest?

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