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  Topic: Unacknowledged Errors in Marks and Dembski essay, Critique of "ev" backfires< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 15 2007,07:47   

Quote (Hermagoras @ Nov. 15 2007,08:32)
Check UD.  In the comments, getawitness has politely raised the issue and now he wants an answer!

Link for that and the quote, just for posterity.  (Thanks for that Hermagoras.)

Bugsy [160], I took your advice and Googled the paper (for those watching, it’s “Unacknowledged Information Costs in Evolutionary Computing: A Case Study on the Evolution of Nucleotide Binding Sites.”) Wow! What a story if true. As the story goes, Dr. Dembski put this refutation of Tom Schneider’s “ev” program on the evo-info website and crowed about how Schneider had not responded to it. Then when the paper was soundly refuted and shown to contain devastating errors, it was removed without comment from the site.

Now, if this story is true, it seems scandalous. Dr. Dembski has routinely decried the Darwinist rewriting of history that he observes. (He did so just weeks ago in the case of Homer Jacobson.) Is there any place where he either retracts the paper publicly, contests the refutation by Schneider and others, or offers another explanation for its disappearance? I would like to believe that the story is not as it seems.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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