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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 25
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 21 2007,16:16   

So final grades are due tomorrow and I'm still up at 3am last night grading about a berzillion freakin lab reports, reading the same...freakin...methods section...yet...a-freakin...-gain...
and suddenly my eye is caught. What the...?! One of my freshwomen cites one "Dembski"...I flip to the Literature Cited (formatted all wrong, of course), and it's an article on "acetylcholine" from the ISCID Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy! (Who knew?) The same Dembski!

What's weird is if you go to the "encyclopedia" page, Billy's name appears noplace. I'd almost think she was messin with my head on purpose...but frankly she's just not that smart. All I can figure is, with no author name, she clicked on "About ISCID" and Willy's name is the first on the list of the Executive Board.

Of course she just pointed the Google at "acetylcholine" and, yep, right on the first page, just under 'kipedia (which they were expressly forbidden to cite) and a site at the U of Toledo...there it is! The ISCID Encyclopedia of True Science and Non-materialist Philosophy.

The "Wiki Strategy"? Do these cdesign proponentists never stop with the evil plots to take over the world?

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